Sally Jewell VS James Watt


Long Time Member
I see Obamas secretary of the interior Sally Jewell issued a secretarial order in an effort to connect the nations youth to the outdoors. Among other things she ordered the DOI to provide volunteer positions for up to one million people interested in taking an active role in their public lands.

I'm comparing this to what Ronald Reagans secretary of the interior James Watt was about, do any of you remember? If you don't remember maybe we can bring some of them up?

I'm comparing the two because this is a outdoor hunting site and we should have similar values in that regard, I know what my values are. Do you?
Have you asked Sally Jewell if that active role in public lands include sportspeople that like to hunt the public lands, or is she against hunters taking an active role?

Im sure hunting is part of it, she didn't specify any single activity. Hunting is not everything but its part of it.
You are really paranoid aren't you?
I didn't ask that, I asked if you notice a difference in values. Do you remember Watt?
Sally is British born, lives in the Seattle area that is a hotbed on the west coast for anti hunting and anti gun. She was the CEO for a sporting goods company that catered to hikers. She is a hiker and kayaker. The odds are very great she is a ganola crunching anti hunter and anti gun owning. Maybe you should do some more research before you put her on a pedistal.

OH my lord! I didn't know she was a hiker, and she is a kayaker? that's even worse.
She must have been the CEO of REI, and of course that means she likes granola, this stuff is not good.
Thanks for the info RELH, that puts a whole new light on her policies.
Sounds like you ran out of facts to support you putting her on a pedistal that can be supported by hunters. Yes, you are right this is a hunting site, and the last thing we need is a Sec. of the Interior that may not support hunting. Are you naive enough to believe that Obama would appoint her if she is pro gun and pro hunting. On second thought, forget it as you are that naive enough and wearing blinders where you can not see past your nose.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-04-14 AT 06:49PM (MST)[p]I was being sarcastic, its unbelievable that you couldn't pick that up.
Around here people hike and backpack and hunt and fish, they even do other things in the outdoors, climb mountains, go canoeing, you can buy your hunting tags right along with your granola and hiking gear at the great outdoor shop.
Its a big world out there, and young people who have no association with nature are the biggest problem coming down the pike. I don't believe living in a small tent when it comes to preserving the public land and the environment, Hikers aren't the enemy.

I haven't heard Sally Jewell say anything about hunting, but so what.
Im quite sure Obama is more of an outdoorsmen and appreciates nature much more than Ronnie Reagan did, and his secretary of interior is a thousand times better than Reagans was, the choices and policies reflect that.

The last Californians I ran into hunting were weird too, they tried to hide the small bull that they killed and acted aloof and suspicious, they kind of warmed up after I commented on their White Muzzle loader, but what a couple of odd paranoid old ducks.
Piper you are so full of bullcrap it leaks out of your ears. Too bad you did not run into me when I hunted the Pinedale area twice about 10 years ago. You would have a completely different idea about CA. hunters.

Yep, after reading Pipers post it is obvious that his homosexual lover is actually Putins biotch. I'm looking forward to seeing Obummer mount a horse backwards. Reagan will be rolling over in the grave laughing his ass off!
Piper I gave you all day to back up your placing of Sally Jewell on a pedistal at the interior Sec. and you failed big time. It shows just how little research you do before you go blabbing your mouth off.
You notice in my post that I never accused Sally outright of being anti hunting. Instead I inquired of you if you knew her stance would be supportive of hunters and you had no answer, just a guess on your part. Yet you placed her on a pedistal without knowing that many facts about her.

If you had bothered to research the subject, you would have found that she did open more federal lands to hunting, big game and waterfowl. I believe it was about the middle of last year that she made this announcement.

You can take your foot out of your mouth now and try to engage brain before mouth.

If she's looking for volunteers, I volunteer to be a gunner when they aerial hunt wolves. I'll also volunteer to log some of that timber that is way over due on National Forest lands. If she needs a few forest fires to improve habitat, let me know. She can count on me.

RELH, I never placed Sally on a pedestal, I only mentioned the article about connecting youth to the outdoors.

The rightwing constantly whines about Obamas cabinet picks and everything else, so I thought it would be good to compare interior secretaries, especially since this is an outdoor and hunting site and we should all have a few shared values.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-14 AT 03:02PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-14 AT 11:10?AM (MST)

Bull$hit Piper! You came on here to bash GOP moninated Interior Sec. and compared them to sally without even knowing where Sally stood with hunters. All this on a hunting site.
You selected her for your approval without really knowing any hard facts about her, just the way you vote also.

All you cared about was the fact she was appointed by Obama and she created ONE PROGRAM that appeared favorable to using the federal public lands. You did not check and see if she could have sponsered other programs that may have a negative effect on hunters or other uses of public land.

