Some Awesome Utah Sheds


Long Time Member
Here are some sheds a relative of mine found is SE Utah, his property is near the Antro LE. I already posted in the shed forum, this is at the request of bobcatbess. I guess them at about 390-ish, post your guess.....btw, he's 5'8"
Good Lord! That is a nice one. 390? I am no Boone and Crockett scorer, but I would humbly say 390 may be a bit low.

I bet he dies of old age this summer.;-) What do you think SS? ;-)




Gorgeous front tines! Nice to have found the pair.

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
I think his back half is a little weak! I'd have to pass on that one :)

What a great set of sheds. I'm gonna guess them at around 360. If you want to score them it's real easy. Go to the Boone and Crockett site and print off a typical American elk score sheet. Please let us Know what you get. Again awesome bones.

Will someone send me a PM and let me know if that kid in the picture works at aspen countertops and if his name is Derek?



LAST EDITED ON Mar-22-05 AT 11:29PM (MST)[p]That bull isnt an inch over 360, im gonna say he is more like 355ish. nice bull but i agree with who ever said the bull is weak on the back side. nevertheless nice sheds
Pictures can be deceiving, especially when there is just one veiw. I still say 54"to55" mains, lower end makes up for "average" whale, give each side an avg of 176 + 40" spread = 392 gross. I may be wrong but I think 390 is alot closer than 360. Will be curious to know. That would be a real tough bull for me to judge in the field as the upper end is always easier to see and judge than the lower.
Man I sure am glad no one who is saying this bull is 390ish professionaly guides. you would be doomed telling a client that is a 390 bull. Wanna piss off a client? tell them to shoot that monster 390 bull, and when he falls, and you tape him up, he turns out to be 360. nice bull but no where near 390. I stick with my 355-360ish, and i am willing to put $500 dollars on that. Let me kow if ther are any takers, ill email you my info, and we will have an official SCI scorer score those antlers.


Here are two bulls to use for comparison, the top one is 398, the bottom 360, as a 6x7. I hope they dont mind me using their bulls. I know BigOlMuley wont, thanks Jason!! According to most of the posts, these sheds are either one or the other. I'll find out soon what they really score, in the meantime, keep guessin', its good for ya.
NTHEWOODSIDE...You MIGHT be right, but I still think closer to 390 BC than 355. If Im wrong, no "told ya so please" You gotta admit pictures can be decieving, kind of like putting a woman on camera, can add 20 lbs, photographed right, she'll loose 20.
If I was the bettin kind, hmmmmm, I still wouldnt bet, not from a photo. I learned to judge animals in the field, alive, on the hoof in all kinds of goofy situations. I have only tried to judge animals by photos the last year or so. I am a novice for sure when it comes to that.
Either way, it sure is a good find and alot of character to that rack.
I think SOMONE out there has already taped them and knows exactly what they score.

I hope that bull does not die of old age! That is a great bull. I think 390 is a bit generous. I would guess him at about 370. What a great bull!

I am ribbin' ya SS. I like takin' little unprovoked jabs at ya.;-)

I wish I was a little, or maybe a lot, more confident of my guess cuz I like betting and I feel kinda confident that this elk would be closer to 390 than 355. Just my guess though. Does anyone want to sponsor 5 Bennies?

I see lots of elk shot that are claimed to be 390 and I wonder. I also see them at 350 and think they should be higher. Maybe his 3rds are throwing me off. Maybe I just can't score.

At any rate, I certainly would shoot him with my rifle in September.

