Scott McClellan on the war



LAST EDITED ON May-28-08 AT 08:38AM (MST)[p]I don't like to read much so I'll wait for the movie but it should be good. one of the best out takes I saw was were he said the liberal media failed to live up to their reputation by letting the propaganda of the whitehouse take us to war.

I knew insiders would come out of the wood work to tell their stories but I figured it would be after Bush left office, I guess the competition was to stiff to wait that long.
Bush has turned into such a dissappointment.....I suspect this book is mostly accurate, at least from Scott M's view point.

I am always amazed though how the lowest on the Totem pole has all the answers.

Look he's trying to make a buck. If the book was all good news he would not make a dime. Its all about the drama to sell sell sell.

His book has about as much clout as the books on Clinton. Just another person with an ax to grind.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
"I am always amazed though how the lowest on the Totem pole has all the answers."

I would hardly call the press sec. low on the pole. Sure, it's not a policy job, but they KNOW everything. . .

202, McClellan's been with Bush for 20 years, I dont think he's hurting for cash, and therefore, he would not put his reputation and his long family connections in jeopardy for a book deal, get a grip, this is politics, not a soap opera. . . Mcclellen got a dose of reality, likely from his wife who supported his decision to tell the truth. We'll find out tomorrow when he speaks about it to the public. . .
When I saw this post this morning I knew I could count on you Tmoney to pipe up.

Can you imagine the books that could of been written if it was the thing to do back in FDR's day, or Lincoln or any other war time President. Personally I think it is chicken dodo on McClellands part.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
""I would hardly call the press sec. low on the pole. Sure, it's not a policy job, but they KNOW everything. . . ""

Kinda' like senior scientist's from EPA
no doubt.....

So we have an ex employee that was fired slinging mud at his former boss who fired him.

Sounds like a great source to get the facts.
202 you're so predictable. McClellen is a long time Bushie and when he steps out to tell his version of the truth he's a money grubbing liar. would you even believe Cheney if he had a bad word to say about Bush or the war ? probably not he's just the VP and it's well known he's a money grubbing liar .

All the whitehouse can do is discredit him and shrug him off as " disgruntled ". this is quality entertainment any way you look at it.
With a record setting approval rating, you could say that America is "disgruntled". My only question about McClellan is, "What took him so long?"

Is this really a surprise to anyone? Is this Clinton's fault too?

Funny stuff!!!
Dude I would say the same thing about anyone from the admin that would do this or any other adim for that matter...............anyone!

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
So no matter who says what about this administration if it's negative they're a money grubbing liar. let's see if that plan holds water.
LAST EDITED ON May-28-08 AT 03:33PM (MST)[p]

so, let me get this straight, Mcclellon's a dirt bag money grubber because he jumped ship, but the dozens that jumped off the Clinton ship over the past 8 years all were right?

Hum, seems to me that mclellen is among an ever increasing group of people who are talking out about the president and his overtly miserable and lying administration. Scott's not saying anything that was not already understood, he's just confirming what I think many people had been trying to say all along . . .

Sorry, to correct you D13, but today i'm a senior scientist for Portage Environmental, NOT EPA. Perfect example of how people like to make up whatever they want about other people. In any event, while at the EPA I was a Special Assistant to the Administrator and later a senior program manager. . . but, like it makes any difference anyhow, it would not matter if I was Bush, you guys know more about everything than do the people who actually live it. . .

for example, a few of you on this site claim that the Cheney Energy policy was all roses but how many of you were involved in any way with it? None, but you guys still know what exactly went down during that time. the people, like me, that were actually there to watch and be a part of the process are just making up stories, but the ones that dont know chit about it are the ones that really know what happened. . . sometimes thigs really are what they are, granted it's hard to tell them apart at times.

I'm not surprised that the Bush administration is throwing Scott under the buss for telling the truth, it's been the MO of the Bush administration since it's beginning . . .
I am going to get the book and read it. I am willing to bet that the quotes picked were the most inflamatory in order to promote the book. I suspect there are alot of targets in his book who he views as not serving the President as well as they should have.

