SFW Stabs Teddy Roosevelt in the Back

Getting back to Don's post, these seem to me to be the relevant points that should be discussed.

1. Since 2002, Utah has spent 80 million dollars on habitat improvement projects.

2. Since 2002, Utah has spent 45,000,000 dollars on road improvements designed to reduce deer by mortality by autos.

Those are huge number numbers in todays world. As a comparison, 80,000,000 equals four years funding for Oregon's Wildlife Division, salaries, benefits, exenses, trend counts, research, overhead, management, everything.

So, the only question that really matters, from what I can see as a non-resident who has not yet hunted in Utah, what did you get for the money?

Here are the mule deer population stats since 2002:

2002.........280,350 deer
2003.........267,780 deer
2004.........287,905 deer
2005.........297,425 deer
2006.........318,451 deer
2007.........302,430 deer
2008.........273,700 deer
2009.........301,700 deer
2010.........293,700 deer
2011.........286,100 deer

Utah's management objective used to be 425,000, but I see it has been lowered to 411,000.

So, after 9 years and 125 million dollars, population is about the same as when this all started, and is on a downward trend.

Don also stated that he expected they would spend another 10 million, I assume on habitat improvement projects in 2012. Given the numbers above, WHY? Isn't this a prime example of continuing to do the same thing, and expecting a different result?

There is a relatively simple truth that seems to get ignored in all these conversations. Forget, buck ratios, fawn survival, predation etc. The key to population growth is what is happening with breeding females. If breeding females increase, over time populations will increase. If breeding females decrease, populations will decrease. Or another way to look at is if mortality of breeding females exceeds recruitment of breeding females, the population will decline. It really does not matter what the cause of the mortality is. To grow a deer population, production has to exceed mortality, not at the fawn level, but at the breeding doe level.

Across the west, far and away the most effort and money has gone into habitat improvement over the past 20 years. The result of all that time an effort has NOT been an increase in populations. The only logical conclusion that can be reached from this is that habitat is not a primary cause of the failure of recruitment of breeding does to exceed mortality.

It seems to me that, rather than continuing to spend huge amounts of money across the entire state with no results, Utah would be smart to do the following:

1. Pick one unit where populations are well below objective, but not completely in the toilet, and close all deer hunting for five years. Do nothing else, no habitat improvements, no road projects, no predator control, etc.

2. Pick a second unit and focus all habitat funds on that unit. Do nothing else, keep tag numbers and seasons the same, no road projects, no predator control, etc.

3. Pick a third unit and focus on coyote control. Spend whatever it takes to dramatically lower coyote numbers. Do nothing else on this unit.

4. Pick a fourth unit, and focus on enforcement to eliminate poaching. Do nothing else on this unit.

5. Pick a fifth unit, and focus on cougar control. Get rid of them as much as possible on this unit. Do nothing else. This one is the trickiest, since Cougars from surrounding area will move into the vacated territory, but given the blame Cougars are getting, needs to be included.

At the start of the 5 years, do whatever it takes to get solid trend count numbers, buck/doe ratios, fawn/doe ratios, total population, etc. No estimates, no computer generated numbers, get out and do the counts, do them several times if necessary, but get good starting baseline numbers so you have something to measure against.

Each year, do the same extensive counts to get valid numbers to measure what is happening. At the end of the 5 years, you will have a wealth of information that will help you determine where your money can best be spent. If none of the populations increase under those 5 schemes, I think it would be fair to say that there is nothing we can really do about declining mule deer populations. I would guess, however, that one or two of those will show some very positive results, while the others will accomplish nothing.

I would guess you can fund the whole thing with the 10 mil you are going to spend in 2012. Bank the next four years funds til you know what works, then you can really go after it on a statewide basis. For example, if closing hunting makes a big difference, use the money to fund the department while they greatly reduce tags.

The truth is, we don't know why all of our money and efforts has not been successful. The only way to solve that is to isolate individual solutions, and measure the results.

