respect in photos


Long Time Member
I don't know about the rest of you guys, but seeing photos with the animal on, near, or in a vehicle, whether it is a pickup, 4-wheeler, or one of the newer ATV rigs, just isn't right. I think it should be required that there are no vehicles, or even roads visible in any photo submitted. And animals already field dressed or that look like they are, shouldn't be allowed either. mtmuley




"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
After causing an animal to hemorrhage to death after sending a slug or broadhead through it's lungs, it's impossible to do anything that would show "respect". We are killers!!! Duh!!! Don't try to make it sound like we are anything else.

You want to show respect? Let a big buck walk away and breed another year. That's respect.
I think that were creating a few too many rules with this post, ha ha. I on the other hand would love to see a monster muley tied right on top of a yellow corvette driving through the middle of downtown L.A. Just joking. fatrooster.
yeah, lets let meat spoil, knives to rust, and me to starve, all for the sake of getting a few snapshots that might be acceptable. If you don't like the pictures, don't look. Just an opinion.
I agree totally, only pictures like this should be allowed

OOOPS, that made it past the censors.







Knock that shizzz off !!!!

I blew snot all over the screen,woke up the kids when I fell out of my chair and tipped over the damn computer desk.

IT's 11:00 PM here man, a little warning next time.
I'm glad nobody is smoking dope in the background.



There are websites for people like you. This is not one of them.

A good field picture with the legs tucked under, tonge stuck in and no guts hanging out does make for a nicer pic. However if all you have is a truck pic, I would like to see it. I say post them all! But I agree with MTMuley, if you can take some good pics before you gut em it does show more respect to animal and are viewed better by non hunters. Also if you take your orange off I think it makes a better picture.


You got to like this one, I'd like to hunt with this guy.

>I don't know about the rest
>of you guys, but seeing
>photos with the animal on,
>near, or in a vehicle,
>whether it is a pickup,
>4-wheeler, or one of the
>newer ATV rigs, just isn't
>right. I think it should
>be required that there are
>no vehicles, or even roads
>visible in any photo submitted.
>And animals already field dressed
>or that look like they
>are, shouldn't be allowed either.

I am a hunter not a photograper so parden me if during my excitement I might get a little blood,guts or god forbid a tongue in my photos! I have been out in the field before and my camera not work or I forgot the camera in the truck so if you dont like our pics dont look at them.

Since this is the third time this subject has been brought up in about as many weeks let me just take a few moments of your time and discuss respect.

Websters defines respect as follows;

Main Entry: 2respect
Function: transitive verb
1 a : to consider worthy of high regard b : to refrain from interfering with


Main Entry: 1re?spect
Pronunciation: ri-'spekt
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin respectus, literally, act of looking back, from respicere to look back, regard, from re- + specere to look
1 : an act of giving particular attention :
2 a : high or special regard b : the quality or state of being esteemed

Now that we know what respect is, lets talk about it. Someone mentioned letting the buck walk away and that is the end truth. But since we are hunters and we are in the field for the very reason of taking another life that would contradict our reason. I've read it here more than once that you should reach in and cut the tongue off. Can someone explain to me how that is showing respect to the game you have killed? To mutilate it? For the sake of an ego inflating picture? Give me a break guys. You spend 20 or 30 minutes fooling around getting the animal positioned just right, get it cleaned off and making sure you have no visible signs that a kill actually took place at your very hands, try to get the camera angles just right so the animal looks majestic, and you look stately. Meanwhile your animal that you respect so much still has its guts in it. You want to show respect, leave your camera in your day pack, take a responsible shot that makes a clean and concise kill, get that animal field dressed and cooling ASAP. Take a moment and give thanks to the One who led you to that animal. After all that, if you have a camera along with you, set up some photos. That my fellow hunters is respect.

When you die would you want your picture taken laying in the back of a pick up, laying in beer cans with your blood and guts hanging out and the guy who shot you sitting on you?

Personally when I die, I would like someone to clean me up, prop me against a tree, take the beer out of and put my gun in my hands and take a picture. Maybe put a "Here lies Wyomingben, one tough son-or-a-#####" "RIP" at the bottom of my pic.

