Score this guy........

Dean Parisian

Active Member
My dad passed away in the summer of 2011 and am just now getting around to sorting out some personal stuff I had boxed up. In looking for some tax information I found this picture. My dad retired from a law enforcement position in Crow Agency, MT in 1985. I thought some of you who can guess a score might take a shot at this bull. Dad said it was killed on the reservation.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-13 AT 07:42PM (MST)[p]I'll guess 380. By the way, it takes a hell of a man to wear pants like that in public.
He's a trashy old brute (the elk, not your dad, r.i.p.)

Damn nice bull (about 380'+) but even better than that is you have the photo!

My dad died in 1989 and I cherish every single photo that I have of dad, especially the hunting pics.

Thanks for sharing the special photo with us!


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