solution to lower gas prices


Active Member
there is no doubt that we are all feeling the pinch from the sky high gas prices. also, there is no doubt that simple supply and demand is the leading culprit for pushing prices as high as they have come. why not then lessen the demand by raising the driving age in the US o 18. by doing this, we would take millions of drivers off the road, thereby reducing demand for oil and thus reducing prices; this would also lessening road congestion, yielding to a reductionin accidents which in turn would reduce insurance rates. all and all i see this as a win win situation for everyone except 16 and 17 year olds.

your thought...

Happy Hunting
>I think you're living in lala
>land. No offense of

none taken :). seriously though if it were to happen do you think it would do some good? i honestly cannot find a real fault with it and think it is a step in the right direction. ps, im only 23.

Happy Hunting
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-08 AT 02:09PM (MST)[p]With all the soccer moms driving to and from soccer, ban soccer practice and games, it's a communist sport anyway.

Heck Ransom, that would also get rid of all those gas guzzing SUVs that those soccer moms drive. Triple k is going to put us on her "crap" list for these comments. She might try to ban hillbillies on this site.

...juat more spreading the misery.

If it's such a great idea, then why not really go for it? Raise the legal driving age to 21. Oh wait, that's the beginning legal drinking age in most states, can't be mixing the two. Probably will take a few years to get the booze out of their systems. Let's raise the legal driving age to thirty. That ought to eliminate a whole bunch of drivers from the road, decrease accidents (talk to an insurer), decrease congestion. Better yet, raise the legal driving age to 40. Just think of all the gas we could save. For those of us over 40, it'd be almost like having the road to ourselves. Better yet, raise it to 45. That would eliminate even more drivers and congestion, and use even less gas.

Don't even think about raising the legal age to over 45 though. You've heard the saying "cold dead hands?" Well, that'd be me with my hand gripped around the steering wheel... ;-)
Wheeeee!!!! I am glad to hear that. I though her kids were into soccer. She will not ban us after all and not on her crap list for the year.


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