Can someone give us an accurate score/measurement? I am curious now.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-05 AT 09:40PM (MST)[p]OK this settles it for me i emailed those sheds to a great friend of mine who scores for SCI his name is Steve Favour, and is verifiable scorer for SCI. He says this bull is 352-360 and he give 8 inches cause spread is hard to exact. other then that it is cake to score that bull, look at his 3's and the guys hand so you can guess those 3s pretty easy. which make scoring the rest quite easy. I see many times as a guide in AZ, people swear they see a 390-400 inch bull and it turns into a 350-360 bull. I am not bashing anyone here, but that bull is very very weak on his 4s 5s 6s. Now look at the 398 bull tony posted his 3s are pretty close to these sheds, and look how his 4s 5s 6s blow those sheds 4s 5s and 6s clean out of the water
someone always knows an expert...350 - 360 your expert is smokein' something sweet, especially, if he scores for SCI those guys count everthing and that front end alone is worth all of that..... hey sell those bad boys to me ill slap that bone on a a mount so fast and make up some big story about how I stocked it and got within ten yards and just about too pull the trigger the damn thing charged me and so on and so on and so on ......... ~G4
LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-05 AT 08:16AM (MST)[p]OK put this bulls pic right next to the sheds, this bull was 412 look at his 3 4 5 6 etc. no way are these sheds 20 inches away from this 412 bull. I think this bull puts the other bull in perspective due to the varying shots. I still would send a 125 grain thunderhead into this 360 bulls chest cavity with out even thinking twice about it.
Glen(ramslam) that really hurts. I know I told you it was 8 inches and when it turned out to be only 6 3/8 you were upset but that doesn't mean you need to let everyone know about it.
my guess is this...
G1 17
G2 16
G3 20
G4 14
G5 10
MB 54
Mass 28
total = 159 per side
Total 318 without an inside
with 40 inch inside = 358 Bull
Later, Brandon
ok we need to get one thing straight that bull far surpasses the 350 mark. If you think he doesnt well I would hate to see some of the bulls you have let walk. Yes his backs are weak; however, look at the sixth point. Its goes behind his head and I cant see an ivory so there is at least another 2-3 inches per side. Most of you are looking at them as a whole you must break down each section of the antler to even become close to getting a score. I dont think that it is a 390 bull either he just doesnt have the umphhhhh of a 390-400 bull. The mass is there the point length is there(in most cases) and the man is holding them on his body where in most cases people are holding them out to make them look better. I would say this bull is gonna gross upper 380s and would net in the mid to lower 370s if it was on the hoof.

350-360 you gotta be joking right, ROTFLMAO
even in those pics those guys are all standing behind at least 2 feet the elk. The sheds make the bull on the bottom look like a raghorn and the bull on top well the sheds are much closer to that!!!!

I am still stickin with my guess, my biggest thing now is that I dont think his antlers have enough spread to hit that 390 mark
they look like they will run narrower than a regular bull of that size.
362 5/8 or may be 7/8.
it is hars to get that accrate using a scale on my screen
if i had a top & side view i could put into 3d and let the computer figure it out.
> other then that
>it is cake to score
>that bull, look at his
>3's and the guys hand
>so you can guess those
>3s pretty easy. which make
>scoring the rest quite easy.

So by using your rationale, you are saying the left shed has a 30" third? In turn, that would put his left main at somewhere in the 60" range. Scoring anything from a photo is risky business. Although a side view could clear this up in a hurry. Just for the record, the only measurements that even resemble weakness are maybe the H3's and the fifth?s. But who cares, scores is just a number.

?It's all about the gut pile?
I cant break it down into numbers because I am not good at guessing point length(just overall score). All I will say is the bull has bigger 4ths than most think as well as the 6th, he is holding them close to his body making them look if anything smaller and the twist of the horn says his spread may be very good as well.
Just to clear up the size relative to the picture, I have seen and held them in person and if anything the picture doesnt really do them justice. The 1's and 2's are each closer to 20", and the 3's are more like 24". I am a framer by trade and very good at judging length in person. We were in the middle of a hunt when we took the pics and my uncle wasnt around, so we didnt have anything to measure with. Hope that helps....
So I guess I am missing something. What is the reason they cant be scored in 15 minutes and the score posted?
The owner lives quite a ways from me, and might have already scored them or had it done, I just dont see or talk to him very often. I will try to catch up with him as soon as i can. Then hopefully we can shed some light on this burning, oh so mysterious phantasmagoria, or something like that. I'd probably, maybe shoot him anyways, on the last day, last evening of my public, general season hunt, up at the Gorge.....
What's up with these guys saying no way over 360?? Sounds like they are bummin because they haven't found a set quite that good. That.. or they need some help judging elk racks.

Hard to tell from one angle, but unless the beams are broken behing the guys hat, each side is probably well over 170", first 4 tines are giant and he's real heavy. I'll bet my truck he's over 360, but if I had to give my best guess I'd say 380-390 gross.
Im not seeing 390 in this bull way to weak on the top, but I do believe he is bigger than 360. So Im thinking in the 370s probably the high end 377. But what the hell do I know Im just guessing like all the rest of ya.
I think you guys are all crazy!

That bull is way over 380

20" G1
22" G2
26" G3
20" G4
10" G5
50" beams
30" mass per side
= 178 per side
+ 40' spread
= 396 easy maybe closer to 410 :)

Tracks, you must be one of those High school drop out Gov. tag guides.

" I can't break it down, I just know what he is"

400"+ Bull-easy. 1st, 2nd, & 3rds speak for themselves. 4ths are much longer than they appear in pic. Check the spacing between points on beams = very long beams 55-57" probly. 402 gross with a 40" inside might be a bit conservative.


