Radical Religious Terrorists groups give Religion a Black Eye


Active Member
Terrorists such as Al-Qaeda give the Muslim religion a Bad Name and Terrorists such as KKK give Christianity a Bad Name.

Few Muslims belong to Al-Qaeda and Few Christians belong to the KKK, BUT Most Al-Qaeda members are Muslim and Most KKK members are Christian/Protestant.
OK Ransom you got me I'm about to have a stroke trying to figure out who the Senator is because represenatives can't serve in the Senate they have to be in the House. Tell me what I'm missing.
Addict, one thing you have apparently missed is that Islamic terrorists are shielded/funded/trained by Muslim Countries. What country does the same for KKK members? Also, how many people are being blown to bits by KKK members per week? Talk about a stretch.


>OK Ransom you got me I'm
>about to have a stroke
>trying to figure out who
>the Senator is because represenatives
>can't serve in the Senate
>they have to be in
>the House. Tell me
>what I'm missing.

LOL Cornhusker. Not a US Representative! A representative of the KKK. Mr Grand Kleagle.
I would also add to what Pro said in that 99.99% of all Christians condemn what the KKK does and believes if they break the law they should get their just punishment under the law. However when was the last time you ever heard a Muslim condemn a Muslim terrorist, when was the last time you ever heard of a Muslim calling for the crackdown on Muslim terrorist. Pro I would say stretch is an understatement.

"Here's something for you doom and gloomer, coolaid drinkers that might help you from offing yourselves; you could have had Hillary."
Tfinalshot March 24, 2009
Well they do have one thing in common, they all hate Jews.

202 , many muslims do reject the radical's actions, can you prove what percentage of christians disapprove of what the KKK does? another thing to remember is most muslim countries live under islamic law, to disagree can be unhealthy for you. many of you christians would like to live under christian law, you try as hard as you can to put us there. what would we be like then? you know it's been tried right? ever read about the inquisition? Torquemada? your past is as bad or worse than the muslim's present, don't feel so high and mighty. I don't want either one of you calling ANY shots.
Thanks Ransom sometimes I can be just a little slow. I've got some great stories about the KKK from the area I live in unfortunately all the old boys that told the stories of the 20's are all gone. Of course here no blacks or Jews to hate so they had to go after the Catholics.
I hope you have a great sense of humor Rick LOL. If you do see post 39 at NV's big party at campfire.
dude, you are one of a kind for sure. Muslim terror groups are FUNDED by Muslim governments, and RAN by Muslim governments, and this is happening TODAY, not 1000 years ago. Muslim nations/people make lameass excuses as to why terror cells are in many muslim countries, few condemn their murdering women/children INTENTIONALLY. That does NOT happen ANYWHERE with "terrorist Christian groups". Muslims are waging genocide in Africa/Asia/Middle East, and they would do it in Europe/USA/Australia if they could get a few more Obama's in power. No other religion is at war EVERYWHERE they are a majority but the Muslim's. The next most dangeroous 'religion' is the 'religion' of social progressives. They are out to bring 'equality' of 'wealth'/misery to ALL humans.


Wellsaid Pro, but Dude could care less what happens to women and people in other countries being persecuted by Muslims.

Dude here in AMERICA any Muslim could stand up and condemn what their brothers are doing, yet they do not........why is that do you supose?

On to your KKK theme you desperately cling to. Just who do you think shut them down...........a bunch of atheist? No. A bunch of secular progressives? No. It was Christians my friend with the help of great men like Martin Luther King.

"Here's something for you doom and gloomer, coolaid drinkers that might help you from offing yourselves; you could have had Hillary."
Tfinalshot March 24, 2009
SOME muslim terrorist are funded by muslim governments, who funded the 9/11 ragheads? do they count? check it out you might learn something.

The point you miss because you want to is NO religion has a place in government, today it's the muslim religion yesterday it was yours . don't tell me you've changed and you're only interested in doing good and chasing butterfies the hate you exibit on a daily basis proves otherwise. you want it your way with your religion as THE religion, and I don't trust ANY of you.

I wish we could lock all extremist and zealots in a room and let them sort it out, then shoot the winners.
So instead of addressing the question or sticking with the theme of this thread you wish to go into a separation of church and state debate.....................nice.

