Scoring Question?


Very Active Member
After looking at the B&C book for measurements it is clear as mud! My first question is: You measure between the base and the G1 for the first measurement and then the smallest measurement between the G1 and the first branch, What if you have no G1? There is only one measurement between the base and the first branch?(no brow tines) or two? Next, when you have a 3x4 with no G4's is there a mass measurement at the tine? What I'm trying to figure out what are my measuremnt points with no brow pints and a missing G4. Thanks
With no brow tine, take the measurement at the smallest point between the base and G-2, and double it, for your first two mass measurements. For the C-4 measurement, take it at the halfway point between the G-2 and the end of the main beam.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-08 AT 12:41PM (MST)[p]I am assuming this is a deer?
The first mass measurement is taken same place as if there WERE a G1 (smallest place).
And there are ALWAYS 4 mass measurements regardless if the point is missing. That measurement is taken in the same place as if the point were NOT missing, "half way" like CO stated.
That apples to both deer and elk that are missing points
(like a 5x6 bull).

Sorry Slamdunk, but you are wrong on this one.

If no G-1 is apparent AT ALL, then you find the smallest measurement between the burr and the G-2 and use it twice (H-1 and H-2). If there is the appearance of a G-1 but it either doesn't qualify as a point or was broken, then you treat it as if it were there and take a measurement on each side like normal.

On the other question, if there is no G-4, you take the H-4 measurement exactly halfway between the G-2 and the tip of the main beam.
>Sorry Slamdunk, but you are wrong
>on this one.
>If no G-1 is apparent AT
>ALL, then you find the
>smallest measurement between the burr
>and the G-2 and use
>it twice (H-1 and H-2).
>If there is the appearance
>of a G-1 but it
>either doesn't qualify as a
>point or was broken, then
>you treat it as if
>it were there and take
>a measurement on each side
>like normal.
>On the other question, if there
>is no G-4, you take
>the H-4 measurement exactly halfway
>between the G-2 and the
>tip of the main beam.

That looks like a Ryan H. answer to me....and very right.

Good clarification IN, my bad.
I failed to mention adding it twice for both measurements.
I will go straight to my room without dinner ;-)

LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-08 AT 11:55AM (MST)[p]Thanks guys, my horns are larger than I thought. I first measured without the 3 extra mass measurements and got it at 143, now its 158. Thanks for the info. Not bad for a 3x4!

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