Region G Bucks


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-15 AT 08:22PM (MST)[p]These are the two bucks that my buddy and I got on our horseback hunt in unit 144 and 145 the third week of September. I haven't received the field photos of my buck yet, as I just got back last night after 8 weeks out there on a number of other hunts that began on 9/1 up in the Big Horns and didn't have any taken with my camera. The skull of mine is going to be euro mounted and he's already been boiled out and I have to order a plaque and the kit to finish him. The buck my buddy shot had 3 stickers and mine had one short one on the back left fork. I'll try to post a field picture or two that my buddy took with his camera when I get them from him. Mine had 25" outside spread and has a lot better mass than the bottom picture shows. The other buck is much wider and had very good mass.




Congrats to your buddy and you Mike on the hunt, nice bucks for sure.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-28-15 AT 10:38AM (MST)[p]Thanks guys! The country over there was absolutely awesome and you really have to see it with your own eyes, rather than just in pictures. The first morning (9/20) we were up at 3AM and gone from the cabin well before 4AM to ride the horses in before daylight in the Salt River Range to the east of Star Valley where we were staying. It was about a 10 mile horseback ride from the trail head and we found the buck John shot less than an hour after daylight as it was feeding along the timber down below the high ridge we were glassing from. I was to get the first shot (275 yards straight downhill), but couldn't get on him good when I got down prone on my pack. John, my buddy from Sheridan, was a little higher up to my left and sitting with his attached shooting sticks on his .270 and I whispered to take him before the buck got into the timber he was feeding along. John was on him and boom, the buck was down almost before I finished the sentence! Most of the rest of the day was spent taking care of him, getting him back out to the trail head and back to camp, etc. Thank God for good horses, as IMHO it's the only way to get back into that country and out again with an animal without killing yourself!

The next day we hunted the same general area and saw deer, elk, and a huge sow black bear with two cubs that were on a deer carcass that guys had shot the previous hunt on opening day. We cut that day short and got back to camp by mid afternoon so we could take the head/cape to a taxidermist in Afton for full caping and freezing, since the weather was really warm out there all of September and October.

The third day we trailered the horses up north and well east of Alpine into the Greys River Range and were up in the hunt area just as dawn was breaking. Another nice buck was spotted that morning about 600+ yards away, which is much further than I care to shoot with my bad eyes and there was no way for a stalk before he went into the timber to bed for the day. We worked over to where we could watch for him the rest of the day, but he never came back out of the timber during shooting hours. We headed back up into that drainage early the 4th morning and found the buck way dowh hill from where he was the previous day right as it got light. I got on him from about 175 yards and with a 200 yard zero didn't even take time to use a range finder before he got into the timber when he saw us. At the shot on his right front shoulder he whirled around and made a death run of less than 50 yards and the hunt was over! The rest of the day was spent getting him taken care of and the meat back to camp for safe keeping until we headed out the next morning to Cody to the taxidermist where John is having his buck done in a shoulder mount. Mine is going to be a Euromount and I'll be doing that myself. Here are a few pictures of the country we were in. The picture of the Tetons was taken right from the ridge where I shot my buck from.





You guys had a terrific hunt! You are right, pictures cannot do it justice. I live in this country and keep taking pics of the same stuff over and over, just because it is so beautiful. Share a pic of the euro mount when it is done.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-28-15 AT 08:03PM (MST)[p]Just got these field photos from my buddy tonight and thought I'd share them. I'll also try to put up a picture when I finish the Euro mount, as I think it's going to be nice just based on the boiled look so far.


Nice bucks. I enjoyed my hunt up there this season. I see you edited out some of the outfitter stuff. Did the monstermuley police threaten to write you a ticket?
GREAT DEER, congrats!!! I was up there and killed a descent buck in the Grey river area also. Mine was a 4x5 with a 31" spread.
How did the Bighorns treat you this year? I had a friend up there this year and he had tag soup. He said there was not really any rut activity. PM me if needed. Way to to go!!

