Romney vs Newt Campaigning


Very Active Member
Consider the two following talking points below:

1)?Mitt Romney" is trying to buy the presidency? people power beats money power every time.? Yes, he's criticizing Romney for being organized, planning ahead, and convincing Americans that he's the best candidate to lead America? enough so that they've given him their money. (Newt is all about DEFLECTION; remember that leisurely Greek Isle cruise he took right after announcing his candidacy when he could have been working/organizing/seeking financial backing for his presidential run?"

2)"When you play football, you have a pep rally. Newt is great at the pep rally. Pep rallies don't win games. To actually win the game, you have to prepare, plan, practice, practice, then practice some more. Then you execute your prepared game plan. Newt stinks at all of that (missing the Virginia ballot, lack of fundraising, lack of endorsements, volatile campaign staff, erratic campaign?). So how in the world could anyone think he would be a great president? Newt would be a great sideline cheerleader in the Superbowl of politics, but should not take the field."

If you want to know how either canidate will preform when in office, a glance at their campaigns is as far as you need to look.
You're pretty much right, Gingrich has been a failure at everything except getting people to listen to him. that is the one thing Romney can't seem to get done.
Hitler was a failure at everything but getting people to listen to him. I'm not comparing Gingrich to Hitler I'm just saying the power of persuasion is quite an ability. Newt seems to have the power to convince people to forget. Either that or the public is just really stupid.
Thanks Dude my wife and I laughed until we cried. Then watched it again and did the same thing.

If you break the first 10 commandments Gingrich figured he might as well break the republican 11th commandment made me pull an abdominal muscle. King really pussed out on how he let Newt bully him he should have bytch slapped him with what despicable really is. Should have fired back with look in a mirror for what despicable really is.

Dude! You d#mmed liberals and the media bias made him look bad.
Cornhusker, if that was Larry King you were talking about. That old senile fart could not do a hard interview with Mary Poppin. He wussed out when he interviewed Obama a while back.


I think that is a fair example of what their leadership would be like if they were president. Gingrich would take vacations and spend a lot of tax payer money on his lavish lifestyle and vacations. President Gingrich would take it out on the media if things weren't going well for him.


I think your Hitler comparison makes a good point. I agree Gingrich's policies are not the same as Hitler's. However, Gingrich's style of speech is very similar to Hitler's. Gingrich uses words to demonizes anyone who opposes him.
The only guy as brilliant as Newt in speech and debate, is Obama. His State of the union adress was brilliant and well scripted. False as hell, but nonetheless well thought out and delivered. I just hope Americans aren't buying into this crap.

If I hear Newt compare himself to Regans one more time, I'm going to throw up in my mouth. If your going to run for the highest office in the land, run on your own name and your own principles.

This will be Romneys race to lose.
I agree that Obama is a very slick talker that has fooled many people. However, if Romney runs against Obama, Obama will have to run on his record. For the last 3 years, Obama does not have a good record and I think a Romney campaign could convince enough independent voters on the truth about Obama's record. Romney's campaign has made one very slick talking politician run on his record (Gingrich), and will be better practiced to make Obama run on his record.

Unless the economy continues to show signs of improvement, Romney could easily beat Obama (assuming Romney doesn't make any serous mistakes the media perpetuates)
Even if it is best case scenario for Obama and the economy starts to slowly improve, I think Romney would still give Obama a very tough fight. Even the most optimistic forecasts don't believe unemployment will be below 8.0% by November and Obama has made several failed promises to keep unemployment below 8.0%.

If Gingrich runs against Obama, the campaign will be about Gingrich and his big ideas. Newt has some brilliant ideas but unfortunately he also has some crazy ideas (promising a colony on the moon by 2020, poor kids working as janitors, moving US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem his first day as president, etc). It won't be hard for Obama to paint Newt as a guy with crazy ideas. Newt won't be able to effectively make Obama run on his record because Newt will be too busy talking about his big ideas and defending himself from all of the attacks from Obama.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-12 AT 09:05AM (MST)[p]neither of you get it, its going to be Romney against Obama, and Its going to be a populist leaning president making his case against Romney who is going to make his case against the Obama. Im guessing Romney is going to have a tough time because of his wealth and the recent record of republicans who seem far more interested in rich people than working folks, until very recently anyway, yet Obama is going to have a tough time defending his lackluster record. Obama is a black guy, and Mitt is a Mormon, so they both have a small group that dislikes them strictly for those reasons. I say advantage Obama, the rightwing waited too long to show concern about the regular folks, and the media will pounce on their record.
You're right, if the conservatives can beat Romney up because of his wealth think how much fun the liberals can have with a gillion dollars of super pac to spend.

