SFW-Wyo--So Very Proud


Long Time Member
It looks like all the Reduction in Budget and loss of jobs for Wyoming Folks is just what you wanted Bob.

I am still wishing for a $75.00 or up to $100.00 hunting license to apply for a tag or to just apply for a point code for non-ressy's-----maybe $30.00 or $40.00 for the ressy's...Less for Vet's and Youth...

What ya pushing for next SFW-Wyo--Bob??

Gun/weapon/ammunition control in Wyoming?

To damn bad most Wyo--folks do not get a 'Charity Donation Paycheck' to huff and puff on all year long.......

"Game and Fish Commission approves budget cuts for fiscal year 2014 - More cuts planned for fiscal year 2015

Gillette?The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission has approved cuts proposed by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department to their fiscal year 2014 budget. The commission approved the budget reductions at their meeting last week in Gillette and will take final action on the entire fiscal year 2014 budget at their July 8-10 meeting in Saratoga.

Facing increasing costs and declining revenues, the department will cut their fiscal year 2014 budget by 6.5%. These cuts are in addition to a 3% reduction to the fiscal year 2013 budget. The reduced fiscal year 2014 budget is the first phase of a multi-year strategy to ensure anticipated revenue will support future expenditures. The department is in the initial stages of reducing its fiscal year 2015 budget by an additional $3 million.

?These cuts include reductions in personnel and programs across the agency,? said WGFD Director Scott Talbott. ?This level of cuts will be felt internally and externally. We are continuing to work with the public and the legislature to find solutions to the revenue problems facing the department.?

Included in the cuts to the commission?s budget are reductions in personnel costs by not filling some currently vacant positions and reductions of department budgets for access and conservation easements. Fish stocking will be reduced by as much as 20%. Other cuts include: reducing the department's vehicle fleet and reducing employee travel; reducing the number of issues of Wyoming Wildlife Magazine from 12 to 6 annually; eliminating the department's Leadership Development Program used to prepare employees for future leadership positions within the agency; reducing contributions to the University of Wyoming Co-op research program; and eliminating the annual Wyoming Hunting and Fishing Heritage Expo, which takes place every year in Casper.

Other programs affected include: habitat and sensitive species projects; capital improvements to fish hatcheries and other department facilities; the Access Atlas for sportsmen (no printed version but will still be available online); Wild Times publication for kids; National Archery in the Schools Program; and National Fishing in the Schools Program. Many additional cuts are being implemented throughout the department. (See the list below for more detailed information about these reductions.)

The department receives a majority (80 percent) of its funding from license sales and other fees paid by hunters and anglers. Throughout its history the Wyoming Legislature has approved periodic license fee increases to keep pace with rising costs and increasing responsibilities. The last license fee increase was in 2008. Inflation continues to increase the cost of doing business, and lower-than-desired deer and antelope productivity in many parts of the state in recent years has required issuance of fewer hunting licenses, reducing annual revenue.

Nearly 80% of the department's annual expenditures are mandated by current statutes and state rules, including such items as wildlife damage payments, payments to other state agencies for services provided, health care costs, and pay scales for all department positions. With these mandates and no additional revenue, the only way to ensure future department expenditures can be supported by current revenue is by cutting programs and personnel that will impact the public.

?The Wyoming Game and Fish Department and the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission will continue to evaluate program efficiencies with a focus on reducing costs,? said Talbott. ?But without additional revenue, future budget cuts will be necessary and all aspects of the department's operations will be affected including core programs.?

The department will begin work now to identify approximately $3 million in further reductions for FY 15. Those proposed reductions will be available for public comment this summer, then presented to the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission for their consideration in March 2014.

The personnel and programs listed below are a partial accounting of the reductions for certain WGFD budgets in FISCAL YEAR 2014:

Personnel and related costs ? $990,000 reduction
Three full-time positions have been frozen per direction from the Governor?s Office, and another nine full-time permanent positions recently vacated will be kept vacant until decisions on future position cuts have been made in 2013.

Reductions in overtime and holiday pay will result in decreased field presence for most field employees, including game wardens, wildlife investigators, fish and wildlife biologists, habitat management area maintenance crews, and others. Office personnel will also be affected, resulting in potentially slower response time assisting the public. Eligible employees will either not be allowed to work more than the minimum number of hours per month or earn time-off in lieu of monetary payment, resulting in lower presence in the field and office.

These personnel actions are in addition to the elimination of two full-time permanent positions in 2011 and elimination of nine full-time permanent positions in 2012.

Operating costs (supplies, equipment, travel, vehicles, etc.) - $1,322,000 reduction
The department will reduce funding for improvements and maintenance of bird farms, boating access, regional offices, warden stations, and property development (including easements and fee title lands). WGFD personnel will complete fewer aerial big game surveys and fewer ground surveys and harvest checks. A reduced amount of data will make it more difficult to determine big game herd sizes and number of animals available for harvest.

Projects, one-time purchases, reimbursable grants ? $2,355,000 reduction
The department will reduce funding for access easements and land acquisitions, potentially reducing access opportunities for hunters and anglers. There will be reduced funding for on-the-ground fish and wildlife habitat projects, potentially affecting habitat quantity and quality and future wildlife numbers. The department will also reduce fish and wildlife surveys (in addition to aerial surveys).

Postponement in fish hatchery upgrades ? $463,000 reduction
The department will not purchase equipment to improve the oxygen supply for the health and increased survival rate of two native cutthroat trout brood stocks and associated stocking programs. Additionally, there will be postponements in normal maintenance and planned upgrades to fish hatcheries, further reducing future stocking capacities and stress hatchery equipment and facilities.

Fish stocking - $67,000 reduction
The department will not stock fish in some reservoirs at the level recommended by local biologists. Stocking reductions for 2014 under consideration include:
50,000 trout in Pathfinder Reservoir
10,000 trout in Alcova Reservoir
40,000 trout in Seminoe Reservoir
10,000 trout in Boysen Reservoir
70,000 trout and 300,000 kokanee salmon in Flaming Gorge Reservoir
12,000 trout in Crystal Reservoir
60,000 trout in Lake Hattie Reservoir
50,000 trout in Lake DeSmet

Fish passage projects - $44,000 reduction
Many Wyoming streams and rivers have barriers that prevent fish from traveling to areas needed for spawning and other important habitat requirements. Additionally, irrigation diversions frequently trap fish in areas where they cannot survive. These obstructions can significantly lower fish numbers, reduce fishing opportunities, and impact the conservation of sensitive species such as the Yellowstone cutthroat trout. Fish passage funds are directed toward supplies, contractors, and nonprofit organizations, such as Trout Unlimited, who use volunteer labor and employ local businesses to improve fish passage by eliminating or mitigating barriers. Budget reductions will reduce the number and associated resources for fish passage projects in the state.

