

Very Active Member
Idaho's legislators are trying to force Idaho fish and game to add 12 auction/governors tags up for bid, (these tags are being pulled from the non-resident quota)
Currently Idaho only has one governors/auction tag, it's a big horn sheep tag.
This bill SB 1236 is being pushed through on the fast track, very little effort has been made to collect public input on this bill.
Most of us here in Idaho have watched in disbelief as to what happened to you folks in Utah.
I would have to say it's a pretty safe bet that SFW is playing a major role in pushing for these tags, if this bill goes through these tags will be distributed to certain sportsman groups that meet the proper criteria.
there's a couple of threads in the Idaho forum that provide more details.


I have started an online petition,
Pretty simple to click on the link, sign and pass it on to anybody you know or post on Facebook and other hunting sites,
Any support would be greatly appreciated.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-16 AT 09:30AM (MST)[p]runamuk-

Thanks for sharing this link. I signed your petition.

To you sportsmen in other states, I would fight tooth and nail if I were you to avoid the temptation to turn to large numbers of wealth tags in the name of "conservation." Once you go down that road, it it is a slippery slope and leads to a host of problems.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-16 AT 09:41AM (MST)[p]Hawkeye,
Wait, for months even years you have stated that all you are fighting for is transparency. That you had no issue at all with SFW that you would even join if there was more transparency.

So what is it? Were you lying then, or have you changed your mind on the matter. If you have changed your mind then please confirm what it is that you are really fighting for here in Utah.

I'll take my abuse from your minions that you now lead and represent but I would like your answer not theirs.

My position has been the same for the last 7 years. Go back and read it if you want. There are hundreds of posts to choose from.

I am not a fan of wealth tags. I personally would prefer a limited number of wealth tags if most, if not all, of the money was earmarked for actual consveration projects and accounted for. That is what most western states are currently doing.

I beleive there are too many Conservation Permits in Utah. Last time I counted them a few years back there were 330+ such tags. There are more today. Despite my concern with that number, I do appreciate the fact that 90% of the Conservation Permit revenues are earmarked for actual conservation and audited annually.

The Expo Tag program has been a complete mess. The groups have used our 200 public permits to raise nearly $10 million in application fees. There have been very little accountabilty or transparency. I blame the DWR and the conservation groups for those failures. I have spent a great deal of time on this issue in the last few years.

Over the years, there have been efforts to export the "Utah Model" to surrounding western states. I have posted repeatedly on threads relating to those topics and encouraged local sportsmen in thsoe states to resist the "Utah Model." I believe that you go down that road there is no turning back. The states, the F&G departments and the conservation groups all get addicted to the money and influence generated from those tags.

I will admit that SFW at times get lumped together with similar movements pushing for wealth tags in other states (e.g. AZ, WY, ID). I try to avoid making such statements myself because I generally don't who specifically is leading the charge in other states. But I do know that Don Peay and others within SFW frequently brag about the "Utah Model", take credit for its successes and claim that other states are envious of our system. Those types of statements are likely why sportsmen make that connection.

I hope I answered you questions Cody and welcome back to monstermuleys.com.

This has got to be quashed,it is supported by a local state senator, Mike Moyle, who just happens to be a big land owner with a lot of elk. This whole debacle has spread across the border, under the guise of helping wild life,and supplementing the F&G. budget. It is a carbon copy of Utah's SFW fiasco. I have a biologist friend,and he said F&G is totally against this proposal,but it is the few land owners that have the power to try and push this thing through. They claim to just want to have 12 auction tags,but that is just the start of worse things to come. This same group is also pushing for Bonus or Preference points as well, something the majority of Idaho hunters are against!!.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-16 AT 11:55AM (MST)[p]I have a few Idaho friends fighting against this. Many hunters showed up to the meeting to oppose the auction tags. Keep up the fight.


Facebook post
"Idaho fish and game commissioners did not cave into the "political biology" today and did what was right for ALL sportsmen of Idaho. Thank you to everyone who commented!! Now we must prepare ourselves for retribution from our Idaho legislature and remember that when the time comes at the polls."

Although this battle is not over, the public hunters have dug their heels in.

Theodore Roosevelt's guidance concerning
"The movement for the conservation of wildlife,
and the conservation of all our natural resources,
are essentially democratic in spirit,purpose and

"We do not intend that our natural resources shall
be exploited by the few against the interests of the
majority. Our aim is to preserve our natural
resources for the public as a whole, for the
average man and the average woman who make
up the body of the American people."

"It is in our power...to preserve game..and to give
reasonable opportunities for the exercise of the
skill of the hunter,whether he is or is not a man of
Here are my thoughts on it the auction tags and expo set up is not all bad the idea of bringing in that money to help conservation in the state is a great shot in the arm money wise.

The problem comes when you get circus acts like sfw who run it.

They get money hungry and politically dug in like the weasels they are.

Best case scenerio for Idaho is they learn from utahs mistakes and make every last penny be accounted for
I had a little chat with a guy from SFW Idaho a few weeks ago. His selling point was that I should support SFW Idaho because they are nothing like SFW Utah. I recommended they change their name then. Even SFW chapters in other states try to distance themselves from the dirtbags in Utah.

No estas en mexico ahora, entonces escoja tu basura
chancho sucio.
I've heard the same thing for years from the Idaho SFW folks i have talked to.
And for years they have been trying to get their hands on the best tags in Idaho, SO THEY CAN SELL THEM!!!!

Sure sounds like SFW Utah, don't it?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-16 AT 10:41AM (MST)[p]Signed.

