Snake Infested Wasatch Front


Founder Since 1999
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-18 AT 05:47AM (MST)[p]
As Long as they have a pointed Tail there's not much worry!

You Guys must of went to the ClubHouse/Snake Den!:D

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
LOL .... I'm a wuss man!! I always worry about stepping on one and having it git me.
And, there were a couple rattle snakes up there yesterday too! Big ones, probably 10-12 feet long and the diameter of a 5 gallon bucket. Ha ha

>You scared of a little blow

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
My daughter and I were hiking the Front yesterday morning and snakes were at top-of-mind. Over the past month I've logged over 35 miles up there and have not seen one...for which I'm grateful!!!

I was on a sheep hunt in Colorado (1990) and we had a big rattler flop off a ledge between me and my boy. It was an older snake and I think he decided that a good scare for all 3 of us was sufficient since we didn't get bitten.

I still shudder to think of that episode.

Snakes are NOT my thing!


My brother that lives back east was attending a high adventure scout activity on Tuesday and was bit on the hand by a copperhead. He has been in the hospital for the last two days dealing with the effects of the bite. I hate snakes!!!


My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:

"It is fair to ask how much comes in with the five dollar application fees and how much went onto the ground.? Don Peay of SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board Meeting.

"There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Don Peay of SFW - 9/26/2006 -
>My brother that lives back east
>was attending a high adventure
>scout activity on Tuesday and
>was bit on the hand
>by a copperhead. He
>has been in the hospital
>for the last two days
>dealing with the effects of
>the bite. I hate

That one take the prize!!!
Prayers for him during this bad ordeal.

I haven't even seen a rattle snake in the last 4-5 years. At least they give you fair warning when you get too close.
Out shed hunting earlier this year I had a young rattler strike at me from about two feet away... I've never had an adrenaline spike quite that high or that fast... it quickly made me sick to my stomach coming back down...

Ya I hate snakes!!!
Seen bear grylls kill one, skin it, tie a knot in the end and use it as a canteen. Useful skill?

Of course I think that was the one he pissed in than drank so maybe not

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
A blow/gopher snake was in my neighbors tree yesterday in Riverdale. Snatched the baby robin from its nest.


Was in some steep stuff on the front yesterday and this thread came to mind. It was so steep I think the bite would have been to the face instead of the legs!
Glad I didn't see 1.
>Those pictures are wild! I've
>never seen gopher snakes climb
>trees like that.

Surprised me. The first branch was twice as high as the snake was long. I don't know how they do it. They must spiral up it.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-18-18 AT 06:30PM (MST)[p]>LOL .... I'm a wuss man!!
>I always worry about stepping
>on one and having it
>git me.
>And, there were a couple rattle
>snakes up there yesterday too!
>Big ones, probably 10-12 feet
>long and the diameter of
>a 5 gallon bucket. Ha
>Brian Latturner
>@mm_founder on Instagram
>on Facebook!

I hear ya on that part about stepping on one. Year's ago I was Dove hunting walking though some sage brush in the early cool morning before light. When for some reason I looked down as I was about to step right in the middle of a giant rattler stretched out. I hopped over the top of it on one leg and turned and fired my shot gun I was so freaked out I didn't even come close to it. lol I did make good with the second shot. It had 11 Buttons on it's rattle. It was big and fat (this was 40 plus years ago when it was legal to shoot rattlers) So yes I tend to look down a lot when walking around since then. I was real lucky that morning I was probable 6 inches away from a certain snake bite and a long ways from any town. :D
You should like this one! the coolest thing I've ever seen! I swallowed everything but with about 4" left sticking out, it just quite and laid there, I left it alone, not sure what happened after that

Awesome photo's! I used to have a breeding pair of California Common King's, just like the one pictured. I used to feed them small rattlesnakes on occasion. They would suck them down like spaghetti.
I saw this while out hiking, they were close to the same size but the rattler was thicker
I was amazed that it got it down! I have been wanting to see that my whole life.
Sitting on the beach in Cancun a few years ago we watched a 9' Black-Tailed Cribo eat a live Red-Tailed Boa right in front of our lounge chairs. Snakes are awesome creatures and I've had dozens for pets over the years. I had a pet blow snake once that would eat three mice a week. He'd kill one and hold it in the back half of it's body while he chased down the other mice and ate them. He was a hunting machine so I let him go in the field by my house.

I've seen more blow snakes than ever before this year and saw a rattler on a main trail inside Logan City a few weeks ago which is lower than I've seen one before. They're definitely out this year.