Public hunting and fishing access easements - $350,000 reduction
The department will nearly eliminate funding for new access or conservation easements and land acquisitions to provide public access for hunting, fishing, and wildlife viewing as well as to protect crucial habitat. These funds are typically highly leveraged as match for other state and federal access and habitat conservation dollars, resulting in beneficial impacts for the public and wildlife.

Elimination of printing public hunting and fishing walk-in areas atlas - $50,000 reduction
The department will no longer print its atlas of public hunting and fishing walk-in areas established through its Private Land/Public Wildlife Walk-in program. The atlas contains maps and descriptions of walk-in areas by county. Sportsmen will still be able to access and print this information from the department's website.

Educational publications - $ 270,000 reduction
Reductions to educational programs will affect the public?s ability to stay informed on the many interesting, complex, and changing issues facing Wyoming?s wildlife. The department will no longer publish Wild Times, an educational publication distributed to all Wyoming fourth graders. The department will also reduce the number of issues of Wyoming Wildlife magazine from 12 to six annually. The department will also no longer publish its annual wildlife calendar.

Elimination of National Archery in the Schools program - $15,000 reduction
The National Archery in the School Program (NASP) provides equipment and training to school personnel to introduce students to archery and advance archery skills. The department has also traditionally hosted the state NASP tournament.

Elimination of National Fishing in the Schools - $15,000 reduction
The National Fishing in the Schools Program teaches fishing related skills to Wyoming students. The program trains teachers and provides fishing equipment. About ten Wyoming schools will be impacted.

Elimination of Wyoming Hunting and Fishing Heritage Expo - $120,000 reduction
The annual Expo reached 12,000 to 15,000 people each year (including around 8,000 students). Expo participants learned about the value of wildlife in our world as well as the benefits of conservation and how to recreate safely and responsibly in the outdoors.

Information and technology upgrades - $188,000 reduction
The department will eliminate or delay many planned upgrades to hardware and software to keep pace with technology, to support personnel in completing their jobs, and to improve the department's ability to sell hunting and fishing licenses as well as communicate with the public.

Elimination of employee Leadership Development program ? $150,000 reduction
Much of the current leadership of the department is or will soon be eligible for retirement. This program provided leadership training so employees will be prepared to effectively assume leadership positions. Elimination of this program will impact the development and mentoring of employees.

Out-of-state travel for coordination and training - $46,000 reduction
This reduction will reduce the ability of department employees to attend conferences and workshops to coordinate with neighboring states on cross-boundary wildlife issues. Reductions will also diminish training opportunities for employees on the latest wildlife management techniques and issues.

Regional office maintenance and upkeep - $210,000 reduction
Critical and essential repairs to prevent the deterioration of regional offices will be accounted for in the budget; minor items such as painting, fence replacement, window and door replacement, and others, will be reduced or delayed.

Janitorial services and landscape maintenance for regional offices - $31,000 reduction
Janitorial and landscape maintenance services for regional offices that were contracted to private individuals in the local communities will now be completed by department employees, diverting time away from other wildlife management or public service activities.

Research dollars to the Wyoming Fish and Wildlife Cooperative Research Unit - $115,000 reduction
The Wyoming Fish and Wildlife Cooperative Research Unit serves as the research arm of the department. Budget reductions will result in less research to aid management decision for priority issues such as population connectivity, habitat requirements, life-history, energy impacts, and others. For example, the world-class fishery on the Grey Reef section of the North Platte River is a direct result of the COOP Unit's research on adequate flushing flows for fish.

Contributions to Wyoming Wildlife ? the Foundation - $85,000 reduction
The department will eliminate contributions to the foundation (a component of the Wyoming Community Fund). The Foundation is involved in conservation education and funding Wyoming wildlife management projects, as well as active involvement in the department's Landowner of the Year program and the Wyoming Hall of Fame.

Grant money to nonprofit organizations for habitat work - $51,000 reduction
There will be reductions in money provided to nonprofit conservation organizations for wetland habitat enhancement and restoration work.

Convenience facilities at Wildlife Habitat Management Areas - $30,000 reduction
The department will not build two handicap parking pads for outhouses at the Wick and Pennock Mountain Wildlife Habitat Management Areas. The department will also not build a stack yard to protect hay on the South Park elk feedground.

Fence maintenance on Habitat Management Areas - $22,000 reduction
The department will not hire seasonal employees who were responsible for fence maintenance and repair on Wildlife Habitat Management Areas to better manage forage for wildlife.

Hunter recruitment and school educational supplies - $5,000 reduction
The department will reduce funding for supplies to support instructors and teachers of hunter recruitment, hunter education, and school wildlife educational programs."


When these cuts start hitting home, you'll see folks start to raise hell. The G&F can't keep operating on the basis of continued budget cuts when costs for everything else are going up. As noted before, license price increases will be back next legislative session. I'm still betting non rezi's will take the brunt of the price increases when it happens.

By the way Smoke, maybe you can fund that deer/age analysis you proposed with some of yer group's funds?
Stirring the pot again....Why don't you gooddoers cut them an extra check. You don't really need a box to check for an extra $100.
Stirring the pot?

More like telling the truth.

The facts are:

1. The WYG&F is in the chit budget wise.

2. The WYG&F is responsible for management of all wildlife.

3. Several bills were introduced to raise R and NR license fees, all were killed.

WYSFW was open about working to kill all license fee increases and worked through the Legislature to force the WYG&F to cut their budget.

WYG&F reacted like any agency would, they made tough decisions to meet the decrease in budgets.

WYSFW accused the WYG&F of making those cuts "as painful as possible".

WYSFW feels like they should not only control the WYG&F budget, but also be in control of how the WYG&F chooses to address budget shortfalls. WYSFW also thinks they should decide which programs are cut or what programs the WYG&F chooses to scale back.

Like I already said, its about control...its not about whats best for wildlife. Its not about whats best for NR and R sportsmen. Its all about control of the publics Wildlife resources.

Those are the facts...and yet, theres still people who choose to hide from the truth.

G14, why are you not asking why WYSFW isnt donating money to the WYG&F? Are they exempt from stepping up to the plate to help fund the publics Wildlife Resources?

Oh, I get it, WYSFW can criticize hunters, criticize the WYG&F, criticize the commission, and other-wise stir the pot and gerry mander into Wildlife...then just step back and deny everything.