I'm the guy holding the sheds. 257Tony and I were in a hurry so we didn't get to measure the shed's but I can tell you they were massive and heavy to hold up. The picture does not give them justice. They are massive and I had to put my knee's out to hold them up. I can't wait till 257Tony gets to measure them. Hopefully I will get the chance to help him do that.What a great year we both took bulls last year. Mine was a 5+5 and 257Tony was a 5+6. Good times. Hopefully 257Tony will post some of those pictures. Their not real big but was a lot of fun, with a good hunting bud. Have fun and keep guessing.
I'm the guy holding the sheds.257Tony and I were in a hurry so we didn't get to measure the shed's, but I can tell you they were massive and heavy to hold up. The picture does not give them justice. They are massive and I had to put my knee's out to hold them up. I can't wait till 257Tony gets to measure them. Hopefully I will get to help him do that. What a great year, we both took bulls last year. Mine was a 5+5 and 257Tony was a 6+5. Good times. Hopefully 257Tony will post some of those pictures. Their not real big bulls, but it was a lot of fun with a good hunting partner. Have fun and keep guessing.
ALLMASS, You are right about the lower end. Another thing that is happening is the WELL ABOVE AVG 1st,2nd and 3rds make the whale look REALLY scrawny. Its an avg Y in back, but it looks dinky comparative to the lower end. I have missjudged photos of animals, but have never overguessed one in the field. I too, think this bull gross more than alot of posters think. I still think 55" mains, 176 each side avg + 40" inside = 392 gross.
Man will Steve Favor be upset if that bull score in the mid 380's. I still think that where this bull will score is a mid to high 380's bull
Here is a bull my friend killed a few years ago in the San Juan/Elk Ridge unit in Utah. I ROUGH scored it at 363 net (I don't remember the gross score, but it wasn't much different as it is very symetrical. This bull has a similar great front end, and semi-weak back end. To me, the sheds look a great deal bigger than this 360 bull. What do you think?



Will someone please give an official measure! This BULL is not over 370!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'd like all you guys to go ahead and pass on this bull.....I'll take the leftovers. I'm guessing 380 - 390...just a guess, but I don't know how anyone could guess 350????????????????
Pictures can be decieving, but my most generous score would give the bull 375 inches, and that is very generous.

right G1=17, G2=17, G3=22, G4=19, G5=12
left G1=18, G2=18, G3=22, G4=16, G5=10
60" of mass, and a 40" spread

Pictures can be decieving, from the picture it is hard to tell the mainbeam length and width, and lengths of the fourths. The bull also has incredible mass, so it makes it harder for me to tell the length of the fronts.

I think the sheds will go closer to 360-365", but i would not be surprised if they go into the low 370's.
And the official score is in (I wish) Whats the holdup, I would like to know how wrong I am.
Seriously, they are big, that's the bottom line!!!! Stop guessing!!! I would give my left nut for a bull that big!!! Is that innappropriate to say? haha
350ish???? Those bases are almost the diameter of your heads!!! Let me tell you something: I have a 17" monitor and its easy judge these animals.

You just need to make sure your screen resolution is set correctly!!! I'll put money down, that Nunya and Nthewhatever has it down to a science!!! My official score is 387 3/8 maybe at BEST 387 7/8.

The only bobcat close to finishing his GED!!!!!!
NBJB, saying this bull is "not over 370" gives you about well, 369 7/8" room for error. Hey, if he is 42" you are right, or 142", you are still right, or 242", you guessed it, heck even if he is 342" you da man! "not over 370" is a pretty vauge score. What DOES this bull score exactly? as I have found we ALL will soon know.
I am VERY confident this bull is between 92 3/8 and 428 7/8. Now THATS narrowing it down!!!
Where is the score?
Send me those sheds and I will get them scored.
Blanding Boy will score them if your down his way I'm sure.
Where is the Score?
Well assuming that the guys left hand across the 4 fingers is 4" my guess would be
MB = 52"
G1 = 20"
G2 = 19"
G3 = 23"
G4 = 18"
G5 = 10"
Mass = 30"
172" per side = 344 + 40" width = 384
but hey its a picture so its just a guess, and a nice bull
Thanks for sharing and would like to know the real score.

Great Bulls, we drew muzzy tags down there this year! We've had some great times on San Juan, and I would dare say that I think it is one of the best units in the state. Plenty of Elk, Plenty of Deer. We've taken both of this unit over the years and we hope to take more in the future. I'll post pics this fall.

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