Remember, snakes are protected wildlife in Utah so leave them alone or you're breaking wildlife laws.


"This is a classic case of a handful of greedy fly fishermen getting too greedy." -Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as told to KUTV

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-18 AT 01:11AM (MST)[p]One more thing, don't depend on seeing a rattle to identify the snake in Utah. Not all rattlesnakes have rattles as they can break off or be too young to have shed their first skin and formed their first rattle.

The only sure way to know is to see if it has elliptical pupils; if so, it's a rattler. If they're round, it's a blow snake (or something else harmless.)

>AT 01:11?AM (MST)

>One more thing, don't depend on
>seeing a rattle to identify
>the snake in Utah. Not
>all rattlesnakes have rattles as
>they can break off or
>be too young to have
>shed their first skin and
>formed their first rattle.
>The only sure way to know
>is to see if it
>has elliptical pupils; if so,
>it's a rattler. If they're
>round, it's a blow snake
>(or something else harmless.)

yep and the best way to check the pupils is to get down on your hands and knees, getting nose to nose as close as you can.
>yep and the best way to
>check the pupils is to
>get down on your hands
>and knees, getting nose to
>nose as close as you

^^^that's funny right there!
...and NO THANKS.

On Saturday last, I just saw a big old rattler off-trail by Lake Hardy (close to Lone Peak-ish)


Ran into three of them on a northern Ut ridgeline this am. I would rather see a bear than a rattle snake.
>Agree, dead snake= Good snake.
>I hate them.
>Started in the Garden

I assume you're referring to the Garden of Eden?

What about obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law?

Rattlesnakes are protected wildlife in Utah. I'm always amazed people would come on a hunting website and promote the illegal killing of wildlife just because they're scared of them.

Man up. If you see a snake and are scared of it, back up.


"This is a classic case of a handful of greedy fly fishermen getting too greedy." -Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as told to KUTV

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
Well Griz, just stating my personal opinion. I am not comfortable leaving a poisonous viper when encountered in the woods alive and well to reproduce more poisonous vipers that potentially might kill an unsuspecting person. You see I don't put a snake on the same level as a human being in value. Many rattlers don't even rattle....they just strike. Comments of my feelings being due to being a sissy are unfounded. I think our forefathers exercised great wisdom in killing predators ( deer & elk) much higher on their priority list and killing rattlesnakes when encountered . Another comment Griz, who are you guys voting into office that outlaw killing vipers?
People killed by snake bites every year - 5, with 7,000 non-fatal venomous bites

People killed by vehicle/deer accidents every year - 200, with 1.23 million non-fatal accidents

So you're 40x more likely to get killed by a deer and 175x more likely to get injured by a deer than a snake.

We probably need some vigilantes running around shooting deer so they can't jump in front of a car on some night and kill an unsuspecting driver. How could somebody leave a deer alive in the woods knowing there's such a high likelihood of that happening?

And as long as we're ignoring laws protecting wildlife and the sanctity of the life of animals, we probably should kill urban wildlife for eating our tulips and elk for eating farmer's hay in the winter when they're starving in deep snow. No need to call DWR, just take the law into your own hands and kill indiscriminately and try and justify it to yourself later as a greater good. Heck, according to some people, if you don't feel like something has a good enough reason to live... kill it.

PS. Just three weeks ago a Texas man required 26 doses of antivenin to treat a snake bite from a snake he'd already decapitated. According to Sportsmen Channel, 80 percent of venomous snake bites are when somebody tried to catch or kill the snake. You have a far greater chance of being bitten trying to kill the snake than somebody else does if you just walk away.

Plus it would show you have respect for life and law.

Thanks grizz for all of that amazing knowledge and opinions, as for me I'll keep shooting them, and sometimes I even go 56 in a 55 mph zone, but you don't have to google up a bunch of stuff on speeding thanks in advance
"We probably need some vigilantes running around shooting deer so they can't jump in front of a car on some night and kill an unsuspecting driver. How could somebody leave a deer alive in the woods knowing there's such a high likelihood of that happening?" -Grizz

Does it come with a 007 license to kill? If so, I volunteer! But I'm just a protector of the people.
A young boy and his grandpa are walking through the woods and come across a rattlesnake curled up sunning himself on a log. The boy immediately panics and runs for the nearest rock, hellbent on killing the snake for the crime of merely existing.

The grandpa stops the boy and asks him why the snake deserves to die. The boy, quivering in fear says he doesn't know but that all snakes deserve to die and that the only good snake is a dead one.