Gee, what a surprise....
I'm not going to get caught up in demonizing any one particular entity. G&F is doing what they need to under current circumstances. Any number of Wyoming state agencies have had to make an average of 8% cuts in their budgets several times over the past few years. It is the times and it is reflective of the economy and what we are all dealing with. I don't like it, but G&F isn't alone in dealing with this and the effects will be felt by all of us, as do many relative to the other agencies that have made cuts.
My question is Why are they cutting the access yes program the 350,000 it's cutting is money donated by the people for access. It is not money in the standard budget, if access yes money is going to fund anything besides gaining public access it needs to be addressed publicly
LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-13 AT 06:37AM (MST)[p]>My question is Why are they
>cutting the access yes program
>the 350,000 it's cutting is
>money donated by the people
>for access. It is not
>money in the standard budget,
>if access yes money is
>going to fund anything besides
>gaining public access it needs
>to be addressed publicly

***That $350K has nothing to do with the HMA or WIHA programs that is money donated through the Access Yes Program you mentioned. If you will read that section closely you will see that it's money from their budget that many times even gets a matching grant for purchases of easements, etc. Therefore, it's even more of a loss when you figure matching money they might receive for a project that won't come in.
Yes, stirring the pot. This same article was posted under "Budget Cuts" on March 27 in the Wyoming Forum. PleaseDear posted on the thread, but it didn't bring enough attention to his political agenda. So, yes, I'd say stirring the pot.

WY SFW didn't choose the cuts imposed by the G&F Commission. We were in attendance at the G&F Commission meeting though. I don't recall seeing any of you in attendance at the meeting.

Had you been there you would have also noticed several state legislators were in attendance. One of them, Representative Norine Kasperik (R-Campbell) told the G&F Commission the reason the bills which sought to increase both resident & nonresident license fees were defeated had more to do with the fact that all other state budgets had been cut. The only to state agencies which are independent of legislative oversight asked for an increase when every other state agency had been told to make cuts.

You can stir the pot all you want to, it won't change the fact that the G&F Department needed to review their budget, make the appropriate cuts, increase efficiencies wherever they can and then come back to the legislators if more monies are needed. That was exactly the position WY SFW took and the testimony we delivered both in front of the G&F Commission and the Joint TRW Committee. Had the G&F Department listened to WY SFW and other legislators, they would have seen the writting on the wall. WY SFW tried to get the G&F Department to consider looking at other funding sources and was told "no". They wanted to only push for the license fee increase as they didn't want to look at anything else.

Had any of the critics here attended any of the meetings throughout the year, they too could have weighed in on the conversations; however, none of you were there then either.

WY SFW will continue to participate as making posts, even on this web site (sorry Brian), will not fix any problems within Wyoming.

$3 Million more in cuts will happen for the 2015 fiscal year budget. This will bring the G&F Department spending in line with their revenue. Some will not like this; however, the G&F Department needs to review their priorities and reassess the effectiveness of their programs. The only other alternative was to continue increasing license fees and pricing people out of the system.

One of the Commissioners asked me how much people spend on beer? I told him that I didn't know as I don't drink beer. He then went on (just as the G&F Department had done) by claiming that people are hunting while driving a $50,000 truck, pulling a $40,000 travel trailer, etc. I said; "yes, and some people choose to hunt with a thousand dollar rifle, have thousand dollars in optics, etc. However, those are all personal choices. There is only one thing absolutely required to buy before anyone can hunt. You guessed it, a license. It is required by law and no one can hunt without it."

Increasing the license fees only on bucks/bulls is not the solution either as it creates two classes of hunters; those that have and those that have not. The direction the WY G&F Department was headed was wrong and "yes, WY SFW worked dilligently to stop it from happening."

This must really be difficult for all of those anti-SFW hawks as WY SFW didn't stand with the "wealthy hunters" as we are always accused of doing on this site. WY SFW stood up for ALL hunters as we want to see the G&F Department review their budget. Simply giving them more money would not have caused them to even reflect for one minute where their priorities should be nor how effective (or ineffective their programs are ran, implemented or their purpose achieved or understood).

Hopefully, this explains our actions to the many people which read the threads but choose not to comment for fear of retaliation or intimidation by those which tend to dominate it by their overwhelming opinions.
Normal blah-blah-blah response.....

Re invent the wheel....did ya?


WY SFW didn't choose the cuts imposed by the G&F Commission. We were in attendance at the G&F Commission meeting though. I don't recall seeing any of you in attendance at the meeting."

Prolly because most of us DO NOT get everything paid for by someone else like you do.....or reimbursed.

Pretty easy to play bigshot bigmouth when ya spend someone elses money for all the 'Hype' blah, blah, blah responses.....

BTW--- when ya going to post up your SFW-Wyo tax file link---prove in black and white all this for wildlife and habitat in Wyo $$$.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-13 AT 01:13PM (MST)[p]Robb---I also see Bob told another big lie for about the 3rd or 4th time on here now. The G&F and WYDOT were both told to cut money from their budgets along with everyone else, which they have done! The FY13 budget was cut by 3% and the FY14 budget is getting a 6.5% additional reduction. They are also already working on 3 million dollars more in cuts to the FY15 budget. That will probably mean Game Wardens and Biologists will be walking or maybe riding quads to do their jobs, but SFW will be happy because no license fees were increased! If Bob keeps repeating these lies, he best be prepared for me to start calling his posts BS again even though I'm trying to remain polite. However, I hate liars and if one lie is told that is so easy to refute, you have to wonder how many more are coming out of his mouth! No, SFW may not have chosen those first cuts that the G&F is making, but you can bet your azz that if they had cut anything SFW didn't agree with that Bob would have had his yapper running full bore! Finally, how about this baloney where Bob says he told the G&F that the SFW would work with them on alternative funding and they said no. Were strings attached or maybe the idea was a bunch of high roller auction tags? With the G&F literally fighting for their existence why would anyone say no to any reasonable idea to obtain funding? Funny, but every time Bob has been asked about SFW ideas on these threads he has come up with a big zero, nada, zilch. Why would that be the case here and then to go out and say what he just did? It's sort of like I asked him about how many members the group has and even emailed the WYSFW Treasurer the same question two weeks ago and can't even get that answered. Then when asked that same question by a Legislator at a committee hearing I understand that a person in attendance stated Bob's answer was that he had 8,000 "contacts". WHY that word useage and if the guy was incorrect, why was it not challenged by Bob when he was on that thread responding to the guy??? Why trust a group on anything that won't/can't even answer the simplest questions asked of it?!!! Finally, Bob talks about not raising fees out of sight of the common man and yet on the other thread here that he just made a post on he suggests that maybe there should be higher license fees for some quality units if people with the money want to choose them over a lesser unit that just the common folk can afford to apply for. I might even agree with that, but which route is he taking? Now he wonders and gets mad when I call BS to all his rhetoric and contradictory posts! I wonder how many WYSFW members are on this Forum and read his posts to see what the group is really paying for as their spokesman!
" WY SFW tried to get the G&F Department to consider looking at other funding sources and was told "no"."

