Road Closures


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Anybody have any more info on this subject of Nuck Woodard canyon in Carbon county Ut?? Forest Service closing this road come September for wildlife. Things might get interesting...

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Angry at US Forest Service
Joan Powell, Wellington Jul 18, 2017 0

I am tired. I'm tired of fighting a battle that never seems to go away.

And I'm angry. I get so tired of being angry. And this anger is caused by elected officials with no guts to stand up for the right thing, and also different land managers who have special interests groups that they cater to.

I thought that the Nuck Woodard Road issue was resolved last year. I was under the impression that Carbon County had an MOU with the Forest Service and Emery County to get that road upkeep taken care of from year to year. Am I wrong about that? This ROAD has a Carbon County Number on it, #157. Carbon County has a Schedule A Claimer on it, that means they collect fees from the state to maintain it. It is the connector between the two counties, and a fire escape, fire has happened once and heaven forbid, it's could happen again. Can the Forest Service really justify what they want to do?

You know?.I was deer hunting on that road when I was a little girl, with my dad and others. THAT MAKE IT AN RS-2477 CLAIM, because that was in the 1960?s, pre-FLPMA 1976. I was married in 1975, and my husband and I have traveled that road, both before we were married and afterwards also. It is an important road in my world. Where?s the NEPA study, and the public comment period about this closure?

Recently, I was told by Bill Broadbear, in our Arapeen Trail Council meeting that Darrin Olsen can sign away that road if he wants to. There were 5 other people in the room to hear what was said. It was explained that there was a ?trial experiment? that would conducted this fall, by closing the road to the public and allowing a select group of ?hunter?s? on horses that would be allowed to be in that area. Are you serious? These non-motorized people can RIDE ANYWHERE THEY WANT TO, but we need to close the only motorized road through the area to allow them to ?hunt? exclusively? It is truly just one more step towards your attempt at making the area a roadless area. It's already non-motorized on both sides of the road.

This latest development has led me to making a decision. A decision that doesn't mean a thing to you, but it breaks my heart. I love the Manti Mountains. If I didn't, I wouldn't have gone to meeting after meeting, volunteered day after day, year after year to help keep the mountain in great shape FOR ALL TO USE! I'm not exclusive, but some people are.

My decision is this. After being involved with the Arapeen Trail Council since its conception almost 20 years ago, I am quitting. Yes, QUITTING! Why? Because, while I am busy ?working? on other areas of this mountain range, the Forest Service/Emery County are in cahoots about closing other areas on the mountain to motorized access. I can't take the back-stabbing any longer. I'm sure that will make the non-motorized people who sit on Emery County Public Lands Council smile. But I will focus my efforts with Kristy Groves from the Ashley National Forest from now on. We (all the MOTORIZED folks) made good things happen on the Manti years ago, creating and maintaining the Arapeen System, and this is the thanks we get.

I had asked Bill if the Arapeen Trail Council still had any say-so, or carried any weight with decisions on the mountain. Of course he said yes, but I've come to believe that is not so. We have petitioned many times for Wagon Road Ridge, to make another loop connector??no affirmative action has been done. I, personally, have asked for a connector from the Gentry Mountain area to the Nuck Woodard Road to make a loop connector??(And now I find that the non-motorized people seek to take out the Nuck Woodard road, altogether, although they already have First Water, Second Water, Corner Canyon, Bob Wright, Bull Pasture Trail, Candland Mountain Trail, Castle Valley Ridge Trail, East Mountain Trail, Gentry Hollow Trail, Horse Canyon Trail, Left Fork of Huntington Trail, Mill Canyon Trail, Mill Fork Canyon Trail, Pole Canyon Trail, Sawmill Canyon Trail, Scad Valley Trail, Seeley Canyon Trail, Short Canyon Trail, Wild Cattle Hollow Trail, etc. AND THEY CAN RIDE/HIKE ANYWHERE THEY WANT OVER WHO KNOWS HOW MANY MILES/ACRES?!?! To try and compare miles of motorized to miles of non-motorized is lucridus. Why is it that these non-motorized people put their desires on the table and you jump at their requests!?!) I also want the Trough Spring area to be taken off the roadless area so Carbon County can take care of the watershed area the way they (Carbon County) see fit. We could use a connector trail from Clear Creek to Huntington Canyon in that area also. Did this ever get a responsible consideration?

Hell no!!!! But let a certain selective, exclusive group of hunters put something out on the table and the Forest Service/ Emery County are all over it.