I think McClellan was and is a stand up guy who wrote what he saw and experienced.

It is quotes like the one below that makes me think the ultimate outcome of the book is not all Bush bashing but rather a rebuke of administration officials who gave terrible advice.

"?I still like and admire President Bush,? McClellan writes. ?But he and his advisers confused the propaganda campaign with the high level of candor and honesty so fundamentally needed to build and then sustain public support during a time of war. ? In this regard, he was terribly ill-served by his top advisers, especially those involved directly in national security.?"

In addition the sub title: What is wrong with Washington, invokes the idea that the entire system is bad not just one part of the system. Just my take on it. Will have a full report when I have read the book.


PS HD remember, you can't be a leader if you are not a reader.
LAST EDITED ON May-28-08 AT 04:51PM (MST)[p]Funny how you libs have yet to even put your hands on the book let alone read it but yet you are totally positive it is nothing but facts.
LAST EDITED ON May-28-08 AT 05:33PM (MST)[p]

I'm pretty sure that all the quotes made, from the book, by FOX news are accurate. If it turns our that FOX news mis quoted or took the words out of context I'll gladly eat crow.

I just have to take for granted that FOX, on this one, is telling it like it is. I just watched a 5 minute piece on FOX about the book, and they used about 9 or 10 quotes, that exactly matched the conclusions of "Frontline" the move, that's enough for me. . .

I also saw, on FOX that there's a good number of the media now saying they are guilty of not doing their jobs during the early days of post 9/11. The media it its own words, not mine or yours, but their own . . .

One more thing, all of the things that FOX credits to Scott also are corroborated by the PBS movie, "frontline" (
which I have watched. . . The move makes the point that Bush had the right outlook and the right ideas, but he let his administration mislead and misguide him.

I believe, more or less, that scott and the frontline piece are relatively accurate, if they are not all accurate, they cant be far off enough as to be fiction, therefore, if an ounce of either are true, Bush is guilty and will, in time, pay the piper.
Nemont I'll be interested in your review of the book, if the quotes are as damning as they sound I'll be surprised if you find much there to soften the tone.

Bush is toast and his legacy is burnt toast, how this plays on McCain might be the real story here. McCain has been Bush's top supporters and a cheerleader for the war, if this takes legs McCain is just as much toast as Bush. the plot thickens.
All you got to do is change the names. Scott McClellan to ##### Morris.

Bill Clinton to ##### Morris.

Exact same thing. Somewhere behind the scenes someone is spurned, burned, or mistreated and the political animals bite back.

I dont think there is a more venomous critic of the Clintons with the exception of Ann Coulter than ##### Morris.

I am waiting to hear NeMonts review of the book before I get lead by the nose like Dude and Tfinal.
Cue the sex scandal.

w only has 6 more months of all this nonsense. Then he can cash in on his oil profits again. He couldn't give a rats ess about this country anyway just by looking at the last 7+ years. How many more will right books from this disaster of an administration? Could it have possibly been any worse? Really? Forget I asked.
I get the sense that McClellan has it right about Bush and his white house, you get the same feel for how things are by reading Jacob Weisbergs book, The Bush Tragedy and just watching how things have unfolded over the last 7 years
Paul what part of " A permanent campaign that was all about manipulating sources of public opinion to the presidents advantage " do you think needs clarification? this is the press secretary talking here, it was his job to put the spin Bush wanted on the issue.

This is like saying your CPA doesn't know what he's talking about when it comes to your finances. McClellen isn't your garden variety critic he was as an insider, if he was only a liar out for revenge I can't see why he'd wait this long.

If all this bad press was about Obama it would be getting sucked up like a Hoover Deluxe around here, funny how bad things about conservatives has to meet a higher standard of proof. Mcclellan is about as close to a sure thing as a human source could be, again this is great entertainment.
Like I said.

Funny how you libs have yet to even put your hands on the book let alone read it but yet you are totally positive it is nothing but facts.

I haven't read the book. Heard a few quotes today, one of which he was praising bush. I dunno what it says but I do know he was fired and now he's got an axe to grind.