Newt just proved he's not as smart as people think he is by kicking the door to raising capitol gains wide open. you don't champion lower taxes then demonize those who pay low tax rates. Obama already wanted to raise CG and now if Romney wins he'll have to support raising them so he doesn't look like a Scrooge. it's a done deal, thanks Newt.
Negative advertising works and Obama will have plenty of it, however lets face it, if your liberal and your use to being on the goverment tit, you'll vote for Obama.

I think it comes down to the bold statement Romney made at a FL ralley the other day. He said "if you think we are better off today than we were 3 years ago vote for Obama". Romney can run on that premise because he knows dang well that we are are not better off and he knows people know it. Obamacare/Romneycare will be a non issue. This election will be about the economy and the direction we are heading in regards to our national debt.

Romney destroyed Newt in last nights debate.

I hope Obama goes after Romneys wealth. It will be his down fall.Indepnedants are a little smarter than to buy into the wealth argument. They know who creates jobs and it sure as heck aint obama.
Demand is what creates jobs, not rich people, The worlds richest man is a Mexican, do most Americans want a Mexican style economy?
Piper, so what creates "demand" for jobs? A strong dollar creates demand, and when that demand is created, people with money (commonly known as rich people) take risks by creating new business. New business create new jobs. I know that is difficult for a liberal to understand, but that's how it works. Unfortunately, our goverment has destroyed the dollar by printing money we don't have. Combine a dollar that is dying on the vine, with more regulation by the liberal politicians and volia, you have a stagnant economy. The real kicker is, wealthy business men are not going to let there investments sit stagnant so they invest in companies outside the US where it is more conducive to making a profit. Obama wants to pentalize US companies for doing business outside of the US when him and his liberal chronies are the ones who created the very problem that has caused companies to do business outside the US.
yea, I have worked for a lot of people who didn't have much money, most businesses do, even poor people create some demand for goods and services. Rich people and the government both create jobs, but a real dynamic economy is based on the demand for goods and services from what should be the majority, the middle class. I know its hard for you guys to understand this, but nobody sells things or builds things or fixes things unless there is a demand for those things to happen, its just the way it is, If there is a demand for something then someone will fill it, it could be me or you or Mr. Magoo, it doesn't have to be a rich person.
Piper what you do not understand is the fact the "demand" is still there for a lot of products that were produced in this country.

Now you need to figure out which party was it that added a lot of rules, regulations, and taxes that helped to run alot of those business out of this country and the jobs that went with them. Cheap labor is only one aspect of the picture that is dampen by the fact they have to ship the product back here for retail sale.

In my state that is easy to figure out as the Democrats have been a majority for over 20 years. During those 20 years I have watched major industry flee this state for Nevada, Arizona, and Texas due to less regulations and taxes that the Dems heaped on them here. We have gone from a very prosperous state to one on the edge of bankruptcy in those 20 years due to liberal Democrats and their policies.

yea! I know you do not want to hear that side of the coin as the only thing that matters to you is getting on the goverment tit and you will support any party that allows you to do that.

RELH, I don't know about the liberal democrats of CA, I do know about the conservative spendaholics here in Wyoming, but we have the money to spend I guess. The point is we have a huge health care burden in this country, by far the highest in the world, we have the biggest prison system in the world, and the largest military in the world by far, so since we have these unavoidable and huge expenses that other countrys don't have so much of, don't you think that those things could be part of the competitive edge problem?, I know its easy to blame the common blue collar worker, and thats in style right now, but I believe there is a lot more to Americas decline than those terrible lower middle class leeches who have to work for a living.
No Piper, we do not have the largest military by far. I think you forgot all about China and the size of it's military. In fact they are concertrating on building up their Navy to complete with ours.