So, we are going through a Forest Service Plan Revision. This is just a bunch of hype. Why don't they just say it like it is? They are seeking to lock up more land from users such as myself by looking for, and creating by obliberating roads and creating roadless areas. Well, wilderness is lands of NO USE! And I am a user. Only there are certain people do not want to acknowledge that I, and others like me are legitimate users. They told us that motorized recreation wouldn't be ?on the table? until the first phase of the Forest Plan Revision was done. What a lie. You cannot move forward without considering transportation as part of the plan. Unless the plan is totally, completely, to wipe out motorized recreation in areas that is viable for motorized recreation, in areas that is viable for motorized recreation. But Hey! Wait! The non-motorized community doesn't want that to be considered. They (the Forest Service) is seeking to lock up more land from users such as myself by looking for, and creating roadless areas, therefore creating the potential for WILDERNESS. When do we STOP LOOKING FOR WILDERNESS ?!? As a matter of fact, you shouldn't be trying to CREATE wilderness, but seek ONLY for areas that truly qualify for wilderness. And in today?s world, I would think that's next to impossible, really and truly.

See the enclosed maps. One is taken off of a 1964 Forest Service map. It really-truly is the easiest to read. The second one is a 2006 printing of a Forest Service map, and the third is a 2009 Forest Service Map. 1964??.hmmmm, that's over 50 years old. I am 61 years old and was going up there before 1964.

Well my form of RECREATION, and whether non-motorized users choose to call it recreation or not, is important to me. But I'm tired of the bull-#####, and I am done working with biased people.

I have been paying, out of my own pocket, $10.00 per year, every year, for the past at least 18 years to Utah State to keep the Arapeen Trail Council as a exempt entity, so that the council could, and has, apply/applied for grants. Well?Bill Broadbear can find another sucker to pay that for that from now on.

I better never learn that OHV money gets spent on non-motorized trails, (after all the money I spend in registration fees for my own machines) especially in our areas (Carbon/Emery/Sanpete Counties).

We no longer live in America, Land of the Free. We live in socialism, which is measured by degrees to communism. We allow certain land managers to be selective and exclusive instead of standing up for all Americans. This is ?a degree? of socialism.

I am discouraged, disappointed and disgusted. Just when I think I'm doing a good thing, and being a part of a good thing by helping out on the mountain, I learn there is crap going on, in other places on the mountain.

You folks just go on catering, cowering, and caving to the non-motorized community. I hope it opens the largest can of worms with a stink like you've ever had to deal with before. You deserve it.

Joan Powell


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Glad you got all of that off your chest, but what good do you figure it got you by putting it on this website?!
Not Sure I Should Reply on this Subject?

Not Sure what the ATV Crowd has done in your Area?

But I'd Like to Show You what they've done here!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

First off the long read isn't my story.
The topic is a main road that has existed for decades is now going to be closed to the public come Labor day.
Maybe get ahold of one of your County Commissioners & The Bundy's and do a "Protest Ride"!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!


Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-17 AT 09:16PM (MST)[p]No more info here, but she hit the nail on the head as far as the forest service goes. I believe we have plenty of wilderness areas and road closures now. We don't need any more. I'm kind of surprised the ADA hasn't gone after the government for keeping them off of public land. Someone in a wheel chair can't use those lands. They are pretty much limited to motorized vehicle use of public lands. Don't get me wrong, I think wilderness areas are a good thing, but do we need more areas closed with monuments, wilderness, and road closures? Leave the roads open we have now. I believe the forest service officials think they have to close more and more roads and areas from motorized use to stick a feather in there hat and keep the environmentalists happy. Then they can say "look what we did"! The enviro' s are successfully closing more and more public land to all kinds of motorized use. Here in Lassen National Forest and forests all over the west, they just got through updating over the snow use. In other words snowmobiling. They closed more land to snowmobiling, which hurts absolutely nothing. Snow melts. I've always wondered, why don't we ever hear they are opening more public land to motorized use so more Americans can use our lands. I also know people abuse motorized vehicle use, but let's cite them and make it hurt their pocket book, not hurt everyone that's doing it right.
You'll Never Ever Satisfy the All Different Kinds of People in this World!

There are 100's in to the 1,000's of Law Breakers on ATV's on the South Slope of the Uintah's every year doing as they Please!

The USFS doing absolutely Nothing about it!

