Sasquatch sightings.


Very Active Member
I haven't seen one either but I have seen tracks in the snow that looked just like that about 8 miles from the nearest road.
To all of you that ridicule and laugh at people that have seen one, you are pathetic losers. How about keep an open mind and give your fellow hunters the benefit of the doubt. I know professional guides and hunters that HAVE seen them, and they damn sure know what a falking bear is. We know have ten's of thousands of people that have had an encounter. Also ask the many Native Americans and First Nations people, they didn't just make the story's up. And here will come (where is the proof ?) Well eye witness testimony will get you on death row in a court of law. Also there is DNA and this can't be faked, but it can be not believed. There are MANY things going on that the government is hiding from you. Keep an open mind.
To all of you that ridicule and laugh at people that have seen one, you are pathetic losers. How about keep an open mind and give your fellow hunters the benefit of the doubt. I know professional guides and hunters that HAVE seen them, and they damn sure know what a falking bear is. We know have ten's of thousands of people that have had an encounter. Also ask the many Native Americans and First Nations people, they didn't just make the story's up. And here will come (where is the proof ?) Well eye witness testimony will get you on death row in a court of law. Also there is DNA and this can't be faked, but it can be not believed. There are MANY things going on that the government is hiding from you. Keep an open mind.
There is actual proven DNA evidence of a sasquatch?
To all of you that ridicule and laugh at people that have seen one, you are pathetic losers. How about keep an open mind and give your fellow hunters the benefit of the doubt. I know professional guides and hunters that HAVE seen them, and they damn sure know what a falking bear is. We know have ten's of thousands of people that have had an encounter. Also ask the many Native Americans and First Nations people, they didn't just make the story's up. And here will come (where is the proof ?) Well eye witness testimony will get you on death row in a court of law. Also there is DNA and this can't be faked, but it can be not believed. There are MANY things going on that the government is hiding from you. Keep an open mind.
Aren't most of the First Nations people gone? Also, can you name a couple of professional guides that have seen one? I'd like to ask them myself.
I’ll tell you what!

I believe!

Saw one this summer in my home town!

Never seen anything like it since!

Scared the non-believe right outta me!

Take a look!

If you read up on the DNA from Ketchum it is nothing more than theory, and has been debunked numerous times. There is no hard DNA evidence of a squatch. Jaques Lafleur and the Hendersons have as much DNA evidence as Ketchum produced.
You can show some people the proof and they still won't believe it.
Debunked by people that refuse to believe it because it doesn't fit in their little box, as soon as it showed mitochondrial DNA as human they said imposable, must be contaminated. 10 different Genetic Departments of major US university's came to the exact same result (mitochondrial or female DNA human, Nuclear or male DNA unknown primate). Same with Neanderthals 40 years ago science said they all died out, now with modern genetic science 70 % of us carry Neanderthal genes. At least two more Homo species that we we shared the earth with have been discovered in the last 10 years. Funny thing about science it is always changing.
To all of you that ridicule and laugh at people that have seen one, you are pathetic losers. How about keep an open mind and give your fellow hunters the benefit of the doubt. I know professional guides and hunters that HAVE seen them, and they damn sure know what a falking bear is. We know have ten's of thousands of people that have had an encounter. Also ask the many Native Americans and First Nations people, they didn't just make the story's up. And here will come (where is the proof ?) Well eye witness testimony will get you on death row in a court of law. Also there is DNA and this can't be faked, but it can be not believed. There are MANY things going on that the government is hiding from you. Keep an open mind.

WTF is "first nations people"? We speak english(kinda) in Utah, we arent fluent in WOKE.
Got any "Alien bones ?"
What percent of the Earth has been explored and occupied by humans in some form? 100%

What percent of the Universe has been explored and occupied by humans? 0%

Mathematically speaking, it's highly unlikely that somewhere in the eons of space and time that life hasn't been able to exist in some form. We can't even make it to the next closest planet, which is only 3 minutes in light time. The very next closest star is about 4 light years away and the universe is about 93,000,000,000 light years across. It's unfathomably huge. Somewhere, somehow, sometime, life has almost certainly existed outside of Earth.
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What percent of the Earth has been explored and occupied by humans in some form? 100%

What percent of the Universe has been explored and occupied by humans? 0%

Mathematically speaking, it's highly unlikely that somewhere in the eons of space and time that life hasn't been able to exist in some form. We can't even make it to the next closest planet, which is only 3 minutes in light time. The very next closest star is about 4 light years away and the universe is about 93,000,000,000 light years across. It's unfathomably huge. Somewhere, somehow, sometime, life has almost certainly existed outside of Earth.
What percent of animals that lived on earth do we have bones from ? Its so small that its something like .00000000001 % so there is that. But But But..... LMAO
To all of you that ridicule and laugh at people that have seen one, you are pathetic losers. How about keep an open mind and give your fellow hunters the benefit of the doubt. I know professional guides and hunters that HAVE seen them, and they damn sure know what a falking bear is. We know have ten's of thousands of people that have had an encounter. Also ask the many Native Americans and First Nations people, they didn't just make the story's up. And here will come (where is the proof ?) Well eye witness testimony will get you on death row in a court of law. Also there is DNA and this can't be faked, but it can be not believed. There are MANY things going on that the government is hiding from you. Keep an open mind.
There’s what a few hundred thousand trail cams in the woods but not a single pic? I grew up in Bigfoot county and there’s plenty of cams in those woods too. Kinda doubtful
What percent of animals that lived on earth do we have bones from ? Its so small that its something like .00000000001 % so there is that. But But But..... LMAO
I shoulda known better than to try and have a discussion with a devout Squatcher.

