Scooter's a crook - going to jail!



The whitehouses top aid and Cheneys right-hand man is a liar and a crook! I wonder what Bush will have to say about this. . .
Bush should and probably will pardon him.
Libby never outed the Plame whore. All they could get him on was not remembering where he herd about Plame. The whole trial is a joke. What I think is telling, after almost 7 years this all the Dems could come up with. It just shows you how "clean" (to use a term from the Joe Bidden book on racial slurrs) this administration is. This just erks the Bush haters.
I think a JURY found him guilty, are you suggesting that the jury too was wrong? I think Scooter just took the fall for Cheney anyhow, but at the end of the day, he lied and he got caught and a jury of his piers found him guilty. Say what you want but unless a mistake was made you either think there's a scandal or you don't like our judicial system or both. . .

I also think he was found guilty of the same crime as Clinton - right?

Anyhow, youre right Bush will pardon him but still, he's a liar and a crook, and I'll bet you think OJ was innocent too right. . .
T stop drinking the cool aid brother.
First of all dude was and AID for crying out loud not the LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD.
You can speculate all you want about taking the bullett for Cheny...........what ever..............the fact is they brought dude up on charges for out an alleged undercover CIA agent. The Dems could not get him on that once they realised it was Plames Dem husband that outed her.......So the Dems prosacute him for not remembering (lying in your view and the Dems view) Its a joke.

Libby case not even remotly like Clinton case. "I never had sexual relations with that woman, Monica lewinski" Yea huge difference T...............HUGE.
O yea, I forgot, youre God and know the real truth about everything . . . Next time I'll be more careful 202. . .
Scooter's gone down, I'll bet Shooter's about ready to have another heart attack. they'll never try to press any charges against him but it's obvious now he lied also, that's big news huh? I guess it isn't like anyone in this administration has a political life left to worry about anyway so who cares.

202, every crook in prison is innocent we all know that. you're right he's not the big fish, he'll walk.
Hopefully we are setting a precedent here, Politicians that lie get sent to jail regardless of party affiliation.

"Politicians that lie get sent to jail regardless of party affiliation."

Oh crap. There is going to a bunch of job openings in congress!!
He's oficially changed his name from "Scooter" Libby to "Scapegoat" Libby. He may be a victim in this but he wss never truly innocent. I think it is a minor issue the press has blown up all out of proportion. Really, it is quite ridiculous the coverage this thing has got, especially when all the world know he will be pardoned and due to the appeals process he will never ever do any real time at all. However, it could be like on Prison Break last night - just before he is going to be pardoned, the president resigns becuase of cancer and the tranquilizer addict FBI agent who has his ex-addict girlfriend captured in the hotel room will let her slip away, only to allow her to be followed by his other crooked butch but black lady FBI agent assistant when meanwhile down in Mexico the Mexican drug dealer is being arrested by the crooked ex-Prison Guard they both discover that the most vile murderer and child molester of the whole bunch is still on the loose and has lost his $5 Million share of the hidden loot they found in a house in Tooele! Whoo hoo! Who needs the news!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Tfinal & huntindude;

You right, a liar got caught and convicted over a very small deal of backstabbing a person who badmouthed Bush and his Admin. by disclosing the guy's wife was a CIA agent. Serves him right for lying under oath. May he serve a prison sentence as Clinton should have also.
Now lets get to something that may make this issue just what it is, SMALL PEANUTS. What have you to say about one of your favorite persons, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi allowing pressure from the black caucus in congress to appoint (D.-LA) Rep. William Jefferson to the House Homeland Security Committee.
She is fully aware that Jefferson is the subject of a FBI investigation and was video taped taking a bride. During a search of his home, $90,000.00 in cash was found in a freezer. His office was searched also for further evidence that may link him and others to criminal violations. This investigation is still on going for other possible suspects. He was kicked off the Ways and Means Committee after the FBI raid on his home and office. Now Pelosi appoints him to a committee that allows him excess to top secrete information. He will also be privy to "whom the FBI are investigating as possible terrorists" and other investigations.
Do you not think this issue may be a far greater transgression and out right malfeasance of office powers then what stupid Libby did with possible conspiracy connections to Cheney.

