School system insanity


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-07 AT 12:13PM (MST)[p]You know, sometimes schools just take the rejection of goodness and kindness a bit too far.

Heard on CNN radio today that a school in Oregon has said "No" to a mother and her autistic son who wanted to put together easter baskets for all of the children in their class. The baskets would be unfair (gawd, how I love that word so) to the children whose religions may not recognize Easter, and the candy therein is against their "wellness" policy.

And people wonder why the world is going to hell in a handbag.

You know, I'm not a religous person. Hell, you could probably tag me as an agnostic, I certainly got no qualms about some kid sharing a bit of culture or religion with the others. Might go a long way to correcting this effed up world we live in.

I know that our liberal apologists will jump in here, but I got to say it is a sad day when gifts with good heart are slapped up in the face the givers.

Thank you ACLU, liberals and spineless NEA pogues. Seems like any kind of morality or kindness is shot down, but immorality is welcomed with open arms.

Help us and save us. I have seen the enemy and they are us.
Atheism itself, is a region is it not?

So by denying god in schools, you are replacing one form of religion with another.

That's exactly right.
The next "religion" they will force on our kids is the God of Environmentalism.

"OK kids, time to give our daily prayers to AlGore. Everyone Repeat after me...Please forgive me AlGore for I have sinned against mother earth. I ##### in my diaper today which contributed to the big ass hole in the ozone. Please accept our monetary gifts to offset our poop. In Algore's name we pray, AMEN."

"If it moves shoot it again"
No doubt some hippies from the west side, see here you neocons go bashing people again over one issue. I have no use at all for religion but I'm fine with Christmas , Easter and all the other holidays yet to you all us " liberals " hate them. if a kid wants to give Easter baskets, Christmas cards or whatever to anyone anywhere he damn well should be thanked for doing it. you take some dork hippie school district and lump all those folks who aren't loyal Bushies in with them. a hippie is a fringe element of the liberals just as gay preachers are of the conservatives, well I hope they are anyway.
dude, you say you have no use for religion.

We all know you worship the pagan god of the sun! And we all know you are typing away with your tinfoil hat on.

No use for religion....ha,ha,ha.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Please, don't teach those crazy Christian morals in our schools. What we really want is the Democrats to hand out condoms to our kids and tell them how it's okay have safe sex.

Money, your comment was right on the money. And dude, once again you fail to address the issue you just bash the man posting it.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Global Warming is a religion.

All hail the god of the sun!
All hail the god of the sun!
All hail the god of the sun!

Let the kid spread a little love. I bet if he wanted to pray to the East three times a day on a little rug right in the middle of class they would let him. Heaven forbid we offend a muslim.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Aspen you seem to follow me around barking at my every post. is it law that to live in the US you must be a good christian? or is that just your goal? I don't need religion and yes I mean it, oh my god ! if you need it that's fine but I seem to survive just fine believe it or not, no I don't need the sun god either.
This doesn't surprise me at all. Anymore the separation of church and state is taken quite seriously in schools, as it should be. But also, I never had an Easter celebration or observance of it at school when I was a kid. That was just always a big no-no and I grew up in a Mormon neighborhood in Utah. I know several moms who are Jewish and several who are agnostic and some who are aethiest who wouldn't appreciate their child having Easter, a religious holiday, pushed off on them at school...good intentions of an autistic child and his mother or wouldn't set well at all.

And the whole 'no candy at school' bit is annoying to some people, but it's a good policy. There are so many peanut allergies nowadays that chocolate is a big no-no in classrooms and with all the talk about obesity in kids most snacks at school are crackers and sugar free juice anymore. My daughter has a kid in her class with a peanut allergy and another child who is a diabetic so the last time I took snacks I took jerky, crackers and Capri-sun pouches. The no candy policy is A-ok with this mommy.

It's fine to share some culture and some religion with other kids but keep it out of the schools. This rule was written into the Constitution for a good reason.

>but I got to say it is a sad day when gifts with good heart >are slapped up in the face the givers.

Well I got to say..."THINK before you give the gift." This is a completely inappropriate gift to be giving out at school.
>Atheism itself, is a region is
>it not?
>So by denying god in schools,
>you are replacing one form
>of religion with another.

