Spot and stalk bear hunt


Very Active Member
from all the photos of sucessful bear hunters here I thought this would be a good place to ask where is the best place in the western states to do a spot and stalk bear hunt? I've heard that northern idaho has a good hunt but can't seem to find very much info on it. I'm not looking for anyones secret spot or anything just some general info so I can work on getting a hunt put together by next spring. thanks

I am not a bear hunter but know there are tons of bears in AZ. There is/was a regular on here called Bullwidgeon who hunts bears alot here and he could help or another regular, Bugler may point you in the right direction if you decide on AZ............ Thanks, Allen Taylor......
North Idaho is a lot of country, the farther north you go the thicker it gets. If the huckleberry crop is good and it stays relatively cool, so the berries linger into Sept. hunting/glassing berry patches can be good. I have a buddy in Idaho that could probably get on a bear within a hour or so of Coeur d'Lane any time he wants because he knows a lot of country and what to look for.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-04-05 AT 09:31PM (MST)[p]Arizona is probably tough compared to other states. I do not know because I have not hunted them elsewhere. When food other than prickly pears are aorund in the fall they stay in the thick stuff. It looks like this year will be tough, I am going to guess there will be lots of acorns and juniper berries around and the bears will stay in the thick stuff.
In the latest trophy hunter there is a story about some hunters who spot and stalk hunted with an outfit out of Alberta or BC. They got some big bears and the hunt sounded ike alot of fun. You may want to check that out.

Bret M.
I hunted with Boulder Creek Outfitters, near Whitebird, Id, and it was spot and stalk...lot of fun and we saw 25 bears the entire week,,everyone but one tagged out.

I booked through Bill Durnan, at Butch Manasee Outdoor Adventures, out of Cheyenne...px to him, he has several spot and stalk options


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