
Very Active Member
So word has it that SFW has set their sights on NV and the great tags available there. Just a heads up for you NV residents, look long and hard before you sign over your hunting rights to these scammers. They tried to get ahold of 350 premium tags in AZ this year by having one of their schills introduce emergency legislation into the house. Luckily, some true outdoorsmen discovered the plot before it became law and we raised such an outrage the bill has been withdrawn for now.
Nevada is doing just fine without SFW. No we are not perfect but we definitely do not need the help of those tag grabbers for the rich in this state. SFW, stay out!!!! Utah has nothing but controversy concerning SFW. SFW only divides the hunting community. fatrooster.
Looks to me as if SFW (Sportsmen for Fish & Wildlife) likes to round up a bunch of premium tags to "auction" off for fund raising...NOT something I feel is right!

Here is a link to their web site: http://www.sfw.net/
The only thing I wonder about is this, would Nevadas elk populations look more like Utahs if some group like SFW were involved? I believe SFW was at least partly responsible for the state wide objectives being raised in Utah by 15,000 elk? Poor Nevada doesn't even have 15,000 elk in the whole state, and much of the reason is because there is no sportsmans voice. The problem in Nevada is not biological, its political, and politics is a nasty business.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-12 AT 08:33AM (MST)[p]"The only thing I wonder about is this, would Nevada's elk populations look more like Utah's if some group like SFW were involved?"

No, but their auction tag list would.

This link from the UTDOW website lists them all. Sorry, there were too many to list individually, so they had to be displayed using a PDF document:


BTW - I will be drawing the only remaining preference NR Pauns archery deer tag this year. 85% of the Paunsagunt archery deer tags available to nonresidents went to the auction block. 11 for auction (2 raffled to lemmings) and 2 left for us regular Joe's. There are fewer deer now in Utah than pre-SFW, and 85% fewer tags for regular Joe Hunter.

Oh but hey it's all good. Just ask SFW cronnie Chris Denham, who claims they steal only .2 of 1% of the tags.
Unfortunately, a well meaning but naive hunting public is easy pickin's for the snake oil salesmen of SFW. Everyone would like to have the voice of the sportsman heard by the regulators that control the wellbeing of our game animals. SFW plays to this audience to gain access to the most precious premium tags to sell at auction. The proceeds of the sale are used solely at their discretion. Very little goes to the improvement of wildlife and habitat. Most goes to payroll, management and consulting fees, and auction expense. Some has gone to some very questionable land purchses in places like Canada. Their auctions are attended by a group of well funded tag buyers that have the money to win auctions year after year. Winning bids are well over $100,000 for each tag. The true beneficiaries of SFW are the ultra rich that want to bypass the tag allocation systems put in place by state agencies.

The only way these types can be stopped is if you spread the word to as many sportsman as possible. An educated public voicing their opinion to the regulators can prevent the tag theft. Once it starts, it is almost impossible to stop because SFW will spend hundreds of thousands of sportsmen dollars getting their schills elected or appointed into decision making positions in government.
I would still like to know where the information came from that states they are interested in coming to Nevada.
>I would still like to know
>where the information came from
>that states they are interested
>in coming to Nevada.

Post #41 in this thread by BuzzH, a very reliable source:


"Then...and this one is big IMO. I talked with some dirtbag from Casper that is going to start a SFW branch in Nevada within the next year. He flat told me he was going to make a run at snagging and getting as many commissioner and governors tags as he could in Nevada. He also stated that he is going to use as much of the money as he can for bounties on coyotes. He is also going to push for lions to be moved to predator status with "shoot on sight" status and hopefully no limits or licenses required. You can only imagine how that conversation went between he and I. I wished him luck and told him he'd need it as I would do everything in my power to see him fail in Nevada...and thats a promise he'll find out I'm a little serious about. He was also totally against the RMEF and MDF and said both groups were worthless to issues in Nevada and had never done anything but take money from Nevada Sportsmen. Real quality guy."

Regardless, it's only a matter of time anyway. See attached link:


BTW - They have an Arizona chapter but they are laying low, unshaded, pulled off the SFW website since their failed embarassing 332 tag midnight rape attempt last month.

SFW already has chapters in every other state that has a marketable amount of trophy big game tags to harvest, especially easy pickens nonresident tags where the recipients have no voice. You won't see them helping the states that need help the most, like Oregon & Washington.
The more I hear, the more interesting it gets, SWF really tarred themselves when they tried for outfitter tags in Wyoming, sounds like that was a blessing. Nevada could be a ripe target, lots of hunter apathy, and those predators.
Oh there's absolutely no doubt Nevada has a SFW bullseye on it. NV has trophy tags for the taking. That is where SFW goes.
As a Kalifornian I really shouldn't comment BUT I love Nevada. Reading posts on the utah forum for the last 5+ years, the issue is "Where does the money go?"