Tell me what programs she sponsored that have a negative effect on hunters if you can do that you can have cheese with your right wing burgundy wine otherwise you must stop.
I am not aware of any program where she has restricted hunters or hunting. I am pointing out that Piper as usual did not research his position before shooting off his mouth based on one thing she did he was aware of. His intent was to bash other appointees and hold her up as the holy grain in comparsion.
As for you Corn, you should be aware of some of her accomplishments as she open wetlands in your area to more waterfowl hunting.
My purpose was to show how Piper will shoot off his mouth without getting all the facts first. As for Sally, she appears to be one appointment by Obama that was head and shoulders above his other appointees.
I also do not like wine and cheese and save that for all the liberals to have when making fools of themselfs.

I guess that's one way of deflecting the topic, you must have learned that in cop school?
I was kind of hoping some of the local wingnuts would stand up for Gale(dead fish) Norton, or James Gaius Watt, but it doesn't seem to be happening.
Piper I did not deflect the subject. I just brought it to everyone's attention how uniformed and bias you are with your liberal bullcrap. You can have the last word if it will make you feel good as I am finished with the subject.

"Im quite sure Obama is more of an outdoorsmen and appreciates nature much more than Ronnie Reagan did, "

Obama...avid outdoorsman from the wilds of Chicago, vs. Ronnie Reagan whose love of the outdoors is well documented!

That's some funny shyt right there piper! Funniest and most stupid shyt I've heard all week.

You will go to all lengths to bash a conservative whether your right or wrong.
Obama spends a lot of time out on the golf course. Maybe that's when he communes with nature.

Ron Reagan loved the outdoors? was he a hunter? a fly fisherman? a hiker?
Why did he desire to dismantle the public land system. why would he appoint James Watt as secretary of the interior? that's the question? why do current republican presidents usually appoint people who are mostly hostile to the environment, public land, wilderness and wildlife?
It takes more than a well rehearsed speech about god and nature to show that you care about the outdoor lifestyle.

Battles between those that care to preserve and share those things and those that don't care have been going on for over a hundred years, I would say that T.R. fought the most important ones.
Its a value system that's inside a person, and their actions will always reflect those values, not talk but action.
The choice of secretary of interior is the most important and transparent showing of those values a president can make.
piper, we as a nation have much bigger problems that will affect us as individuals than your paranoid delusions about the conservatives screwing you out of your access to public land.

Go put your asshat back on and stand in the corner like a good little dunce!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-14 AT 05:23PM (MST)[p]
Im not worried about the rightwing goal of privatization, its just interesting to see where their values lie. And its a story all people who care about the outdoors need to hear.

That's where connecting kids to the outdoors is such a smart thing to do politically, besides being a good thing to do.
Those kids will someday be grownups and they will be the ones doing battle with the far right over outdoor related issues.
The difference between the two???.......reality vs. idealism. Reagan and Watts were adults with common sense that understood what made a country strong , wealthy, and powerful. Natural resources and the good sense to exploit them. We have become a country of spoiled brats that want our cake and want to eat it too. Our federal land agencies used to understand multiple use and practiced it. We had protected areas....we had usable areas. Soon we will have nothing but protected areas that benefit no one in country ever stayed strong and free from a total eco tourism economy. Never will.

yea right, give us your rightwing fantasies, because that's all you have, and it sure has nothing to do with reality.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-07-14 AT 09:26AM (MST)[p]

Add together the Republicans vs the Democrats and it is clear Piper is simply a liar in regards to what Republicans do with public lands. He enjoys lying and knows he is lying.

I applaud anybody who wants to get more kids out of their houses and into recreating on our public lands. I doubt Sally Jewel has the power to affect hunting on public lands and if she does congress will clip her wings quickly.

Why be afraid of getting more kids out into our public lands? We as hunters always say that in order to keep our legacy alive we have to bring the youth into our heritage, same goes for keeping our public lands public.

I think comparing somebody who was Secretary of Interior from 30 years ago to one serving today is an idiots game. Nothing has changed in the ensuing 30 years? We have a far high population now and we consume far more energy.

When these offshore leases are developed and there is another huge oil spill in the gulf of Mexico, remember who leased them the rights to drill.

The other thing I've always wondered about why you real internet tough guys always disable your profile?

Forkie you are sure interested in homosexual innuendo, Seriously who uses comments like that and even thinks to write like this if you're not a gay guy. The bay area of Cali. I presume? It's alright, us moderates can accept your lifestyle you brighten the tapestry of diversity on this site.
>The other thing I've always wondered
>about why you real internet
>tough guys always disable your
> Forkie you are sure interested
>in homosexual innuendo, Seriously who
>uses comments like that and
>even thinks to write like
>this if you're not a
>gay guy. The bay
>area of Cali. I presume?
> It's alright, us moderates
>can accept your lifestyle you
>brighten the tapestry of diversity
>on this site.

So... If I enable my profile are you going to come and beat me up Mr. internet tough guy? Corny, your comeback was lame at best but not at all surprising coming from a "moderate" (yeah right) educator. It was obvious that you posted before reading the entire context of this thread and I called you out on it. Instead of owning up to your mistake, you did what all good liberals (useful idiots) do and simply attacked me.