Of course that's the best way to get facts is from a disgruntled ex employee.
Go back to the end of Clinton's second term and you could fit this thread right in there. Same complaining whining crap. Any Pres. that has been in for 2 terms at the end gets trashed. Get over yourselves.

Scotty boy has an ax to grind plain and simple. If the nut was sooooo concerned why did he stay as long as he did. Scotty is in it to make a buck plain and simple. His plan is working. The friggin book is number 1 on Amaazon right now and the dad gum thing aint even available yet. The man is not a Patriot he is a money grubbing ingrate! Just like Stepanopoulous and Dumb "A" Dic Morris.

Tmoney, quit quoting some lame a$% PBS movie for crying outloud it makes you look...............well you know.
PBS give me a break...........and a MOVIE no less...........I gues you believe everything you saw in Algores MOVIE too did'nt you! :)

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
LAST EDITED ON May-29-08 AT 07:18AM (MST)[p]"The movie makes the point that Bush had the right outlook and the right ideas, but he let his administration mislead and misguide him."

This is exactly what Scott is saying in his book (and many others just in case you have forgotten). So, they both are wrong and scott's just a money grubbing book pusher and Morris, too is in it for the money, is there no way Morris and Mcclellen could actually believe in their own views and both have come to their senses?

So 02 which is it, are both morris and mcclellen just money grubber book pushers, attention whores, or have they come to their respective senses, you cant have it both ways on this, if you think they are in it for money then neither can be trusted at all. but, on the other hand, if they have come to their senses Clinton really was the worst evil of them all and Bush started a needless war and we the public helped him . . .
>Paul what part of " A
>permanent campaign that was all
>about manipulating sources of public
>opinion to the presidents advantage
>" do you think needs
>clarification? this is the
>press secretary talking here, it
>was his job to put
>the spin Bush wanted on
>the issue.

Dude that was McClellans Job. What he was hired to do. Dont be so naive to think every politician doesnt spin things to look good.

Part of the difference between Bush and Clinton is that Clinton operated off of focus groups for his policy and then did whatever spinning after the move.

Bush, made his moves and then tried to put the best face on it.

I certainly do not accept as fact that Bush made the wrong decision to go into Iraq because of what polls say or what some vocal liberals on this site say.

I think Mccains challenge to Obama to actually go to Iraq was pretty clever.
I stated it as plainly as posible. Both are pure money grubing scum!!!!!

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Okay 02, since you dont believe anyone that ever has "been there and done that," where do you get your "facts?" Please give us some sources so we know where to find the truth. . .
First of all McClellan resigned, Bush admitted he was very sorry to see him go so what's McClellan's reason to be so bitter?

You have to appreciate the Bushie dedication, even after the WMD and ties to al Qaida crap was disproven they held on, after Colin Powell resigned and said his role would forever be a black mark on his record they believed, after most of the " proof " Bush used to take us to war was found to be false they never doubted, now an insider who's job it was to sell the propaganda admits doing so and he's nothing more than a money grubbing liar. if Bush were to come right out and confess they'd deny hearing it.

All this makes Obama's yes men " Change " dimwits seem a little smarter in comparison to the Bush-McCain ones who won't even believe what's already happened.
"The movie makes the point that Bush had the right outlook and the right ideas, but he let his administration mislead and misguide him."


That is actually the real down fall of the Bush Administration. He may have had the correct vision and perhaps even the correct ideas but he and his senior advisors didn't trust the American people enough to present all the facts not just the ones that fit the story line. Throughout the frontline program and I suspect in the book, it appears GWB was given terrible advice and counsel by those around him.

It is obvious that anyone who threatened to have a dissenting public voice would have to either resign or be fired. Colin Powell is perhaps the poster boy for such actions. I think he vocally and loudly opposed what Cheney, Rice, Wolfowitz and others in the inner circle were saying and doing. In the end it was GWB's place to either accept or reject the advice he was given but he chose to listen to one side over the other. That is the true failure of this president. It isn't that he is an idiot like the left likes to protray or that he doesn't give a damn about the country etc. It is that he could discern what was good advice and bad advice, through the lens of 20/20 hindsight it is pretty plain he has recieved and acted upon some pretty bad advice.