It dosn't bother me one way or another, I like looking at the antlers, the antlers are the same size strapped to an ATV or made all pretty laying in the grass, BUT to non hunters and anti-hunters, a bloody deer pic is probably more offensive then a non bloody pic, why offend non hunters or anti-hunters?

Sure it fun to offend yuppies, have them glare at you at the stop light when you have hoofs hanging out of the back of your pick-up, and give them greasy smile and let them tear off in there mini-vans. But those yuppies vote, look at Colorado, if I'm not mistaken, you can't trap there anymore and there is a season on coyotes and such.

I'm guilty of ego inflating pictures, I love looking at them, I would love to make the cover of Trophy Hunter Magazine. I hunt to find the next world record. I'm not a meat hunter, I'm a trophy hunter, isn't this a Monster Muley Forum? Maybe we should have a forum for Trophy Hunters and a forum for Meat Hunters, but thats another discusion.

Just my opinion, and general rambling

Amen Dakota! I couldn't agree with you more.

And to WyoBen, why do away with the hunter orange? This is just my opinion (just as I know you were only posting yours as well), but I think it helps make the picture. Obviously the purpose of taking the pic is to make memories right? Why not make the most of it then? Wearing your hunting orange only makes it more memorable as part of the experience/season (again, just my opinion).

I do think some of the members are taking this topic to the extreme, when they start to dictate "rules & recommendations" before any of us can take a pic of our trophies. Sure there might be some things that could be deemed as common sense, but other than that, for he*# sakes let a person just enjoy the moment. Hell, the pic is for them much more than for anyone they show it to. If they're content with it, then that's what matters (as more than likely they'll be the ones who will be looking at it the most). If someone doesn't like it, then as it has been said before, DON'T LOOK! I refuse to oblige someone who feels they can tell me "You have to do this, and this, and this before I will look at your pic." Fine, your loss. No skin off my back.


"A man can be hard to find in the mountains, but you're welcome at my fire anytime."
Fellow hunters:

Have you forgot we are the minority in America? We are just 10% of the population. The antis make up another 10% but those that are "fence sitting" that are neither hunters nor antis, make up 80% of the population in America.

These are the folks that will determine if our kids can hunt in the next 10-20 years! It's not you and its not me who will make that call. We are for it, but we are in the minority.

As one who writes the outdoor page for our local newspaper-a family paper I might ad, I have to be very careful of the photos I print.

One "bad" photo, can turn some of those 80% folks over to the anti side.

You and I might think its "cute" to have a beer can next to a deer, but let that 80% see it and we just send the wrong message and just increase the non-hunter side.

You all know the current anti hunting sentiment out. Why, though tasteless photos, continue to give those folks ammo to use against us?

Taking a few more minutes to clean up the buck, bull or even a doe, by closing the mouth, folding the legs, and PLEASE don't sit on the animal! They are not horses, nor were they made to ride!

People that don't hunt, see that as been very disrespectful to the animal. Everyone knows its dead, and to show respect for the animal in our field photos is something we should all strive to do.

I must say that the major magazines are doing a good job on publishing only "clean" photos.

We, as sportsmen, just need to do our part when we are taking photos of our animal.

Don Martin

I'm not sure why I don't like orange in pictures, maybe its because I'm live in the west my whole life, I've lived and hunted in Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico and hunted in Montana, Arizona, South Dakota, etc. Life goes on all year with people wearing the Carhart brown Canvas coats and coveralls. Then Hunting Season rolls around and flocks of non-resident hunters come to town with there BLAZE ORANGE Coveralls, hats and gloves. Or they come out west with there camoflage boots, underwear and sunglass straps! To the locals its like man, that guy is a dip #####. Why would you brand yourself a ovious non-resident out of stater?

I'm not against orange, there are some stupid people out there with guns. I'm not against camoflage, them whitetails are so smart its spooky. But when someone is standing in the middle of ten miles of buffalo grass in realtree hardwoods bark camo walking aimlessly to find an antelope, us locals just shake our heads and snicker.

Maybe its because blaze orange is so bright and overwhelming that it is a distraction in a picture where the trophy and the hunter are the main focal point.

I don't know, I just think pictures look better without any Blaze Orange in them, just my opinion. But if your pictures have orange in them, POST THEM, I would like to see them.