Sorry Bird, I didn't attend ole ORRINS open house, mainly because I DO NOT SUPPORT HIM. Again, where is he the other 5 years between elections, other than Jazz games? Bird I guess I am a little quirky. Whenever I hear someone promote themselves as the SAVIOR of anything, and his name isn't JESUS, I am more than suspicious. You can judge a man by his friends, THE DON and ORRIN, seem like a two peas in a pod. Both talk your ear off, both show up every so often to tell you how if you'll just send them some money they can fix everything, and both are back room sellouts(ORRIN and the late TED KENNEDY, THE DON and "greedy flyfishermen, or wolf legislation). See Bird, while THE DON, and ORRIN are deciding who gets what behind the scenes, the rest of us just want to hunt, and have some hunting for our kids. Before you tell me about all of the sucesses of SFW and how they are fixing it for the kids, look at the above deer pop. numbers, not really sucessful. When I read about how utah should be the model for wildlife management(again in quotations from Byron Bateman) and see no improvement in deer numbers pretty much in the time SFW has existed, then hear THE DON tout his sucess, I am more than a little ammused. Add to that the "sudden" existance of wolves into this state, in spite of the worlds greatest wolf warrior(THE DON) living here, and a well written PR spread doesn't cut it. Oh, was I the only one who caught the line about how a study about coyotes killing deer doesn't have results yet, but SFW is going ahead anyway?
If your the man, you don't have to tell us you are. I am not a fan of Doyle Moss, but I have yet to hear him tell anyone how important he is, he just has decades of success to prove it. Where is THE DONS?

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-12 AT 08:02AM (MST)[p]

you make some very good points. and have some well thought out optoins. SFW suggested some of the very same things to the DWR but they did do them

For example:

Take one unit and kill every elk and leave the predators

Take one unit and leave the elk and deer and kill every predator

See what happens to the deer herds.

I don't think poaching is a serious population problem, poachers only kill some bucks. why are there not a lot more does, having lots more fawns taht survive ?

We also discussed with the DWR to Shift a couple million a year from the Habitat effort and put it into Predator Control and see if that works. They did not want to do that either. Habitat is a good thing, but our view now is we have more habitat than animals to eat all the food. We did not do this to grow grasss and forbes and browse, but to grow animals.

The solution we came up with is to get $1.25 Million more and leverage that to kill lots of coyotes across every unit, sportsmen bounty, $250,000 more for aerial gunning, and have some guys specifically target areas.

We have done a little test marketing the last two month. One guy killed 104 coyotes on one deer winter range. With a little financial incentive to cover costs, we hope sportsmen really step up and get things done.

Since Doyle's Moss name gets brought up, Doyle and I are spearheading a little test marketing project Scout and most sportsmen will like to see the results.

The Henry Mountains dropped to about 300 deer. $1 Million in Habitat work, water development, some coyote control, the deer herd has stabilized at about 1,500. GREAT bucks becasue only 45 or so tags issued. The deer populations of 1,500 is way below the capacity of the range.

There are no highways on the unit, no private, state land issues, no migration to other states, etc.

so, Doyle and his guys have taken the time to guide and remove more than 8 lions on this unit - very few lions had been taken over the last few years because it is remote and rugged.

And, i am working to raise about $12,000 and have some expert coyote hunters spend a month on the mountain before fawning season and remove every coyote possible.

It will be interesting to see what that deer herd does, probably doubles to 3,000 in three years, and then we could look at doubling the tags to 90 or so in five years and still keep the world class quality, then sustain 5,000 or so deer and be able to have 150 tags one day in 5 - 8 years.

To secure long term, sustainable wealth requires a lot of work, and sacrifice and time. Same thing with abundant herds and increased opportunity to take large trophies on an annaul basis.

The Government and the occupy wall street hunter mentaility is to just print money, or tags, and then when the wealth is gone, complain about why someone let that happen.

In the meantime, SFW is working to find a great way to implement the coyote control money to reduce coyotes substantailly.

We think that with all the habitat work done, reduce lion populations even more in some areas next fall, and kill coyotes, we can see the deer herds recover.

Scoutog, SFW agress, Habitat alone does not fix the problem, so we are going after more solutions.