Draw odds are tough everywhere. Give up a couple of NR tags for a hunt doesn't seem like much, especially for residents since ther draw odds don't change. BUT EVERYONE IS A NON-RESIDENT SOMEWHERE!!

Nevada could benefit from guzzler projects and maybe big game transplants. BUT from everything i've read, the SFW crowd repeatedly states 90% of the $$$ goes back to wild life. The opponents seriously doubt this because SFW can't seem to prove it.

And some of the SFW crowd end up with a primo tag or 2 every year is seems. When questioned, they claim they spent 1000s on raffle tickets.

I caution everyone to really look hard at this before you support it.
If the truth be known, Nevada is already heading down that slippery slope of money tags.

Heritage tags, silver state tags, piw tags, guided NR only tags, landowner tags and the newest catch phrase "DREAM TAGS".

The squeeze is already on the average hunter who has waited his turn in line for a tag.

All of these are playing a part on seasons and quotas in certain areas.

SFW would only be the final nail in the coffin for Nevada.
Nevada has been leaning towards Utah's template for "special tags" / hunts for a few years now, just another way to squeeze an extra buck out of the common man. Personally I believe the state has taken this about as far as I care to see it go. How many special hunts / tags can you have before you begin to diminish the good old basic tag application?

As far as the SFW goes..........I see no reason why we need a pimp to move in and sell tags for us, regardless of the method or the price!

Hey hey hey c'mon now. Don't be hatin! Just give SFW one more chance..........

>AT 08:33?AM (MST)

>"The only thing I wonder about
>is this, would Nevada's elk
>populations look more like Utah's
>if some group like SFW
>were involved?"
>No, but their auction tag list
>This link from the UTDOW website
>lists them all. Sorry,
>there were too many to
>list individually, so they had
>to be displayed using a
>PDF document:
>BTW - I will be drawing
>the only remaining preference NR
>Pauns archery deer tag this
>year. 85% of the
>Paunsagunt archery deer tags available
>to nonresidents went to the
>auction block. 11 for
>auction (2 raffled to lemmings)
>and 2 left for us
>regular Joe's. There are
>fewer deer now in Utah
>than pre-SFW, and 85% fewer
>tags for regular Joe Hunter.
>Oh but hey it's all good.
> Just ask SFW cronnie
>Chris Denham, who claims they
>steal only .2 of 1%
>of the tags.


you love to talk % . what % of tags go to non-res. in utah?
in 2000 before sfw pauns archery had 59 res tags and 7 non-res tags in 2011 pauns archery had 23 res tags and 2 non-res tags
is their a 85% difference in these numbers?
I agree. NV is leaning toward the Utah tag model already. NV may be ripe for the picking but I hope not.
I'm telling you, you can make a difference. We were able to turn the tide on the "emergency" legislation in AZ to stop the SFW tag grab here. Take a few minutes to call and e-mail your legislators. If they get no calls, they will probably vote along with the guy that introduces a bill. If the only calls they get are from concerned sportsmen, they will vote your way. You should be contacting your legislators now so they will be prepared when the bill comes their way. Better to inform them beforehand than to blindside them after a bill is introduced.
Sagebrush is spot on with his comments. It's 100% better to be proactive and let your legislator's know how you feel on issues prior to any legislation being initiated or introduced.
sorry i missed your comment. just go on the wealth tag file i posted and confirm the pauns tags numbers yourself. 9 + 2 = 11.
>sorry i missed your comment.
>just go on the wealth
>tag file i posted and
>confirm the pauns tags numbers
>yourself. 9 + 2 =

very good 9+2=11
you were talking about archery tags? i can't find anywhere that utah offered 11 non-res archery tags for the pauns. if you want to complain about SFW go ahead just don't make up numbers and spew them out as fact!
Just an update on the philosophy behind SFW in case any fellow Nevadan's are interested.

"Peay, who stressed that the Utah chapter isn't trying to push its view in Alaska or even with the Alaska chapter, said it's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource. Peay described that egalitarian doctrine, found in Alaska's state constitution and laws throughout the West, as "socialism." It offers no economic incentive for landowners to kill predators, improve big game habitat and even provide food and water for target species."

Read more here: http://www.adn.com/2012/03/03/23505...ghts-weighed.html#storylink=cpy#storylink=cpy
The any weapon tags can be used during archery. These are all avalable to nonresidents. It's a fact. Add all them up and you will see it comes to 11/13. That is a fact.
>The any weapon tags can be
>used during archery. These
>are all avalable to nonresidents.
> It's a fact.
>Add all them up and
>you will see it comes
>to 11/13. That is
>a fact.

re-check your "fact" zim any weapon can be used during the any weapon hunt . not the archery hunt !! you have to draw a archery tag to hunt during the archery hunt !that is a fact! if you happen to draw a any weapon tag and need someone to video your archery hunt i would love to tag along.

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