I have this feeling you are all for downgrading our military to save money in order to get your health care. Are you really that greedy that you would risk our freedom by downsizing the military where China might just think they could take us over?

LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-12 AT 06:58AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-12 AT 06:22?AM (MST)

Conservative spendaholics there in Wyoming? Theres an oxy-moron for you!

Here's a factoid about those crazy conservative spendthrifts in Wyoming.

Lets take Cambell County for example. Cambell county has so much money from coal and coal bed methane that they support other counties education systems in Wyoming. Those darn greedy conservatives spreading the wealth around the state with their poison blood money from mother earth! Bet you hate that!

I lived in Wyoming, very interesting place. Two kinds of men in Wyoming as i saw it, those who worked and worked hard and those that didn't work and lived off unemployment. Funny thing is, there are tons of jobs in Wyoming but you had to be willing to work and work hard. Those guys that didn't work... alot of them had not worked in a very long time. Able bodied men who sat around and b!tched about everyone else that had money. They would call buddies and set up fake job interveiws so that they could still collect their unemployment. Alot of pot smoked and beer drank by those same guys.

I don't know if I would get on here and complain about one of the riches states per capita in the US. There are probably more jobs and less unemployment in Wyoming per capita than 90% of the states. And there would probably be alot less unemployment if some of those lazy potheads went out and got the jobs in the oil and gas feild that the guys from Texas and Oklahoma have had to come up and do. I've never been in a place where you had more men that were so proud and had absolutely nothing to be proud about.

Alot of this of course is opinion so take what you want out of it.

EDIT*** saved you the time and went and looked at the numbers for per capita income... Wyoming ranked in the top 7 from 2005 to 2010. All but one year was spent at number 6 in the nation. Horrible place to live there piper. I don't know how you do it. Oh and lets not forget that darn 5.8% unenmployment rate there in Wyoming. The Wind River indian reservation probably accounts for 2% of that number.

EDIT*** LMAO i had to keep looking and look what else I found out, Wyoming is number 7 in the United States for best unemployment benefits! Here's a link:

So lets see, jobless rate well below national average, one of the best states to be unemployed in, as of 2010... number 6 in the nation for per capita income. Spendaholic conservatives!?!?!?! Piper, I now see where you are coming from, how could any liberal ever be happy in that horrible convervative state... too much success!

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-12 AT 09:10AM (MST)[p]RELH, when I mentioned the size of the military, it was in the context of what we spend on the military, we spend something like 48.6% percent of what the entire world spends on their military budgets, and both China and Russia spend somewhere around 6% to 7% each on their military budgets, please look it up if you don't believe me. Although the one thing China is closing in on us is in gross domestic product. AZwalker you don't need to tell me about WY, as I live here, and this county (Sublette) also shares money with other less fortunate counties. We have lots of money ang jobs because we are rich in energy resources, nothing more. I watch this county spend money like drunken sailors, they just gave one county commissioner 3 1/2 million dollars for gravel on his pit, just so they could re-pave a rural road out to his ranch, its almost funny, the state recently took 200 million out of general funds and put it in the state employee retirement account,"because it was running low" that would be the same as 12 billion dollars if California did that. It goes on and on and I could tell you all kinds of stories, and the only reason we aren't totally bankrupt is because of the energy money, it has nothing to do with republicans or democrats.
RELH the first place we can save money is by ending medicare for you bluehairs.

Like Utah, Wyoming is one of the most conservative states in the union. Interesting contrast between states like CA who are bankrupt and WY who is running in the black.Lets put it in perspective. CA elects liberals....state is bankrupt. States like WY and UT elect conservative republicans; state has low unemployment, they are running budgets in the black, and have strong job growth despite the rest of the nations financial woes.You'd think liberals would catch on, but their leftist agendas are more important than putting americans back to work. I suspect that many of the unemployed are liberals who are sucking the system dry as they wait for the goverment to supply them an ideal job. How low would our uneployment be if some of the unemployed would take lower paying jobs until they find something better. I know two guys in my community who went from being well paid subcontractors to working in our local grocery store. I admire guys like this.They swallowed their pride, took a mojor pay cut, and went back to work.I don't buy that 9% of this nation can't find somekind of work. I suspect a good portion of the 9% are liberals who can't be weaned off the goverment tit.