I never said I was a Pelosi fan , or even a fan of the dems for that matter. it's just the modern day republicans are so corrupt and extreme that you have to choose your poison , the dems seem to be the least of two evils. for every bad thing you can dredge up about the dems there's at least two you can find on the republicans, I'm not impressed by either party. look back at Watergate, the Iran Contra affair, the war we're in and how we got there and all the other crap like this deal with Libby. the GOP is the front runner when it comes to corruption and BS, sure the dems have a checkered history also but if Clinton's bj is the best you can do then I rest my case. even if you put the past behind you the fact that Giuliani is your front runner says it all, what a dork. Hillary or Obama either one will mop the floor with him, no that doesn't make me happy I don't care much for either of them but like I said choose your poison.

so she is not a favorite person of yours, funny I guessed she was after you and several others expounded on how she was going to clean house with her Demo. party.
She was the very one who kicked Jefferson off his Ways and Means committee and stated, " Our house democratic caucas is determinded to uphold a HIGH ETHICAL STANDARD. We said it, now we are doing it". Now she gets pressure from the black members of congress and flip flops 180 degrees and install him to a far more sensitive committee. I wonder if your candidate Obama was one of those black caucas members who felt the appointment should go to Jefferson.
What about the Dem. member of congress from W.VA., boy that one pisses me off, who is under investigation for bribes by the FBI and may end up being on a committee that controls the purse strings for the FBI funds. Guess what he would do to cut their means to investigate crooked members of congress.
Also if you do not believe that Hillery was up to her eyevballs in crooked deals and lost her records & papers, then you are one blinded person, or is it you just prefer to speak out both sides of your mouth.
I have no problem with you bashing Bush or his party when they are in the wrong, but do not tell me that the other party is better or less crooked, I know B.S. when I see it.
Now that the Dems are more, you are going to see more of them going down in sting operations if the Dems don't chop the purse strings for the FBI and tell them to concertrate on other matters like it happen during Clinton's tour.

Hey there's plenty of dem crooks I'll agree but but face it yesterdays vedict just made your hero Cheney a liar for the 1000th time. what will happen to him? nothing, so why do a few lower level dems matter so much? some say now there's proof that some of the missing billions of dollars in Iraq have been funneled to Al Quida to keep the Shiite from gaining full control in the region thus giving Iran total control. if this turns out to be true that means your hero Bush is back door fundind Al Quida with our tax dollars, kind of another Iran-Contra mess. it may not be true but it wouldn't be the first time this has happened so I'll reserve judgement. in any event the dems have a lot of catching up to do in the lie and cheat department but I have confidence they can do it.
It's funny how this administration has jeopordized national security umpteen times and Clinton got a hummer. But we'll still compare the two.

"Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ anonymous

Cheney has never been my "Hero"' I have always felt that Bush made a poor choice in him as VP. I also feel that Cheney has been the root of alot of bad decisions for Bush.
In my mind this makes Bush guilty of poor decisions on choosing Cheney as his VP. But, Cheney was not under investigation, nor had he been accused of being a crook as is Jefferson when Pelosi appointed him. After she toured the country and yelled to high heaven how her party was going to hold congress to "uphold a high ethical standard". She turns around and slaps every American citizen in the face with such a flagrant appointment of putting the fox in the henhouse to guard the chickens. This decision by itself should tell everyone what way she and her party is going to do while in office.
Zigga, you should never bring up Slick Willey's name and national security in the same sentence. I am not talking about him getting a hummer either. In fact I did not care that he got a hummer, as I did not care JFK was porking MM while he was in office. Slick Willie's failure on national security is well known and no need to rehash it. But lets take it to another level that is closer to home.
During his tour and his appointment of Janet Reno as A.G. he had a tight fist on the FBI after appoinment of a very poor Director to the FBI. It is one reason why he and his wife did not serve jail time for their misdeeds. During that period of time, the FBI hierarchy was about as corrupt as it ever has gotten and alot of cops like me did not trust them. This distrust even extended to their own field agents who talked with the local cops they worked with. This is the reason we ended up with the fiasco concerning Ruby Ridge and Waco Texas. The poor decisions at these two places were bad enought, but the coverup afterwards was even more shocking. Instead of higher up persons being fired, they were promoted in the process of covering up the transgressions and outright killing of American citizens. This coverup went right up to Clinton protecting Janet Reno and the hierarchy of the FBI because he did not need or want a replacement that could turn around and do a proper investigation of him and Hillary and other high ranking Demos in office.
At lease the GOP allowed their scapegoat to hang, and not do the massive coverup that Slick Willie got away with.
Are we heading that way again, and this appointment by Pelosi is the opening shot being fired, especially if we get a Democrat president such as Hillary.