Good luck on setting your Squatch traps this winter!
A mammal that leaves no verifiable tracks and vaporizes when it dies. that's right up there with talking snakes.
Why are boobs good how’s a rainbow it just is. Either it is or isn’t why belittle anyone who says either way. Just let it go so many religions and so many wars let people believe what they want. Ps I’d be cool if it were true.
This is comedy. Eyewitness accounts are notoriously bad especially when the senses are aroused by a fight or flight reaction. How many miles of shoe leather are out down each year, and yet nobody has produced one dead or alive. Now if you had a baker living under your bed I could go with that. I’ve seen a baker.
I don't know about anyone else, but I wasn't probed by cosmic critters.:)

One night in Vegas.........

I had a $175 bar bill at Olympic Gardens, the upstairs(dudes).

I sure hope Mama got some good lap dances, or I was "probed".

Sunday my head hurt.
I've walked alot of miles and never found a bear skull! How many bears do we have around?
Same with moose mnt lion bighorn sheep bobcats many others to add that number in the thousands but you don't hear of many people finding them just saying!
I've walked alot of miles and never found a bear skull! How many bears do we have around?
Same with moose mnt lion bighorn sheep bobcats many others to add that number in the thousands but you don't hear of many people finding them just saying!
I bet you could find a legit specimen in a pinch. The zoo, university, ect.
Awesome ride. I hope you kicked your buddies azz's and painted them blue!!!'s all good. The paint is about the only thing that's still original on my baby, so not like the collectors value went down. Come to think of it, only part of the transfer case is the only remaining original part in the drivetrain. :)
This is comedy. Eyewitness accounts are notoriously bad especially when the senses are aroused by a fight or flight reaction. How many miles of shoe leather are out down each year, and yet nobody has produced one dead or alive. Now if you had a baker living under your bed I could go with that. I’ve seen a baker.
Baker ?
Most of you guys are God fearing people so just because you can't see him doesn't mean he doesn't exist.
There are many things in life that can't be explained but they won't be discovered by people who don't believe..

Just a little food for thought
Most of you guys are God fearing people so just because you can't see him doesn't mean he doesn't exist.
There are many things in life that can't be explained but they won't be discovered by people who don't believe..

Just a little food for thought

Occam's razor is the principle that, of two explanations that account for all the facts, the simpler one is more likely to be correct.

Sure, a squatch could be so mysterious, so elusive, so god like that there isn't a single entry in the fossil records,


Its BS.
If somebody had asked me if believe in "Bigfoot" I would have said probably not, but I didn't care one way or the other. Not going a affect my life. I never looked for tracks and actually didn't want to ever see any, but there they were. We looked at them in the snow for a long time and thought they might be bear tracks, but bears have 4 feet. After about a half hour we started laughing because there was no other explanation. We were pretty nervous for the 2 days we were camped near there but nothing ever happened.
I think we can all agree about the fact that there are trail cameras "everywhere" these days. If there was such a creature we'd being seeing lots of pics every year. Actual clear photos. Every pic or video I've ever seen is always fuzzy or obscure in some way. And don't give me that crap about them being able to sense the cameras therefore avoiding them. I have a completely open mind and would like to believe there's something out there but it just can't be. We would have hard evidence by now.
If somebody had asked me if believe in "Bigfoot" I would have said probably not, but I didn't care one way or the other. Not going a affect my life. I never looked for tracks and actually didn't want to ever see any, but there they were. We looked at them in the snow for a long time and thought they might be bear tracks, but bears have 4 feet. After about a half hour we started laughing because there was no other explanation. We were pretty nervous for the 2 days we were camped near there but nothing ever happened.
Didn’t happen without pics eel! Dig em up! Let’s see em!

Remember the MM disclaimer!

I reserve the right to tell ya what they are!?
Didn’t happen without pics eel! Dig em up! Let’s see em!

Remember the MM disclaimer!

I reserve the right to tell ya what they are!?
We were just out of high school and barely could afford fishing lures. We had no money for a camera and photos didn't mean much to us back then. Or I should say our parents didn't think we needed a camera.:(
Interesting sidenote about alien life...

If a person believes the odds of life forming on another planet is only 1 in a Trillion, then that would mean, using their odds, that life has already formed on 10 Billion planets so far.

That's how many planets there are, and a full 20% of them are in the "habitable zone" regarding distance from their star, that are estimated to be able to support life.

And we've only had significant space technology for 60-70 years.

Just kind of fun to think about how small we are in the universe ?
Interesting sidenote about alien life...

If a person believes the odds of life forming on another planet is only 1 in a Trillion, then that would mean, using their odds, that life has already formed on 10 Billion planets so far.

That's how many planets there are, and a full 20% of them are in the "habitable zone" regarding distance from their star, that are estimated to be able to support life.

And we've only had significant space technology for 60-70 years.

Just kind of fun to think about how small we are in the universe ?

If they look like the green chick in avengers, or Princess Leia in the gold bikini , im in?
I've walked alot of miles and never found a bear skull! How many bears do we have around?
Same with moose mnt lion bighorn sheep bobcats many others to add that number in the thousands but you don't hear of many people finding them just saying!
But, all of those have been found. Bigfoot? Not so much.
So what do BIGFoot eat.
I saw that big dope on Finding Bigfoot leave him a candy bar on a stump once. I think a Butterfinger. It was gone a while later, so obviously it was a Bigfoot who ate it. I mean, what other explanation is there?

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