Oh, and after looking at a lot of pics, especially in low light, blaze orange seems to glow and makes the other items in the picture seem darker.

I once new a guy who carried glass taxidermy eyes around with him. He would pop them in to take field fotos.

This same guy would race up to a wounded animal and take close up pictures for taxidermy referance. An animal in pain and fright makes some interesting faces and some interesting mounts! lol

I have no point, just thought you might like to know.

You all make me sick. The sight of blood and blaze orange makes me cringe. I have never heard of something so offensive!

Ben, I will send you a PM when I am ready to take my next pick so I can get the go ahead!

THANK YOU, BOBCATBESS!!!!! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!

Guys, this is a hunting site, is it not? Are we to be so paranoid that the peta folks are monitoring us, that we have to pretty up every picture we take of our harvest? This is getting a little rediculous if you ask me.

Don, I appreciate your thoughtful response to how you think things should be. You as a professional guide are quite the class act and an ambassador to our sport, but I don't think that we should be so paranoid about what the antis think. One would associate our paranoia with a victory for the folks. I say be proud of your hunt/harvest. If you had a few beers in celebration(after the fact), so be it. If you wan't to take a pic with your animal laying in your truck bed with a cigarette in your be it! The bottom line is, just enjoy our sport and be proud of your kill! Respect your animal they way you see fit. It's your right. JMHO.

By the way, Don? Nice Last name!....Mine too!!!
I agree, if it were me I would not want to have some hoss sitting on my back with a half burnt cigarette and a bottle of beer, but neither would I want my tongue cut out, sorry folks but that is NOT respecting the animal. That is simply to make YOU feel good about what you did.


Sounds good, the bloodier the better, but don't send me any blaze orange, I can't so much be in the same room with Blaze Orange with out puking! I'm shaking just thinking about it!

A appeciate quality animals and quality photos of them, a good field photo does show respect. I want my memories preserved with this type of photo.

Generally Alot of Blaze orange looks like ##### because it distracts from the subject.

If you don't mind the orange then take your pictures how you like them, same goes for the back of the pickup shots, there your photos.
So how 'bout taking a pic of a buck in a canoe? Is that showing disrespect?

Oh my GAWD!!!! I'm sorry, didn't notice there was some blood in that pic. Sure hope the MM police don't report me and have my post deleted on this HUNTING SITE!!!!
What about showing a pic of a buck in the back of a backpack? Is that disrespectful? Especially since the animal has been skinned, quartered and deboned.

What about those pics from the good ol' days? I suppose that are fathers and grandfathers knew nothing about respecting game. We have elvolved into such higher beings than they.




All I can say is, "GET A LIFE GUYS!!!!!"



LOL :)

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
BCBOY, Damn good thing there was no Blaze Orange in those pics! My skin was crawling as I scrolled down!

You obviously haven't been around this site too long with your recomendation not to wear Blaze Orange. Friggin' first thing a guy does is post up a pic not wearing it when it is required in that state and you'll see 20 guys jumping on him for not wearing it. "You say you shot that in Utah? Doesn't Utah have a Blaze Orange Requirement. Just goes to show that some guys have no ethics. I assume you shot that off your ATV too? Or was it the out the window of your truck? Damn Roadhunters." There are 20 posts that look exactly like that. I guess on this site your damned if you do and damned if you don't eh?

I guess I'd offend people here if I posted a pic of my first muley buck. Believe I was 15 at the time. A good heart/lung shot but he was still kicking when I walked up on him so I put one behind the ear to end it. I guess that showed disrespect because it ruined my chance at a decent photo opt. Suppose I should hang my head low because the tongue is sticking out.

Did the same on this whitey. It is so disrespectful not to wait the 5 minutes to let the thing die. It ruins the photo opt every time.

God, better chuck this one in the gutter. Forget the breath taking scenery in the background. The fact I gutted this thing first before the photo opt shows disrespect.

And God forbid you post a pic of a buck the day after you shot it because you left the camera at home. And to think I didn't cut the tongue out either.

And then there are those who say we should only post up Magazine quality photos. Well, this one was in Trophy Hunter. Can't believe they printed such trash with the blood on the nose and such.