The grandpa uses this opportunity to instill a respect for life into the young boy and implores the boy to step silently around the snake and leave him to continue the life his God, or nature, granted him.


I'm sure many of us spent countless hours patrolling the woods with a BB gun in our youth shooting at songbirds. Most of us grow up to realize the value of life and the disrespect that comes from killing out of bloodlust or fear.

Whether the snake should live because of respect for life, respect for the law, or some other reason, I'm not the type of person that will kill an animal just for existing.

+1....Every rattle snake I have encountered for over 50+ years,
never wanted anything to do with me. Either they would sound off
letting me know I'm a little to close, or they simply would slither away. Don't mess with them, they won't mess with you.
To each his own I guess, I leave non- poisonous snakes alone to do their business. Poisonous ones don't fair well if I can eradicate one, I'll do it every time .
Any other state protect rattlesnakes?
By the way, they are great marinated in white wine and zesty Italian salad dressing and BBQ'ed. Make sure you serve with a large pasta dish. Tasty but not much meat on them.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-08-18 AT 10:21AM (MST)[p]LOL!!! God boy Flanders kills gods creatures for no reason but his own selfishness. Classic!!!!!

No estas en mexico ahora, entonces escoja tu basura
chancho sucio.
>Well Griz, just stating my personal
>opinion. I am not comfortable
>leaving a poisonous viper when
>encountered in the woods alive
>and well to reproduce more
>poisonous vipers that potentially might
>kill an unsuspecting person. You
>see I don't put a
>snake on the same level
>as a human being in
>value. Many rattlers don't even
>rattle....they just strike. Comments of
>my feelings being due to
>being a sissy are unfounded.
> I think our forefathers
>exercised great wisdom in killing
>predators ( deer & elk)
>much higher on their priority
>list and killing rattlesnakes when
>encountered . Another comment Griz,
>who are you guys voting
>into office that outlaw killing

Like most religious zealots, you are truly an idiot and a puss.

No estas en mexico ahora, entonces escoja tu basura
chancho sucio.
>>Well Griz, just stating my personal
>>opinion. I am not comfortable
>>leaving a poisonous viper when
>>encountered in the woods alive
>>and well to reproduce more
>>poisonous vipers that potentially might
>>kill an unsuspecting person. You
>>see I don't put a
>>snake on the same level
>>as a human being in
>>value. Many rattlers don't even
>>rattle....they just strike. Comments of
>>my feelings being due to
>>being a sissy are unfounded.
>> I think our forefathers
>>exercised great wisdom in killing
>>predators ( deer & elk)
>>much higher on their priority
>>list and killing rattlesnakes when
>>encountered . Another comment Griz,
>>who are you guys voting
>>into office that outlaw killing
>Like most religious zealots, you are
>truly an idiot and a
>No estas en mexico ahora, entonces
>escoja tu basura
>chancho sucio.

I'll bet he actually gives two squirts of piss.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-18 AT 00:52AM (MST)[p]>>Well Griz, just stating my personal
>>opinion. I am not comfortable
>>leaving a poisonous viper when
>>encountered in the woods alive
>>and well to reproduce more
>>poisonous vipers that potentially might
>>kill an unsuspecting person. You
>>see I don't put a
>>snake on the same level
>>as a human being in
>>value. Many rattlers don't even
>>rattle....they just strike. Comments of
>>my feelings being due to
>>being a sissy are unfounded.
>> I think our forefathers
>>exercised great wisdom in killing
>>predators ( deer & elk)
>>much higher on their priority
>>list and killing rattlesnakes when
>>encountered . Another comment Griz,
>>who are you guys voting
>>into office that outlaw killing
>Like most religious zealots, you are
>truly an idiot and a
>No estas en mexico ahora, entonces
>escoja tu basura
>chancho sucio.

A puss sir that would be willing to discuss it with you anytime face to face . Big Boy on a keyboard, I didn't start the name calling did .. Snakes that have poisonous venom DIe .
Pm me if you desire . Explain the foreign language as i am an English first type of American g
Shotgunjim is the perfect example of , as Rush calls them , drive by media. He drives by and shoots off his mouth with crap hoping a bit of it will stick then disappears . As to be expected from people like him with poor character they slither back into there hole to wait another opportunity . A poisonous viper for sure .
>Shotgunjim is the perfect example of
>, as Rush calls them
>, drive by media. He
>drives by and shoots
>off his mouth with crap
>hoping a bit of it
>will stick then disappears .
>As to be expected from
>people like him with poor
>character they slither back into
>there hole to wait another
>opportunity . A poisonous viper
>for sure .

Issues...You have them.
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