Long Time Member
This decision by the 5th. Court of Appeals is going to help if Sanctuary cities gets to the U.S. Supreme Court.


In a new ruling, a federal appeals court has upheld most of Texas law targeting sanctuary cities in what some are calling the toughest state-level immigration measure in the country.

Tuesday?s ruling by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans allows police officers in Texas to ask people their immigration status during routine stops.

It also threatens officials with jail time for not cooperating with federal immigration authorities.

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott quickly took to Twitter to announce that the ?law is in effect? and that ?allegations of discrimination were rejected.?

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton also released a statement, applauding the decision and saying ?dangerous criminals shouldn't be allowed back into our communities" to potentially commit more crimes.

Tuesday?s ruling came just as President Donald Trump visited California to view prototypes for a border wall to better secure the nation's southern borders.

?We are going to confront dangerous sanctuary cities,? Trump said during his visit. ?I am calling on Congress to deliver a budget that protects our homeland and properly funds all of our law enforcement needs.?
Let me know when the Republican controlled congress will cut the funding for Sanctuary Cities. Want to bet whether Trump will sign the Omnibus spending bill with funding continuing to sanctuary cities?

I will bet you $500 that Trump signs the bill and federal money continues to flow to sanctuary cities. You on?

Nemont take your 500 bucks and stick it where your head is. That will be the place where the sun does not shine.

So Trump will sign a bill that still gives all the Federal Funding to Sanctuary cities they would otherwise get and Trump's Dumb Stooges are so whipped by him that they won't even whimper or say a contrary word. Figures.

California doesn't care about court rulings, unless they rule in their favor. They will hide behind a decision in their favor, but openly defy a decision that doesn't. Spoiled brats. It started in the 60's.

He has another chance to demand the funding be stripped from the omnibus spending bill, his own party says that issue isn't going to get the time of day.

The judges has no authority to block congress and the President on new spending. That is the sole function of congress and requires Trump's signature. Suppose he will sign it or veto it?


I'll bet ya $100 that Trump will sign the bill to cut funding to sanctuary cities if it reaches his desk, or if he finds a loop hole to cut California as a sanctuary state.

You in? I'm good for it.

Okay and double or nothing if he signs the bill with funding included and doesn't veto it.

funding included for what? Let's bet he defunds Cali for their sanctuary crap. You and I can both agree Trump is not a fiscal conservative.
NEMO I agree you should take your stink hole and your bets and choke ! Talk about a liar and POS ! You and TOG should really take a break and quit banging each other.
Guys, I kinda like Nemont, but he needs to break up with Ochoco. Nemont is consistent and entertaining, lets keep him around and make some money off him.

If the funding for sanctuary cities is included in the bill Trump signs next week you double the amount you owe me.

Have you looked what is in the bill so far?

Also when Norah?s adds something of value it will be the first time. His mother should done the world a favor and just swallowed

I may disagree with your crazy Libertarian ways, but I respect ya.
I also know that most bills have shiat attached to them, so I won't bet against you on that. Our bet is sanctuary cities, and feds cut the funding to them. Let's stick to that, and if I win we can double or nothing on the next bill.
What do ya think?
So it is $100 and I say there will be funding for sanctuary cities and you say there won't be in the omnibus spending bill due on the 23rd?

I will take that bet.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-19-18 AT 06:23PM (MST)[p]It ain't looking good for your defunding bet. The bill doesn't even address any of it and they are spending more time fighting over a tunnel that both sides want built in New York.

The House bill only has a couple of red meat items for conservatives and the Senate version doesn't do much other than boost deficit spending and make sure that welfare spending increases at half the rate of Pentagon spending.

Nary a word on not paying sanctuary cities their piece of the taxpayers money.

> Remember your Last F'N
>Bet there NeMont!
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

Sure I do, I won $2,500 from one of Trump's Dumb Stooges and being that he is like the rest of you Trump supporters he didn't pay up. I can't help if you Trumpettes are welchers.

Heywouldya says he isn't a Trump fan so I will reserve judgment on him. We know for a fact your girlfriend Stoney wasn't women enough to even post again after he lost the bet to me. Like all of Trump's Dumb Stooges he just went and hid when it was time to man up.

> Good , when you
>come to your senses I'll
>give you 4%
>off for early pay.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

And Remember your Last F'N Bet as Well!

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Nobody wins them all. odds were heavy in my favor but that's why it's called gambling dum dum. I'll take those odds every time, winning 75% of the time works.

It's amazing how many people here knew how it was going to go after it was over though. a real bunch of Carnac's around here. lucky for me they didn't think it right to take my money huh ?