And these other funding sources would consist of ...?

They may be worth supporting.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-13 AT 01:09PM (MST)[p]WapitiBob,

Just as WY SFW suggested in 2007 that capitol construction costs should not be paid for with sportsman's dollars but should come out of general funds, WY SFW suggested we make the same argument about health care costs as it was one of three issues identified by the G&F Department as causing them problems. FYI, the other two issues were increased fuel costs and inflation.

What was the solution proposed for by the G&F? It was to increase license fees. WY SFW made several attempts to get the G&F Department to consider asking for general fund dollars to pay for the G&F Departments health care costs and we were told "no."


I did not misrepresent anything. The G&F Department was told by the Governor (just as were all other state agencies) to cut 8% from their budget. For being SO SMART, you really don't know as much as you would like to imply.

The G&F Department responded by cutting 4% from their general fund dollars received from the state. This is because Wyoming does their budget on a biennium. In other words, the budget is for a two year period.

The G&F Department DID NOT reduce their budget until after the legilators denied the license fee increases. It wasn't until now that their 2014 budget was cut. They did make a few cuts to their 2013 budget but they said it could not be cut any more.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-13 AT 01:51PM (MST)[p]WapitiBob,
>Just as WY SFW suggested in
>2007 that capitol construction costs
>should not be paid for
>with sportsman's dollars but should
>come out of general funds,
>WY SFW suggested we make
>the same argument about health
>care costs as it was
>one of three issues identified
>by the G&F Department as
>causing them problems. FYI,
>the other two issues were
>increased fuel costs and inflation.
>What was the solution proposed for
>by the G&F? It
>was to increase license fees.
> WY SFW made several
>attempts to get the G&F
>Department to consider asking for
>general fund dollars to pay
>for the G&F Departments health
>care costs and we were
>told "no."
>I did not misrepresent anything.
>The G&F Department was told
>by the Governor (just as
>were all other state agencies)
>to cut 8% from their
>budget. For being SO
>SMART, you really don't know
>as much as you would
>like to imply.
>The G&F Department responded by cutting
>4% from their general fund
>dollars received from the state.
> This is because Wyoming
>does their budget on a
>biennium. In other words,
>the budget is for a
>two year period.
>The G&F Department DID NOT reduce
>their budget until after the
>legilators denied the license fee
>increases. It wasn't until
>now that their 2014 budget
>was cut. They did
>make a few cuts to
>their 2013 budget but they
>said it could not be
>cut any more.

***Bob, the more you post the more you do the circle jerk and contradict yourself. It is right on the G&F website showing that they took a 3% overall cut to the FY13 budget just as I mentioned. I have no idea what the Governor asked them to cut, but they obviously were'nt going to make more cuts for FY14 until they knew there was no other way out. You have certainly helped greatly to bring that to a head by testifying against all the fee increase bills put forward! They are now doing exactly what I stated by cutting another 6.5% for FY14(sounds like that exceeds the 8% you mentioned for two years to me!) and another $3 million is being worked on for FY15, which you just stated yourself!
Capital construction costs for their new Cheyenne office, etc., didn't come out of their budget, but did come from General Fund money. You have stated before that the SFW wants the G&F to be autonomous and not be beholding to the state through General Fund money and now you're turning right around and telling us that SFW wanted GF money for that and now also for health care. Which side of the bed will you get up from tomorrow, LOL?!!! It's the same old baloney that you say one thing in one post and then turn right around and contradict yourself in another. This was a real good example of that!!! I also see you still didn't attempt to answer any questions asked about your ideas, which was no surprise when we can't even get an answer on member numbers. Why do you seem to be so scared to put up the actual number? I'll tell you one thing. If those of us on this Forum were members of your group and saw our spokesman coming on the internet and giving the sarcastic BS to others as our representative like you do, there would be a quick resolution put forth to send you back to Utah! I'll give you one thing and that's that you're a damn good politician/lobbyist in that you'll obviously say whatever you think needs to be said to win a vote, regardless of whether it's just the opposite of what you said an hour before to someone else to get theirs!!! As suggested before, you'd be better off staying off the Forums because you do much more harm than good and are the most divisive thing WYSFW has going for it when you post!!!
Nice post TOPGUN. Easy you were starting to stutter at the end. Go take a blood pressure pill and keep up the good work on making Bob tow the line. Maybe someday he will answer a direct question asked of him. So Bob does WYSFW support auctioning off tags to HELP raise money for the Fish and Game?

LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-13 AT 02:06PM (MST)[p]DZ---Blood pressure is the least of my worries, thank you! It just goes to show that the more some people put up half truths and downright lies that sooner or later they don't remember what they've said to whom and end up being outed and making a jerk of themselves! Fat chance you'll get an answer on that tag question! I've asked Bob more than once to tell me they won't ask for auction tags and I'd join WYSFW. All I got back was that he didn't want me as a member, LOL!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-13 AT 05:08PM (MST)[p]DZ,

Currently, WY SFW supported the legislation which established the super tag raffle.

WY SFW supported and sponsored the addition of up to 5 Wyoming Governors Complimentary Wild Bison licenses, making the total number of Governor Complimentary licenses 25. WY SFW has been given no guarantee that we will receive any of the 5 wild bison licenses but we have asked for consideration.

As far as WY SFW supporting the "auctioning off tags to help raise money" for the WY G&F, to date, WY SFW has no plan to push for any kind of auction system as so many on this site see in Utah. That system may have worked for Utah but it is clear to me and my Board that many oppose it elsewhere.


You are the liar! I told you that I have no crystal ball and therefore, I was unwilling to make a statement as to what actions my Board may want to take in the future. I told you to keep your money as you clearly do not like what SFW has done and see no value in being a member.

I will say it once more for you to fully understand; WY SFW is NOT the group for you. I want to represent Wyoming Sportsmen and Sportswomen who share a common goal: promoting the protection and enhancement of wildlife habitat, the quality of wildlife management programs, and America?s family heritage of hunting, fishing, and trapping.
Thanks for answering my question! I am completely against taking premium tags out of the general draw. And more over I am against any private (for profit or "Non-Profit") organization facilitating the disbursement of them no matter the fashion of it.


You may want to edit your post...theres already 5 moose tags.