The precedence was already set. And yet it is interseting that this court did not follow precedence.

Hmmmmm, wasn't Clinton found guilty and impeached for the same crimes? Yet, he was not removed from office and was never imprisoned. From Clinton's example you would have thought that the courts and the Senate said it was "OK" to lie to a grand jury and obstruct or tamper with evidence. Maybe Scooter thought the same thing, or maybe he actually didn't lie?

And another interesting take home message...., What happened to the prosecutor of the Clinton Scandal. Wasn't Kenneth Star fried by the media. Wasn't he threatened by the Libs? How is our Prosecuter bieng treated in Socooters case? He seems to be a hero. Hmmm....Do we sense some bias in this case? No, after all, the Libs are only after justice, liberty, and the American Way. They could never be going after somebody out of spite or revenge, could they?
RELH, picking Shooter for his VP was just the first in a LONG list of bad choices Bush has made, he just wanted to get started befere he was elected.

As I said both sides have more than their share of crooks, but you can't give the GOP a forever get out of jail free card just because Clinton got a hummer and wasn't impeached. if this administration hadn't lied to congress and the American people to get us in this wreck of a war they wouldn't have needed to destroy Plame's husband for telling the truth, thus ratting her out in the process. then lying to cover up the fact that they were lying. and you're worried about Pelosi appointing a crook ? com'on he'll fit right in you just don't like the fact he's a dem.

Make a list of just the issues that brought someone during the Clinton admin and Bush admin to court. I have a horrible memory but do remember Clinton's sex scandal versus Abu Graib, Scooter Libby and now maybe the military hospital issues among other things. They are all crooks but it would be nice to compare national security issues. Who cares who lied about what in front of who, let's just get to the meat of the issue. It would be a good history lesson.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-07-07 AT 03:35PM (MST)[p]First of all, let's get a couple of things straight. George didn't pick Cheney, Cheney & co. picked George.

Revealing Valerie Plame, revealed every agent involved with Brewster Jennings for the last 40 years.

Brewster Jennings job was to keep tabs on tracking any and all nuclear activities, nuclear scientists, and nuclear technologies.
Valerie Plame and those like her are some of the greatest assets we had on the WAR ON TERROR.

A former director of the CIA, some guy name George Bush Sr. put a law into effect making the revealing of a CIA or NOC agent by the executive branch a federal crime.

Anyone who claims Valerie Plame is a whore or that Joe Wilson is a traitor, must think our soldiers are scumbags too. Amazing to think that anyone would label a foot soldier on terror as a whore is incredulous.

It's true Cheney makes Scooter sit when he pees, Scooter would never take such an action on his own. But Cheney wanted this war and nothing like the truth was going to stop him. How much has money has Haliburton made in no bid contracts?

Who is the CEO of IAP, the company contracted 3 years ago to assist in privatizing long term care for our veterans? An ex-Haliburton employees...what a shock.

Somebody had to save Carl's butt. After all I know I'm looking forward to Carl push polling voters on Obama and his hypothetical white child out of wedlock.
I have one question for you guys that want to keep relating this whole thing to Clinton - - what was the underlying crime in the Clinton case? Please refresh my memory. Since when is a ##### in the Whitehouse illegal?

