Solo Hunt Help.


Long Time Member
Working out the details on a solo hunt this year and was wondering how you mentally prepare yourself for going solo?

This is only a 4 day 3 night hunt but this is my first solo such as this and the area I will be in has no communication service other than a satelite phone. What do you do to bide your sanity and pass your time. I have a small journal, always have some Louis L'Amour, and whittle but have never been is a situation such as this were I am not with a companion. Focusing on the hunt won't be an issue as when I hunt by myself I tend to be more successful and find the hunt to be self fulfilling. Any thoughts to share?


"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
I have gone on several solo hunts and have neve really thought about what I do to prepare. I have always enjoyed the time in the woods and have always hiked so far I was too tired to think about it. A journal might be a good idea? Have fun and hunt from sun up to sun down.
I've been on many solo hunts and solo fishing trips. A few that lasted almost two weeks. I always had a small transistor radio to listen to at night. After about a half hour of listening to the news, I realized I was the sane one, and that I was much safer and happier right where I was.

You have the rest of your life to live "civilized". Enjoy your quiet time alone with nature to the fullest.

I wouldn't be packin any Books but that's just me!

You can Glass all damn day in between Hiking/Hunting!

Ya,I know the middle of the Hot Days are kinda Tough & not much moves!

Any lakes around where you'll be?

If there is I'd damn sure work a small Fishin Rig in to the pack & get a few Hours Fishin in!

To HELL with ATV's!

To HELL with Cell Phones!

To HELL with Nice/Wussy Hotel Rooms!

To HELL with 42' 5th Wheel Camp Trailers!

It's You,Yourself & God/God's Creations!

What'ya Huntin tail?

And where?

Good Luck!

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

I've got Wild Honey Tree's and Crazy Little Weeds growin around my Shack!
These Dusty Roads ain't streets of gold but I'm happy right where I'm at!
All these Perty little Western Belles are a Country Boys Dream!
They ain't got Wings or MM Halo's but they sure look good to me!
No phone, no lights, no motor cars... Almost sounds like the Gilligan's Island theme some.

All great advise. Never thought about the little radio that just might have to slip into the pack. Will be doing some fishing and was planning on a pole and small tackle box. Thought some fresh brookies might make a great meal.

Going on an elk hunt in the flat tops and if I harvest an elk then ok I guess I just got an elk and will make the hike out and call in a friend to pack um out. More so going for the experience and enjoy the solitude just as you all have expressed. We have packed into this area previously and were awaken every morning by then noisy suckers and wished we would have been hunting since the early season were already in full swing. Oddly too, we never were bother by very many people either. Those few we did encounter passed right on by heading deeper into the wilderness.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
Done a 20 Miler in one day in the FT Wilderness a few years ago!

Swear to GAWD there had to be at least one Decent Buck holding back!

Wow,was I wrong on that one!

Did see a couple Bulls!

I ain't been that Lamed up in a while!:D

Beautiful Country back in there!

Still amazed that it could be pushed that hard during the first couple of Hunts?

Don't know/remember the names on that Mountain Range,I do remember the Dome,after stomping all over the Dome on the way out it was only about 4-5 miles from there back to the Rig!

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

I've got Wild Honey Tree's and Crazy Little Weeds growin around my Shack!
These Dusty Roads ain't streets of gold but I'm happy right where I'm at!
All these Perty little Western Belles are a Country Boys Dream!
They ain't got Wings or MM Halo's but they sure look good to me!
Last year I spent 8 days on a solo muzzy hunt. On the way in, I stopped off and collected a half a trailer of firewood so I could enjoy my evenings winding down by the fire. Well, I think I had 2 fires the first 2 nights before the hunt started and then it was lights out early. By the time I got home from hunting after dark, I'd cook some dinner, prepare lunches and snacks for the next day, take care of my optics/gun, and then it was lights out. I did take in a few newspapers to read only briefly before I passed out from exhaustion.

I also took my fly rod and caught a few browns before the hunt started. It was nice to have a few fresh fish cooked up over the open flame.

Going solo was a blast because you can do your own thing, but I really, really watched my steps and made sure I was safe. You're gonna have a great time and probably wont have too much down time. I often fell asleep behind my optics in the mid-morning and there's nothing wrong with that. Gotta shake off that 5:30am wake-up call somehow.