We've noticed the last several Years the Illegal Wheelers Busting New & More Trails each year & then the USFS Posts a Number on these Illegal Trails & Adds them on their Maps!

I made 3 Trips in to the USFS Office last Fall reporting the Abuse!

There wasn't JACK F'N SQUAT done about it!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

> You'll Never Ever Satisfy the
>All Different Kinds of People
>in this World!
>There are 100's in to the
>1,000's of Law Breakers on
>ATV's on the South Slope
>of the Uintah's every year
>doing as they Please!
>The USFS doing absolutely Nothing about
>We've noticed the last several Years
>the Illegal Wheelers Busting New
>& More Trails each year
>& then the USFS Posts
>a Number on these Illegal
>Trails & Adds them on
>their Maps!
>I made 3 Trips in to
>the USFS Office last Fall
>reporting the Abuse!
>There wasn't JACK F'N SQUAT done
>about it!
>Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650
>is a Little Close &
>I'm Not Comfortable with it!
>A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards
>will Still Make Some Good
>BRAGGIN Rights so I Can
>Say I At Least Hit

That's very unfortunate. I'm shocked the forest service is doing that. Around here it's just the opposite. If someone blazes a new trail, they'll bulldoze a mound, shut it down and then shut another established road down while they have the bulldozer out just because. They now have trail cams out all over the mountains and are citing some people for illegal activity. Kind of seems like big brother is whatching more and more. Although it's a two edged sword. Like the fact that illegal activity is being watched more, but don't like the way they are doing it.
>> You'll Never Ever Satisfy the
>>All Different Kinds of People
>>in this World!
>>There are 100's in to the
>>1,000's of Law Breakers on
>>ATV's on the South Slope
>>of the Uintah's every year
>>doing as they Please!
>>The USFS doing absolutely Nothing about
>>We've noticed the last several Years
>>the Illegal Wheelers Busting New
>>& More Trails each year
>>& then the USFS Posts
>>a Number on these Illegal
>>Trails & Adds them on
>>their Maps!
>>I made 3 Trips in to
>>the USFS Office last Fall
>>reporting the Abuse!
>>There wasn't JACK F'N SQUAT done
>>about it!
>>Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650
>>is a Little Close &
>>I'm Not Comfortable with it!
>>A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards
>>will Still Make Some Good
>>BRAGGIN Rights so I Can
>>Say I At Least Hit

>That's very unfortunate. I'm shocked the
>forest service is doing that.
>Around here it's just the
>opposite. If someone blazes a
>new trail, they'll bulldoze a
>mound, shut it down and
>then shut another established road
>down while they have the
>bulldozer out just because. They
>now have trail cams out
>all over the mountains and
>are citing some people for
>illegal activity. Kind of seems
>like big brother is whatching
>more and more. Although it's
>a two edged sword. Like
>the fact that illegal activity
>is being watched more, but
>don't like the way they
>are doing it.


That's always amazed Me as well!

Why all the Enforcement in one place?

And absolutely F'N Nothing in others?

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!


Years ago I Did see the USFS Try & Close a Road!

They Transported a CAT many miles!

Built a 12" Berm!

F'N Tards will Take 12" Berms all F'N Day Long at 60+ MPH just for Fun!
Elk.. Trust me I know all to well the type of destruction 4 wheelers cause and I agree 100% with you. Spend lots of time in the basin as well. However this isn't that type of situation. Little background of this road, it's been there since at least the 60's family hunting photos.
The road was closed due to the seely mtn fire and the flooding afterwards. It's now open yet going to be closed on September 5th. some say it's for special interest hunting groups. Not your average closure, due to off-road abuse. Just looking like another land grab locking off another huge swath of public lands to public hunters.
Well TORR!

WE seen the same thing here a few years back!

They/USFS Closed a Road that had been used for 80+ Years!

A Couple of CS BERMS & A Couple Flimsy Fiberglass Signs & Road Closed!

Well,Closed to Law Abiding People!

Law Breakers Trounce it with their F'N Wheelers every Year!

Who Loses?

The Honest People,That's Who!

No Different than Our New Shed Season here in TARDville!
I'm Limited on Info!

But after reading the article above!

Looks like She wants several More Roads/Trails Cut to Inter Link/Connect with other Roads & Trails?

