Sportsman Bill


Very Active Member
Sounds like the GOP shot down a sportsman bill, because of spending. The legislation would exclude ammo and tackle from federal environmental laws that regulate lead,allow bow hunters to cross federal land where hunting isn't allowed,encourage federal land agencies to help states maintain shooting ranges,boost fish populations and protect animal habitat.

The sportsman bill would also allow more land access (unsure how/where) and bring home as trophies 41 polar bears killed in Canada before the government started protecting bears as a threatened species.

Is the spending the real issue of the GOP, or is it because the Dems came up with the bill. Like I've said before,I think both sides can come up with good ideas, so put your party aside and give your opinion.
From what I have read, I believe it was the fact that it had too much spending in the bill that would go against budget restraints. As for the polar bears, two of those hunters wanting to bring in their polar bears were from the home state of the Dem. Senator that sponsered the bill. Gee! what a surprise, I wonder how much those two rich hunters contributed funds to that Senator.

Its not surprising, the GOP has a history of not supporting sportsmen, they never support access unless its stopping a roadless area or wilderness area in the name of access (motorized) they have been for the selling of public land, not allowing sportsmens tax money for land purchases, taking away the rights of states to transplant bighorn sheep. ect, ect.

It happens all the time in the local and state governments ,somewhat less often in federal government.
Its unbelievable how the rightwingers on this site think, talk about a mixed up and uninformed group
Here Piper maybe this will open your eyes god knows it's not going to open your mind! See how things got shuffled around and how the GOP is depicted as opposing a prohunting bill that excludes lead in tackle and bullets from the EPA's jurisdiction (green Lobby hot buttons)and access. When in reality it was about exclusion of foreign aid funding and sense of containment of Iran as a nuclear power not being an option to US policy. Kind of changes the complexion of things doesn't it. In any case it wasn't just a prohunting bill was it? These could have been handled alone yet as a package were unpalatable. Looks like the head of the senate Reid may have wanted to make sure nothing passed by doing it his way. Isn't Reid a democrat Piper? Hmmm.

Posted By Josh Rogin Thursday, September 20, 2012 - 7:02 PM Share

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) was all set to get his full Senate vote today on his bill to cut all U.S. aid to Egypt, Libya, and Pakistan; and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) was set to get a vote on his resolution to establish the sense of the Senate that containment of a nuclear Iran is not an option for U.S. policy.

But the entire deal was derailed by a last-minute effort by Senate leaders to add a new bill to the agreement, a "Sportsman Act" sponsored by Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT), who is up for re-election. Tester's bill would ease restrictions on hunting, fishing, and shooting on federal public lands.

On Thursday afternoon, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said that he had worked out a deal with Paul to move on all of the Senate's outstanding business this afternoon, including a continuing resolution to fund the government past Oct. 1. Under the deal, Paul would get one hour of debate and a vote on his bill to cut all U.S. aid to Egypt, Libya, and Pakistan. There would also be a one-hour debate on the containment resolution, which was also led by Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Bob Casey (D-PA). (Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) had objected to the deal late Wednesday but lifted his objection Thursday.)

Then suddenly Thursday afternoon, Reid announced there would be no more votes and he took a swipe a Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA), accusing him of wanting to avoid his evening debate with challenger Elizabeth Warren.

Multiple senators and staffers said late Thursday that it was Reid, however, who derailed the deal at the last minute by attempting to add the Tester bill, prompting an objection by the GOP Senate leadership.

"Today, [Senate Minority Leader Mitch] McConnell has agreed to the same UC [unanimous consent agreement] that was offered last night by Senator Reid, but now Senator Reid wants a UC that includes not just the Paul, Graham, and [continuing resolution] votes, but also a vote on the Tester amendment," Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) said Thursday afternoon.

All Senate business is on hold while the leadership of both caucuses negotiates behind closed doors. Paul had repeatedly threatened to oppose unanimous consent to move any legislation unless he got his vote, so without a deal, Senate leaders would have to go through long voting procedures that could keep lawmakers in town well into the weekend.

Senators do hope to leave town this weekend, so a deal Friday is widely expected. A deal would also pave the way for the Senate to confirm a host of ambassadors before leaving Washington, including the nominees for envoy posts in Iraq and Pakistan.

The containment resolution has more than 80 co-sponsors and is expected to pass by a wide margin. The Paul bill to prohibit aid to Egypt, Libya, and Pakistan is not expected to pass.
This was a stupid thing for the GOP to do because this bill would have had $145 million in revenue, which comes from the an increase in the cost of a duck stamp, therefore not a tax.

So as of right now the GOP is on record of spitting into the face of hunters and anglers, who were willing to pay their own way without expecting taxpayers to foot the bill. In addition they are doing the bidding of anti hunting groups like the Humane Society, Defenders of Wildlife, and PETA.

Get a clue when the Republican vote with the only Democrat to vote no (Barbara Boxer) this thing stinks.

There was no opposition when the cloture vote to move this bill forward was 94-6. This is simply not wanting to allow Tester a post election victory, hunters be damned.

It is stupid, stupid and more stupid. Anybody that doesn't call Session's office and demand he quit playing games with hunters doesn't care about what it means to have the GOP blocking good common sense bills.

