Re: help


Long Time Member
Re: help

LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-16 AT 06:21PM (MST)[p]I'm reaching out to my amigos here on MM to ask for help. This has nothing to do with hunting this has to do with me trying to save my love ones life. I literally just kicked the door in on a drug house and told them if anyone sells my nephew herion again I will hold them personally responsible. I know it's his fault, he is 32 years old but I don't care. If I suffer a loss so will they. If anyone has any experience with this please send me your suggestions on how I can help him.
I realize if you wouldn't want to post anything on the open forum so you PM or you can call me if you have any ideas.

Thanks Joe

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
Really sorry to hear about your nephew....but you really need to get control over your actions!! Drugs in this state are no joke, and by trying to take things into your own hands, you are putting yourself and your family in jeopardy!! It is a HUGE mistake by not getting law enforcement involved...especially since it sounds like you knew where the dealers were! Again...sorry for what is happening, but please make better decisions!!
yea Joe when you get involved with those kind of animals your gonna need more than a bow and arrows!
I had a family member that was hooked for years. Everyone kept it hush, hush, on my in-laws side. I thought this was wrong! I think all family and friends should of pulled together and had a talk and took turns helping. This didn't happen, and it took loosing almost everything before the family finally said enough is enough. Also several close friends OD and died. She has been clean almost a year now, but it's still a daily battle! It's going to take a ton of support if he is hooked and a long , long, battle! Good luck
He's probably like a lot of guys on MM. We feel most at home on the NM forum! The rest of them you are either arguing over spelling, or defending your dignity.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-16 AT 08:31PM (MST)[p]OMG! WF, did you read my post? What difference does it make what state I'm from? This is a national problem. Why in the world would you say something like that? I was asking for advice from my amigos if you don't have something helpful to say mind your own business. I am looking for helpful advice, not someone who thinks its more important that I'm posting on the NM section of a web site I love, to find out if someone has gone though this same problem before. Are you that insensitive? I'd like to think I have a few amigos on here. If I don't then sorry for bothering everyone.

What a #####!


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-16 AT 08:49PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-16 AT 08:43?PM (MST)

Rage on... Just like kicking in a door. I imagine most folks have problems, why not sit back think them out and deal with them instead of posting them on a hunting site. Ironic that you post this, then tell someone to "mind your own business".

Helpful advice, amigo... Call the police, don't endanger your family any more than necessary.

Our son has been an addict his entire life and is in prison now which is the best place for him. I have had a dealer call me at 2am telling me if I didn't pay my son's drug bill of $300 he was going to kill him. I talked him into meeting me with cash and had the guns laid out and ready to go when he called back and decided it was not going to happen. I was fully prepared to kill everyone or die trying.

I have learned a lot over the last 30 years of treatment centers, stealing and lies. They are responsible for their misery, the family can never fix the problem. They have only 3 options in their lives. They can get sober, they will go to prison or they will die. That is it and not a thing you can do will change that. You need to call up a drug rehab center and meet with a counselor. They have seen it all and you will eventually know the addict will not only ruin their life but they will ruin the entire family if you let them. Need to back off and let the guy fix his issues or face one of the other two choices. Life is a b1tch.
>Our son has been an addict
>his entire life and is
>in prison now which is
>the best place for him.
>I have had a dealer
>call me at 2am telling
>me if I didn't pay
>my son's drug bill of
>$300 he was going to
>kill him. I talked him
>into meeting me with cash
>and had the guns laid
>out and ready to go
>when he called back and
>decided it was not going
>to happen. I was fully
>prepared to kill everyone or
>die trying.
> I have learned a lot
>over the last 30 years
>of treatment centers, stealing and
>lies. They are responsible for
>their misery, the family can
>never fix the problem. They
>have only 3 options in
>their lives. They can get
>sober, they will go to
>prison or they will die.
>That is it and not
>a thing you can do
>will change that. You need
>to call up a drug
>rehab center and meet with
>a counselor. They have seen
>it all and you will
>eventually know the addict will
>not only ruin their life
>but they will ruin the
>entire family if you let
>them. Need to back off
>and let the guy fix
>his issues or face one
>of the other two choices.
>Life is a b1tch.

Best advice right here.My brother in law is an addict and a great person when he is not on his fix heroin.He has never stepped foot in my house in fear of getting ripped off.The only time his father is at peace is when he is serving time in the pen.Will steal lie or cheat everyone to get a fix.
I think some of the rehabs are a joke in our state. I know for a fact they can get high right inside the gate of one of them.
I agree 100% with Glen and the three options, with the best option IMO being prison! Sadly even prison is not a cure all.
We watched a neighbor kid come out of a 3 year sentence, only to OD and die within a week of his release.

If the addict isn't willing to quit, you might as well walk away.
Thanks for all the advice amigos, the hard thing for me is I know your all right.
He literally just finished 2 years probation after spending 4 months in jail, only to use the very next day! This is a sad situation.