The demand is still there. People still want to buy things. The problem is when our goverment prints money that is not backed by hard assets (fiat currency) it kills the dollar. A weak dollar translates into people spending everything they have just to buy necessaties. There is usually nothing left to buy surplus or to invest in the economy in the form of stocks and bonds.This national debt and hyper inflation that our current commander in cheif is running up has americans scared to death to invest. Not sure what planet you are living on Piper, but poor people in my hometown are the ones who can't pay there monthly rent and make very basic monhtly obligations. I don't see many, if any, poor people opening new business. Heck I don't see many rich guys opening new business.
Cabin -fever- your looking at things with partisian blinders on, and things are far more complicated than you think. We don't have hyper inflation, I wish we had just a little infation, but we don't. Of course people want to buy things, but they can't afford to, energy costs, health care costs, education costs, even food costs are rising faster than working wages are, its the once strong middle class thats squeezed. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting more numerious, its becoming a have-have not society much like Mexico, and that my friend is a problem, so is the massive federal debt, and those things are actually related. Rural states are more republican because thats a tradition and the main reason Utah has a relatively good economy is because its a growing state with a high percentage of people and businesses moving there because the lifestyle advantages, ( outdoors, public lands, climate, ect. Its a part of the growing west, and its not because of low taxes,as Utah has fairly high taxes for a western state. I was born In SLC, have family there, have lived there before and have a pretty good understanding of Utahs politics.
Yes it's true some people move to Utah for all the reason you mentioned, however those are none of the reasons companies move to Utah. They move to Utah because regulation is less intrusive, and the cost of doing business is lower than in many states. Trust me Piper, a business doesn't move to Utah because the scenery is better and public land is more abundant. You have it all backwards my friend. Businesses and companies move to Utah first, and than people from all over the country are hired to fill the jobs created by these businesses.

If you don't think we have an inflation problem I have a pink pony I want to sell you. You said "Of course people want to buy things, but they can't afford to, energy costs, health care costs, education costs, even food costs are rising faster than working wages are". Hello Piper that inflation.

Strengthen the dollar by reducing the national debt and shrinking goverment.The result: investors feel comfortable investing in the markets once again, businesses expand,new businesses are created, all of which creates jobs. When people have good jobs they spend's a cycle that works and one that liberals can't seem to figure out.
Dude, I do not get medicare. When I hit 65 I plan to stay with my private insurance and no medicare unless my medical insurance forces me to take medicare as a way to reduce their medical liability on me.

I have a way also to save money. Shoot all drunken half-breeds and no more fed money to the reservations. just about as rational as your alcohol induced suggestion.

Cabinfever- I happen to know that businesses move to Utah because they know their employees want to live there, a prospective employees will want to move there, and the lifestyle and attractiveness of the place is very important, don't try and BS me. I think most people understand the importance of a sound, debt free economy, Thats why I mention the 1990s when president Clinton and Al Gore cut growth in government spending along with raising taxes with 1993 deficit reduction act. Thats why I was so horrified when the rightwing got a hold of the whitehouse, and both branches of congress, it all went out the window, and here we are.
When you turn 65? the second time?

You're part of the reason your state is broke, they need to file bankruptcy and cut some parasites lose. then you'd be on medicare in about a day.
You are right up to a point. Those parasites exist in our state goverment with a "D" after their name. You better get ready for it, as your state is doing a fine job of following our example because of the people you have now in your state goverment.

The libs in Portland and Springfield-Eugene will be telling you how to live your life and pay your money before you even die.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-31-12 AT 08:50AM (MST)[p]They already do, 86% of Oregon's population lives west of the Cascades, and half the states population are californians.

Thanks a lot.
Dude, we sent them to you with love. Before they are though with you, you will become a wingnut yourself.


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