Savage 111 LRH Picatinny Rails


Me and my hunting buddy both have a Savage 111 LRH in 338 Lapua.
Awesome rifles and incredible out of the box accuracy.

Critical issue-
Both of our rifles have had the scope rails come loose.

Anyone else see or heard this issue with a factory rail?

Both rifles were purchased at totally different places, same with scopes being mounted at different locations.

I have heard it could be the aluminum rail and I need to switch to a good steel rail.

>I would bust out some blue
>lock tite

And a torque wrench. Find the proper torque settings. Loctite it and torque it down correctly and you should be good. You shouldn't need a new rail unless you broke it or oblong the holes. I have a 458 win mag with a bull barrel that never came loose doing this. But it did shear off a couple screws flush. ?? If you have problems like this. You can have a gun smith tap the holes out to bigger screws.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-19 AT 11:02AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-19 AT 11:01?AM (MST)

Not with the savage, but my dads christensen arms .338 lapua had something similar happened except it sheared off the first time we went out to sight it in. Ended up having to switch to an aftermarket solid rail.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-19 AT 11:55AM (MST)[p]I would recommend bedding the rail on any rifle. It provides a much better fit and solid hold. A drop of blue loctite when installing the screws for peace of mind also.
A good steel rail with built in lug is nice but I'd still bed it especially on a heavy recoiling rifle.
My brother has the same rifle, same problem. I bedded the rail, and lapped his rings. All good now.

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