SFW members and Board members have asked us to post some information at times, because the feeling is when a bunch of BS is posted, and there is not a response, the BS must be true.

SFW spends far to much time working on issues, but SFW will spend a little more time on marketing and education. It is important to our members.

I like how Birdman and all the other SFW supporters just ignore Ben Lambs post like it never happened, hoping and praying it will just go away. LMAO!

Rebel, you drunk again? Or do you only post under the name of "BEASTWOOD" when you're drunk. (http://utahwildlife.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=41678)
"Conspiracy theories"? Come on, thats the best you can come with? Do a couple more shots and I'm sure you'll be able to convince us all how great SFW is.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-12 AT 08:14AM (MST)[p]"This is my one and only post on MM this year."

Wow. Another lie. Yawn. Why am I not surprised?

Member RMEF, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
Don P look how you have split sportsmen across the western states by stealing our tags and trying to steal more tags in AZ. If money needs to be raised there are other ways to raise it. You have caused more HATE with your tag grabs than anything in the outdoor industry! This is the single worst thing that has ever happened to the average sportman that I have ever seen. Won't less tags for the average joe in states like AZ result in more poaching when people see that the 10 or so years they have been faithfuly putting in for is not enough because SFW has taken tags to sell for profit? All the good things you claim to have done are for nothing in my mind once you started stealing our tags and dividing sportsmen. Tell me what has ever come close to this in splitting us apart....there is nothing. All in the name of conservation...ah I mean greed.
Are you kidding Don??? Your Org exists
Only because of welfare in the form of tags
And deep pockets of a few.

Pure comedy listening to a welfare king call
Out the occupiers and socialists.

Wileywapati you really are dumb go to the meeting and get facts
you sound dumb you act dumb.
Zim lol lie yes you do quit baggin and come to the meetings get the facts you people really sound dumb.
I think it's wonderful that SFW and DP have such an eloquent and well versed person such as yourself to be representing them in such an enlightened manner BC!
If you don't like the tag grab, welfare crew(SFW) your now an Occupy Wallstreeter? So I think that SFW opening the antelope island to a deep pocket is wrong, and now i am some dope smoking hippy camping in a park? HEY BIRD, THE DON WROTE IT HIMSELF, was he misquoted? Taken out of context?

Lets summarize. I am a socialist because I think big game animals belong to the masses, not just whose land they slept on last night. I think you should be able to wade a river. I think that game management ACTUALLY SHOULD BE A GOVERNMENTAL JOB, and that game should be managed to benefit THE MASSES, not just the connected. I think the state should action tags, with 100% going into wildlife(not some 3rd party who keeps their cut), and now, because I don't have a slush fund(DON ITS NOT YOUR MONEY ITS YOUR ORGS) to "pay Doyle Moss" to kill lions(great gig though, THE DON PAYS YOU, and your client pays you, Doyle is a freaking genius) now I am an occupy wallstreeter?

THE DON, you should know that the occupy wallstreet movement is about increasing government control, increasing welfare, increasing social services. THE DON, SFW took more in welfare this year, then the combined ammount of everyone reading this post does in a lifetime. ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS???

THE DON, I supposed you were smart, please stop posting!! It is hard to make you the grand pooba of everything wrong in hunting when you post and make us all realize how out of touch and dumb you are. POACHERS KILL INDESCRIMINATELY, they kill does, fawns, bucks, etc.. POACHERS ARE A BIG PROBLEM!!! Man I hate it when you build someone up only to have them express themselves and destroy all you have worked for. FOR THE LOVE OF GAWD, THE DON, go back over to ORRINS and leave the thinking for those who can!!
Better yet, just have your PR hack do your writing, OCCUPY WALLSTEET, UNBELIEVABLE!!!

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
Thanks for the witty reply BackCountry. I can
Only imagine how magical that night would be.