I'm pretty sure you were referring to 5 BISON tags.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-13 AT 04:24PM (MST)[p]Geez, finally a decent answer to DZ that WYSFW doesn't plan on pushing for any auction tags and then in the next breath you call me a liar and repeat to me what you've said in the past and that was that you couldn't give me an answer of your plans! As always, that was another complete circle jerk about member numbers and you also didn't contest anything else in my post! We all know you said you don't want me as a member more than once because I tell it like it is and none of us seldom ever get any answers from you. Now how about ONE time answering the question of how many members your organization has that not only I have asked, but also others? Since you didn't contest anything else that I mentioned in my post, I guess you couldn't figure out how to get out of anything that was true that I stated! You did just as you always do and that is to come back and ramble on about something else. Inthis case it was more BS on me being or not being a member, rather than to tackle what we were actually discussing. I know why I don't fit in with the SFW, so you can cease that crappola. Chit, we all know why none of us fit in with your group for Pete's sakes! Now why don't you come back and tell me I'm a liar when you know darn well what I stated about your stance on the General Fund and the G&F staying away from it so they can stay autonomous is true!
I heard Wyoming is losing a game warden in Riverton, and due to budget cuts there are no plans to refill it anytime soon..
Personnel and related costs ? $990,000 reduction
Three full-time positions have been frozen per direction from the Governor?s Office, and another nine full-time permanent positions recently vacated will be kept vacant until decisions on future position cuts have been made in 2013.


The game warden must be one of the twelve positions. That's an average of $82,500 per position.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-13 AT 05:04PM (MST)[p]I wonder if Bob and SFW will make any comments to the G&F to try and keep all of the Warden positions filled since they're watching things so closely. Surely they must figure those are about the most important positions in the Department that should be kept at all costs. I wonder what their position is on it or if we should even ask Bob for any comments.
Starting game wardens make about $3500/month...long way from $82,500/year.

Theres 62 wardens that are expected to cover 97,000 square miles...or about 1500 square miles per warden.


Dont let the facts get in the way of your ideas that WYG&F personel should all be expected to work for free...

Its always funny to listen to the whining that G&F employees are over-paid...what a joke.

Considering the working conditions, the education required, etc. they're far from over-paid as G14 is implying.

If you think the job is all gravy, maybe you should get a degree and apply.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-13 AT 05:50PM (MST)[p]BuzzH,

It's funny how you state "starting" wardens. That's still $42,000/yr starting. Certainly, not free. Pretty darn good starting wage. I guess you would consider it close to the poverty line. How much do veteran wardens make?

I just pointed out what $990,000 divided by 12 equaled. That's what you call a fact. I do not think $82,500 is their salary. I'm sure that's insurance, retirement, and salary together. So, let's say the G&F puts $20,000 towards insurance and retirement (pretty close), that still would be an average of $62,000/yr. Again, not close to being poor.

Technically, to be a law enforcement officer in Wyoming there are no education requirements, other than being a high school graduate. The WY G&F requires them to have a bachelor degree in biology, not POST.

Yes, I do think their job is gravy.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-13 AT 05:34PM (MST)[p]
I never said they were not POST certified. What I stated was POST does not require anything more than a high school degree to be a certified peace officer. The WY G&F requires their wardens to have a biology degree. Savvy?

Sound like they're hiring, or will be hiring, at least one warden.

Take a swim through the gravy and fire up that application.

The only thing you'll likely fire up is your imagination and mouth...as per always.

I guess you figure 62 wardens covering 97,000 square miles, protecting 600 species, is just too many?

I guess you also think paying them a living wage is asking too much. With labor, like anything else, you largely get what you pay for...or more to the point, get what you dont pay for.

I'd rather pay a bit more to be able to hire from the top of the pile than save a few dollars and hire the dregs.
>I never said they were not
>POST certified. What I
>stated was POST does not
>require anything more than a
>high school degree to be
>a certified peace officer. The
>WY G&F requires their wardens
>to have a biology degree.

***I savvy that you're nuts when you say they have a gravy job, and I'll tell you that regardless of what they make!!!

Point out where I said 62 wardens were just too many?

Point out where I said making a living wage was asking too much? I pointed out what they make, which is comparable to state government employees. I'm not aware of too many government employees who have had a raise in years.

IMO, when they make a biologist a law enforcement officer they are not hiring from the "top of the pile."

As far has applying for a job. I have a degree, but it is not in biology. So, I do not qualify.
>>I never said they were not
>>POST certified. What I
>>stated was POST does not
>>require anything more than a
>>high school degree to be
>>a certified peace officer. The
>>WY G&F requires their wardens
>>to have a biology degree.
>***I savvy that you're nuts when
>you say they have a
>gravy job, and I'll tell
>you that regardless of what
>they make!!!


Check out the job the wardens do...70% of their job is biology related, 30% is law enforcment.

It makes a lot more sense to hire a biologist and send them through the law enforcement academy...than to hire an LEO and then pay for their 4 year biology degree.

Its intuitively obvious you'd sqawk like a cat with his a$$ dipped in turpentine if the WYGF hired 62 wardens, and then another 62 biologists.

Makes sense to have them doing 2 jobs for the price of 1. The State, and Hunters are getting a lot of bang for their buck with a warden.

Even if all they do at work is swim through gravy....
BuzzH---I don't think a lot of people, especially NRs, even know that the GW does a lot more game biology work than enforcement activities! The guy I know out in TenSleep lives for that part of his job and almost hates the enforcement part during the hunting seasons.

Tell me why you think a GW's job is so difficult. Try to do it without name calling. This will be difficult.


For starters, you deal with the public, all the whining, all the bit ching, all the complaining from guys just like you. They catch chit for everything, roads being closed, access being denied, game numbers down, not drawing tags, they're paid too much, they drive too many new trucks, blah, blah, blah, the list is endless.

Probably 90% of the stuff people on this board whine about, the wardens have NO control over. Probably 70% of the things people whine about the WYG&F has NO control over.

During hunting seasons nearly every person you come into contact with is armed. Many people are armed whether its hunting season or not.

They receive calls at all hours of the day or night to respond to various problems, not just wildlife related problems. Your job is about as far from an 8-5 M-F job as it gets. They spend a lot of time away from their families.

A majority of the time, you work alone...meaning if something goes to chit, you're largely on your own. The cavalary aint comin'.

Your skill set is huge...you might be checking people on horseback, from ATV's, motorcycles, boats, etc. Of course theres also the game surveys done with fixed-wing and rotor aircraft. Better hope you have a decent pilot or you could end up a greasy spot on some hillside somewhere.

During hunting season, theres lots of travel on slick roads.

Just to name a few...

Despite what you may think, working outside all the time isnt 65 degree weather with sunny skies, no wind, and parties with noodle salad in the park.