I couldn't care less however because it's comical watching libtards make fools of themselves. Piper still has you beat but your gaining on him quickly, if I were you I would stop running in a hurry!
I never said one thing about beating you or anyone up, pretty pointless dribble on the internet. I just find it interesting how many guys that posts are similar to yours have multiple screen names and are usually anonymous.

I ask again what kind of deviant mind in a first response on an internet thread says the poster opened their "cockholster". I've never even heard that used but I think I know the answer to what kind of person would use a statement as that.

Rick Peterson
>I never said one thing about
>beating you or anyone up,
>pretty pointless dribble on the
>internet. I just find
>it interesting how many guys
>that posts are similar to
>yours have multiple screen names
>and are usually anonymous.
> I ask again what kind
>of deviant mind in a
>first response on an internet
>thread says the poster opened
>their "cockholster". I've never
>even heard that used but
>I think I know the
>answer to what kind of
>person would use a statement
>as that.
>Rick Peterson

Certainly being a teacher you've heard plenty of "bad words" so don't act like my comment devastated your virgin eyes. Why do you all of a sudden act so anti-gay? You're the one who votes with the gay agenda not me.

Tell you what, admit that you didn't read the entire thread so that you could make an intelligent post and instead fired off a comment because you thought that a fellow liberal was being attacked, and I will apologize to you for saying you have a cockholster.
Piper I am sure some will argue the fact you just did not have the facts and make your posts based on your passion as a Democrat.

I myself believe that Nemont hit it on the nailhead when he called you a liar concerning public land. You are a left wing liberal socialist liar and will always be a LEFTWING LIBERAL SOCIALIST LIAR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

"Certainly being a teacher you've heard plenty of "bad words" so don't act like my comment devastated your virgin eyes. Why do you all of a sudden act so anti-gay? You're the one who votes with the gay agenda not me.'(Forkie)

You are wrong on the above. I doubt if you understand education much in a rural environment. It is quite a lot different than it would be with large districts in California. I certainly don't have virgin ears or eyes as I grew up outside a large city which is much different than where I presently live. I have heard and seen language like that you use, it was evidence that was texted in a pedophile case I was called to serve on the jury of.

I don't vote for or against a gay agenda. As previously stated have your lifestyle as long as it isn't illegal and doesn't effect me I don't care.

No link to a thread on Jewell being positive or negative towards hunting is on the posts. I read them all before posting. Probably the most informative is what Ne.Mont posted in the graph on different administrations. I posted the following

Tell me what programs she sponsored that have a negative effect on hunters if you can do that you can have cheese with your right wing burgundy wine otherwise you must stop.

I have no reason to jump to Piper's defense just a basic question give me the evidence what she has done to hurt hunting.
Keep your apology they mean nothing on the internet. That is all the time I will waste on this.
Did everyone notice how fast Piper disappeared from this thread after Nemont nailed his hide to the wall on his outright B.S. lies? Piper is nothing but a liberal socialist troll and I doubt he is a hunter after all.

Nemonts post and graph are misleading and useless, although he did make a good point about things being different 30 years ago.

There is only so much land to preserve and keep somewhat wild, Ronald Reagan and his cohort were very hostile to wilderness, he vetoed some large wilderness bills and did his best to open everything to development.

The reason Clinton could preserve so much land is because those bills preserving wilderness study areas were backlogged, until a friendlier administration got elected.

I will never forget when Watt offered to make all wilderness study areas full wilderness, his offer was only until the year 2000 though, after that it was to be open for development.
The reason modern presidents will not get to preserve as much as their predecessors, that's because there isn't nearly as much left to preserve.
There are heros in the political realm of long term legacies and land preservation, TR was the biggest hero of all, Ronald Reagan was one of smallest, and by far the least of all modern presidents.
Piper back it up with facts, not your slanted left wing opinion that you always respond with. You forget we do not trust anything you say unless you can provide undeniable facts to support your allegations.

Well if you did read the thread, your reading comprehension sucks. Nobody was claiming that she did anything against hunting whatsoever and nobody was whining either except for Piper. So why would anyone have to "stop" if they weren't claiming she was an anti and they weren't whining?

Go look at the Federal Registry and again tell me these graphs are not accurate.

The amazing thing is that Bush Senior was only in office for four years. Seems he didn't just rape and pillage the lands as you claim.

The graph didn't come from a partisan website. It came from the Wilderness Societies Webpage. Apparently they don't mind telling the truth and sharing accurate info, not made up fantasies of right wing hatred.

So again show me where that graph is "misleading and useless" and post up an actual fact based response. I doubt you have the balls or ability to find the truth and put it up but here is your chance to actually teach me something. If you can't then you are just a liar.

Piper is just a uninformed troll. Nothing more. Same old line.

Hate anyone that is more successful than him, and that appears to be just about everyone.

I do my best to ignore him. Just to ridiculous.

Conservatives are bad no matter what.

What a bore.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown

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