Region H fires


Very Active Member
I'm taking my 17 year old nephew after a buck. The place where We hunted two years ago is closed due to fires. If someone had an area where we could have a chance at a decent buck for a kid please PM me. We can't hunt wilderness and are restricted because of fires. We can hike and get away from roads.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-18 AT 07:06PM (MST)[p]Greyback ridge might be a good spot to hit. Go in above the Outfitters camp.
Red Peak is also a pretty good spot to hit. Always a good number of bucks in each spot.

Brian Latturner
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Its a really difficult situation right now for both residents and non-residents. Those areas Founder mentioned above are worthy of a look. There are ALOT of people displaced right now into areas they might not usually go. If you don't mind backpacking in the colder temps right now without needing a campfire you're probably going to see less people. The area between the two fire closures was JAMMED packed last week until a portion of the Horse Creek area was told to evacuate. It sounds as if the fire crews are going to be turning a big corner in a couple days so long as the wind doesn't change their plans. US Hwy 189/191 between Daniel Junction and Hoback Junction is closed right now while a 2 mile long backburn is being completed for the next 24-48 hours to keep it from crossing the hwy. US 189/191 is blocked to all commercial traffic right now but they are letting hunters and others up to areas such as Granite and Dell Creeks where there are no closures. The Upper Hoback area is almost contained and is not growing north towards Cliff Creek. Things are looking up for containment of the Roosevelt fire. Unfortunately on Sunday the winds went to screaming and blew the fire right through the heart of the Hoback Ranches Subdivision and nearly got across Hwy 191. With only 1/3 of the subdivision assessed as of today, 22 homes were lost. Keep your eye on the fire closure areas as just maybe the last week of season we'll be able to get back in in a few areas. Don't be afraid to push the wilderness boundaries. 1/3 of my LE elk area is closed right now including one of the biggest trailheads and I'm hoping we'll be able to get in there by October 1 opener with the work they are doing now along Hwy 191. What a mess...
Thanks very much for the info. Going blind into these areas. Just trying to help my 17 year old Nephew. We have three days to try to find a decent buck.
Displaced guides and their duds all over my hunt spot. Loads and loads of horses up in same small hunting area, wow is all I can say.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-18 AT 09:12AM (MST)[p]I bet! I can think of at least 7 outfitters that are displaced right now that hunt both G & H. Both DIY hunters and outfitters are just flocking to the same open areas and trailheads. The DIY hunter may have the advantage here as they can camp in a backcountry area longer as most outfitters can go in but can't stay but maybe a night because of they're use permits. I'd imagine the south portion of G within the Greys and Wyoming Range that's closed from the Martin Fire has forced most to the northern end and west side of the Salt River Range.
A lot few deer than two years ago. Still fun to get out. Those fires displaced a lot of hunters. Hopefully we have 3-4 years of good winters.

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

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Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

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