I work in the woods probably 120-150 days a year in remote locations myself...it isnt all its cracked up to be.
Thanks BuzzH! I've been watching the BB game and just stopped back in for a second. I will just add that if a person hasn't been in an LE job (I was for over 30 years) they just have no idea what all is involved in what some like G14 think is a "gravy job"!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-13 AT 10:03PM (MST)[p]>Thanks BuzzH! I've been watching
>the BB game and just
>stopped back in for a
>second. I will just
>add that if a person
>hasn't been in an LE
>job (I was for over
>30 years) they just have
>no idea what all is
>involved in what some like
>G14 think is a "gravy
I have not kept up much on is topic lately, it always just makes me sick when I start reading all this crap but I too have some questions and insight into some of this debate. I am a cop...I do not get paid for what I do. I am getting paid for what I might have to do (or have done to me).
21 years of service and twice, just in the past 6 years, I have almost been shot. Once by a gang member with a pistol that misfired and last time a gang member with an AR15. 28 seconds and 70 plus rounds exchanged with me and my partners before he was down. My point is....shame on you guys that think that ANY LEO is getting paid too much. What is our lives worth? I have been to too many LE funerals. It is always the same...flags, signs and tears along the path of the processional. But the next day we are always back to being the Guys getting kicked in the balls by the public. My point is, Wardens are alone, dealing with armed criminals at times taking the same risks as any cop does. Easy....HARDLY!

SFW....why is it unreasonable for everyone to pay a modest increase? It sounds pretty shady to ask G&F for more auction tags that only the rich can afford and now suggestions about making exclusive areas only for those who can afford it? It smacks of elitism to me.


Mike Henne

Thanks for your service. I respect you. With that said, I'm done with this thread. I will not accomplish anything but make guys like Mike upset, which was not my intention. I only wanted to point out that Game Wardens make a decent wage.
I recently talked to a Wyoming Game Warden on the phone. I left him a message that I'm in the Pacific time zone and he could call later if he got a chance. He called me at 8 PM which would be 9 PM his time. He was still coming off the mountain. He was great help. After an hour on the phone he said thanks for calling. I was shocked at his willingness to help out a guy from Oregon. I asked a few questions about him and he said he had been a Warden for 30 years. I thanked him for his advice. He wants me to give him a call when we head that way and stop by and say hi. I would bet he puts in more than 60 hours a week, because he loves it. Not because he is getting rich. I have always wished our system paid the police and the school teachers more than any other professions. That way we would have the best people trying for those jobs. Sometimes we get lucky and get Wardens like my new friend that do it out of love for others and the world we live in.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-13 AT 06:35AM (MST)[p]MMWB hit the nail on the head with his 4th post. Since that post, it has been the usual back and forth that plagues these forums. I do not dispute that the employees of the Wyoming Game and Fish do a good job or that they are worth more than what they are paid in salary and benefits. The fact is, the economy in this country is still in the toilet. The private sector took the first hit and now the public sector is finding out what happens when the private sector is running out of money. Many people who work for the government want you to raise fees or increase taxes just a little bit to ease the pain. The fact is, there is not much appetite among our citizens to pay a little more. Although I wish it weren't true, every state agency in Wyoming is having to do more with less. The Wyoming Game and Fish hasn't been singled out for budget reductions. My wife works for the State of Wyoming(education), and she is experiencing the same thing. People are riffed, retiring employees are not replaced,employee benefits decline,and take home pay is down.

Until something changes with the economy, the decline of agencies like the Wyoming Game and Fish Department will continue. I note that as this decline continues,our politicians are arguing over gun control, immigration reform, the cost of Obamacare, cabinet appointments and various other partisan issues. There is little room for compromise in the current state of our politics. Many states, including Wyoming, are raising taxes and in some instances the taxpayers are fleeing those states (California, Illinois). Some cities are bankrupt (Stockton). There are a few states that are bankrupt but pretend otherwise. They actually think they can tax their way out of the situation. In Wyoming we are still functioning. It may not be perfect, but I would rather be living here than in any other state.

just sayin...

Maybe you should send that message to the Laramie School Board...

Seems the times arent that bad for the state of Wyoming when they can afford to build a new high school in Laramie to the tune of 85 million.

Pretty tough to listen to you whine about no money to pay teachers, yet the Laramie School board is asking for an additional 25 million so they can build an $11,000,000 swimming pool, a $1,000,000 auxillary gym, Tennnis courts, spend a cool million on artificial turf, a few hundred thousand on stadium seating, etc.

Oh, and dont forget, we'll use a small portion of the additional 25 million (less than a million) for few more science labs...

Got to have the best for the high school athletes, but who cares about good teachers, better classroom supplies, you know, educational stuff.

We'll cut the chit out of that unnecessary stuff as long as we get our $25,000,000 worth of high school sports venues.

America is in the chit because they cant fuggin' figure out whats important. This new high school is a classic example.
I think any GW or Fish and Game job is not as great or easy as some think. I have meet and know some GW and is is not a 9 to 5 40 hour a week job. The best part of their job is they get to spend time in the great outdoors. Down falls are you have to put up with jerks, stupid people, and drunks with guns. And you have to work during hunting season (I don't know if they can even get vacation time off during hunting season). When Mule deer hunting in 128 this year I meet a girl working for Fish & Game collecting blood samples for elk. She had a biology degree and explained that she had to bid for jobs. Alot were only 6 monthes long and she had no benefits. Sort of like working multiple internships waiting for a full time job.

I have read this thread with much interest and have to say I agree with everything you are writing.(school issues too and the 90/10 split from another thread) We should talk sometime and hash a few things out! Seriously!

Topgun- you shined here too.

Mike H-thanks for your service, your comments were spot on.

G-14- you are not worth responding to, but I will. You have a habit of really talking down to people you don't like and about them behind their backs. Are you the same face to face? No doubt Mr SFW Deputy Sheriff you have some anger management issues. But know you what? Thanks for your service, too!

Game Wardens definitely deserve what they earn!!!

Jeff Muratore
LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-13 AT 11:50AM (MST)[p]The bottom line is this-When your living relies on taxpayers money,you are subject to the ups and downs of the economy.And that's just a fact.Why people choose that type of career is beyond me...but I appreciate their duty.

There's no doubt that G&F spending was becoming out-of-hand in some instances;just like most bureaucracies tend to do when they have excess revenues.For instance the Wyoming Wildlife News publication that they handed out for free at various locations.Another instance is the free Walk-in Area Atlas...2 of those;one for fishing and another for hunting.Those items could have been online-only;and will be now.To me,this is just an example of unnecessary spending.

While I'm not a fan of losing warden positions,it sure seems like we have way more biologists on staff than we did years ago.I got some info recently that said there are twice as many biologists now as there were 20-25 yrs ago.Does anyone have this info?BUZZ?It would be interesting to find out.

Anyway,there's no doubt(in my opinion)that there is fat that needs to be trimmed from the dept.Trust me-they will get their license fee increases in the next year or two,but from a legislator's viewpoint,how can you justify giving G&F more when you are cutting everyone else?

