Shed Tricks


Long Time Member
Any of you shed hunters ever play tricks on you buddies by planting sheds?

I was thinking if I could get away with packing a large antler on a turkey hunting trip with my friend I would plant it somewhere for him to find, hopefully in one of his favorite deer hunting spots and see how much time he would waste trying to find the other side (thats not there), or the deer (thats not there) next deer season.
I have a real nice whitetail shed I wanted to put up above Bountiful in Utah. Then just see how long until I heard about it on here. Might still...
My dad in his college days worked in Vegas during the summer months at a gas station. He and the other guys would get silver dollars and glue them to the side walk in front of the thier store. He said it was a sight to see. So I could imagine anchoring some how a shed and see haw many people try for it. Or put it on private property just past a fence marked NO TRESSPASSING, and rig it so a giant light or siren goes off once it is touched.
>Or put it
>on private property just past
>a fence marked NO TRESSPASSING,
>and rig it so a
>giant light or siren goes
>off once it is touched.

that would be hilarious.. .
I have a family member who rarely finds any sheds. This is due to the fact that he never gets to far from his truck. Last year on the way to my father in laws property he was following behind me. I see a little 2pt off the side of the road. I bales out and snatch it up. When I hold it up he gives me the finger! This gets the wheels in my head turning. He always gets jelouse and pissed when someone finds and antler be it big our small!

On the grounds of risking bad shed karma I borrow a monster 230+ set that he has never seen before. One evening just after dark I go stash the set. Just after coffe the next morning I make it very clear that nature is calling and head back behind his trailer with a roll of toilet paper in hand! I givie it a few minutes and come back with the set. The story goes I turned to grab the wiping paper and low and behold these were not 10ft from me. His response was F**K YOU and did not talk to me for a good long while. We let him believe it the rest of the weekend that those were sitting close to his trailer all year long!

I think it is funny he believed the story since there is an outhouse up there. It was believable though because we have found sheds right in camp next to our trailers before.I thought i would be cursed for a mean joke, but so far I am still ok!
In high school we took one of the old mounts we had on the ranch and set it up in the bushes along a county road that went by our place. It was a nice 160 class 4 point-well the first evening we didn't get anything so we thought we had it sitting wrong but we couldn't move it because our dad was home and he would be pissed.(He didn't know we had taken the mount out of the barn) That night at 3 am someone shot the hell out of it and woke us all up. We found the head the next morning-Dad was not happy. Still hear about that one.
My brother bought a deer decoy (for whitetails) a few years ago and the only thing the deer would do was run from it, so he decided during are rifle season to put it a few rows inside the corn field of the road just to screw with people and that thing got the crap shot out of it by the end of season.

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