Shooting Sticks



Looking into buying some sticks, to take the place of Harris Bipods. Which ones do you prefer, mono or bipod?
I couldn't find anything that fit the bill so I made some for yote hunting. They only cost a couple bucks.

I've got the stoney point safari sticks, you can shoot laying down all the way to standing, have worked well for me especially when busting the brush i have them fully extended just in case somethin decides to run out.
I use the Stoney Point that folds down to about 12" or so, works good from sitting or kneeling position. They are light and I can keep it folded up and tucked away in my boot.
I switched from Harris to Snipe Pod. I have really loved this set up, they are fully adjustable in height and in amount of angle depending if you are shooting on a side hill or flat ground. I have taken two animals with them so far, a cow elk at 321 yds, and an antelope at 490 yds.


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