solution to high gas prices


Active Member
there is no doubt that we are all feeling the pinch from the sky high gas prices. also, there is no doubt that simple supply and demand is the leading culprit for pushing prices as high as they have come. why not then lessen the demand by raising the driving age in the US o 18. by doing this, we would take millions of drivers off the road, thereby reducing demand for oil and thus reducing prices; this would also lessening road congestion, yielding to a reductionin accidents which in turn would reduce insurance rates. all and all i see this as a win win situation for everyone except 16 and 17 year olds.

your thoughts...

Happy Hunting
So do you think the 16 and 17 yr olds will just stay home? Then you dont have any. Somebody will still Be driving them to all their activities. In most cases that would result in more driving because the driver would drive them there and then go home and then go back and pick them up - two trips everywhere the kids need or want to go.
>So do you think the 16
>and 17 yr olds will
>just stay home? Then you
>dont have any. Somebody will
>still Be driving them to
>all their activities. In most
>cases that would result in
>more driving because the driver
>would drive them there and
>then go home and then
>go back and pick them
>up - two trips everywhere
>the kids need or want
>to go.

I guess the question would then be if that would surpass all the other driving 16 and 17 year olds do? I know the first 2 years I had my license I would make up excuses just to drive.
>your thoughts...

Ranks right up there with the 55mph speed limit.
I have a solution.. How about we tap some of the countless oil reserves we have here in the U.S. and tell the OPEC a$$holes to pound sand and same goes for the tree huggers here in the good ol' USA.. That would bring gas prices down...
>I have a solution.. How about
>we tap some of the
>countless oil reserves we have
>here in the U.S. and
>tell the OPEC a$$holes to
>pound sand and same goes
>for the tree huggers here
>in the good ol' USA..
>That would bring gas prices

thats too simple.......LOL
i agree tapping the resources would be a great idea but liberal panzies like to trump american economic stability in favor of environmental protection extremism. i believe this is a viable option. even if someone over 18 is forced to shuttle the kids around the fact remains that there would be fewer cars on the road. also, people would better manage their time out. just as parents do with their children under 16 now, they will do that with their children under 18.

Happy Hunting
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-08 AT 02:12PM (MST)[p]That sounds like a great idea (from the left).

It is about as smart as our law here, that you can't drive others in the car unless your 18. Wouldn't it make more sense to allow them to car pool to school? ( should mention, this is a california law and not everyplace )

It is nanny state laws that cause rediculous situations. Like making everyone a criminal.

How about this. Build or ramp up existing nuclear plants and use battery charged cars. Less polution, less noise, less dependence on those who hate us and sell us oil.

We have all the solutions we need. However, our solutions are stopped by political types who benefit from us being in deficult times with high prices. Vote them out of office.

Taking away driving from young people wouldn't save any fuel. They can only walk or bike so far anyway. If the fuel is that costly now, don't you think they are walking or biking if they can. Don't you think they are car pooling when they can given this level of fuel cost?

Just my opinion.
I've got a neighbor who worked at the INL for years. One of his projects was to work on a nuclear car. Sounds scary, right. That's the whole problem with all the ignorant liberals and politicians is they live on fear. Well to make a long story short, they did come up with a nuclear car that uses four pellets about the size of the earser on a pencil, which would be enough fuel to power the car for 10,000 years. It has a minnie power plant on board that produces enough electricity to turn an electric motor, obviously would work for home also. It was set up in a way that it would take a nuclear bomb to open the tanks in the car. You hear stories like this, and you don't believe them, but some politicians have bottled the project and will not let it out. Some of those politicians are senators and congressmen from coal and oil producing states. What to do about it, I don't know, it's discouraging to me to live in a country with a government which is corrupt.
Given enough money, I don't doubt there could be a nuclear powered car.

However, I am talking about technology we already have and technology that countries like France use to a high degree.

We have more space than France. We have more ability to move mountains than France. We can do this.

We don't need much that is new except a shift in what we must have.

Let Algore and his lot work on all they want, lets just solve our issues with Nuclear and run things off electric power to reduce our need for foreign oil.

Just do it.
Why stop there. I say we can only drive on years that our age is a prime number. Good grief. Or it could be like watering days odd/even. ....Or we have a dedicated day of the week you are allowed to drive according to the color of you car. Maybe motorcycles only day?

P.S. Yes that was ~sarcasm

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