Cant wait to get back!!! To both areas :)
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-15 AT 08:11AM (MST)[p]We also had a good time in region G this year. Out of the 6 buddies I have that hunted it this year, 6 out of the 7 of us shot 180+ bucks. I was lone ranger that had to eat tag soup. I just couldn't find a buck that would break 170 during the hunt. Prior to the hunt, there were 170s all over. We spent over 20+ days scouting/hunting and had a great time up there. That country will put a hurt on your body, but it sure is rewarding at the top. Makes me want to move to WY so I don't have to wait 6 years. You WY guys have it good!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-15 AT 09:03AM (MST)[p]>Nice bucks. I enjoyed my
>hunt up there this season.
> I see you edited
>out some of the outfitter
>stuff. Did the monstermuley
>police threaten to write you
>a ticket?

The editing I did had nothing to do with "outfitter stuff", as it was just to correct spelling mistakes and some problems I was having posting pictures. I upgraded my computer for free to Windows 10 just before my trip and it has some things I need to learn about it that are different than the version I was using.

Unless you are a young buck in great shape with a lot of time to spend hiking in and out with all the necessities on your back, I really don't see how that country can be hunted effectively without going in on horseback. The country is so vast and unforgiving with no quad trail access that I could see and that was certainly to our liking in not seeing a lot of human traffic. In fact, we only saw two guys and they were on horseback the 4th morning after I shot my buck. I was also very surprised at the few horse trailer rigs we saw parked at the various trail heads. My only wish is that I could hunt that country every year like the residents can, as I really wonder how many that do realize how lucky they are. I'm now out of the PP rat race and at my age that will be my only hunt over there, but it was certainly well worth the wait!

Our horses did most of the work on that 4 day hunt, but I did lose 10 pounds during the entire 2 month trip out there with all the other hunts I did helping friends take elk, deer, and antelope where we normally hunt over in or near the Big Horns and it is all done on foot. When I got home Monday night my wife said I looked skinny, so I guess I'll put back on a few pounds and try to get back to and stay around 160# and that will be much easier than trying to take a bunch off! I did learn one thing and that's at 68 I now need to continue the exercise program I used to get ready for the trip on a year around basis from now on and I fully intend to do that.

PS: Great buck you got there Robiland---Congrats!
>AT 08:11?AM (MST)

>We also had a good time
>in region G this year.
>Out of the 6 buddies
>I have that hunted it
>this year, 6 out of
>the 7 of us shot
>180+ bucks. I was lone
>ranger that had to eat
>tag soup. I just couldn't
>find a buck that would
>break 170 during the hunt.
>Prior to the hunt, there
>were 170s all over. We
>spent over 20+ days scouting/hunting
>and had a great time
>up there. That country will
>put a hurt on your
>body, but it sure is
>rewarding at the top. Makes
>me want to move to
>WY so I don't have
>to wait 6 years. You
>WY guys have it good!

That's an amazing hunt HJB! Post another thread and let's see those bucks!
>That's an amazing hunt HJB! Post
>another thread and let's see
>those bucks!

It was an amazing hunt for sure with lots of luck involved. We had over a dozen shooters on the hit list and all 6 of the bucks killed were bucks we had never seen before.

I would love to post pics, but most of the guys don't like sharing pics and I don't like sharing others pics. I'll describe the bucks for you though ;)

1. 191" 25 wide with a big inline and some little trash.
2. 183" Huge backs, decent fronts, 26 wide with small kicker.
3. 180" Huge backs, smaller fronts, 29 wide with inline.
4. 187" Big solid typical 28 wide.
5. 183" Inline 5x5 with small kicker on each side
6. 196" Big massive old bugger with trash
7. Tag Soup
Pretty dang fine bucks there Mr Topgun!
I'll bet your "western" trip was quite an adventure.
Well done man, well done!
That is a good hunt right there. Horses and pack animals is the only way to fly.
If my money gets right, I will be headed back in there next season.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
> Topgun
>that turned out nice and
>Congrats on a nice buck.

Thanks Walt! I'm very pleased with him and the country there is awesome.
Nice buck TG and the pics were awesome as well. I'm planning to hunt there as soon as I have enough points. Congrats!

7 Mag

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