This was better than I imagined! Excellent! I only wish it was April. It was a long day waiting to get home and log on. But, I am a little disappointed that none of you had enough imagination to show a bunch of empty beer cans. Merry Christmas, mtmuley (The yellow Corvette thing would be cool)

Umm, it was a joke, read the whole post. From the looks of your pics you are an outdoor enigma and have tempered my ideas of a good deer picture.

You win


I think I can guess which pic is from your "cowboy" stage!

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-04 AT 07:33PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-04 AT 07:30?PM (MST)

You never know what people B!tch about on this site. Haven't seen you round enough to know if that was what you were doing. Mtmuley on the other hand. Kinda figured he was stirring the ol' pot. :)
But, the tongue in cheek (pun intended) is that there are many out in MM Land that are sooo anal that they will whine about anything. Posts of this nature are proof.;)

Here's some more not-so magazine quality pics.



BC, You're alright in my book! This thread is killing me! I haven't laughed so hard in my life! The Easter Bunny was priceless! ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!
Sorry my sarcasm is often hard to follow. I'm not a tree hugger and am not offended by any hunting picture, however every year I try to take better pictures. Here is my deer pic of this year


Wish I would of stuck his tonge back in his mouth, would of made a better pic and could of taken them in daylight.


Let me ad this one to the classic deer picture collection we got going here.


PS to be clear I meant Wear your orange while hunting, but take it off for a couple pictures, thats all
You couldn't fit that in the back. LOL! Looks like he's riding pretty precarious there. :) Nice Buck BTW!!! I like the pics. Sure bet they bring back a lot of great memories. It doesn't make a difference whether the tongue is in or out when you are looking at them years in the future.
>So how 'bout taking a pic of a buck in a canoe?
>Is that showing disrespect?

Well now that all depends. Was he in the canoe when you shot him? If he was then it's OK. Were you in the canoe when you shot him? Were you both in the canoe when you shot him? If he got in the canoe and then died you should take him to shore and pose him more naturally. Make sure you get him to a nice spot that shows typical mule deer country in the background. That may mean you have to haul him up on to the mountain but believe me, it'll be worth it. ;-)
How 'bout the ol' guide trick of taking him up a totally different mountain for the photo shoot? :) That way you throw off those who might be following you to your favorite honey hole. (I just love those too words. Say like Homer, "HONEY HOLE")

Great post. I could not agree more.

I also have a question for all of you guys with families, when you go to get your family photo do you get dressed up with your family and head down to the studio and smile big making sure not to shut your eyes? Now I know the the majority would say that the reason you do this is because your wife makes you do it but the fact remains that you would probably agree that all of this makes a better picture. I dont understand why the majority here have such a problem taking a little time to get quality photos in the field. Take some time and look professional rather than just a drunk redneck. We are all ambassadors to the sport. Just my thoughts...


That's a awsome pic because its a big buck in a canoe! That pic should be in some magazines

However this pic


Kinda sucks because its blury, taken to far away and has been gutted, its a awesome buck no dought, wouldn't this guy want a better pic of his maybe once in a lifetime monster??

Its not that these pics are disrespectable to the deer family or not in pretty deer habitat. Any of these pics are better then no pics, the point of my posts at least is a good picture takes some thought, are more interesting to look at and shows off the deer and hunter better. If you go to all the work and expence and have a lucky year, I think taking some good pics to remember your hunt and show off is worth it.

Some pics like this one


I personally think are kinda cool, especially in black and white, BUT, if offered to the general voting public may cause some peaple to stereo type hunters and in return put the screws to us come voting time.

BEER in Pictures are cool.. Especially if a Bear is in the beer picture :


Now this Bear was like "HEY Moosie, I said I wanted a Dam Cocktail. Whats this Bud light Crap ?!?! Mix me some 7 & 7 and throw this Crap out !!! HEY, You hear me over there ?!?!


Then with all that Yelling his Buddy came in and Said "I'll drink it, It goes good with these pretzles and Rolled oats " ... :


  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-04 AT 10:28PM (MST)[p]There is no doubt, some photos are better than other photos. When you look at my pics versus a guy like Deerking, there is no comparison that DK's are pathetic. :) Um, Urr, I mean, mine suck and his rule. LOL! But, since when did MM become a photo contest within the forums. Obvious those in the Big Buck contest will be judged both on the quality of the buck and the photo. But people are complaining about photos in the forums, totally different in here in my opinion. I don't care if it is a 13 yr old kid posting pics of his first buck or a old timer photo that someone posts up. I want to see them all. I could care less if the pic is in the back of a truck, quad, tongue sticking out, blood, or no blood. I don't think we should be discouraging people from posting whatever pics they've got.