Take pics and let us know how you do.

I have a vhs 12 volt tv in the camper. I slip in a movie while I cook dinner and prepare for the next day. Before I got that set up I would get bored and end the hunt early. It really helps extend my hunts.
Well contender!

How many times you pack that back in to the Wilderness?

>I have a vhs 12 volt
>tv in the camper.
>I slip in a movie
>while I cook dinner and
>prepare for the next day.
> Before I got that
>set up I would get
>bored and end the hunt
>early. It really helps
>extend my hunts.

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

I've got Wild Honey Tree's and Crazy Little Weeds growin around my Shack!
These Dusty Roads ain't streets of gold but I'm happy right where I'm at!
All these Perty little Western Belles are a Country Boys Dream!
They ain't got Wings or MM Halo's but they sure look good to me!
I have hunted solo a ton, its nice to just be able to do what you feel like, go where you feel like, and never have to verbalize it. Even i get lonely sometimes.

Its already been said, but you need a radio for after dark when you are wondering what to do with yourself. I use a Sony S2 walkman radio. You can pick up distant AM stations after dark.

Would be curious what radios others use.

One night, near Riggins ID, the radio said we were going to get a 10 year wind event, starting around midnight. Sure enough, woke to what sounded like an F16 screaming up the canyon, not nearly as terrifying as the accompanying sound of trees smashing down.

Ryan V
Go rent a sat phone. At least if you get hurt, they're not dragging out a pile of yer chew'd on bones the following summer. Plus you can chat for a few minutes each night with yer kids or wife which helps with the positive mental attitude...
One thing I started doing a couple years back is doing a complete write up on my hunts. I take a lot of photos too while I'm out. When I get back I will write everything up, but when I'm hunting, at the end of the day I like to take copious notes on everything that happened during the day so i wont' forget something cool that happened. I post abbreviated versions on a few boards, and have a group that enjoys reading them. I figure its a great digital scrapbook so when I get old and cant' go anymore or if something were to happen to me where I couldn't get around, it will be a great way to relive some wonderful experiences. That and I think my son may enjoy reading them when he gets older.
Well solo hunts do not have to be Wilderness Hunts. Best hunting spots are not always 20 miles back in the back in the middle of nowhere. I'm heading out to Co this SEP solo for a 3 week hunt if it takes me that long. I plan on bringing a few books and will keep a log of my days events that should keep me plenty busy.
I have a hard time getting enough sleep at night, what with all the prep work needed for the next day, meals, dishes, etc. I also keep a journal and usually fall asleep while trying to get in the last couple of lines. Never have any time to wonder what I'll be doing. A lot of my friends suggest I do some fishing, but I never have time. I don't even make a campfire. If its really cold out, I will fire up the wood burning stove in the tent.

This year, I have 13 days of solo mule deer hunting, then moving camp to help a buddy for the next 8 days. As much as I love him as a brother, I will enjoy the time hunting alone.
Good points so far. I'll be going on my first two solo hunts this year as well (muley and elk). So far I've prepared by doing a solo scouting trip for both. Good chance to try out my gear and learn critical things most seasoned hunters take for granted.

Not worried about needing a radio or anything. I'm ready to pass out as soon as it gets too dark to glass.
I've got another solo hunt for antelope in wymoing this year but this is out of a camper so a few more comforts will be available. Also with this one I have a few buddy's stopping in during the week and then again later in the hunt to kind of break things up a bit. There seems to be a difference between packing in versus a camper type of solo hunt even though you are still alone. Appreciate the tips everyone.........

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
This is a reply to Show them to me. The answer is 0. Sorry to disapoint you but I don't hunt wilderness areas. I only go a couple miles from from my camper and as I get older I guess that number will dwindle down as well. As an older hunter, well never mind.
The radio is a REALLY good idea. I was stuck in my tent for a couple days because of weather on a Missouri Breaks elk hunt. My transistor radio and a good book saved me. mtmuley
Just RAZZIN Ya contender!:D

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

I've got Wild Honey Tree's and Crazy Little Weeds growin around my Shack!
These Dusty Roads ain't streets of gold but I'm happy right where I'm at!
All these Perty little Western Belles are a Country Boys Dream!
They ain't got Wings or MM Halo's but they sure look good to me!
I've been going solo every yr for 30 yrs. Never even thought about getting mentally prepared but then I'm pretty much a loner any way. I will take a good book along.
I've been lucky to know a great deal of excellent hunters and still be good friends in close comunication with several of them...but it rarely works out that we get to go on hunts together as the points games and conflicting hunts always seem to get in the way. In the years long past, a group of guys could just get together a road trip and go buy over the counter tags in good if not great areas. That is rarely the case now so i generally just go by myself on tags i do draw and consider it the norm.

