

Long Time Member
Well it seems that the true facts coming out in the Zimmerman trial about it not being a racial movitated shooting has put a damper on possible riots.

San Francisco, L.A. and Oakland has reported demostrations in their cities. News reports estimated the demostrators numbered 200 protesters in San Francisco and L.A. and about 100 in Oakland which has a large black population.

Maybe more people have accepted the fact that Trayvon Martin was not such a innocent child after all and Zimmerman did not shoot him due to his skin color.

Easy RELH!

There's a few missing here that are out Instigating some of the Demonstrations going on this morning!

I won't name them!

Everybody knows who they are!

This Story happens alot it's True!
But Ya Best Hope it don't ever happen to you!
Left wing activist, media, president, and all the others...


"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
>Easy RELH!
>There's a few missing here that
>are out Instigating some of
>the Demonstrations going on this
>I won't name them!
>Everybody knows who they are!
>This Story happens alot it's True!
>But Ya Best Hope it don't
>ever happen to you!
They are heading south in their Ford Ranch King pickup.
If Obama was not such a pea brain, he would work towards stopping black gangbangers from shooting other black gangbangers and a few inocent children that get caught in the cross fire. If he could do that it would reduce the homicide rate by almost 60%.

But, we already know he will not do that and continue to be the failure he has proven to be from day one.

By the way, where are the 3 Stooges, no rebutals on here as to why Zman goes free.

If you scroll down on the link above that Bessy has posted and read some of the replies to the link, you will see this one and it is "point on" about the Lefties....

Molly1966> TexanPatriot2?an hour ago −

TexanPatriot2, I'm afraid I have to respectfully disagree with you to a point. I think many on the Left do get it, but have such a lack of personal integrity that the free phones, food stamps and endless parade of other government giveaways make them willing to sell their votes even when they KNOW that the Left's policies are destroying the great nation we once were. I truly believe that we're talking about people with no ethical standards whatsoever.

End of quote.

I just read the article put out by NBC on the protest rallies that are almost non-existant. They had about 250 comments posted by viewers on that liberal news site.

After reading about 1/4 of the comments, I saw about 90% of those comments lay the blame on news agencies for not giving factual information on the Zimmerman case. For a minute there I thought I was reading comments posted on FOX news instead of a liberal news site such as NBC. NBC is the news agency that Zimmerman is suing. Maybe they need to listen about the complaints that is coming from their own readers.

There were reports of vandalism and fires in Oakland. Also, police in L.A. had to respond to crowds that were throwing rocks and other objects at them. Hopefully things don't get any worse than that, but that sounds like rioting to me.
True facts????


You mean like when OJ went to trial for murder?

I have GOT to see what the land of make believe looks like someday. LMAO!!!

Oh wait! OJ was proven innocent right?
You're a dork relh but this is fun. So Zimmerman IS just that stupid is what you are saying. Proven beyond a reasonable doubt I guess. When there is no other option then I guess that will have to do.
>True facts????
>You mean like when OJ went
>to trial for murder?
>I have GOT to see what
>the land of make believe
>looks like someday. LMAO!!!
>Oh wait! OJ was proven
>innocent right?
> You're a dork relh but
>this is fun. So
>Zimmerman IS just that stupid
>is what you are saying.
> Proven beyond a reasonable
>doubt I guess. When
>there is no other option
>then I guess that will
>have to do.

GZ is smart enough to be alive.
The moral of the story is, if you're a little puss stalking a 17 year old black kid , be sure to have a gun.

You guys seem really let down you didn't get the riots you were looking for. shooting black kids is lots of fun but if those spearchuckers would just give you an excuse to use that Rambo gun , like WOW !

Zimmerman is not guilty of murder due process has been given. it needed to be done, and it was so that's all anyone can ask.

This doesn't mean your little wimpy butterball is innocent or a hero, it just means he's not a convicted murderer. no wonder you wingnuts elect such losers the standards of those you respect can't get any lower.

Stay thirsty my friends
Seems like they are training for plenty of George Zimmerman type incidents in Detroit. Who would want to "volunteer" for this now after seeing what happened in Florida?

Threat Management Center, a private security services firm founded in 1993, has seen business boom in recent years as police cutbacks drive residents and businesses to seek new ways of achieving security. Founder Dale Brown established the Violence Intervention Protective Emergency Response System (VIPERS), a civilian volunteer organization that has worked with police to reduce crime in troubled areas. Participants train at an academy run by Brown and now patrol some of the city's most dangerous neighborhoods, working with an increasingly lean police force to keep a lid on crime.

Read more:
>>True facts????
>>You mean like when OJ went
>>to trial for murder?
>>I have GOT to see what
>>the land of make believe
>>looks like someday. LMAO!!!
>>Oh wait! OJ was proven
>>innocent right?
>> You're a dork relh but
>>this is fun. So
>>Zimmerman IS just that stupid
>>is what you are saying.
>> Proven beyond a reasonable
>>doubt I guess. When
>>there is no other option
>>then I guess that will
>>have to do.
>GZ is smart enough to be

He was the only one packing a gun to a skittle fight so the odds were with him.
Nobody said Zimmerman was a hero. No one said he was smart. Those are your(Ziggy and 440's) words. You guys like to twist things. You guys were WRONG. Just admit it! Millions of people are wrong every day. They admit it. What's up with you two?? Humility is an asset.

How's that crow taste?

I guess they aren't riots. Just "intense" protests. WAFJ.
Lets put it this way Ziggy. Since your fellow liberal democrats have failed miserably in providing TRUE protection for the citizens, there is now a recourse for lawful citizens not having to hide and retreat in fear again.

In Florida and some other states the black gang banger, and other criminals, now has to fear confronting the wrong person and getting their a$$ blown away. The Zimmerman shooting and acquittal drove that point home to where certain criminals can understand it and fear the results.

Stand your grounds laws are the direct result of liberal goverment and law enforcement failing to do their job in protecting their citizens. If you do not like STAND YOUR GROUND LAWS, then do something with the liberals you love supporting who are passing gun laws that are not worth the paper they are written on. Make your liberal lawmakers pass laws that would have a direct curbing of crime or get off your soapbox and crawl back into your wormhole.


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