Nemont, so in your opinion blocking foreign aid to Libya,Egypt, and Pakistan is the way to go. Seems to me going that route puts us in a worse position than we are now. I agree with you completely with passage of the hunting bill alone but they didn't get it in only that form. I know McCain & Kyle would have supported the hunting bill alone but felt strongly about abandoning our financial support in the region and letting other interests step in to gain more leverage. Just a different perspective. I will call and tell them to support the hunting bill to let them know my feelings on that issue. It,s not always as cut and dried as we would like and the way things com to the floor makes things more difficult than they need be. Yes it stinks!
I wouldn't fall for everything thats you read, who is Josh Rogan?

I have seen the rightwing pull stunts like this before, and I suspect their opposition has more to do with the access issue, it may not be a popular thing with some big time wealthy landowners and property rights fanatics.

Hatred for all democrats could be an issue also, I remember when they killed a popular pro veteran bill just because Paul Wellstone introduced it.
There is no doubt, rightwingers are not for the regular person.
You really need to go look at the Senate and how this bill was brought to the floor.

It was originally tied to the farm bill which the GOP House killed. Tester had this as a stand alone bill but because Session's opposed it they had to try and over come Session opposition.

If this was truly tied to foreign aid then there would be no controversy. This is simply the GOP giving the finger to public land hunters because they want to hand Tester a post election defeat.

This bill was put into the foreign aid bill because of Session called for the unanimous consent rule. This was a stand alone bill that for 6 months nobody raised the issue of spending on, the bill passed a cloture voter 95-5 and was supported until Tester won reelection.

You may believe that this was wrapped up in foreign aid but it wasn't until GOP opposition to a bill that would reduce the deficit, if only by a mere $5 million and was funded by hunters willingly paying the freight.

Believe as you wish but the procedural hurdles placed by the GOP was a sham and game to deliver a defeat to Tester without regard to how it affects public lands hunters. The GOP is no friend to hunters.


The story you posted about Rand Paul and the foreign aid bill happened back in Sept. prior to the election. A stand alone version of Tester's bill was voted on Nov 14th for a cloture vote which passed 95-5. Then on Monday night 11/26/2012 Session's killed Tester's bill with his unanimous consent rule motion.

This had been unbundled from the foreign aid bill and been back through the committee without a concern for where the money came from or whether it would break a rule. Since all the funding was coming from a fee, not a tax, there would be no reason to even worry about the budget control act as this represented no new spending on the taxpayer's dime.

Nemont here is another angle to consider (article below) that supports the increase you mentioned and some said in addition that this bill would take privatized land in Montana that allows access by hunters and fishermen across their land(I don't see that angle but they say it's in how it's written) This bill was supported by numerous sportsmens groups so somethings amiss. Why in the hell do they continue to play the games by wrapping these things up when it was a nice clean easy bill. Reid still controls how the bills go to the floor. Washington at it's dysfunctional best!

***************************************************************Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) threatened to bring a budget point of order against the Sportsmen?s Act Thursday, unless amendments are made to the bill.

Sessions said because the bill raises revenue to pay for itself, it's a violation of the Budget Control Act, which set spending levels for the government.

?Generally I am supportive of the package. I think it has some good qualities to it ... but there's a small problem that needs to be fixed,? Sessions said on the Senate floor Thursday morning. ?The majority has brought forward a bill that violates the Budget Control Act.?

The Sportsmen?s Act, introduced by Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), would increase access to federal land for hunters and fishermen while also supporting conservation through a package that combines nearly 20 bipartisan measures.

Sessions said an amendment offered by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) increases spending by $140 million over 10 years.

?The agreement was that the whole area of spending would be capped at a certain level ... or else you've taxed and spent,? said Sessions, the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee. ?It's just a tax and spend.

?[Democrats] say we can't save $14 million a year ? that's not true. There are plenty of ways to save.?

Sessions said the bill would also violate the Constitution because all revenue-generating bills have to originate in the House. If the bill passes the Senate first, it then has a ?blue slip? when it heads to the House.

?If we fixed this matter, I'd support it,? Sessions said. ?The proper remedy for this situation is to allow amendments or send the bill back to committee to figure out how to keep it in budget limits.?

The Senate invoked cloture on the Sportsmen?s Act, S. 3525, on a 84-12 vote Thursday morning.

Reid said he hoped to get an agreement with Republicans to hold a final vote on the bill Thursday night, so the Senate could recess until after Thanksgiving.
Nemont thanks for the help clarifying this damn mess and pointing out separation on the bill. The article I posted above shows it's politics at it's best and you are correct. When did the congress ever let 14 Million dollars get in their way!! No wonder sportsman's groups endorsed it!!
Zigger I'll help you out I've got a black bear I shot a few years back and a gallon of white latex paint we can make that polar bear.

Thanks NeMont on spot with what you keep up on.
And the Dem's are??? We must pass the bill first to see what's in it. Remember that ignorant statement by the one and only Nancy Pelosi (D). I know she didn't mean it and the Republicans are just making a big deal out of nothing. And Susan Rice (D)?? Again those stupid Republicans, how dare they. A bunch of puppets, too funny.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-28-12 AT 07:36AM (MST)[p]I was on the phone last night with an official from our F&G. He urged me to have you guys call your senators & representative to pass the bill. He told me that things aren't as bleak as they seem on this for good reason and that's all I could pry out of him. I asked him about the private land issue and he said there has been some opposition but didn't feel that it had any bearing as written.

I know my AZ department & many other state F & G departments want the bill passed so we need to support it. It's in our best interest. SO CALL THEM!!

Nemont I sent you a pm.

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