Muley Fanatic Foundation of Wyoming had Asst Dir John Emmerich attend one of our meetings before the legislature convened.When we told him we were actually in favor of license fee increases,he was quite shocked,because virtually 99% of all other comments received by G&F were opposed to any increases at all.Not just from SFW-WYO,but from individuals and most other groups as well.I know SFW is an easy one to throw the darts at,but our lawmakers were listening to plenty of other mouths as well.
nontypical---I can't really disagree with much of anything you stated in your post. I'm sure most people nowadays rebel at any increase unless it's in their paycheck!
Buzz H,

As usual, you missed the point of my post. I am not whining and neither is my wife. My wife is grateful to have a job given the economic state of this country and the State of Wyoming. We clearly see the reality of the current economic situation. Apparently, you as a federal employee do not. You obviously have an axe to grind about school sports. That is your right. Vote against it. I don't see any real appetite to raise taxes or fees among most citizens. That is a fact in Park County. A few years ago in Park County, the powers that be put up a ballot initiative to raise the sales tax by a penny to build a municipal pool in Powell and Meeteetse and to buy a new library building in Cody. It passed. The pool in Powell has continually operated at a loss and has been closed for repairs almost more than it has been open. It is sucking the City of Powell dry and is a giant money pit. It killed the desire of most everyone in Park County for raising the sales tax yet again for any new projects.

Again, I do not think that Wyoming Game and Fish isn't deserving of an increase to continue to operate. That is not the issue. Every state agency will have to tighten up their belts until the economy turns around. Unfortunately, it could be that the economy may never turnaround. Continuing to raise taxes and fees for whatever BuzzH thinks is most important in his life is not the issue. You need to ground yourself in the reality of what is our current economy. My guess is you will just continue to call people names,jump to more conclusions,attack others, and post more pictures of yourself on this website. That is just how old BuzzH rolls.

just sayin...


I think you're missing a few key points as well.

Why should the game and fish have to endure the same cuts as other state agencies?

Maybe when WYDOT, WYHP, teachers, etc. etc. etc. start funding themselves...maybe then the WYG&F should endure the same cuts.

Remember, nearly all their money is derived from license sales...with some from PR/DJ funds, a few grants as well, and yes a smidgen of general fund money.

Even though funding of the G&F is vastly different, you're trying to compare them to teachers...who raise basically ZERO funds on their own, and are a total drain on the State of Wyoming. They dont do squat to support themselves...same as the WYHP, WTDOT, and just about every other branch of State Government. Thats BS...pure and simple.

Wildlife is a huge economic driver to the state of Wyoming, a majority of its funding comes from voluntary license sales, and they should not be influenced by what other state programs are suffering. In particular when they're 85% self sustaining compared to other State Government branches which are about 85% reliant on general fund dollars. Big difference there Jack...

I know its troublesome and annoying to the State legislature that they cant get their hands on License Fee dollars, and if they could, they'd be demanding we build swimming pools with license dollars.

The state agencies that should have to tigheten their belts are the ones that drain the general fund the most...and that isnt the WYG&F.
BuzzH---IMHO you just hit a home run with the last few sentences of your post. The G&F IS completely different in that it hardly gets any money from the GF to sustain it and most of what they do get, from what I understand, is "dedicated", rather than "discretionary" funds. The fact that the Legislature can't get their hands on any of that license fee money may be exactly why they found it so easy to punish the G&F by not passing any fee increases that were purposed. Conversely, that may be exactly why piper said yesterday that the G&F Brass is adamantly against other various methods of funding such as more money from the GF so they won't become beholding to any particular force. That may be true to a large extent, especially when the Commission members are already appointed by the Governor, which certainly makes it political in nature. I think this points even more to the fact that some means must be identified and passed to fund a decent percentage of the Department to get the monkey off the back of the license fees paying so much of the budget. I would propose either a small fraction of a cent be set on each gallon of fuel sold at the pump and a small amount also be placed on the nightly room rate a motel charges. One other possibility could be a fraction of a percent on fast food sales that everyone enjoys to some extent. Those are things that the entire populace would be involved in and yet no one particular body would feel that they had an influence on the Department because the monies would be spread out evenly over the entire populace, both residents and NRs alike.

Jack here. By your logic, because the Wyoming Game and Fish is self supporting for the most part they should be exempt from the pain being suffered by others in the public sector (supported by tax dollars)and by those in the private sector(where real income has dropped significantly and unemployment has increased). Now I know in Idaho that when the tags fees went up dramatically, non resident hunters quit buying tags. The Fish and Game Department in that state requires you to buy an expensive hunting license just to put in for draws that you may actually not be successful in. They had huge shortfalls last year. Montana has also raised its fees which resulted in some non-resident combination licenses going unsold. I believe they also had significant shortfalls last year. Correct me if I am wrong on all of this.

Now in looking at your theory, I wonder what would happen if say we were to apply it to the USFS. Now the USFS generates some income through timber sales, overnight stays in campgrounds and USFS cabins. It also sells firewood permits and christmas tree permits. I believe that the USFS also generates income by using special use permits to outfitters to operate on National Forest lands. They also issue special use permits on an annual basis for cabins on USFS lands. They also sell maps. What would it take to make the USFS self sufficient and put it in the same boat as the Wyoming Game and Fish. You are privy to the numbers, so feel free to correct me. What would the actual use fees have to be cover the USFS annual budget?

1. If the USFS charges $ 100 per mbf on a timber sale, should we increase it to say $ 500 per mbf to gain the revenue necessary to make the USFS self sufficient. By the way, how much timber would you sell at that price?

2. If the USFS charges $ 20 a night for a campsite in a USFS campground, should we increase it to say $ 90 per night. By the way, how many people would stay in those campgrounds at that price?

3. Now I believe that the USFS charges about $ 7.00 a cord for firewood permits in this area. What would happen if say we increased that to $ 50.00 a cord. Remember, our goal is to make the USFS more self sufficient. How many permits would the USFS sell at that price?

4.I also believe the USFS charges around $ 10 for a christmas tree permit in this area. What if we increased that to say $ 40 a tree. How many permits will be sold at that price?

5. Lets look at charging outfitters for taking hunters on National forest lands. Lets start charging the outfitters say $ 3,000 per guided hunter. Would that put a damper on that business? it would likely up a guided elk hunt to at least $ 8,000.

6. While we are at it, lets get those folks who have a small cabin on National Forest to pay a little more annually. Private property on surrounding land sells for millions, why don't we hit these folks up for say $ 25,000 a year. Hey the view is great and the solitude is better.

7. Hey, I almost forgot grazing leases. Lets up them to $ 100 per head of cattle or sheep on an annual basis. The grass is always green and they do damage the land.

8. How about we up the price of USFS map from $ 10.00 to $ 50.00. You should sell alot of them because they are an excellent resource.