Nope. Aetheism is the art of not having a religion. Noone is denying God in schools, just not talking about Him as per the Constitution.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-07 AT 08:09AM (MST)[p]By the those of you who think the separation of church and state is there to protect the state, you are wrong.

The separation of church and state is there to protect religion. To protect church from state. So we don't turn into Russia or China with a state run church.

Problem is that it is now used to attack the church by the state (or those libs who use the state funds to sue).

On Wikipedia under "History" on this page...

you will see exactly what I just said enforced recently by the supreme court. And I quote," In Wallace v. Jaffree, Justice Rehnquist presented the view that the establishment clause was intended to protect local establishments of religion from federal interference-- a view which diminished the strong separation views of the Court. Justice Scalia has criticized the metaphor as bulldozer removing religion from American public life."

Protection of religion from state, not state from religion.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Also, separation of church and state is not in the CONSTITUTION.

It was mentioned in passing in a letter from Thomas Jefferson.

The phrase "separation of church and state" is derived from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to a group identifying themselves as the Danbury Baptists. In that letter, referencing the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and adding his own thoughts, writes: "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between Church and State."[2]

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Aspen you do have a point. there was a time when freedom of religion ment just that, the freedom to practice your religion. now do to the push in Washington it's more like freedom FROM religion. you should have the right to NOT have religion crammed down your throat or used in legislation. no separation of church and state works well in the middle east wouldn't you say? look at Iran and Iraq they're model society's. since I have no religion things like Easter and Christmas don't bother me at all, I suppose if it didn't fit into my religion I'd consider it pushed on me. while I don't understand how it could be considered offensive to get an Easter basket myself, maybe as TripleK says maybe it's best not to go there.
See what I mean about always trying to add and subtract from the true meaning of the Constitution? Now, with revisionist historians controlling academia, we have alot of people that think the Separation of Church and State is a Constitutional Amendment.

The first Amendment say "congress shall pass no law...." It says not one thing about local school boards, local governments, or even state governments. In fact, the 14th Amendment says that any power not expressly given the Fed Gov in the Constitution is automatically reverted to each state to decide individually.

I wonder why the revisionist never show up when some teacher wants to read "Sally has two Mommies" to the class?

Now, I have to go down to the school next week and set my daughtets teacher straight about some social engineering she is doing in her class. Seems she has half the class believing that we are all gonna die within the next 5 years because of Global Warming. Seriously, watch the OK City news next week, you might see the following: "Man whips teachers ass in front of cheering students."
> Seems she has half
>the class believing that we
>are all gonna die within
>the next 5 years because
>of Global Warming.

Well...I guess you could always convince them that people think global warming is a religion and that Al Gore is their god and get it taken out of the cirriculum. LOL

Good luck w/that one! ;-)
LOL, that was funny

There are only two types of people - The Hunters and the hunted,
I hunt.
What's the big deal? Freakin' baskets of candy. I have kids in public schools and I guaranty that would not bother me. No malicious intent. Our country used to be of the people, by the people but is steadily becoming a country ruled by the minority. Some have referenced the separation of church and state but fail to remember our founding fathers use of religion in their thinking processes. Many of the things that made this a great nation are continually attacked by those who benefited the most from their inception. Pretty soon we will have to say our pledge of allegiance in two languages in order not to "offend" anyone.
>Nope. Aetheism is the art of
>not having a religion. Noone
>is denying God in schools,
>just not talking about Him
>as per the Constitution.

Dictionary definition of Atheism:

1. the doctrine or belief that there is no God.
2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.

Note the key word used here: "doctrine". Now lets look up Doctrine:

1. a particular principle, position, or policy taught or advocated, as of a religion or government: Catholic doctrines; the Monroe Doctrine.

2. something that is taught; teachings collectively: religious doctrine.

3. a body or system of teachings relating to a particular subject: the doctrine of the Catholic Church.

Note #1, "as of a religion"... Atheism = form of religion.

Religious ideology is exactly that, ideology. Ideologies are backed by theories.

Global warming is a theory. It has no hard and fast evidence. When Global Cooling was occuring in the late 1800's no one put it in the text books. The Earth lives and breathes with Mother Nature causing changes every instant. Does that sound like an environment that can be controlled and experimented with?

It is a theory. Unless you can back it up with fact. But, I have no doubt that your faith is strong enough for all of us.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

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