I will give you my review of the book when I am done. I also do not believe Mr. McClellan is a money grubbing disgruntled former employee. I believe he is a witness to what when on and finally came to the realization, like Colin Powell, that he had a choice to either continue to do things he didn't believe in or get out.

Dude, everything you said is politics on both sides of the aisle.

We dont know what is in any of these guys heads. All we can do is guess and surmise.
Hey 02, is Bush's UN hero John Bolton a sell out, money grubbing book deal whore too? While I dont agree with all of his policies or his antics, he is, in his book, just as scathing as Mecclellon and as with both Mcclellon's and "frontline" the conclusions are the similar, Bush listened to the wrong people.

So, cough it up 02, what's your source for the truth, you seem to have the monopoly or the "pipeline" to it, so let us in on where we can get the real truth, please. . .
I'll have to agree with Nemont that Bush didn't do the wrong thing out of malice or for self promotion. I feel Bush had an agenda and went off his gut feelings more than the facts in front of him, he was wrong. to me is Bush is a good American with America's best interest at heart I believe that 100%, this isn't the problem.

Good intentions don't make you right, they also don't make you a good leader. I think Bush felt he was doing the right thing and it needed to be done by hook or by crook, that isn't the way we're supposed to do things in this country and now Bush and his administration need to be held accountable. until we can accept the facts of what's happened and how we got here we can't fix it, McClellan is just one more person helping move us to that point.
Are any of you old enough to remember Vietnam ? Right intentions, horrible political interveneing in fighting the war. I had 3 family members over there at the same time. One military, 2 TDY. My Dad was in charge of classifying and putting in order the supply mess. Ship loads of equipment came in constantly, and guess who owned the freight ships-- none other than Lady Bird Johnson. Multi-millionaires in the making!
There is and always will be people who use war and conflict to make money-- including Scott M. If he wrote this book to ease his conscience as I heard reported-- why doesn't he give all the profits to the families of soldiers who have paid the highest price for their service ? If anyone thinks that he is not motivated by profit first and conscience second should ask him to share the profits with them. GWB believed he was doing the right thing for the right reasons. His approval rating is low-- but congress's rating is even lower. By the way-- SLC's Rocky Anderson is blight on Democracy and Freedom. He has the right to his opinions but he has an ego of unprecedented size, with political aspirations certainly worthy of a former ACLU attorney.
Hey nebo, now that you mention it, sounds like your trying to point out that BUSH & CHENEY both are crooks trying to make money on the war.

Bush for his dad's loss, and their oil riches including their very very friendly family style relations with the Binladen family, and what would a discussion of the war be without mentioning Halliburton and non other than Cheney himself. . . Thanks for the reminder. . .

NO, I dont think Mcclenllen is in this for the money, yea it will be nice, but he's not hurting and really he would not put his entire family's reputation on the line for stupid book, this is about his personal views, he got swept away with the rest of them and now he's feeling guilty, and he should. I do agree with you though, he should put that money into a charity, that would be great, It would best spent to help us develop better, wiser, cheaper and more global friendly fuels. . . I like the idea of putting toward the families, but lets stop another war NOW not wait till one is over and try to pay the family back. . . Remember, this was an all volunteer army so, as many of the right like to point out, "they new what they were signing up for."

One last think, how much of Bush and Cheneys war fortunes should be given back to the people of the country or the families that lost loved ones?
here we go, straight from the horses mouth:

"The larger message has been sort of lost in the mix. ... The White House would prefer I not speak out openly and honestly about my experiences, but I believe there is a larger purpose," Scott McClellan, the chief spokesman for the White House from 2003 to 2006, told TODAY co-host Meredith Vieira exclusively during his first interview since excerpts of his new memoir hit the Internet on Tuesday.

"I had all this great hope that we were going to come to Washington and change it. ... Then we got to Washington, and I think we got caught up in playing the Washington game the way it is being played today," said McClellan. . .

