Shoulder slap tear surgery


Long Time Member
Anyone have experience with a shoulder slap tear surgery and bicep tendon detached and re-attched?

I just had this done a few weeks ago on the 31st, looking for info on when I will be able to shoot my bow again.

Looking like it will be end of May if the rehab goes well.
Did the doc scope it, or open up your shoulder?

Do you have a physical therapist? They are the ones who could answer your question(s) most efficiently. I would guess 4 - 6 months of rehab, then back to normal.

Rehab protocol? Most folks recovering from this will chill X six weeks, then passive motion X six weeks, just to regain normal ROM, then on to strength building exercises X six weeks.
Did the doc scope it, or open up your shoulder?

Do you have a physical therapist? They are the ones who could answer your question(s) most efficiently. I would guess 4 - 6 months of rehab, then back to normal.

Rehab protocol? Most folks recovering from this will chill X six weeks, then passive motion X six weeks, just to regain normal ROM, then on to strength building exercises X six weeks.

Scoped the shoulder, but had to open up my bicep to reattach and anchor it at a lower point.

Yeah my PT basically laid out what you just said, he's thinking end of May I should be able to start shooting again.
Do you have a health club nearby where you can get some certified instruction?

The right person, (usually certified by the NSCA or ACSM) maybe a certified athletic trainer can help you with exactly the right strengthening exercises you need.

Of course, your PT person could help as well.

Whatever course you choose, make sure that person has solid medical knowledge of your exact surgical procedure and rehab procedures. Some dude, or dudette, at the gym may not serve your purpose.
I had this surgery performed on me over 10 years ago. For me, the recovery seemed to take quite awhile. I did the whole physical therapy and strength training to include stretching exercises. If I'm honest and can remember, I felt aftershock pain and burning close to a year if not a little over a year.
I am currently doing at home physical therapy to work out rotator cuff tendinitis. Sadly it's in my left shoulder which holds my bow. I would draw back and get a sharp twing feeling in my shoulder and it made it impossible to be remotely accurate. Shoulder injuries are the worst and I hope you have a healthy recovery! Let get them shoulders back up and running so we can fling some sticks!
sqwab what therapy are you using? I have the same problem and am always looking for new stretches
I have had 3 of these surgeries over the last 11 years. Take your time and you will be hunting. I never missed a season and they were all done about this time of year (for that reason)
I have had 3 of these surgeries over the last 11 years. Take your time and you will be hunting. I never missed a season and they were all done about this time of year (for that reason)
Haha, yes the timing of mine was not a coincidence. Thanks
Last year, I had a significant rotator cuff repair and bicep reattached (via cut) in mid-March to my left shoulder and didn't do much shooting till August 1st. Probably could have shot some before that but didn't want to push it as 1 month practicing was my goal. I did turn my bow down a couple pounds which felt much better as I struggled at the normal weight.
I know 2 guys that had that surgery….and daily rehab had them shooting a50-55# bow 3 mo later.

my one buddy in his early 70’s had the shoulder surgery where they flip it somehow reversing some of the tendons/ muscles ( I dont know much about it) and he was shooting 50#in 4 months.

All of them did daily rehab…
Im sorry, but every time I see this thread title I can’t help but think it’s something you get in Utah after thanking the hunting party. No offense intended, it just cracks me up. Good luck with the surgery.:)
Anyone have experience with a shoulder slap tear surgery and bicep tendon detached and re-attched?

I just had this done a few weeks ago on the 31st, looking for info on when I will be able to shoot my bow again.

Looking like it will be end of May if the rehab goes well.
I tore both shoulder labrum’s in 2015, ulnar nerve damage in my left elbow that extends to my pinky and ring finger making them numb and tingly all the time and right thumb damage. I had surgery on the left shoulder, elbow and right hand spanning from 2015 to 2017, weekly rehab at a center and daily at home. I wouldn’t do it again. The right shoulder needs it but after having done it on the left I’m in constant pain. The doctor said I would eventually need shoulder replacements, I didn’t even know they could do that. A buddy of mine has had his rotator cuff operated on 3 times and he’s in constant pain also. I would venture to say that age has a lot to do with it, severity of injury and the surgeon performing the operation. Make sure to do that rehab and good luck, that’s got to be a tough one for a bow hunter.
All you guys need to quit resisting when they are putting you in cuffs.


Just kidding.
No chit. I wasn’t in cuffs, but a zip tie. Who doesn’t like a good roll in the gravel at gunpoint?

Oh, and it was because the state bull had the wrong address. I went full-on banty rooster on his azz. The deputy with roid rage told me to shut up, or I would get hurt as he did his best knee to the neck move.(n)

He tried to steal my pocket knife and even parked in my lawn. Plick.:mad:
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No chit. I wasn’t in cuffs, but a zip tie. Who doesn’t like a good roll in the gravel at gunpoint?

Oh, and it was because the state bull had the wrong address. I went full-on banty rooster on his azz. The deputy with roid rage told me to shut up, or I would get hurt as he did his best knee to the neck move.(n)

He tried to steal my pocket knife and even parked in my lawn. Plick.:mad:
Wrong addresses can lead to very bad things from law suits to possible serious bodily injury including death. I hope restitution was made.
Most normal folks have their surgery end of the year after deductible are filled.

Hunters do it in the spring ???
Lol, I waited till January so I could get my deductible out of the way to start the year off. Then I'm good to go the rest of the way. And to give me time to heal by August.
Lol, I waited till January so I could get my deductible out of the way to start the year off. Then I'm good to go the rest of the way. And to give me time to heal by August.