The case was his lying about it. It may not be ethical to get a BJ from a staffer, but there was nothing illegal about it. Different story with Scooter . . . this was an investigation into an alleged crime to begin with, it's no witch hunt . . . then scooter got caught in more lies. In any event whether the scooter case was a cover up or whether is was real, scooter's a liar. . .
No Huntindude, Jefferson being a Dem. has nothing to do with it, heck, I did not vote for a certain GOP candidate in the last election because he has a rep. of being too dishonest. But I also did not vote for the Dem. candidate who was from the Chico area, liberal college town, because he was anti-gun. I just left it blank. No, what jerks me is that there is enought information out on Jefferson that I am totally convinced that he is as crooked as you can get, and the house speaker bullsh!!ed all of us about her and her parties new ethics and turned around before the dust settled and did a complete flipflop, taking us back even further then we were. I would really like all crooks in congress and the oval office get the boot.
But somehow our idiot, don't give a damn, citizens keep voting the crooks back in after falling for their election year promises. When will the citizens of this country wise up and clean house and not worry what party they are connected too. I am beginning to believe that too many citizens want their share of the gravey train trickle down, that they do not care if they vote for a outright crook and liar.

Re-read my post, it gives reasons why alot of investigations during the Clinton tour were obstructed or flat out interferred with by the oval office. As for your horrible memory, maybe you just have selective memory. Do your research, but unless you have several FBI agents working beside you, as I did on occasions, you just may not be able to get the inside information that does not make the news headlines.
I am not you about alot of FBI field agents, who had a rep as honest hard working cops, who hated their brass and Janet Reno during the Clinton tour. They bellyached alot about certain high level investigations being interferred with and outright squashed by Clinton and his cohorts in the oval office. Bush can not do this without more cooperation from the U.S. Attorney General and the FBI director. I got to hand it to slick Willie, he was smart enought to get the right people in those high places that was willing to "WORK WITH HIM".
As for the military hospital issue, just go and talk to career military that has been in service for the past 15 years or more. They will tell you that crap has been going since Clinton when he made severe cuts in the military budget, do you remember those cuts and the outcry from the military about it concerning what it will do to our NATIONAL DEFENSE.

You are right about the lying and 12 good citizens on a jury did their duty and convicted him of perjury. the only problem, alot of others in both parties have skirted being convicted of far worse crimes then scoobydo's lying. I still believe that slick willie and Hillary are two of the worse for lying since Nixon. If fact I feel they are right up their with Nixon, and maybe even surpassed him because they were able to lie their way out of being tried and convicted or impeached.

Sorry to inform you but Clinton was in fact IMPEACHED. Congress did that, however the Senate did not have the backbone enough to do what should have been done, which was remove him from office. And the court should have thrown him in the slammer for committing the same crimes that Libby was just convicted of.

The law is the law. You break it, you should get just punishment. It does not matter what you lyed to a grand jury about or obstructed justice about. If you committed the crime, the court should throw the book at you. It is indeed a fact that Clinton committed the same crimes that Libby was just convicted of. Don't try to tell me that Pat Fitzgerald has not been on a witch hunt. Not one person was charged or convicted with the crime of leaking the identity of a CIA agent. The fact of the matter is that it was her husbund Joseph Wilson who is the culprit, and he has so much as admitted it.

Also, all the talk about Libby taking the fall for Chenney. who took the fall for Hillary in the White Water Scandal? Several went to prison, but it wasn't her, even though we all know she was guilty. Hillary was obviously guilty and again guilty of tampering with evidence and obstructing justice. And yet here she sits as a Presidential Candidate for 2008. Hmmmm....and some of you bad mouth Chenney, now that is interesting.
If we could get to the bottom of this Libby case we might see that Bush and Cheney both lied to Congress to go to war, you think Clinton lying about getting a hummer is the same thing? even if it was the long term damage in Clinton's case was one dirty blue dress, I'd say our mess in Iraq is a little more serious.
Rack, I agree, the law is the law, so why are people trying to downplay this as though Libby really did nothing wrong in the first place? Then, you launch into a bunch of speculation about nothing. If the law is the law, then OJ is innocent, right?

