Solar chargers


Active Member
anyone have any experience with these devices? they look pretty cool. seems like they'd be worth it in the backcountry if they do what they're supposed to do.
If you are just looking to recharge your cell phone, I-pod or satellite phone I would look at the Solio chargers. I leave mine set up outside my tent while I am out hiking/hunting and when I come back to camp and make supper I hook up the charger to whatever I want to charge up and I am all set in a half hour or so. They can be charged up by 110 V as well. The one I use is the size of a PC mouse and fans out. 1 charge will do a cell phone about 3 times but I just set it in the sun everyday and it stays fully charged.I like it just fine.
I looked into solar chargers recently and came away less than impressed. I was primarily looking for something to charge my iphone on my longer trips. I can't seem to live without listening to music or watching a movie late at night when I can't sleep. The reports I read seem to indicate that solar charging may not quite be there for daily use of devises like the iphone. Especially when you consider the variability of the weather.

Instead I opted for an auxiliary battery pack. I went with the Trent IMP550 which gives my phone and additional 3-4 charges, weights 0.33 lbs, and cost $35 + SH. The down side is this particular unit only works with iphones, ipods, etc. However, all my other battery devices (light and range finder) have light weight user replaceable batteries.
I was hoping to get one to keep my Garmin Rino charged up. I don't want to get the alkaline battery pack
You can carry alot of batteries for the equivalent weight of a solar charger or external battery pack; especially if you use lithium cells.

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