I hope you guys got some media attention to this, including a feature showing the corruption this resulted in south of you. That's the only way to stop it.

Arizona tried this same thing in 2012 with HB2072, having the audacity to introduce it via an "emergency measure" simply in an attempt to avoid public criticism. Let me ask you something........do you think it's in the Idaho taxpayers interest to auction off the city parks in Boise? Because this is the same thing. This Don Peay model for wildlife conservation is nothing more than private exploitation of a public resource. When this kind of money is generated, it attracts corruption and exploitation by politicians and special interest groups, all at the cost of taxpayers. Utah's system has proven this.










This last article displays simply the collateral damage created by this model theft under the guise of conservation. There's never a lack of corruption or scandals surrounding this "model"!

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
Don't fall for the sfw Idaho is different then sfw Utah crap. They all drink from the same koolaid faucet. That is hilarious that even people part of their own org. Try to wash their hands from Utahs three ring circus though.
>Don't fall for the sfw Idaho
>is different then sfw Utah
>crap. They all drink from
>the same koolaid faucet. That
>is hilarious that even people
>part of their own org.
>Try to wash their hands
>from Utahs three ring circus

Are you aware that the big SFW Chapter in Cody, WY parted company a couple years ago after they kept asking where/what all the money they were sending to Utah was being used for. Not only can't the public get an audit of the Expo tags, but their own people were told by the top brass to go pound sand and that they would not get an answer!
>>Don't fall for the sfw Idaho
>>is different then sfw Utah
>>crap. They all drink from
>>the same koolaid faucet. That
>>is hilarious that even people
>>part of their own org.
>>Try to wash their hands
>>from Utahs three ring circus
>Are you aware that the big
>SFW Chapter in Cody, WY
>parted company a couple years
>ago after they kept asking
>where/what all the money they
>were sending to Utah was
>being used for. Not
>only can't the public get
>an audit of the Expo
>tags, but their own people
>were told by the top
>brass to go pound sand
>and that they would not
>get an answer!

Sfw the biggest joke in the hunting community off all time
The good guys won this time,the F&G met on Friday,and vetoed any new auction of big game tags. Thanks to the overwhelming public outcry against allowing tags to be sold. Trust me these scum bags will not let up,and will be back at the legislature next year. Thanks to all who stepped up to secure Idaho's hunting heritage..
That's great news I am glad a few whiney average Joe's could make a difference.utah needs to grow a pair and get these leaches out of here
Great! That shows that even if we don't live in a particular state where stuff like this is happening that just a simple email to the Legislators can have a positive effect if they get enough of them!

Congratulations on dodging that bullet like AZ. Looks like all the whinny losers in Utah who didn't get their way made a difference. Good job.
Only a temporary win. This will not end. Guaranteed Idaho will need to continue to be vigilant.

These wealth tag folks are using "progressive" tactics. The moment you let your guard down, Idaho, they will get a small victory. Then the precedent will be set, and the number of allocated wealth tags will just keep increasing from there. And that goes for all other states. (Not sure if Utah is salvageable, since UT DWR is in on it).

Good luck! I'm pulling for you.
Don't burst our bubble Sherlock. We are being told that "Utah is the envy of all western states" and my personal favorite, "the "Serengeti of the West!"

Unfortunately it is still very much a problem and the commissions decision didn't change anything.
Here's the short version.
In 2012 some greedy SFW connected legislators passed a law that said the IDF&G commission "may issue" Governor's tags. From then on including last week the commission has listened to public input and not issued more Governor's tags.

The same greedy SFW connected legislators have not been happy that the public input process has stopped their tag grab plans. The new law they are pushing would change the wording in the law from "may issue" to "shal issue" making the commissions decision not to issue more Governor's tags based on public input moot. The commission would be required by law to issue the tags.

The bill attempting to change the law is still alive S1236 and can be read here

Click on bill text and read the proposed changes that would become law if passed.
No it doesn't change anything with outfitters. The only changes to the law with this bill are in section (9). All removed wording has a line through it and all new wording is underlined. A few small changes and BOOM the public and commission have no say in it.

It's interesting how quickly $FW will turn on the "public input process." They used to present themselves as the organization that represents all sportsmen. Then a survey was conducted by the DWR in Utah that showed 65% of hunters do not prefer a trophy model of hunting. I personally heard Pay Day respond by saying "well they just don't understand biology."

I think $FW has got the message that a lot of hunters do not like them. Now their message is "we won - you lost, you're such a whinner."
I just read the bill.

25% of nonresident deer and elk tags will be set aside for those who use a guide?

One sheep tag will be auctioned and another will be raffled through a non profit organization?

Same with 10 wolf tags?

Why do these state agencies conduct massive general draws, but they are not capable of administering auctions and raffles.

Idaho needs to kick this to the curb.
You Idahoans need to fight this with everything you have. Idaho has always done it right with hunting and fishing opportunities for the general public.

Fight this cancer with everything you have, or it could all go down the toilet.
>I just read the bill.
>25% of nonresident deer and elk
>tags will be set aside
>for those who use a
>One sheep tag will be auctioned
>and another will be raffled
>through a non profit organization?
>Same with 10 wolf tags?
>Why do these state agencies conduct
>massive general draws, but they
>are not capable of administering
>auctions and raffles.
>Idaho needs to kick this to
>the curb.

Everything you quote is already law. The changes to the legislation are crossed-out and the change is underlined. In the case of this bill the word May is crossed out and the word Shall is underlined.

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