If the goal is self sufficiency, we have to charge enough to cover what we spend. Again, if my figures are way off, how much would it take to raise the billions spent by the USFS annually in an effort to make them self sufficient?

Lets make every state and federal agency self sufficient by raising fees for those that use them. No more taxes, just good old use fees. No kids in school or college, no fee charged for education. If you don't drive, no gas tax, registration fee and license fee collected. My house isn't going to burn down, so don't charge me for fire protection. Nobody is going to harm me or damage my property so don't charge me for law enforcement. I don't use the library, so don't charge me for it.

By the way BuzzH has your annual income dropped since 2008? How about your pension benefits? Are you paying more out of your own pocket for healthcare than you were before 2008?

just sayin...

mh a.k.a Jack to Buzz H

The state recently passed a 10 cent a gallon increase in the gas tax to be effective later this year. It wasn't real popular.It will be used to fund highway projects. I am sure that the people in Wyoming will want to add a "small fraction of a cent" to those new taxes. Most of the areas in Wyoming already have a special motel tax. Raising taxes and fees are just not popular right now.

You can argue all you want that Wyoming Game and Fish is special. You are free to agree with your buddy, BuzzH. Unfortunately, the current reality of a bad economy means everyone in the private and public sector will have to do with less money. I wish it were not so.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-10-13 AT 07:44PM (MST)[p]>TOPGUN, 30 years of being a
>security guard doesn't count as
>a LO.

***FYI Mr. Smartass, the State Investigator position I held for over 30 years before I retired in 2002 had more powers and was a higher paid position than a State Police Trooper. It's fine if you want to atack my position on issues on these Forums and threads, but please don't stoop so low as to make another post like that because it makes you look like a fool!!!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-10-13 AT 07:17PM (MST)[p]MH---I understand the position we are all in with this crappy economy. Our MI Governor has placed a proposal on the table to raise our gas tax 2 or 3 times what you already have had passed and in addition to that has proposed a $123 increase per vehicle on our yearly license plate costs, which are already close to $100 for my truck alone. When I propose a fraction of 1% to help run a very important department that is receiving hardly any state money at the present time, it really doesn't seem that big a hit on the pocketbook to me. However, I understand what you're saying in that it would be a hard sell.
Easy TOPGUN, I don't want you to fall out of your wheelchair and break a hip. The only fool on this forum is you, proven daily with 99% of your posts. More powers than a trooper? And you were state LE? So now you are saying you were federal? Too funny.

Game Wardens are way under paid and have nothing to do with the budget. They are not making any decisions in regards to money issues, so IMO they should be left out of this argument. It's the ones in Cheyenne who need to figure out where they can make the cuts.

Mandatory hunting license (Nevada/Utah) if you apply for any big game tag or pref. points, then raise the tag fees on top of that. And kick SFW off the steps of the State Capital.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-13 AT 07:08AM (MST)[p]>Easy TOPGUN, I don't want you
>to fall out of your
>wheelchair and break a hip.
>The only fool on this
>forum is you, proven daily
>with 99% of your posts.
>More powers than a trooper?
>And you were state LE?
>So now you are saying
>you were federal? Too funny.
>Game Wardens are way under paid
>and have nothing to do
>with the budget. They
>are not making any decisions
>in regards to money issues,
>so IMO they should be
>left out of this argument.
>It's the ones in Cheyenne
>who need to figure out
>where they can make the
>Mandatory hunting license (Nevada/Utah) if you
>apply for any big game
>tag or pref. points, then
>raise the tag fees on
>top of that. And kick
>SFW off the steps of
>the State Capital.

***I guess your momma never explained to you that you should STFU when you don't know what you're talking about or not to say anything if you can't say something positive! Your reading comprehension obviously sucks because I said I held an Investigator position with the state of Michigan and it had nothing to do with a Federal job, although I did ocasionally work with Feds on a few major cases. FYI, oh wise one, I did have more powers than a State Trooper, including power of seizure and confiscation of certain things without a search or court warrant. I'll bet you had no idea there were waivers, by written law, on that either, LOL!!! I also wasn't given that job, as I had to earn it through competition with everyone else that was qualified for it. It's pretty sorry when a good thread is again interrupted by some ahole that has nothing better to do than attack a person's career when he doesn't know them from a can of paint. As far your wheel chair and hip comment, at 65 I could probably still walk you and your smartazz comments into the dirt on a hunt any day of the week!
Your comments about GWs having nothing to do with the budget is a little off base when I believe if you look it up their position has more in numbers than any other in the G&F, so their salary, benefits, and everything they need to do their job is most certainly a major part of the G&F budget whether they have any say over it or not and that's what we're discussing. Please leave the rest of your comments to what the thread is all about and quit attacking people's careers and character because there is absolutely no reason for the latter. If you don't choose to do that, at least go into your disabled profile and be man anough to put your name up so I know who the CS is that's making these derogatory comments.

You said the following: "***I guess your momma never explained to you that you should STFU when you don't know what you're talking about or not to say anything if you can't say something positive!"

Are you implying that your momma taught you that, cause I ain't seeing it?

Was this thread ever intended to be positive?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-13 AT 10:27AM (MST)[p]>TOPGUN,
>You said the following: "***I guess
>your momma never explained to
>you that you should STFU
>when you don't know what
>you're talking about or not
>to say anything if you
>can't say something positive!"
>Are you implying that your momma
>taught you that, cause I
>ain't seeing it?
>Was this thread ever intended to
>be positive?

***Bob---As I stated earlier, if the SFW members read your derogatory posts to people on these Forums they'd probably not want you representing them and would request that you head back to Utah! Too bad I had to make that comment to him, but there was no reason you had to come back with your comment because it didn't involve you and as usual you're stretching and twisting again. Of course that doesn't surpise me one bit! Also, this thread was certainly not personally attacking anyone's career until his post to me and I guess since I'm only human I wasn't going to take it. Would you?

***Bryon Preciado of Casper---So now I get a PM with your name telling me to do a search on the net if I want to. No thank you as I don't care to waste my time on you after you still continued to make derogatory comments about my career there and here too. I hope trying to cut other people down makes you feel like a bigshot in your mind!

You should practice what you preach. You call my posts derogatory but think that your comments are factual.

From your post above: "Too bad I had to make that comment to him, but there was no reason you had to come back with your comment because it didn't involve you and as usual you're stretching and twisting again."

You chose to take the action you did! No one "made" you do anything. Anyone that has been on here long enough to see your comments knows that you are an expert on "stretching and twisting" comments made by others. You also interject yourself into any & every conversation. Ironic that you now feel the need to preach about making personal attacks. Your skin is pretty thin to say the least.

At every turn, you stand poised and ready to take cheap shots at anything or anyone SFW. You cannot take what you dish out! Either heed your own council or prepare for the backlash of your hypocrisy.

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