Scary political video!! must watch

You sure don't see this side of Obama on CNN, ABC, CBS or ABC do you. This country is being controlled by the bias media and a generation of ignorant people who cannot think for themselves.

God help us, cause were going to need it. Soon.

Obama is not the Man we need in the whitehouse! He will ruin America as we know it!
>will ruin America as we
>know it!

Thats a fact. And things could get real real real bad for the entire world.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-03-08 AT 05:40PM (MST)[p]> He
>>will ruin America as we
>>know it!
>Thats a fact. And things could
>get real real real bad
>for the entire world.

How can he "ruin America"? There won't be anything left by January. Yet another scare tactic my friends.

What's really funny is; when things were good it was w's doing and when things were/are bad it's our democratic congress. Friggin hilarious! Keep it up boys. I love the entertainment.
you amaze me in how you can see something so black and white and come up with a totally different view than myself. I don't get it. The man is a pos and will definitely turn this country into a worse situation than it already is.
I am not saying bush is the greatest pres that ever walked because I think he is a pos also. I think the whole Republican Party is a bunch a pos's right now. They are more liberal than the Democratic Party was a few years ago.

By the way your new black pres is going to implement the same failed tactics that Jimmy Carter tried and failed miserably.

Archery is a year round commitment!!
That's a positive attitude.

Obama can't fix everything that's wrong and nither can McCain, Obama can't ruin the country and niether can McCain. one of them would be better but it's highly debatable which one, if we survived Bush we can survive either one of these clowns so everyone needs to keep this in perspective.
Huntindude and Zigga
Sorry about my second post. This politics stuff gets me going. I see Obama in this video acting and saying the things he said and I just can't see how this guy is still in the running for president of the United States of America. How can you not cover your heart when the national anthem is being played? What is wrong with a pin that has the American flag on it? How can you go to church with a white hating bigot for 20 years and not believe in the same things he does.
If any other candidate especially a republican candidate came out and did the same things this guy is doing he would be sued by the ACLU, and then kicked out of office. Why is there this double standard? Why are people so willing to look the other way with Obama.

Archery is a year round commitment!!
I wondered that same thing sw. I can't see how he got support and made it this far with all the extra baggage. Oh yeah, the sheriff is near. That's how. If McCain would come up with an exit strategy I'd vote for him in a second. I can't see myself running to the polls right now wanting to vote for anyone. My disgust lies with the current administration and it will be nice to get ANYBODY in there. Neither party will bale us out of this mess unless they up the term limits to 20 years.

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