Spotter advice.....


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Jun-14-18 AT 09:22AM (MST)[p]Hello fellow MM members. I'm looking for a little expertise from the local masses here. First, I realize there is an "Optics" section but thought more eye's would come across this post here vs the other.

So I'm in the market for a spotter and have narrowed it down to one particular but I thought I would put it out there and see if others have had the same scope and what there thoughts were on it. I'm looking at the Vortex Razor HD 11-33x50. It comes with great reviews as well as most all of Vortex scopes but this scope fits my budget better that the others. Like probably most folks money is a driving issue and with me I've set my limit at $1000 and under. I want to get the best quality I can for the money spent. I have had thoughts of trying to stretch just a little more and see if I can get the 22-48x65 Razor as well but I have a couple hunts coming up this year that the extra money would be better spent towards them. I know, I know, you never want to cut yourself to short on glass but for right now this is what I'm facing.

So what is the good, bad and ugly on the 11-33x50? Will it work at the range then in the mountains getting a better look at an animal just the same as the 22-48x65? Obviously there is some magnification difference but is it really necessary to spend the extra for that little more? One thing I have noticed, and its not a huge deal, but I haven't noticed a slim scope cover for the 11-33x50. Do they make one for it?

Also I'm not opposed at looking at the Viper 15-45x65 as well. So thoughts on it or in comparison to the others would be helpful.

Thanks everyone for taking the time to and your thoughts, Its much appreciated!

You will get better last light transmission out of the 65. The 50 really shines when space is limited, I have a Nikon 50 and if I am backpacking I will take that. If I am spotting from truck window, or from a short hike I like the 80+ models as you can really tell the difference with last light/long range spotting.

The 50 really was developed for backpacking or space limited trips. So, if you are putting miles on your feet and plan on pulling out a spotter I say go for it.

Lastly, the heat waves really kill any magnification over 40-45, so rarely do I have even my 82mm cranked all the way up. Typically I am zoomed at 30-40. Hope that helps.

Pet Door Sales and Installation
Bill... the above advise from DAN is spot on if wanting to hunt out WEST.The best I can add to this is DO NOT for get about Your tripod ? A lesser quality tripod makes even the high end optics less effective. Good Luck,
Bruce & SilverGrand
quite frankly, from the reviews I have read, the Cabelas Krotos is a better scope than the Vortex's... cheaper too. You might want to make a trip to Cabelas and compare the two.
Don't forget that good glass will make you see things to make you do long treks across wide canyons resulting in blisters in your heels. Sometimes ignorance can be bliss. ;)
1911.....From that comment it sounds like you know me. I do have that habit, sickness or what ever you call it that makes you keep going the extra mile just to see what's there. But you make a pretty good point.
>quite frankly, from the reviews I
>have read, the Cabelas Krotos
>is a better scope than
>the Vortex's... cheaper too. You
>might want to make a
>trip to Cabelas and compare
>the two.
Is the warranty as good as vortex's ?
Just a little FYI on Cabelas Krotos spotters, I called the store to inquire about them because I couldn't seem to find them on there sight and was told they were discontinued about 6 months ago. Rumor has it that Bass Pro may pick the line back up but as for now its all just rumor.
I had the 11-33. I really liked how compact it was but I found that i wanted extra magnification. If you could swing it I would personally get the 22-48. The extra weight/bulk was worth the trade off for me.
First off I would say wait and save for the best... if it means waiting another year then WAIT. Why rush to buy a lesser quality scope that you will more then likely replace down the road. Buy once, cry once!!

If you need to have one now, I would go to Sportsman's, Cabelas, or any other box store and see for yourself which scope in your price ranges works best for your eyes..... I would do this at dusk and keep looking through them as it gets darker. This low light test is what separates the 1000 scopes from the 3000, but it will tell you what will work best for you.

Don't take someone's word on what they like, any quality sporting good store will let you take the scope outside, but do it in low light.
For the price point you're looking at I would look at the Kowa spotting scopes. I have a 66mm with Prominar glass that I paid about a thousand dollars for and I think it blows the Vortex outta the water.
Had a vortex. Got a used swarovski. Very happy. Paid 1200. Little more than I wanted but i have the right one now.

I also heard cabelas had a good one for the money.
>For the price point you're looking
>at I would look at
>the Kowa spotting scopes. I
>have a 66mm with Prominar
>glass that I paid about
>a thousand dollars for and
>I think it blows the
>Vortex outta the water.

I wish I had all the money I spent on the mid-class glass and lower end glass spotters and Bino. It would of brought some over the top glass LIKE a couple of Big Eyes with tripods.
Buy top end glass NOW and just pay it off over time, You will be a lot of money ahead.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Thanks for all the input fellas. I think I have decided to save and wait to get better quality. I don't want to be in the same situation in a year or so wishing I had something better.

On a side note anyone noticed that the stock of scopes in the stores right now is pretty much limited to what is in the show case? Would be nice to know if I was ready to buy that I wouldn't have to hunt all over to find it.
If your interested in the Vortex line of optics let me know and I would love to help yo out with what you need and I can have it dropped shipped directly to you so you don't have to shop around.
Kory Bundy 435-668-8063
If you need references on my ordering processes I can have you contact several people if you like.
Why not buy a cheaper used scope for this year and then sell it used? I doubt you would lose much money if any at all. That's what I do, I have stepped up from $200, to $400 to $800 used scopes and have sold mine for about the same.
I just bought the Viper HD 20-60-85 and I can't believe how clear it is at 600 yards
spent the extra dollars so I don't have to walk or stalk a deer unless it is what I want
like stated above once already about used scopes. look around and buy a used swarovski. you can pick up the ATS or the STS for that 1000-1400 mark. WAY better than ANY vortex that you will look through. as far as warranty goes, swaro will take care of you, the better thing is that you wont have to use the warranty like you do the vortex.

ive had both the viper and razor lines and both were sub-par.

your doing it right and saving for better glass. good luck.

"Shoot Straight"
Vortex has the most aggressive marketing in the business but their equipment is mediocre at best.

I'll never understand why so many are fixated on the warranty as a selling point. If you need to use a warranty then the equipment is subpar to begin with. Besides, most all mid to high end companies will take care of you if needed. Swarovski has taken apart, cleaned and even applied lens coating to both my spotting scope and binoculars at various times over the years - for simply the cost of shipping. I have never needed any warranty work as their products simply perform year in and year out. My optics are pushing 20 years old now and work as well today as the day I bought them.

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