Thanks so much for your time and advice

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
There is no way you are ever going to be able to help him unless he wants the help. Best thing to do is try and support you sibling who is the parent of this kid if they are still in the picture.
Joe...hang in there....i approve of your door kicking..that is your family and you should not feel guilty for trying to protect them. But on the other hand it is hard to fix the problem if it is out of your control. I wish i would have had kicked a few doors in with my step-son. He fought like crazy to get sober (pain pills) and did for a long time. Very proud of him. But the effects of years of abuse took him way to early. He had a relapse and started drinking and after a hard week or so he knew to get help. DO NOT EXPECT HELP IN GREEN RIVER WYOMING. They drug there feet at the hospital and refused treatment and sent him to Casper where he passed away the next day. The worst day of my life.
Joe fight the fight as you see fit. You are in my rhoughts and prayers. You are not alone
Sorry about your stepson. Ours has come near death five times via overdose over the years and his drug of choice is Rx pills. There are doctors in every town that make a living prescribing to addicts so they need to get their heads knocked. It just makes me sad to hear all the torment from this scourge. Some of the nicest people that turn into total monsters from dope.
>Sorry about your stepson. Ours has
>come near death five times
>via overdose over the years
>and his drug of choice
>is Rx pills. There are
>doctors in every town that
>make a living prescribing to
>addicts so they need to
>get their heads knocked. It
>just makes me sad to
>hear all the torment from
>this scourge. Some of the
>nicest people that turn into
>total monsters from dope.
You are 100% correct,some doctors are a P.O.S!!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-16 AT 04:01PM (MST)[p]My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you and your loved ones. Thanks so much for sharing your stories, I'm sure it wasnt easy to do and I'm sure it was painful. This is an awful problem that can affect us all!

God bless

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
My nephew is 42-been in and out of jail for 20 years all drug related offenses. He was a good kid raised hunting and fishing and played sports all year long. Got on the drug train and liked it..nothing we did could derail the train or get him on the right path, many in my family were burned by his actions. At one point he woke up and saw what a waste his
life was. 20 years. It took some people with a Christian outlook and the support of his family to help him get in the battle but this is important Joe.. nothing we did mattered until he decided to help himself..
Joe, PM your nephew's name as well as any other family members that need are hurt by this addiction. My wife and I will be sure to include them all in our daily prayers.

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-29-16 AT 12:00PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-29-16 AT 11:59?AM (MST)

I worked for Behavioral Health Services before I moved to my new job, was with Human Services for 11 years.Addiction is a monster regardless of the drug , heroin is extremely bad tho.This state is underfunded, and short handed for counselors and treatment centers, and border state recruitment out of both AZ&TX has new graduates taking better paying jobs there.So the resident addicts get very limited help and its generally just not enough to keep from continued drug use.I dont know the answer, not sure there is one, other than drug dealers are simply not afraid for deal cuz our judges are not hard enough until they become repeat offenders.I have a niece who was an addict and lost her child to the state, was locked up and her husband was to , hell he is back in.But when she got out my parents took her in, under strict house rule.Today she has her child back and is full time employed with a State agency....Her fix was Jesus Christ....Not gonna thump any one with a bible, Im just saying what helped her change her life....she got surrounded by believers in Jesus Christ, and her love for Him and her child was stronger than her desire for a drug high!!!

And April 5th she is legally separated from her husband as he chooses his self serving drug habit over family...I stand with TerynitUp in prayer...
Thank you both so much. You are all my amigos for sure.
My nephew is Billy and his mother is Carolyn
God bless

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
>AT 12:00?PM (MST)

>AT 11:59?AM (MST)

>Rio, your comment about not thinking there is an answer with regard to curing Drug Abuse sturred me. In fact , there is a cure. It's a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as others here have noted. He changed my life Forever in 1997. Joe , I so appreciate your reaching out for consul from your Amigos.

>I worked for Behavioral Health Services
>before I moved to my
>new job, was with Human
>Services for 11 years.Addiction is
>a monster regardless of the
>drug , heroin is extremely
>bad tho.This state is underfunded,
>and short handed for counselors
>and treatment centers, and border
>state recruitment out of both
>AZ&TX has new graduates taking
>better paying jobs there.So the
>resident addicts get very limited
>help and its generally just
>not enough to keep from
>continued drug use.I dont know
>the answer, not sure there
>is one, other than drug
>dealers are simply not afraid
>for deal cuz our judges
>are not hard enough until
>they become repeat offenders.I have
>a niece who was an
>addict and lost her child
>to the state, was locked
>up and her husband was
>to , hell he is
>back in.But when she got
>out my parents took her
>in, under strict house rule.Today
>she has her child back
>and is full time employed
>with a State agency....Her fix
>was Jesus Christ....Not gonna thump
>any one with a bible,
>Im just saying what helped
>her change her life....she got
>surrounded by believers in Jesus
>Christ, and her love for
>Him and her child was
>stronger than her desire for
>a drug high!!!
>And April 5th she is legally
>separated from her husband as
>he chooses his self serving
>drug habit over family...I stand
>with TerynitUp in prayer...
I am with Servehim and Terynitup and the others who know that the only answer is a personal relationship with Jesus. That most likely won't happen unless those who care about the addict can surround him/her with folks who can show Jesus love. Pray for help to the only one who can help.

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