SFW Math


Very Active Member
SFW X O points + $$$$ = the longest jump in the history of leap frog. With a mighty swipe of their pen across their check SFW's elite supporters are able to leap over 108,791 people to get to the head of the elk tag line. 108,791, that's how many hunters were in the 2011 limited entry draw pool with 1 to 19 points, not counting those that applied with zero points. These elite SFW supporters that can afford to write checks that would equal a years salary or more for most of us are hunting every year, killing trophy bulls, while the rest of us that are too stupid to know what's good for us set on the sidelines clutching our bonus points hoping that someday we may get to be more then spectators. Someone needs to explain to me how SFW is benefiting the average hunter.
Well Wes look at all the habitat improvements weve made, and look at how great the deer is ERRRR elk herd is doing. Were ONLY taken 5 percent of the tags Plus 200 of the best tags in the state. Heck your odds are ONLY going to go up a few percentage points w/out these tags, your NOT missing a thing. TRUST me ALL your $ on these tags is going to a good cause like huntin and fishin trips to entitled people. Except for the convention tags we can do what the ever we want with that.
Well Wes, it is quite simple.

Without Peayday and his cronies looking out for our best interests, we would watch trophy elk hunting declining substantially over the last 5+ years and we would watch our deer herds plummet over decades with no reversal in sight.

Without Peayday, Our tags would be harder to draw, almost impossible for those under the age of 30 since they couldn't start early on the point pools.

Without Peayday, Our "General Deer" units would be increased and chopped up with many seasons shortened to increase buck numbers, though that likely would help either.

Without Peayday, we would have 300+ more tags in the general draw.

Is that the type of hunting you want in Utah?

PS - I will retract this email if I draw an Expo tag. I'm a hypocrite.

Dry I realize this may bore you and other SFW supporters. My guess is that most hunters are unaware of the total number of people in the bonus point pool. In the limited entry elk pool there are 108,791 residents with 1 to 19 bonus points and 39,274 non resident hunters with 1 to 19 points. That is a lot of hunters waiting for what will amount to their once in a life time hunt while others circumvent the draw and hunt every year by writing checks. In case you haven't notice a lot of hunters are waking up and voicing their concern about what is happening.
Never said I was a SFW supporter. Ya I agree with alot of what you said. But when you have 3,000 I hate SFW posts and everyone is pissing and moaning on the internet and yet not a damn one of them is willing to get off their ass and do something about it. But they will yell and scream just to do it.
I say good for those that are sick of the B.S. and actually do something about it. But for the other 99% I dont care for
LAST EDITED ON Feb-16-12 AT 05:32PM (MST)[p]Dry. If you are not a supporter of SFW I apologize for lumping you in that category. I agree that there are a lot of anti SFW posts right now, and there will be more to come. People are finally waking up to the SFW scam. Most will just sit on the sideline and complain, but like any other movement this is in it's infancy and will take a while, SFW didn't happen overnight. UWC is a new organization that I support because I believe it has the average hunters interest in mind. I also believe we need to keep posting info and encourage others to speak up. Once again I apologize for calling you a SFW supporter.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-16-12 AT 10:08PM (MST)[p]Hey, whos not for funds going to wildlife....but its here thats the problem. How much of the funds actually gets to the wildlife...unfortunately not much from this outfit.

When you consider FNAWS gets tags and they have rich donors buy hunts that get auctioned to raise more money and the % they give to wildlife is beyond belief. Not to mention all of the volunteer hours- great outfit and worthy cause especially if you are a sheep guy.

But SFW;
Its a basic tenant with donating to any cause- how much of the money ACTUALLY gets to the cause itself. Now if I have my facts wrong that the bulk of the benefit is going to a select few and not the resource- prove me wrong.
westelkman -

Exactly the point I was trying to make in the other thread.

You touched on the problem I have with SFW in UT and AZ. Everyone here has been commenting on what should be done for the wildlife and habitat, and whether quality or quantity should be the issue as if SFW would ever do anything to improve the situation. SFW exists to generate revenue for SFW. SFW spends as little as possible on wildlife, but just enough to keep sucking in the uneducated and fleecing them for dollars.

According to the 2007 tax returns for SFW, which is the latest year I've benn able to find, SFW took in $3,348,790. They spent $3,068,613 and of the total money spent, $83,687 went to big game habitat improvement, $30,000 went to a grouse study, $334,365 went to habitat projects and $1,914 went to turkey feeding for a total of $449,966 spent in a manner somewhat related to wildlife. The other $2.6 million was spent on management fees, consulting fees, Expo costs and tag purchases. If you want to understand the priorities of a company or an individual, you need only to look where they spend their money. SFW spends 14% of their revenues on wildlife and 86% on funding raising and paying their cronies. In AZ, its even worse. 95% of the funds raised by SFW in AZ went to one individual to prepare their monthly e-newsletter and maintain the website. Zero went to wildlife. I haven't loked into MT, WY,ID and AK, but I'm sure its much the same.

Anyone that thinks SFW exists for the benefit of wildlife is just refusing to face the facts or is the recipient of their dirty money. How much good could've been done if $3 million in donations were given to an organization that actually spent the money on projects? In my opinion, SFW, and any other similar organization, sucks the vast majority of discretionary funds available to benefit wildlife out of the market and squanders it on their own greed. Guys like this need to be exposed and drummed out of the wildlife community."
The only way to accomplish any change to do with this, is to conact your stae reps and senators and apply the voting pressure. Bitching won't do the trick boys.
Kudos Sagebrush for doing the research.

If the legislators get enough pressure....it could be investigation time.
>The only way to accomplish any
>change to do with this,
>is to conact your stae
>reps and senators and apply
>the voting pressure. Bitching won't
>do the trick boys.

And support UWC.

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