It's going to be hard to make it back , too many blabber mouth cowards around here who won't wager on anything without 1000 conditions.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
> Nobody wins them all. odds
>were heavy in my favor
>but that's why it's called
>gambling dum dum. I'll
>take those odds every
>time, winning 75% of the
>time works.
> It's amazing how many
>people here knew how it
>was going to go after
>it was over though.
> a real bunch of
>Carnac's around here. lucky
>for me they didn't think
>it right to take my
>money huh ?
> It's going to be hard
>to make it back ,
> too many blabber mouth
>cowards around here who won't
>wager on anything without 1000
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

I Thought you sent a check to KALI?

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

It is getting tougher out there.

It appears at this point that the huge spending package will not include an immigration deal, Obamacare stabilization, an online sales tax authorization, Planned Parenthood defunding, or a funding cutoff for ?sanctuary cities.? There?s still interest in the Hudson River Gateway tunnel project, but the president has threatened to veto the whole bill if that's included. There?s also been talk of Veterans Administration reforms being tossed in, but it's looking less likely as time runs out.
>It is getting tougher out there.
>It appears at this point that
>the huge spending package will
>not include an immigration deal,
>Obamacare stabilization, an online sales
>tax authorization, Planned Parenthood defunding,
>or a funding cutoff for
>?sanctuary cities.?
There?s still interest
>in the Hudson River Gateway
>tunnel project, but the president
>has threatened to veto the
>whole bill if that's included.
>There?s also been talk of
>Veterans Administration reforms being tossed
>in, but it's looking less
>likely as time runs out.

Lol! Maybe next year if all goes well.


So you're saying there's still a chance? We'll see how this ends up when the dust settles. He'll go after immigration reform and sanctuary cities, so this is far from over.


This spending bill is the very last major piece of legislation that will get through congress until the election this fall, the lame duck session after the election may attempt to take up something but anything is dead in the Senate unless McConnell is willing to end the cloture rule.

If that comes to pass then it will be officially mob rule.

Funding for Sanctuary Cities will be in place for the entire Trump Presidency because he claims he wants to end it but the people who know how to count votes know it would be a political problem for them.

Trump is done getting anything important out of the 115th congress. It will depend entirely on what the make up of the 116th congress is if he will ever be able to address it. Only congress controls the purse strings and the President has shown he isn't the greatest deal maker ever.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-18 AT 04:04PM (MST)[p]NeMont

If the Republicans keep spending like Ochocokid spends his welfare check, they won't need to worry about sanctuary cities. Their butts should be looking for a private sector job.
If congress doesn't act "against" the sanctuary cities/state, it will go to the Supreme Court. However, as for our bet, if sanctuary cities aren't addressed in this bill, I'll make good on it. If something comes of it later, we can trade checks.

>You got a horse in this

Nope and that's what makes it fun. Just trying to keep it all honest

I appreciate that, but I lost the bet. Let me know where you want ne to send the cash. It was a fun bet!!

Please donate $100 to any local youth hunting or outdoor organization.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
>Please donate $100 to any local
>youth hunting or outdoor organization.
>Government is like a baby. An
>alimentary canal with a big
>appetite at one end and
>no responsibility at the other.

Better than that!

Send it to me heywouldya!

I'll Make Sure NeMonts money is Spent in a Proper Way!

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>>Please donate $100 to any local
>>youth hunting or outdoor organization.
>>Government is like a baby. An
>>alimentary canal with a big
>>appetite at one end and
>>no responsibility at the other.
>Better than that!
>Send it to me heywouldya!
>I'll Make Sure NeMonts money is
>Spent in a Proper Way!
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D


As you see Elkass is a selfish SOB who would only spend the money on either supporting more Utard politicians we would have to fight to keep our public lands or another memorial to LaVoy. So please don't send him anything on my behalf.

Is so inclined I would encourage you gift some cash to any local organization supporting youth in the outdoors especially hunting, fishing or shooting.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
>Consider it done!

Send it to me heywouldya!

I'll PM You My Address!

It'll be the Best 100.00 you've ever Spent after I Tell everybody What I Spent NeMonts 100.00 on!

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-18 AT 08:30AM (MST)[p]He would only spend to add another useable orifice to his Lavoy blow up doll. He can't quit him.

It doesn't surprise me that Trump's Dumb Stooges would see something wrong with donating to youth hunting, fishing or shooting organizations. Hard to think with that latest NRA Mesh truckers hat cinched so tight.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.

If they want your money, they can bet you themselves. I believe it is a great gesture to have the money donated to youth outdoor activities.

Yes it was a great gesture to benefit our youth. I donated 4 knives this year to be raffled off to two local high school trap shooting teams. The kids that make the team even earn their varsity letter for shooting on the team. I have been doing this for several years as I feel it helps the kids into becoming responsible firearm owners and gives a kid a chance to earn a varsity high school letter in a sport that does not require size and strength like it does for football.

We do have some moderate school administrators that will allow a trap shooting team to be affiliated with a public school.


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