McClellan said that it wasn't until he realized that he may have been led to deliver false information to the media about two senior administration officials' roles in outing Valerie Plame as a CIA operative that he knew he would someday have to tell his story.

"My hope is that by writing this book and sharing openly and honestly what I learned is that in some small way it might help us move beyond the partisan warfare of the past 15 years. There's a larger purpose to this book. It's about looking at the permanent campaign culture in Washington, D.C., and how we can move beyond it," he said.

"I gave them the benefit of the doubt just like a lot of Americans," McClellan said. "Looking back and reflecting on it now, I don't think I should have."
How plain and how simple do I have to make it for you Tmoneyshot. I have not heard of Bolton's book but if he has one and he is selling out the President then yes he is in the same league as Scotty, Steponopolous and Morris. MONEY GRUBBING FRIGGIN SCUM!!!!

Is that plain enough for you!

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)

Is there any legitimate reason for a former official to write a book about what happened, at least from their own POV?

McClellan comes from a well to do, LONG time political family and he really doesn't need the money. Bolton has all the charm of rattlesnake and about as much love of the left as you do. He was there for the run up to the war as was McClellan.

In alot of this the people who come off looking especially incompetent are Rumsfeld, Cheney and Rice. It appears that each of their own egos would not let the other people involved offer up any dissenting opinions.

I believe you are wrong in the regard that you believe these people are writing books simply to make a buck. I think it is fairly obvious that much of what is going on is that many of the chickens have come home to roost and the people with doubt and the sense that things were done without the proper process and protocol or even legally is the reason for these books.

This won't be the last Bush administration official who will have to plead mea culpa to the American people to assauge the guilt they feel for things that have gone terribly wrong. Some may be just a way to make a few bucks but many books will be to attempt to explain why things happened and who was the driving force behind alot of it.

LAST EDITED ON May-29-08 AT 06:43PM (MST)[p]just watched the Olberman interview with Scotty boy, man did scott throw himself under the Bush buss. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, he did get burned and should therefore have a grudge. That said, his views are consistent with what most of the "left" and the "right" have reported all along. . .

I'm very surprised at how candid he now is, I'll bet he wont be invited over to the ranch anytime soon. . .

"Roadless areas, in general, represent some of the best fish and wildlife habitat on public lands. The bad news is that there is nothing positive about a road where fish and wildlife habitat are concerned -- absolutely nothing." (B&C Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).
I just saw an interview with McClellan's mother saying how proud she is of him for showing the values he was brought up with by telling the truth. I suppose she's a money grubbing liar as well? now that's just unamerican to say that about mom.

The whole lot of them are Texans though so I don't know........
None of us have read the friggin book. All of us have been spoon fed the outrageous out takes. Some of us think he is a saint and some of us are going to think he is a sell out.

What is funny is how the left, while Scotty was under Bush employ labeled him an idiot, a moron ect., now he comes out with a negative on Bush and suddenly he is the best thing since sliced bread. Hilarious.

From what I have heard from some who have read the book is that Scotty boy makes these acusations but then provides no evidence to back up his claims.

Early reports are his editor knew the first copy of his book would not sell as it had a positive view on Bush, so according to Scotty the editor "tweaked" it. Then they splash it across the media a viola now he has a best seller and the book aint even out yet.

Yep guys I am going with money grubbing scum until I read the book my self.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
02 quite digging. I think he still is a complete moron, he knew then what he knows now, if ever there were a trial for war crimes he'd be on the list. . . and I'd help throw him under the buss.

I have yet to hear one single person challenge him on a singe issue; they just blast him for talking. Give us one example of where he's gone wrong in his assessment of the issues?

Then, if you dont mind, tell us where you get the truth, i'm tired of getting my news from 4-5 different sources and coming to my own conclusions, if you have the truth market cornered please for the sake of time and money, tell us where to find it!

He's right to come out now and tell his story, forget the book, the one hour interview last nigh was enough for me, i dont need to read the book, i heard his damning opinions and they came straight from his mouth - unless of course it really was not him and instead some cia impostor. . .