I had hernia as I was packing elk out. Had it through waterfowl season.

Got it done in March so I'd be good for Turkey.

I've been told by the cute blonde lady in my bed, I have issues??
Lol, I waited till January so I could get my deductible out of the way to start the year off. Then I'm good to go the rest of the way. And to give me time to heal by August.
I tried the same trick on rotator surgery. Tore it in November and waited till January because of the deductible. Then tore the other shoulder while the first one was healing and started over in July. Messed up the whole year but hey…atleast I got two for the price of one?
I went in for the same surgery in March 2021. Once they got into my shoulder, the labrum wasn't torn completely and could be repaired while cleaning up some scar tissue, fixed my rotator cuff and took out a bone spur. I'm still having some pain issues within the shoulder, but it's minimized over the last couple of months.

I'll be honest, I'm not certain how my fall hunting season would have went had they moved the bicep like they intended on doing. My recovery has been a slow go.
The surgeon told me it would be 12-18 months to heal 100%.
I’m at 15 months and 8 months on the two shoulders and I know the second surgery (plus a month long covid fight) slowed the recovery way down but I would guess I’m at about 80% and 60% of my strength back with occasional pain.
All I know is I’ve been pissed up for a year and a half and wouldn’t wish shoulder trouble on anyone.
Well decided to give it a go, been 3 months since surgery.

I will be honest I expected there to be a little more trouble/resistance, but the draw was smooth and I had absolutely no issues at all even with it at 75 lbs.

I had shot a week before my surgery and It felt better now then it did then. So far I'm happy with the results.

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Well decided to give it a go, been 3 months since surgery.

I will be honest I expected there to be a little more trouble/resistance, but the draw was smooth and I had absolutely no issues at all even with it at 75 lbs.

I had shot a week before my surgery and It felt better now then it did then. So far I'm happy with the results.

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That is great news with plenty of time before the hunts! Hope you continue to recover well!
That is great news with plenty of time before the hunts! Hope you continue to recover well!
Thanks, my recovery has actually been really smooth, even at day one of physical therapy the guy was saying I was way ahead of schedule with my motion, and then once we started resistance bands I started out about 2 levels higher then he normally would have. Definitely still a few things to work on but I'm doing really well.
I have issues with both of my shoulders. Hurt my left one at work 16 months ago. 2 MRI’s last year and radiologist and one orthopedic in Reno says nothing shows and do therapy. Feels good at times and then I do something and it feels pulled right in the pocket where the butt of a rifle would go. Went and got a 2nd opinion in Reno last week hoping for some other form of treatment and was shocked to hear him say I have a slap tear. After 16 months, I am very frustrated and not sure who to believe. First ortho only had one MRI to see while the last one had the MRI with contrast as well, but radiologist never said anything on either. Work says I can opt for surgery but I’m really nervous about recovery and who to believe. Workers comp is not fun. Have a brand new PSE carbon bow I haven’t shot since June of 2020 and I really want to shoot it again. Only shot once to set it up. Glad your recovery is going well!
I have issues with both of my shoulders. Hurt my left one at work 16 months ago. 2 MRI’s last year and radiologist and one orthopedic in Reno says nothing shows and do therapy. Feels good at times and then I do something and it feels pulled right in the pocket where the butt of a rifle would go. Went and got a 2nd opinion in Reno last week hoping for some other form of treatment and was shocked to hear him say I have a slap tear. After 16 months, I am very frustrated and not sure who to believe. First ortho only had one MRI to see while the last one had the MRI with contrast as well, but radiologist never said anything on either. Work says I can opt for surgery but I’m really nervous about recovery and who to believe. Workers comp is not fun. Have a brand new PSE carbon bow I haven’t shot since June of 2020 and I really want to shoot it again. Only shot once to set it up. Glad your recovery is going well!

If it is a slap tear they wouldn't have been able to see it without the contrast I don't think. I know it took my doctor a bit to figure out what was wrong with mine. He had them do the mri with contrast and could see the tear. Even then it was much worse then he thought once he got in to repair it.
If it is a slap tear they wouldn't have been able to see it without the contrast I don't think. I know it took my doctor a bit to figure out what was wrong with mine. He had them do the mri with contrast and could see the tear. Even then it was much worse then he thought once he got in to repair it.
Good to know. Thanks for the information. I kinda wondered if that‘s why the first ortho didn’t see it. Still made me wonder whether to trust the latest ortho or the radiologist. Radiologists look these over all the time but I guess orthopedics do too. Been a frustrating process. Thanks again Jake!
Good to know. Thanks for the information. I kinda wondered if that‘s why the first ortho didn’t see it. Still made me wonder whether to trust the latest ortho or the radiologist. Radiologists look these over all the time but I guess orthopedics do too. Been a frustrating process. Thanks again Jake!
Yeah the Radiologist should have picked it up, Wouldn't hurt to get a 3rd opinion looking at the mri with contrast.

My Doctor gave me shots thinking it was my rotator cuff, when that didn't do anything he ordered the MRI to look deeper in my shoulder. He then gave me shots to address the slap tear and that helped for about a year. When that one wore off he gave me another one and it wore off in about 6 months. After that we decided to do the surgery to fix it.

I hope you get it fixed up, good luck.
3rd opinion through workers comp will be another 3 months and trip out of town. I’ve thought about it though for sure. Now it’s not far from hunting season too. Who knows how long it’s going to take to schedule surgery. Ugh!!!

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