I too now don't pack into Wilderness and sleep over unless there are no options. The pop-up camper on the back of my rig has a lot of the comforts of home yet often i'm way back as far as i can get and not far from good hunting country.

I like to read so i always have several good books along. There are two radio's with me, one is a crank-up jobber that at least always get the weather. My book of maps hardly has a place to write on it as i have filled in all the edges, margins, and partial blank spaces with info and notions thought memorable of the trips i'm on. Also, i'm anal about keeping sharp knives so i'll give them a few licks from time to time and with them i have along, that can take some time.

I rarely seem to get lonely but heaven help the guy that drops by my camp wanting to talk hunting or fishing as i'll talk his/ their heads off if they'll let me get a word in edgewise! They hardly ever do! :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I like to compile my thoughts on my paranormal research of things that go bump in the night when the hunting gets slow.
Lots of good ideas posted. A backcountry backpack hunt is what you make of it. Personally I hunt dark to dark and don't have much time for reading books. If there is enough light to see I'm trying to fill my tag :)Yeh it can get a bit lonely if your not used to being alone in the mountains. I consider weight a big deal so I would consider an IPOD for music if you need tones packs Less weight etc. plus with the head phones your not pushing everything over the next ridge 5 ridges with your tunes at night. I archery hunt mostly these days so "quiet and stealth" in the mountains is a big deal the way we hunt. A Sat. Phone and a PLB personal locator beacon which sends a emergency GPS location signal to satillites is a great safety tool. I use an ACR TerraFix PLB. They are pricy but worth every penny in an emergency. Always carry a side arm in bear and cat country even when you need to go behind a tree :) as well as in your tent at night... no body out there to take care of business but YOU.

Have a great hunt.

You won't be as far as you think from folks if yer hunting the flat tops... That place is pretty popular from what I hear..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Maybe take some copies of the other post you made about convention tag haters and read and study what people have said and what you have said and see if you can come up with some common sense on what they are saying.

Good luck on your hunts though.
Sorry, my bad. I thought his was from tristate. Forgive me for that last comment.

I had a LE elk archery hunt and had days where I was by my self. Cards were ok at times, but got old fast. I get bored of reading fast. I was hiking alot and slept during the days.

Good luck though.
I'm over sixty now and can relate to some of the replies about ATV's and campers (I do have an ATV I use to get me close now). However, I still hunt by myself and enjoy it. I like it that way because I can do what I want. I could care less about music and news while I am away. I do like a good book and don't think it is extra weight. Take a good first-aid kit with you and some blood clot, supper glue and duct tape. If you can aford it, the sat phone or locater beacon are a good idea. My wife doses not like that I hunt alone, oh well. I have never been bored when by myself, but do enjoy meeting up with other people like me when out and about. I will be going on a solo elk hunt this year in Wy. Hope I can pack one out by myself. Good luck on your hunt.
Thanks for the post. I have found all of the suggestions interesting and helpful, except Robiland. What was he talking about? Anyway, after recently reading an article in Eastman's magazine in the advanced tips and tactics section, South Cox talks about increasing your mental toughness. I try to live by his suggestions whether I am going out alone or with a buddy. The two most important suggestions are getting in shape and keeping a positive attitude. The first one is obvious. When I am not in shape, I am ready to head home after the first day. Being in shape, in my opinion, is the MOST important. Second, just keeping a positive attitude. I try to remember that I love being outdoors and I look forward to it all year. I have to remind myself that the wife, kids and work will all be ok while I am gone. I usually take a few movies to watch while I am about to fall asleep. I like the radio idea. I think I am going to try that this year on our week long muzzleloader trip in September. Thanks for the post.
Good luck this year!

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