Just one more question for you Rac, did you have a point or are you still trying to convince yourself that the administration really has brought integrity back to the WH? ;-)
Interesting thread.

I do find it interesting the accusations of lies inre Bush/Cheneys decision to invade Iraq. They must've of done a helluva sales job on Congress/Senate/United Nations. Makes you wonder why, after viewing the same intelligence, most of the dems in congress and senate jumped on the "Invade Hussien" bandwagon in the first place. Along with several foreign nations.

The invasion came about on the legs that UN resolutions weren't being honored by Hussien, and hadn't been enforced by anyone, prior to Geo. Bush Jr.

We do know that Iraq had WMD's at some point. Hell, there are documents from some of y'alls favorite dems saying that in fact, there WERE WMD's. Where they went isn't being released to the general public, but I suspect a border country has them. What kinds? Unknown to us.

As far as letting the punishment fit the crime: Lets see. Oh yeah. Sandy Berger took and destroyed classified documents that could have implicated Clinton inre his malfeasance in handling OBL. Berger got a 50,000 fine and a slap on the wrist.

Clinton lied to a grand jury. Sure, the reason he was in front of a grand jury is poo-pooed by his supplicants, but it did nonetheless, take the Clinton Admins attention off of world events. Clinton should have just admitted he was a philandering adulterer who tainted the Oval Office, and America could have loathed him till the end of his term. Now, Americans still loathe him and his decision to lie about it made it even worse.

Clintons lie, globally, is far more egregious than anything that Libby is taking the fall for. It took our eyes off more important matters. And yes, the republicans after his ass are just as much to blame. BUT, Billy should've kept his lizard in his levi's. To pun, "loose lips do sink ships."

Clinton DOES tie into current world fairs, whether some of you want to beleive it or not. Its no secret that the Clinton admin pulled all HUMINT, thats intelligence assets, from the hot-spots around the globe to fund some of his precious social programs, and cut the budget. He pretty much dismantled the military. A large part of the money spent to fund the wars we have now, was military REBUILDING.

The Bush admin is positively RIFE with faults. Bushs' support staff sucked (Rumsfeld the worse). But, the dems running the show right now are no better than their republican predecessors, so don't try to sell us on the idea that the GOP is worse than the DNC.

Pelosi better get a grip on the inmates running the asylum she has now. She is capitulating to interest groups that got them there (black caucus,, American Communist Party, American Socialist Party, unions, gay-lesbo-transgender orgs, anti-gun, anti-hunting, and a host of other tax-draining entities). If she doesn't, 2008 will be a grim reckoning for them. Socialism is a hungry animal, and must be fed.
TF, this turned into a lie comparison contest, ergo my references to Clinton and his accolytes. My point is any lie that Libby could have told about Plame (who was most probably not in as sensitive a position as the mainstream media would have you believe) pales in comparison to the lie that Clinton proffered to the Grand Jury. How so? That whole circus took a lot of money and manpower away from the looming threat of terrorism. The Kobar Towers, 93 WTC bombing, USS Cole incidents come readily to mind.

I think that the politicians (granted mostly republicans) had it out for Clinton and arrogantly made a mountain out of a molehill. That said, Bill could have easily copped to the marital indiscretions and maybe, just maybe the energy and manpower waisted on dethroning him could have been better utilized in safety of the homeland. But instead, he used taxpayers assets to try and cover up his litte tryst(s). I mean the DNA evidence and was right there at the get go, but noooo, we had to have our little circus.

Lies, no matter how incidental they may seem, can often times cause train wrecks down the road. Much is being made of this minor whitehouse aide "lying" about a minor CIA employee while the bad guys are taking this little respite to catch their breath. FWIW, I think that Joe Wilson, Plames hubby, is a vapid, arrogant moron who decided to cover up his ineptitude by leading the dogs on another chase. The ever hateful dems picked up the scent and went primordial, and now the circus is back in town, a town thats very foundation is lies.