That pic I posted is of my old man and a buck he took back in the 70's. My bro and I called it Bambi's dad. My dad took pics of his game and I am thankful for that, as that is all we have of this buck. I posted that version, as that is from the orginal. My old man always had way of catching the heart, liver, or even the guts in the pic. Don't think he ever thought about it and don't think it ever occured to him that pics do look nicer without them. LOL! The fact is, I'm just thankful he took them.
Here is my edited version which I have posted here before. It shows how with a little cropping, even old photos can look better. :)

Here's another view of the same buck. (The heart and liver have been croped out in this one as well) You may say it's a buck of a lifetime, but to my old man, it was just a buck.

"Dang Moosie, Isn't giving booze to minors illegal?"

In bear years he was 14 1/2 which in Idaho under Statue 13 Sub Article 2A It clearly States : bears of at least 14 years of age (in bear years) can consume Alchohol. This is if the Alchohol was from a left over party that chitty beer wasn't consumed at.

Now, I'm not one to break the Law, And in this case it was Clearly OK.

Another bear that needed "Beer" would have been "Carlos the Hairess wonder" which we Videoed several times....


If anyone Needed a Beer to go with his Donut, It was Carlos !!!!

W.T.F. was this topic about agaiin ?!?!?!?!!?

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-04 AT 03:24PM (MST)[p]Wyoming Ben what went off in your pocket ?

Yes Edhunter, you will need to put duct tape over the coyotes eye from now on, so you don't bung their eyes out like that, Before I got neutered, I would have to duct tape all my girlfriends eyes in place so they would not get bunged. }>
Beats the crap out of me, I think I said "I think field pics look if you take your orange off".......

Next thing I knew I was being accused of shooting off a 4 wheeler in Utah, being a bleeding hart ***** and against bears drinking beer.

I can't even remember what we were talking about in the first place! LOL

For the record I've never hunted Utah, never owned a 4 wheeler, am not a bleeding hart ***** and believe bears should be allowed to drink if there of age in Bear years.

Teach me to have an opinion!
This one is really disgraceful, the way they just lay them over the hood. Just sickening!
Hey polarbear, if your ***** comment was directed at me, you missed something. IT WAS A JOKE. I WASN'T SERIOUS. I've caused a few bleeding hearts though. And no pussies were involved. No holiday spirit, or what? mtmuley
BIG, that's a mighty clever picture. Along with Moosies sense of humor.-what sickos! j/k

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"

At least they took there orange off, hate it when deer wear orange in pictures!
I guess I am a member of PETA (people eating tasty animals)
I just love em...... lol
What if I take a picture of your wife with her tounge a hangin'? Is that respectful enough?
AHHH and the Fan list grows Longer.. BUuahahaha :)

Orange ? Did someone like orange ?

BUT my HAT !!! I love my Orange HATS !!!! (Don't get me started on HAts bro)


So.. On the Orange .. How about if we just wear it around the neck ?


So.. one more Question about Dsisrespecting dead Animals... What happens if it snows on ya ?!?!? Can We post pictures like this ?!?! :


  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
I don't care what anyone says...nothing better then being at work and having a stressful night and logging on to MM and LMAO! All this thread needs is a bong!

"The Buck stops here...I hope!"
I asked for it didn't I....that will always be a classic. Never gets old. This post just about has everything now. That rabbit and the easter eggs about did me in to. Nice touch with the bears to BCBOY....I just hope it's girl!

"The Buck stops here...I hope!"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-04 AT 07:31PM (MST)[p]You guys at MM are awesome. From the pictures to the posts, it was fun, and a little serious at times too. I think that pictures shared between hunters really need not have any bounds. But if any photo depicting the death of an animal is displayed where it may offend an anti, we may need to be careful. I am not a bleeding heart, I am not a *****, I am a hunter just like you guys. I started this post for fun, and ended up learning something. Good hunting to all next year. mtmuley Oh yeah, and to all a good night. LOL

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