Hey wapitibob while we're critiquing one another please explain how 13000 less deer tags in Utah equals 13000 less hunters. I did not hunt deer in Utah last year, but I did still hunt elk, coyotes, waterfowl, and upland game. Does me not getting a deer tag mean I am not a hunter. I don't agree with all the wildlife board does, but cutting the number of deer tags in this state is the right move. Again 13000 less deer tags does not equal 13000 less hunters. I advise you to change your little quote it makes you look stupid
The one and done post By DON,really doesn't Help SFW cause in my book.
If you are going to give lip service, I was hoping IT was better then that because that ##### wasn't worth the time it took me to type this.
The glass house must be getting pretty rocky.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Thanks Don for all your time spent away from your family to fight for my families hunting rights. If every one cared about wildlife like you and I, they would get off their ass and do something about it. But instead they sit behind a screen and bawl. They want to hunt every year even if there is nothing to hunt. Steve Sorensen Hyrum UT
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-12 AT 10:49PM (MST)[p]Hi there Don,

If its not too much bother, please show us some accountability for ANY and ALL of your 'Wildlife Conservation' endeavors.

Give the PUBLIC here the total of objectives for SFW over the next 5 years.

Publicly identify ALL of your 'official' State Chapters.

Identify ALL the folks in positions of 'influence' NOW working for the better interest of your regime in various States.

It's funny how many of these SFW people suddenly disassociate themselves from the 'real' SFW the moment the pressure surmounts...yet clamour shamelessly before you the moment you open your squawking yapper in your efforts at 'justifying' your entity's EMPTY promotions of self.

**edit---I also would invite you to contend a public debate against myself, in specific regard to your big plans for New Mexico...are you game?

Adam Simms
Don left to get some more kool-aide anything antler just drank the last glass. If you and SFW keep stealing our tags you will get to hunt every year. We don't do anything ? Take away the 1.2 BILLION dollars the average joe puts into wildlife/conservation per year and see what you've got.
Hey jodog, the tags you talk about, are these the tags SFW got for Utah in the first place for the average joe. Maybe you should be thanking instead of hating. And one more thing, I'm a average joe.
Steve if your an average Joe what in the hell should I call myself? Give me a break man you can pull that ##### with these other guys but I'm not buying
>Hey jodog, the tags you talk
>about, are these the tags
>SFW got for Utah in
>the first place for the
>average joe. Maybe you should
>be thanking instead of hating.
>And one more thing, I'm
>a average joe.

"got for Utah", I guess that's one way to spin it. You mean TOOK from Utah.
>Thanks Don for all your time
>spent away from your family
>to fight for my families
>hunting rights. If every one
>cared about wildlife like you
>and I, they would get
>off their ass and do
>something about it. But instead
>they sit behind a screen
>and bawl. They want to
>hunt every year even if
>there is nothing to hunt.
> Steve
>Hyrum UT

blah blah blah. We haven't heard that before.

Steve, you seem to be in the "know", out of all the wildlife conservation organizations like DU, RMEF, Delta Waterfowl, NAWSF, PF, MDF, NWTF, TU, QU, SCI, etc., why is SFW the most hated, disliked, distrusted, despised, misunderstood?
[font color=red size=redsize=36"face"]JUDAS FRICKEN PRIEST!!![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Easy there STTM...save the blood pressure so u can hunt them pisscutters this fall! ;-)
>Easy there STTM...save the blood pressure
>so u can hunt them
>pisscutters this fall! ;-)

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]I'M TRYIN,I'M TRYIN!!:D:D:D[/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
>I think it's wonderful that SFW
>and DP have such an
>eloquent and well versed person
>such as yourself to be
>representing them in such an
>enlightened manner BC!

ROFL!!! :) :) :)

Member RMEF, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
>Sat April 14th the UDWR and
>sportsmen are planting 500 service
>berry plants on Millville face,
>in Cache Valley. For
>those who don't live to
>far away and want help

UDWR needs to plant 500 service berry trees on the grave of SFW.

Member RMEF, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
There is an invitation to Hawkeye, Fin, and Mr. Lamb to have a discussion or debate, call it what you will on June 20 in SLC.

For those who care to see the details of the proposal, please go to the post on the "debate"

There are plenty of issuses to address, and never enough money to do it.

Thank you Don
I hope this debate will clear up alot of items that Hunters will like to hear.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]

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