Stupidity, on boths sides of the aisle.

Want some eye opening reading the miasma that was the Whitehouse in those times, get Louis Freehs memoirs about his tenure in the FBI under Clinton/Reno.
This post is about Scooter who was Cheney's aid right? Why do some of you guys defend anyone in this administration? You guys act as if they live down your street and you take care of each other like a couple of good ole boys. The Walter Reed fiasco is proof that this administration doesn't give a squat about our boys and if they don't care about them then what makes you think they give a squat about you? Stop waisting your time defending any politician. Sure the military hospitals were probably just as bad during the Clinton years but Bush is the one that put them in harms way, not Clinton. No, I'm not defending Clinton, never will but read the writing on the wall. Our boys that don't get killed can't even get proper care and will live the rest of their lives with missing body parts and mental anguish and crappy benefits. WAKE UP!
I will say it again.
"After almost 7 years this is all those high paid Dem investigators can get this administration on, That shows just how clean this admin is."

Come on guys the Dems and Wilson went over and above to prove Libby outed plame to Novak. That was the original charges. Novak goes directly to the Prosecuter and tells him it was not libby but Armitich. But the Dems and Prosecuter go forward any way. How rediculous is that. Then Libby is expected to remember every friggin conversation he has ever had in 7 years. Give me a break. This trial was a JOKE. Simple grand standing.
"Come on guys the Dems and Wilson went over and above to prove Libby outed plame to Novak. That was the original charges. Novak goes directly to the Prosecuter and tells him it was not libby but Armitich. But the Dems and Prosecuter go forward any way. How rediculous is that. Then Libby is expected to remember every friggin conversation he has ever had in 7 years. Give me a break. This trial was a JOKE. Simple grand standing."

That's it right there! Libby should have said "I can't remember" to every question, like the Clintons did for 8 years.


P.S. I think any grown man who goes by the name "Scooter" probable should be convicted of SOMETHING.:)
Hey 202,

Let us know what you get for defending this administration. The Walter Reed hospital is what our boys on the front line get if they survive. I hope you do better.
Looking for a lier in Washington is like looking for a needle in a stack of needle.

"If it moves shoot it again"
The WR medical center is not a Republican or a Democrat thing. It is just a typical Federal Govt. thing. That hospital is run the same way every other Federal government program runs. A few guys at the top get rich and the rest is just a big cluster......

Can't wait for the Dems new National health care program.
We'll see, this could turn into a firestorm when the hearings start . no more sweeping it under the rug , the dems have no choice but to see this through if they want to hold their base. all the whitehouse can say is " no comment " that's classic. Scooter's down and Shooter's got some explaining to do, if the dems don't wimp out this could be fun.
>Hey 202,
>Let us know what you get
>for defending this administration.
>The Walter Reed hospital is
>what our boys on the
>front line get if they
>survive. I hope you
>do better.

Note to Zigga: Walter Reed is not a one admin problem....genius. Your selective memory does not recount the military cuts of the Clinton years. Or have you gone the way of Libby with your memory too. I will give you the benifit of the doubt.
Thing of it is Dude only a handful of political nut jobs like me and you could care less about the whole Skooter, Plame issue.
"The WR medical center is not a Republican or a Democrat thing. It is just a typical Federal Govt. thing." and 202 talking about military cuts under WJC, that's funny. Sure there were cuts, and there were good reason for them.

NOW, is it even logical to start a war and then ignore your troop?s safety? Dont you think that barring the ability to have a sound system for dealing with the casualties of war should be an indicator that youre not ready to wage war, especially an offensive? It was not like we had to go to Iraq, Bush took us their with lies. And now you Bush lovers want to try to blame Clinton for WR? What a joke, a good leader would have taken into account the casualties and wounded and put at a couple billion into setting up a system for our men and women when they come.