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

Both generally doing little about the illegal use of ATVs in closed areas and the propensity to lock the gates to hunting areas right before hunting season, seem to be the norm across the west. I also see catering to the outfitters in some places, allowing them access when the rest don't.
>We have petitioned many times
>for Wagon Road Ridge, to
>make another loop connector??no affirmative
>action has been done. I,
>personally, have asked for a
>connector from the Gentry Mountain
>area to the Nuck Woodard
>Road to make a loop
>connector??(And now I find that
>the non-motorized people seek to
>take out the Nuck Woodard
>road, altogether, although they already
>have First Water, Second Water,
>Corner Canyon, Bob Wright, Bull
>Pasture Trail, Candland Mountain Trail,
>Castle Valley Ridge Trail, East
>Mountain Trail, Gentry Hollow Trail,
>Horse Canyon Trail, Left Fork
>of Huntington Trail, Mill Canyon
>Trail, Mill Fork Canyon Trail,
>Pole Canyon Trail, Sawmill Canyon
>Trail, Scad Valley Trail, Seeley
>Canyon Trail, Short Canyon Trail,
>Wild Cattle Hollow Trail, etc.
>and compare miles of motorized
>to miles of non-motorized is
>lucridus. Why is it that
>these non-motorized people put their
>desires on the table and
>you jump at their requests!?!)
>I also want the Trough
>Spring area to be taken
>off the roadless area so
>Carbon County can take care
>of the watershed area the
>way they (Carbon County) see
>fit. We could use a
>connector trail from Clear Creek
>to Huntington Canyon in that
>area also. Did this ever
>get a responsible consideration?

It seems to me that the person who authored this letter is very salty about not being able to ride her ATV wherever her heart desires. We don't need roads going down every ridgeline and into every canyon on the mountain! There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of miles of dirt trails through the mountain range she is citing. IMHO if you want to see every canyon on the range, if it doesn't have a trail for you to run your ATV down, put the boot leather down and go explore!
+1, BuglesNGrunts. I will never be sad to see a road closed. Everywhere I go, especially on the Manti, there are a thousand roads going through it. Nothing but the whine of two stroke motorcycles and razors. We need more designated wilderness.
The Forest Service closed about half the roads on Forest Service land in northern Kali. Come summer time they are the most used, dustiest roads in the forest. That's where most of the weed is grown.

Our Rangers couldn't track a wounded Hippo through a snow bank.

It seems most are ok with some roads being closed as am I. The issue I see is the fact that this road is open and then scheduled to be closed TEMPORARILY come September 5th. Why is there execptions being made to allow certain people in on public ground yet others are locked out. Its not a 4 wheeler issue here. Most of you've responded like Washington DC folks respond to wolf issues in the west. Know nothing about the actual subject or issue at hand concerning this road.
It seems like those opposed to the temporary closure cannot explain why, please explain why this is wrong and it is your god given right to ride your motorized vehicle anywhere you want whenever you want.

Lots of Roads in Colorado get Closed around Hunting Season!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

> Lots of Roads in Colorado
>get Closed around Hunting Season!
>Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650
>is a Little Close &
>I'm Not Comfortable with it!
>A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards
>will Still Make Some Good
>BRAGGIN Rights so I Can
>Say I At Least Hit

It's that way in Idaho too. Some roads are open until hunting season, especially in elk areas.

>It seems most are ok with
>some roads being closed as
>am I. The issue I
>see is the fact that
>this road is open and
>then scheduled to be closed
>TEMPORARILY come September 5th. Why
>is there execptions being made
>to allow certain people in
>on public ground yet others
>are locked out. Its not
>a 4 wheeler issue here.
>Most of you've responded like
>Washington DC folks respond to
>wolf issues in the west.
>Know nothing about the actual
>subject or issue at hand
>concerning this road.

With that Big Post on your Original Thread I'd Bet the Gal is Pro-ATV!

I'd Bet Money She doesn't wanna Run Her 70K+ SUV up & Down them Roads!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

> Well TORR!
>WE seen the same thing here
>a few years back!
>They/USFS Closed a Road that had
>been used for 80+ Years!
>A Couple of CS BERMS &
>A Couple Flimsy Fiberglass Signs
>& Road Closed!
>Well,Closed to Law Abiding People!
>Law Breakers Trounce it with their
>F'N Wheelers every Year!
>Who Loses?
>The Honest People,That's Who!
>No Different than Our New Shed
>Season here in TARDville!

Was it just closed to off roaders or everyone?80 plus years a jeeps ok but a 4 wheeler is bad ?
Keep on THRASHIN It!

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!


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