"Here's something for you doom and gloomer, coolaid drinkers that might help you from offing yourselves; you could have had Hillary."
Tfinalshot March 24, 2009
>SOME muslim terrorist are funded by
>muslim governments, who funded the
>9/11 ragheads? do they count?
> check it out you
>might learn something.
> The point you miss because
>you want to is NO
>religion has a place in
>government, today it's the muslim
>religion yesterday it was yours
>. don't tell me you've
>changed and you're only interested
>in doing good and chasing
>butterfies the hate you exibit
>on a daily basis proves
>otherwise. you want it your
>way with your religion as
>THE religion, and I don't
>trust ANY of you.
> I wish we could lock
>all extremist and zealots in
>a room and let them
>sort it out, then shoot
>the winners.

You may not want to wait around the keyboard for an answer dude. I'm pretty sure he had an honor killing this morning and with small stones that could take quite some time.

> I wish we could lock
>all extremist and zealots in
>a room and let them
>sort it out, then shoot
>the winners.

HDude, some would say this group includes you. Especially the extremist and zealot part of it. I, along with many on here, would describe you as an anti-religion zealot and extremist.
Where is the question in your rant 202?

I asked you did or did not a muslim government fund the 9/11 attack? so if they didn't can you say the muslim governments are responsible for terrorism as pro says? is 9/11 a good example of terrorism against the US or not? I'm saying SOME muslim goverments support terrotost and some don't, it's extremist we're talking about but you try to make this a general thing.

I don't like muslim extemist, I don't like christian extremist, I don't see any way to rid ourselves of either. the difference is you think we can get rid of the muslim extremist , and since ALL muslims are extremist in your opinion we need to get rid of all of them. I'm here to tell you that's not going to happen so stop making an idiot out of yourself, we'll fight the extremist and life goes on , that's that. reality, what a concept.
Well dude first of all I asked why is it Muslims in this country do not stand up and condemn terrorist. No answer form you.

Then you went on to claim the KKK is somehow operating and acting in terrorism and that they are Christian terrorist. I then told you it was Christians that stood up and took down the KKK and you had no answer.

Then you went off into left field about separation of church and state. How we got there I have no clue.

Then you claim you could care less if they are Muslims or Christian pirates. I can agree with you on that, yet on the same note you could care less if your President does anything about it. WTF!

On to your claim that there are Christian extremist up to no good. Yea I don't know about you but I can't really remember any recent terrorist acts by Christian extremist.

Oh and please spare me with the "You want all Muslims dead 202, you are so full of hate" ok, cause we all know it aint true and you look pathetic when you make statements like that.

In reality I would like for all Muslims to convert to Christianity and go to heaven. However I know that will never happen, well maybe not until judgment day then they will all be clamoring to become a follower of Christ Jesus. I pray for you as well Dude ever night.

"Here's something for you doom and gloomer, coolaid drinkers that might help you from offing yourselves; you could have had Hillary."
Tfinalshot March 24, 2009
Not at all, most of my best friends are church goers, fine by me. but they know not to preach at me , and I don't make fun of them and we're fine on both sides.

An extremist or zealot wants to impose their will or punish those who they see unfit or in the wrong, not by logic but by the book of their choice. that's not me at all.

I believe 100% in freedom of religion and freedom from religion, since I have no axe to grind I can say the muslim religion is no dumber than any other and many of it's followers are good people. I don't wish to force my belief that religion is a joke on anyone, and I don't have a horse in the religion game so I can't see where I fit into the extremist or zealot class.

If you want to know how us evil types think watch Religulous, I couldn't explain my feelings any better than Maher did, great movie. most of you won't because it scares you or offends you, another great aspect of religion, fear and hate.
202 many US muslims do condemn the terrorist actions, what do you want them to do make a MTV music vidio about it?

What makes you think the muslims won't stop this? do you agree it's harder to stop something in many countries with hundreds of millions of people who dislike the US and it's kid Israel than it was for some people in the US to stop the KKK? you want instant results, you're not going to get it.

You want muslims to convert to chritianity? you just gave your hand away. you don't want them dead IF they'll see things your way. I have an opinion on many things as you well know, but muslims converting to your gold standard will NEVER NEVER NEVER happen. so here we go again, this topic is hopeless.

For the record bring judgment day on, what are you waiting for? I cannot put into words how little that scares me.
Proof of having acute narcissism.
"For the record bring judgment day on, what are you waiting for? I cannot put into words how little that scares me."
>202 many US muslims do condemn
>the terrorist actions, what do
>you want them to do
>make a MTV music vidio
>about it?

Ok so please tell me when we have seen this. Please define many as I have only ever seen one. Please Dude show us all the outcry from the Muslim community.

> What makes you think the
>muslims won't stop this? do
>you agree it's harder to
>stop something in many countries
>with hundreds of millions of
>people who dislike the US
>and it's kid Israel than
>it was for some people
>in the US to stop
>the KKK? you want instant
>results, you're not going to
>get it.