So please, you guys that wont put the responsibility on the Bush Admin, are really helping to NOT support our troops. Get it fixed by getting the boys and girls HOME!!!
I think you're right, but if they can prove in these hearings that " Shooter" Cheney was the real crook everyone will be interested in that. the dems don't really want to go down this road because they know the whitehouse is theirs in '08 and this could PO some republicans like me who have been voting dem and hurt them. the problem is if they don't go after Cheney their hard line dem base may go to the green party, at least they say they will. Cheney is sweating believe me.
Your selective memory is failing you again. In the 60's our military hospitals were considered the best in the world. they pioneered many new surgical procedures that were copied by private hospitals. I know because my Father benifitted from these new procedures on his open heart surgery.
Just go back in time and see where it started going wrong with major cut backs, the biggests being under clinton, who did not give a rat's butt about our military, and they in turn hated him because of it.
Yes! Bush should have jumped on this problem, but for some other reason he seems to have had other things on his mind, maybe caused by the fight he is having with our Dem. congress. But, he did take action when it was brought out into the open, two high ranking officers in charge of WR hospital got their butts fired and it did not take two years to make the decision.
Compare that to the hero of the Dem. congress, Pelosi, who fired Jefferson from one committee post only to turn around and appoint the outright crook to a more sensitive homeland defense committee. You better take a closer look at your Dems. and maybe not be so supportive of them, they are just as two faced as any member of the GOP.

You say, "Bush took us to war with lies". What lies? Oh let me guess WMD's. Yes I get it, Bush delibrately lied about WMD's and everything else just to get is into a war with Iraq so he could vindicate his Daddy, or wait no, it was the oil......yeah the oil....and oh yeah Haliburton....thats right. Bush wanted to kill American soldiers so he could be the "Oil King". Give me a break, Bush no more lied about the war with Iraq any more than John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Harry Reid, or any other of your Liberal Idols. They all said the same thing that Bush did about WMD's, the threat from Sadam, and the reasons for going to war. Yet you claim that Bush lied and its His war. Now that makes a lot of sense.
You don't get it do you, 90% of the information being used was from this administration. if I lie to you and you believe it that might make you a chump but it doesn't mean you were with me. I don't claim to have all the answers but if it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck.....well you get it. let Waxman get into this and if the dems have the guts to see it through we may have some proof, fun stuff boys.
I think not, if false information was given to congress then who ever gave that false info is at fault. I'm not saying all of it was known by anyone to be false but if any of it was know to be a lie we deserve to hear it. so you want a reason? I feel Bush hated Saddam and thought he was justified in doing anything needed to remove him from power. he thought it would be quick and easy and the Iraqi people would be tickled pink and Bush would be a hero in Iraq and in America. I don't believe Bush is evil just a bad leader, Cheney I think might be both . most past presidents including Gerald Ford who said he was very much against this war and Bush's father who had his chance but was smart enough not to take it would have led us down a different and better path. therefore to excuse Bush and hold him harmless is nothing short of stupid. again let Waxman dig into this and see what happens, if Ken Starr was justified in grinding on Clinton over lying about a hummer Waxman is 100% justified in seeing if your hero's lied to us and congress to get their war. yes I said their war, don't tell me we'ld be here if Bush hadn't done everything in his power to force it. maybe even something illegal.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-07 AT 09:21PM (MST)[p]Thread No. 40 Priceless

Help me I'm weakened by 202's immense brain power. It's like kryptonite..getting weaker..lights fading....arrrgh

1998 Veteran Program Enhancement Act-Clinton
Increase in benefits and pay.

Facts, you outta try them sometime.

Zigga it must be a warm and fuzy feeling to know that you're receiving the benefit of doubt, from a guy that does not know what he is talking about.
If we accept huntindude's verse and chapter, then we must accept the fact that somehow Bush was able to control various foreign nation's intelligence branches. I seem to recall that there were about 4 or more foreign intelligence agencies that supplied information to the CIA that Saddam was in possesion of WMDs and seeking material to upstart his nuke program again. It was Isreal that bombed his nuke site in the 80's to prevent him from doing what Iran is doing now, building a nuke arsenal.
As for Bush SR. he did not have a choice to continue on for fear of losing his U.N. and bases that were in Arab counties.
I do not want to hear any liberal B.S. that Bush had the information falsified by the CIA and none of it came from the outside foreign countries, because they would have yelled big time that they did not supply the information that was contributed to them and reported about.