02, take a chair, Scotty said, and I'm paraphrasing, "it took me a while to get the book out because I wanted to make sure it was all MY OWN thoughts, and this book is all my own thoughts."

Again you can call him a liar but what he's saying is corroborated by the entire rest of the world except for his closes buds who still will for the rest of time, ride the Bush gravy train. . .
Dont forget this is politics. There are more possibilities than money grubbing.

Ego. These political types cannot stand not being the center of attention.

More political Horseshiat.

This goes for both parties.
" Tweaked the book " from positive to negative so it would sell. that's classic, did you get that from Rush?
Dude do you think a posative book on Bush would sell?

Next "tweaked" was the word used by Scotty boy himself? So call him on it not me!

Tmoneyshot I was refering to liberals and not you. You said "I still think he's a moron" unless you classify your self a a liberal. Last I heard out of you was you were a middle of the roader.

Next, this truth crap I have no idea what you are getting at. You and I have the same info. You have your opinion and I have mine. The actual truth may never be known. You use 4 or 5 souces I use 10 to 15. I have never claimed to have this truth of which you speak.

"Again you can call him a liar but what he's saying is corroborated by the entire rest of the world"

Not Tmoneyshot that right there is truly hilarious. The entire rest of the world..........LMAO c' that best you could come up with. Sounds like something a 2nd grader would use.......The entire rest of the world...........LMAO!

Look Arie Flischer says Scotty told him something different. So now to use your statement "Again you can call him a liar" It depends upon who you want to believe and what your politics are.

The entire rest of the world.....................good one bro!

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
202 we'll never have the truth verified to your standards because you won't bevieve anything that doesn't fit your agenda. if Cheney came out and said it's all true and here's more you'd call him a traitor turncoat money grubbing liar.

McClellan is about as credible as anyone who was inside the whitehouse at that time could be other than Powell and he's indicated what Scott is saying himself. Scott is a long time Bushie who came fron the land of fruit loops along with Bush, he didn't just blow into town . we can't say he's telling the truth 100% but we know for sure Bush, Cheney and Rove aren't so what are you going to do? my thinking is he's telling the truth but it's not enough for a conviction, I think that's yet to come. you're not going to like or believe that either so arguing with you is a waste of time.
>202 we'll never have the truth
>verified to your standards because
>you won't bevieve anything that
>doesn't fit your agenda. if
>Cheney came out and said
>it's all true and here's
>more you'd call him a
>traitor turncoat money grubbing liar.
> McClellan is about as credible
>as anyone who was inside
>the whitehouse at that time
>could be other than Powell
>and he's indicated what Scott
>is saying himself. Scott is
>a long time Bushie who
>came fron the land of
>fruit loops along with Bush,
>he didn't just blow into
>town . we can't say
>he's telling the truth 100%
>but we know for sure
>Bush, Cheney and Rove aren't
>so what are you going
>to do? my thinking is
>he's telling the truth but
>it's not enough for a
>conviction, I think that's yet
>to come. you're not going
>to like or believe that
>either so arguing with you
>is a waste of time.

Back at ya Dude.................back at ya!
"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
02, what has scotty said that is UNTRUE? What facts do YOU have to argue against his story? Are you saying he's a liar or are you saying he's just selling books? I've yet to hear as level headed man or woman dispute him on the FACTs that he presents in his interview, never mind the book since we have not read it. His interview was however widely watched.
Arie Flischer, Yea I know you think HE is a liar, said that Scotty boy told him that it was his editor that tweaked the book negative. Scotty told Arie that the editor said a posative book would not sell!

So here we are. I think Scotty is a sell out and you think Arie is a liar. What now!

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Pot calling the kettle black????

Here is what McClellan said in his press briefing on March 22, 2004 when asked about Richard Clarke?s book blasting the Bush Administration for 9/11 and CIA intelligence failures:

"MR. McCLELLAN: Well, why, all of a sudden, if he (Richard Clarke) had all these grave concerns, did he not raise these sooner? This is one-and-a-half years after he left the administration. And now, all of a sudden, he's raising these grave concerns that he claims he had. And I think you have to look at some of the facts. One, he is bringing this up in the heat of a presidential campaign. He has written a book and he certainly wants to go out there and promote that book."

