Scoring/Aging Rams


There are (two) videos.

*Field Judging Wild Rams
*Advanced Field Judging Wild Rams

Has anyone seen both of the videos.?

Do you think one may be better then the other if someone was to only buy one or the other...?
LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-13 AT 02:36PM (MST)[p]Kilowatt if you don't mind my asking, where's that photo from, and what is the time of year? Is that a Stones Sheep? If that was a Bighorn in late fall or early winter pic, I would've replaced the "1" marking with a "6 mo" and the "2" with a "1.5".

I guess it somewhat depends on the time of year, but a late-fall yearling bighorn (1.5 years old) should have a much bigger circumference than that pic is showing at the "1" marking. Could be an issue of scale/perspective too. And maybe different for Stones. Here's a pic of a yearling ram (about 1.4 years old) I took in late September in Colorado. He's the small bodied sheep turned in profile view. Part of his lamb tips, maybe an inch or a little more, are already busted off.

Sticksender.....I do not remember where I seen this picture but it was interesting how someone edited the Ram so I just made a copy and saved to my computer.

>Sticksender.....I do not remember where I
>seen this picture but it
>was interesting how someone edited
>the Ram so I just
>made a copy and saved
>to my computer.

The picture is from this link. Very informative on ageing sheep.

One thing you have to remember is that there is a huge difference between thin horns and big horns. Up here in BC a thinhorn will only have a max 2" lamb tip. Where most of the bighorns will have lamb tips close to 6". This has gotten more then a few bighorns confiscated as guys figure the sheep has broomed off more then a years growth were in fact its only broomed a its lamb tip off. Hence when they count the annuli they are off by a year and end up shooting a 7 year old sheep when they have to be 8 years of age to be legal in some areas.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-08-13 AT 08:04PM (MST)[p]Thanks for the link Bob!
I would love to hunt those salt and pepper rams of BC.
Hey Robb I knew I was going to draw the BT this year. I was getting all hyped up. Then got the letter the big UN> Next year for sure.
Back to the orginal post. Anyone order the DVD's? I did about a month ago and still havent recieved them. Just curious if Im the only one or anyone have this?

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