Where do you get the notion of instant results. And where is this movement from within the muslim community. This is the religion that knows best how to use the media, so where is the coverage of anti terrorist movement on behalf of the good muslims. I will tell you it is non existent. You must be making this stuff up.

> You want muslims to convert
>to chritianity?

yes I do. I love my fellow man and want what is best for them. I care.

you just gave
>your hand away. you don't
>want them dead IF they'll
>see things your way.

Nope wrong again. I only want terrorist dead.
>have an opinion on many
>things as you well know,
>but muslims converting to your
>gold standard will NEVER NEVER
>NEVER happen.

On the whole I agree as I already stated that in the previous post. But there is hope for some.

so here we
>go again, this topic is

If it is hopeless it is only because you dragged here when you could not win the argument.

"Here's something for you doom and gloomer, coolaid drinkers that might help you from offing yourselves; you could have had Hillary."
Tfinalshot March 24, 2009
Dude, Muslims KILL people in 'non-terror' sponsor countries, mutilate teenage girls as well. What 'Christian' nation kills the non-believers?

Also, tell me why Muslims are at war in Asia, Africa, Middle East, Europe, as well as causing havoc in North/South America, Australia if they are no different than other religions? What other religion is even on the radar compared to these wacko's? The closest I can come up with is the environmental extremists out there hiding behind golbal warming.

While I 100% support keeping religion free of/from governemnt, I believe the same should be applied to economics. How many wars have been fought because of government interference of economies? Keep the governemnt out of religion/economics and 95%+ of the wars will cease to occur.

FWIW, I can't think of a single christian run nation, but I can think of dozens of muslim run nations, NONE of which compare very well to living here in this christian leaning nation.


I'm in no way saying all muslims are good, in fact my guess is there are a higher precentage of bad ones than there are in most recognized religions. my issue with " good christians " is all christians aren't good either.

The word muslim is not synonymous with terrorist, I get tired of this and 90% of the time it comes from some self rightious nut from an opposing religion. I think John Adams put it best and it somes up 90% of the violence in the world. " This would be the best of all worlds if there were no religion in it " sometimes I think if we took fear and hate away from you guys you'd be lost, muslims and christians both.

we all respect our founding fathers right? Thomas Jefferson said " Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man " remember that when you get feeling a little too superior. yes the muslim radicals are in the wrong and we need to stop them by any means, but this isn't a holy war from the US perspective even if it's yours.
Prefect example this morning, a 28 year old Califonia Sunday school teacher at her grandad's church was booked for killing an 8 year old girl , putting her in a suitcase and tossing her in a pond. tell me what your reaction would be if she was a muslim teaching kids at a mosque? would you bring her religion up? I'm sure you wouldn't.

She did it because she's a creep, it just so happens she's a christian creep, not because she's a christian. in many cases this can be said about muslim creeps too if you could recognize it. muslim militants are another case, I'm talking about your run of the mill " evil " muslim .
My reaction would be the same. Throw the book at her and then execute her. Only liberals tend to think that sex, color or religion has any part in punishment.
So what do you think of this quote by Obama?? Sounds like denial to me

?Let me say this as clearly as I can,? Obama said. ?The United States is not and never will be at war with Islam. In fact, our partnership with the Muslim world is critical ? in rolling back a fringe ideology that people of all faiths reject.?
We're not at war with islam, saying we're at war with muslims is something I hear all the time and it's not only incorrect it's ignorant.

We're fighting terrorist, most of which are muslims, they make up a very small fraction of the muslim faith. if we were at war with islam you'd know it, nobody would have to explain or rationalize it. what Obama said was correct, I don't know what more can be said about it.
I say we are at war with Islam in a form that is hard to deal with. The reason why is the fact that so few Muslims will stand against the extremists. Look at the protection they get in countries like Pakistan. Say what you want, the terrorist we are fighting do so because of the Islam faith. So, while it is not politically correct to say it, in many ways we are at war with Islam. Yea I know the blah blah blah about lumping all muslims together, no one is, but this is a war with the religion being a big factor. Do you think the Taliban would do what they do if they were Christian?
Do you know the history of christianity? not really pure as the driven snow . what if the church had the power today like they did in the dark ages? what happened to those who spoke out then? it's not really as cut and dried good vs evil as you might like to think.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-09 AT 08:51PM (MST)[p]>Do you know the history of
>christianity? not really pure
>as the driven snow .
> what if the church
>had the power today like
>they did in the dark
>ages? what happened to those
>who spoke out then? it's
>not really as cut and
>dried good vs evil as
>you might like to think.