What a slime ball sell out!

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
that's what you got . . . that's it? buwaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaa haa haaha a a . . . . .
How would one " tweak " a book like that to the negative side? the book is telling of mistakes and deception , it would take Dr Seuss to " tweak " it into a happy story. maybe he should have added an ending like the Grinch had?
Dude those are not my words those are the words of your hero Scitty boy!

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
"Dogs at work", "work, dogs, work!", Dogs at play", "Play, dogs, play!"

yep dude, kinda reminds me of the good doctor.........jeez washington is FUBAR.....all of it

202 we know you quote crap all the time but how about a one time limit. McClellan say he did not say that, I can prove he denied it so can you prove he said it?
From the Wall Street Journal

May 28, 2008, 4:26 pm
Ari Fleischer: Maybe McClellan?s Editor Had a Heavy Hand
Ari Fleischer, who served as President Bush?s first press secretary and was succeeded by Scott McClellan, said he was puzzled by McClellan?s book, particularly his comments on Iraq. His statement is below.

Statement by Ari Fleischer on Scott McClellan?s Book

?There is something about this book that just doesn't make any sense.

For 2 ? years Scott and I worked shoulder to shoulder at the White House. Scott was my always reliable, solid deputy. Not once did Scott approach me ? privately or publicly - to discuss any misgivings he had about the war in Iraq or the manner in which the White House made the case for war. Scott himself repeatedly made the case for the war from the podium and even after he left the White House, I remember watching him on Bill Maher?s show ? about one year ago - making the case for the war.

If Scott had such deep misgivings, he should not have accepted the press secretary position as a matter of principle.

This book changed a lot from the way Scott first described it to me. Many of the passages in it don't sound like Scott. He told me yesterday that as the publication deadline approached, his editor ?tweaked some things closely in the last couple months?. Nevertheless, it is Scott's book and I want to hear his explanation for why he has had such a dramatic change in his point of view.

As press secretary, I repeatedly relied on Scott and have nothing but good memories about our work together in the White House. While I disagree with Scott's assessments, and am heartbroken that Scott feels this way about his time at the White House, I will always ? especially on a personal level ? wish Scott well.?

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
McClellan denied telling Fleicher that, and McClellan doesn't strike me as stupid enough to give someone who's about to attack him ammo. those set on discrediting McClellan have jumped on these private conversation comments he supposedly made as proof the book is inaccurate, if this is the best they've got this story is far from over.

After listening to quite a few interviews with McClellan I think he's a a decent guy who wanted to tell the truth for the good of the country, he repeats over and over he likes Bush and the point of his book is to expose the partisan politics in DC and the way business is conducted. I don't get the feel this is a hate or revenge issue but a desire for positive change, he isn't saying the dems are any better. if you get past the fact he dare say a negative word about Bush or his administation his claims are not that damning.
You libs are tooooo much. He doesn't strike you as stupid eh? When he was press secretary all you libs thought he was a lieing SOB!

Now that he has this book out he is "a decent guy." How non partisan of you dude.

I agree with you on one thing though, his claims aren't damning. In fact I can't believe this has gotten so much press or so much interest on this website. His claims are just that, claims. He makes accusations with no proof to back up anything. Who really believes he had access to any information anyway? He was a press secretary. He was paid to say what the administration told him to say. He wasn't an advisor to anyone.
"I agree with you on one thing though, his claims aren't damning. In fact I can't believe this has gotten so much press or so much interest on this website. His claims are just that, claims. He makes accusations with no proof to back up anything. Who really believes he had access to any information anyway? He was a press secretary. He was paid to say what the administration told him to say. He wasn't an advisor to anyone."

Yea I said that exact same thing a few post ago Viking. Suddenly Scotty is the darling of the left. The dude even eluded to being an Obama suporter. If the book is not suposed to be a sell out daming book all for the money then why the timing. If Scotty is so full of truth and high morals then why did he stick around so long with the admin. He stinks.

