Share A Great Hunting Memory Contest


Founder Since 1999
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-13 AT 08:47AM (MST)[p][font size=+1]Share A Great Hunting Memory Contest[/font]

The guys at are sponsoring this contest again this month. This contest calls for you to share a single hunt photo, and in 30 words or less, tell why that hunt was so great. Multiple enteries are allowed, but must be in seperate posts. You will be entered in the drawing for each shared hunt/memory, up to three. You can share more than three though.

All qualifying entries will be entered into a drawing and in about 3 weeks I'll draw a winner. The winner will receive a $25.00 Santana Outdoors Gift Card.

Share some good stuff, and please only post to this thread if you are sharing a photo and short description of why your hunt was so great and memorable.

In exchange for sponsoring the contest, I ask you guys to jump over to and also enter to WIN Nikon Monarch III 10x42 Binoculars. They'll be drawing a winner on the 31st of March. Anyone can enter the giveaway at, whether you participate in this contest here on or not. is a new site that one of our forum users here started up recently. His goal at some point is to giveaway hunts, not just gear. Take a look at his site. And their facebook is: member, Corey Doyle, won the Sitka Gear at last month. Get your name in the hat people!!

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Brian Latturner
This hunt is my most memorable because my dad and grandpa were both there. this was the last hunt my grandpa was able to go on before he passed away so I will never forget it.


Took Dad nearly 40 years to achieve his goal of taking a moose! So happy I was there to share the experience with him on our first trip to Alaska.

"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?

One of my first memories of pheasant hunting with my Dad and Brother. I shot my one and only black pheasant that year.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?

I took my largest buck and my first bull with my bow this year but this hunt takes the cake. Got to be with and see my 12 year old son get his first buck. That smile says it all.

Just wanted to put a plug in for Tom at I recently won the first drawing from this site for $500 worth of Sitka gear. I received my Sitka stuff in the mail yesterday, so I can assure you this is the real deal and Tom is a great guy.

Get over to his site and get signed up today!
My 1st big game kill with my best hunting BUDDY, FISHER, age 7. All he talks about is going back out again.
2nd year with Fisher packing out a friends buck. Each year gets better and better. Watch out, He's as addicted to hunting as I am!
Fisher recruited little bother Lance for his 1st PHEASANT hunt Me and Toby the Dog and friend not in the pic Dave H.
2 GREAT hunting Buddies!

LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-13 AT 01:19PM (MST)[p]

My daughters first year of hunting and second day of elk season. A long cold soggy day for her but she took this bull. The first time I've shed tears on the hill, a day I will always remember!

Cindy's first day ever of hunting and she was able to take this BIG guy. Not knowing how should would feel after pulling the trigger she was jacked and ready to go for another.Hooked for life!

I waited 26 years to draw this tag and had a pretty tough hunt but a week after my daughter shot her first I got a quick glimpse of this bull and the chase was on. My hunting buddies watched this bull scream his head off as I made the circle to get in position for a shot.
I may post a couple but I will post this one first.

This is my son and he is more excited about hunting than any person I have ever met. He did not shoot the turkey but he saw it get shot when it came into the call.

I was just a small tyke when my dad brought home this big ol' muley. I called the buck Bambi's Dad. The seeds of a passion for monster muleys were planted in me that day.
Nothing can beat being in the high country with your 12 year old son and watch him harvest his first mountain goat.
After seeing well over a hundred bears, it was a thrill to watch it all come together and see my daughter harvest her first. The smile says it all.
High country of Wyoming. My son, Devan, packing the buck back to camp after he took him with a great shot on opening morning of the hunt. Fun stuff!!!

Brian Latturner
My 10 year old son, Canyon, made his first trip to Wyoming with his Grampa and me in 2010. He was extremely happy shooting this cottontail. He had a blast.


M'Balz Es Hari
My 15 year old daughter gave me this picture to always remind me of her first deer. She also drew the picture of the elk we hope to hunt together.

Packing my Ram out the day I shot him at 18 yards, completeing a 2 week solo hunt in Hells Canyon. A hunt of a life time, and memories that will last forever.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-13 AT 02:51PM (MST)[p]Backpack, deep, archery, blisters, raging rut, too many ?so close?s?, 50yd heart shot, back again, rifles, snow, 2000ft elevation chase, horses, public land, OTC, DIY, 4 for 4! friends & family!


How many people do you know that have drawn every once in a lifetime hunt before aga 50? BAM its over!!!!
"Pete Gill Sr. Memorial Deer Hunt 2012: Our Dad, the Best Ever"
We covered a lot of ground and years of memories in some of Dad's favorite Hunting Area (061).
I always love hunting with my folks. This was in Montana in 1978. It had taken us all day to get my bull this far to our spike camp in the back country and the next day, with two horses, we got the bull down to the main camp. I think my Dad was happier than me! Great memories!


Every hunting season you miss is one you can not make up
LAST EDITED ON Mar-16-13 AT 06:51PM (MST)[p]This was my wife's first hunt. We have had many hunts together but this one was most memorable. I don't think her feet touched the ground for week after she took this buck!


Every hunting season you miss is one you can not make up
This is my Godson, Mike, with his big buck. We started hunting together when he was just a kid. Now he is getting bigger bucks than me! This was a last day buck that he worked hard to get. I'm glad I was with him when he took this monster.


Every hunting season you miss is one you can not make up
The first and only deer my late wife ever took. It was great to see her give it everything she had to get a buck. One tough, wonderful woman. Sure miss her!!!!


Brian Latturner

Nothing in this world compares to seeing your boys grow up to be men. I wouldn't trade anything for my time with my family. This picture represents years of time together on the mountain tops.

A picture is worth a thousand words. This is two of my sons sitting at 10,000 feet in Idaho. They mean everything to me. Along with my 7 other children.

Do it yourself, on your own, hunt. On my back, miles back in the wilderness. Got to love everything about being one on one and getting it done. :)

My little sweetie and her first deer! She watched her older two brothers learn to hunt, and couldn't wait to get out there herself! Priceless memories forever! ;-)
The man who shared his passion and love for the great outdoors. I have learned more from the time spent with him that he'll ever know!

LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-13 AT 05:13PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-13 AT 04:46?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-13 AT 04:26?PM (MST)


My Dad's last hunt. he's 75 years old and retired from hunting after this hunt. this was his first hunt in 20 years. 12 years to draw this LE tag
LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-13 AT 05:12PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-13 AT 05:11?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-13 AT 04:50?PM (MST)


after 13 yrs, drew my LE tag, my dad got his.
My nephew was with me when I connected on this buck, 13 yrs came and gone with one shot.
[font size=+1]And the winner is ..... rancher05 ... post #36[/font]

rancher05 - You win a $25.00 gift card. Please send me a PM.

Brian Latturner

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