Nope, don't care either. Quit living in the past..... I haven't seen too many videos on youtube lateley of Christian church leaders speaking to huge mobs about how it is OK to kill Musmils who won't convert to be a Christian. The problem with the extremists is the teaching that is going on. No tolerence with them for other beliefs.
No Ransom even as a kid I didn't have anything to do with them, if I had maybe I wouldn't have the ability to accept reality today. funny you should say that though, a friend of mine was abused by one, yet he's still a catholic, go figure.

Schmalts you don't care about history? you know what they say about those who don't learn from history? enough said, but I'll say more anyway. yes muslim radicals are more outspoken, more numerous and more violent than christian radicals, so what they're still radicals they're not mainstream . lets say your right and genocide is the answer, how are you going to do that? so this brings us back to dealing with the radicals again right? why not just stay on that track and forget the good vs evil idealogy crap it doesn't matter.

For the record christianity has a very dark and cruel past, given the power they once had I'm confident we would return to that situation. our founding father knew it and that's why weren't set up as a church state even though the population was 99.9% christian at the time.
Shame on you for bringing up what our founding fathers said.
You are not supposed to bring facts and logic into this. Now I will have to think of something else to start the pot "A Boilin" again.
Yeah when you quote Franklin, Jefferson, Smith and the like they're at a loss.

Just tell them the muslims aren't the anti christ that gets them squaking.
>> Schmalts you don't care about
>history? you know what they
>say about those who don't
>learn from history? enough said,
>but I'll say more anyway.
>yes muslim radicals are more
>outspoken, more numerous and more
>violent than christian radicals, so
>what they're still radicals they're
>not mainstream . lets
>say your right and genocide
>is the answer, how are
>you going to do that?
>so this brings us back
>to dealing with the radicals
>again right? why not just
>stay on that track and
>forget the good vs evil
>idealogy crap it doesn't matter.
> For the record christianity has
>a very dark and cruel
>past, given the power they
>once had I'm confident we
>would return to that situation.
>our founding father knew it
>and that's why weren't set
>up as a church state
>even though the population was
>99.9% christian at the time.
Yea I know a lot about history, but could give a crap about religion as a history as it is bunch of idiots killing over different opinions of something with no proof.
So once again, your the one that brought it up, what does the past have to do with the topic here at hand? This is about right now and the problems with extremists. Quit living in the past.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-13-09 AT 05:41PM (MST)[p]It's relevant because so many christians want to make this out to be a war with muslims, when in reality they've shown through history they're no better.

Make it a war against muslim exremist , leave all the other crap out of it and we're all better off. we don't need to preach at them we need to identify the bad apples and kill them, end of story.
It is a war against Muslim extremists. The problem though is the non-extremists will not stand with us. Kind of like the majority of blacks think OJ was innocent..... They just will not get together and admit that there is something wrong and shut down the cells in their own territory.
There is only one way to deal with the way the extremists think, really, you cannot reason with someone who is so pig headed with religion like that, and that is to stoop to the same level and exterminate them. When someone is willing to strap a bomb onto themselves just for the cause there is no reasoning with them. They believe that they will go to Allah for it so we might as well help them all out and do our part. It makes me warm and fuzzy just thinking about how many of these guys our troops killed in the middle east before they could bring their wonderful beliefs here to our country of freedom of religion. I have about as much sympathy for Muslim extremists as I do for Somali pirates. Kill em all, all long as my son is safe in the future because we kept their population lower
I don't disagree with that, but the fact is we haven't put much of a dent in them. don't forget where the 9/11 ragheads came from, all we've done since 9/11 to the Saudis is make them MUCH richer.

This is the problem and that's why this is a war law enforcement will have to fight in the end, we can't bomb our way to success against an enemy mixed into the population of almost evey nation on earth, including our own.
>I don't disagree with that, but
>the fact is we haven't
>put much of a
>dent in them. don't forget
>where the 9/11 ragheads came
>from, all we've done since
>9/11 to the Saudis is
>make them MUCH richer.
> This is the problem and
>that's why this is a
>war law enforcement will have
>to fight in the end,
>we can't bomb our way
>to success against an enemy
>mixed into the population of
>almost evey nation on earth,
>including our own.

Law enforcement will not work under Liberal Demoncrat rule. They will say we are "profiling"
The muslim terrorist are spread throughout the world, the democrats have nothing to do with it. if the republicans could have taken care of it we wouldn't be having this discussion it would be behind us.