Now Hdude, I gave you the Wall Street Journal article as proof as you ask. You claim to have proof your hero refuted these claims by Arie, yet you do not show your evidence you claim to have. Lets see it!

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
just watched him push Orielly over the top, bill could not crack him and by the end of interview, he looked like the attack machine the fundamentalists need him to be. BO was in fine form, SM, stuck to his game and smoke orielly. . . poor orielly tried to brow beat him and he used every legal tactic he could. Funny thing is that for much of it SM just let him melt down, boy was it entertaining. . .

"Roadless areas, in general, represent some of the best fish and wildlife habitat on public lands. The bad news is that there is nothing positive about a road where fish and wildlife habitat are concerned -- absolutely nothing." (B&C Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).
LAST EDITED ON Jun-03-08 AT 05:26AM (MST)[p]We all know how much you dislike O'Riely and how much you love Scotty boy so your take comes as no surprise.

I on the other hand have an open mind................yea right. LMAO :)

Actually money I thought BO exposed Scotty for what he is. A tool for the haters. BO also exposed his weak azz argument over the Plame game, exactly like Novak did in his piece. BO also exposed his weakness on the run up to invade Sadam's regime. It was obvious to me that Scotty's spin was all about the negative. Which in turn goes right along with what I have said since day one........It's all about the MONEY for Scotty!

Also BO was/is the ONLY interview that asked the tough questions of Scotty.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-03-08 AT 08:14AM (MST)[p]
I'm okay with a lot of his material, however BO is an autoratarian who intimidates, shoutd louder, getd overly hostile, and forced his opinions on people, as far as he sees it, he is the right fighter and if you disagree with him youre just flat wrong.

In many cases people like his style because it takes a lot of effort to think for one's self, its easy to believe a guy who like Rush just shouts loud and is a bully, BO is a comic act not a news man. . .

The facts are out there, dismiss SM at youre own peril, he is right, the politics of washington are hurting this nation and Bush has set the standard for nation wreckers. . .

"Roadless areas, in general, represent some of the best fish and wildlife habitat on public lands. The bad news is that there is nothing positive about a road where fish and wildlife habitat are concerned -- absolutely nothing." (B&C Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).
If you take the facts we have so far they line up with what McClellan is saying, there was no valid reason to go to war in Iraq ,and we know at the very least the whitehouse wasn't honest with what they knew, some would say they're liars. Libby was convicted of lying and Bush cut him loose, Plame was outed, and the stonewalling has kept us from the rest of the facts, FOR NOW.

All the Bushies have for a defense is McClellan wants to make money so he wrote a fiction book, very original. if the neocons want to discredit McClellan in a real and fair way let's get on with the hearings which are going to happen anyway, just cooperate and prove yourself innocent. that's asking too much isn't it, just don't forget after Bush leaves office he can't make pardons.
"I'm okay with a lot of his material, however BO is an autoratarian who intimidates, shoutd louder, getd overly hostile, and forced his opinions on people, as far as he sees it, he is the right fighter and if you disagree with him youre just flat wrong.

In many cases people like his style because it takes a lot of effort to think for one's self, its easy to believe a guy who like Rush just shouts loud and is a bully, BO is a comic act not a news man. . ."

Well I could not disagree more. He may intimidate you Tmoney, but I would call it passionate about the subject matter. I would also say he is the fairest comentator out there. He is the ONLY guy that will ask the tough questions and allow the oposing view to "Have the last Word" can not name one other comentator that will do that. Not one. You may like all the other milktoast comentators on cable news. I like a guy that has got some fire in his belly. I gues Olberman is more your style.

Next. Since when is BO suposed to be a news man??? The man is a COMENTATOR. He coments on the news, he does not report the crap!

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Real nice dude, your liberal bias shines through once again. "guilty until proven innocent."

That's not how freedom works my friend.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-03-08 AT 10:51AM (MST)[p]Viking did not just post that did he?

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