Waxman scares you doesn't he RELH? you can't stop justice anymore you don't hold the majority in congress, that sucks doesn't it? I don't know if the dems have the guts to go after Cheney or not so we'll just have to see where this leads, I'll bet Cheney won't be shooting any of his lawyers in the face until this is over.
Here is another fact you overlooked in your selective forwarding of facts.
1998 Veteran Program Enhancement act--was it voted on and passed by the Senate and was it pushed though by the majority of GOP senators? Did you bother to check the polling list on how many GOP VS. DEM. senators that voted yea or nay on the act?
You may need to do that before you credit Clinton. In fact do you have the information about who enacted the bill. Also was it a ammendment attached to a larger bill in order to get it passed as part of the package? A favorite trick in Washington. If you want to call it "FACT" list all facts, not a selective part of it that could slant it one way or another.
Now go do your research and list all the facts. We are waiting for the "other side of the storey".

Right after bush jr. got elected didn't he somehow get each one in our military a $70 per month pay increase? Help me out here. I remember bush almost broke his arm patting himself on the back for that one. Do you think he got his money's worth? What an insult if you ask me. Feel free to correct me AGAIN. Who here thinks our military men and women have gotten a fair shake? Sorry for the getting off the subject of Scooter.

You better quit smoking that wacky weed if you think Waxman scares me. Just as I said before, I think he is nothing but a red herring being used to stir the pot until election time to take everyones attention off the screwups by the Dems who are two faced and will not admit their culpability. they are trying to take the focus out of their backyard and lay the blame elsewhere.
As for Cheney, you may have hit closer to home then you want. I do think he is smart enought to make the Dem's plan backfire in their face and they will end up with egg on their face going into the 2008 elections.
Can you imagine the outright dumbskull stupidity of Housespeaker Pelosi flipfloping and promoting Jefferson to a new post after removing him from another and making headlines how her party is lifting the standards for congress. The other Dems. that pushed this idea, at this time, is just as stupid as she is for bending to their preassure. Mark my word, this mistake, and others like them coming, will backfire in their face. You can bet your bottom dollar, old crafty Cheney, will not miss a lick to use these stupid mistakes against them and discredit them in the eyes of the people. The best part of it, Pelosi can not deny it or have a chance to poo poo this one away as a false information tactic by the GOP to dicredit her party. This is going to hit the fan when Jefferson is indicted,tried and convicted with the public seeing the video tape being played of him taking a 100,000 bribe. Pelosi is in trouble and may drag her party down with her.
Now for the best part, I hope Hillary gets the Dem. vote to run, You and others think she will win. Well, I hate to bust your bubble, but their are alot of Washington insiders that outright hate her, they liked slick willie, and they have information that will be leaked out to totally discredit her.
Start checking around, there are several poll experts, who are Dems, are starting to say that they do not believe she can win the election due to them hearing from their insiders in washington that information will be leaked from some of the staff that worked for her husband. We just may hear the truth on Whitewater after all, and a few other incidents. I AM GOING TO ENJOY THE NEXT 18 MONTHS.
Huntidude I am going to be honest with you, I would enjoy it even more if the GOP wises up and put forth a good honest candidate. I have no hope of the Dems putting forth a good one because the extreme left wing power brokers are still too strong in that party. hopefully with some moderate Dems that got elected recently is the start for changing that and if us registered GOP voters can change our party to be more moderate, we all will gain.

I agree with most of that, if the republicans would get down off their stack of bibles grow up and act like honest leaders again I'd have no use for the dems. the flaw in your theory though is you may underestimate Waxman and overestimate Shooter,we'll see.

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