You can't bomb a city of a million people to kill 35 terrorist, we won't be fighting a few extremist we'll be fighting the world. our options are very limited, we need help from law enforcement in every country terrorist are in, end of story.
Just because I don't follow your acid trip logic doesn't make me the diluted one.
> Just because I don't follow
>your acid trip logic doesn't
>make me the diluted one.

when was the last time you heard of a christian cut his daughters head off just because she wanted to change relgions?

your good ole muslims do this on a regular basis and not just Alqaedeh
When was the last time you heard of a female muslim sunday school teacher ( living with her baptist preacher grandfather) sexually molesting an 8 year old girl, killing her, stuffing her in a suitcase and chucking her in a pond? now that's a good christian gesture now isn't it? I don't think the girl was a muslim or even a jew so how can you justify that? I mean sure if she wasn't a christian crap happens but com'on.

I doubt very much muslim fathers cut off their daughters heads " on a regular basis " , but after they hear of your good 'ol sunday school teacher story converting to christianity will probably be even less popular.

Manny when are you going to get past the hate and accept there are good and bad people in ALL religions? you're pretty judgmental for a christian .
>When was the last time you
>heard of a female muslim
>sunday school teacher ( living
>with her baptist preacher grandfather)
>sexually molesting an 8 year
>old girl, killing her, stuffing
>her in a suitcase and
>chucking her in a pond?
>now that's a good christian
>gesture now isn't it? I
>don't think the girl was
>a muslim or even a
>jew so how can you
>justify that? I mean sure
>if she wasn't a christian
>crap happens but com'on.
> I doubt very much
>muslim fathers cut off their
>daughters heads " on a
>regular basis " , but
>after they hear of your
>good 'ol sunday school teacher
>story converting to christianity will
>probably be even less popular.
> Manny when are you going
>to get past the hate
>and accept there are good
>and bad people in ALL
>religions? you're pretty judgmental
>for a christian .


Spin - spin- spin-

Again, your diluted in the mind and uninformed, the killing of a child who wants to defect the Muslim religion is in their Koran, and even to convert people they are threatened with death, how can you compare the two is beyond me.

Great difference between a retarded chick who works at a church and ends up murdering a child, then a follower of Allah and its a well know fact they call it honor killing, at least the chick at the Christian Sunday school new it was wrong to kill, but the Muslims take it as honor!

You not being able to see the difference really make me uneasy with you Libs.....!!!!!

Both actions are wrong but how can you stick up for a religion that practice?s honor killing, as they call it?.

You keep accusing me of hate, that's another dangerous term you Libs seem to have mastered, to confine my freedom, FYI, freedom of speech is still legal for now at least!
I see, you don't hate muslims you're offering constructive criticism, you're so helpful. do you also offer to convert them to a true religion where your god can be proven real and way cooler?

I'm not sticking up for any religion I think they're all dumb, just because I'm not selling yours doesn't mean I think any other makes sense. what part of freedom of religion escapes you anyway? if it's the law here you're going to have to accept it in other nations.

The bottom line is there are muslims and there always will be, might as well accept it and learn to deal with it . you're both idiots as far as I'm concerned, you both hate each other because of a book and a scroll, ain't religion grand. pick another street corner to preach on I'm not buying it.
>I see, you don't hate muslims
>you're offering constructive criticism, you're
>so helpful. do you also
>offer to convert them to
>a true religion where your
>god can be proven real
>and way cooler?
> I'm not sticking up for
>any religion I think they're
>all dumb, just because I'm
>not selling yours doesn't mean
>I think any other
>makes sense. what part of
>freedom of religion escapes you
>anyway? if it's the law
>here you're going to have
>to accept it in other
> The bottom line is there
>are muslims and there always
>will be, might as well
>accept it and learn to
>deal with it . you're
>both idiots as far as
>I'm concerned, you both hate
>each other because of a
>book and a scroll, ain't
>religion grand. pick another street
>corner to preach on I'm
>not buying it.

blah - blah, i'm not selling anyways DA
Boy you put some thought into that response.

You say you're not selling? maybe not for cash but you're selling DS. If you're not a street preacher it's only because it's too much work.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-09 AT 08:45AM (MST)[p]>Boy you put some thought into
>that response.
> You say you're not selling?
>maybe not for cash but
>you're selling DS. If you're
>not a street preacher it's
>only because it's too much


I spent 19 years dealing with derelicts the homeless, giving out food and clothing to the crack addicts and such, the part I disliked the most about ministry was dealing with hard hearted fools like you!

I gave it up because of all the politics that crept in, but you wouldn't understand that now would you, sitting on your high horse and all, you know that friggin chair in front of your PC ??
go get a life!
I have a life, a good one, that's why I don't need your fairy tales to get me through it.

Gee once again pretty judgemental for a christian, where's Torquemada when you need him huh?

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