Raised Rams


Active Member
I was curious on peoples thoughts about rams raised. I am not trying to start an argument (as found in the elk issue). I know ram hunts are not in some peoples budget. Here are a couple pictures of some rams. Any thoughts?


Nothing about raised animals appeals to me. My .02.

Personally if I couldn't hunt WILD sheep (or mountain goats) I'd arm myself with a killer camera setup and I'd get some great close ups of them.
Nothing illegal about that, and what a way to remember time in the mountains and great rams or goats.
Because of my love and respect for wild mountain game I couldn't think of hunting "raised" sheep and goats.
Nobody could compare a "hunt" like that to what I just went through with my daughter and son-in-law for Dall sheep.
A "raised" animal hunt could never compare to an epic backpack adventure.
I agree with broomed, you don't need a tag to hunt them with a lense!
Just my 2 cents,
LAST EDITED ON Aug-08-12 AT 08:02PM (MST)[p]I'd hunt wild Aoudad out in west Texas if I couldn't afford or draw a tag for one of the "real" wild sheep as Aouda out in that country offer a true, tough sheep hunt. No way would I ever hunt anything that's ever been in a pen!
Free-range Aoudad is a pretty hardcore hunt. I would like to do that some day.

Most hunts are for 5 day trips which means they are twice as easy to find as indiginous wild sheep. I've never heard of a wild mountain sheep hunt for less than 10 days.

Sad to see them like that. I saw a few at Hogle Zoo and they looked terrible. I feel really bad for them actually.

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