Strange day on Almanor


Long Time Member
Larrbo invited me out on his fine boat for a trolling session on our Lake Almanor this morning and i gotta say, it was just not your typical day fishing the Lake.

We had just left his dock, 6:45 am nice dock right in front of his beautiful lakefront 2nd home, when i cast out my lure, you know, to get some line out way behind the boat before clipping it in the downrigger clamp. Before i can even get the line in the clamp, i can feel a fish pulling on the line that was now in my hand. I really can't hardly believe it, neither could Larry, but on winding in my slack, sure enough, i had on and then landed a nice scrappy 18" rainbow.

OK!! What a great way to start the day! After i had played out and then put the fish on the stringer, i cast out again. This time i was able to lower the line with the DR but we figured that being i caught the last fish on top, he must have been near it, so i only lowered the rigger to about 9 feet in 40+ feet of water. We were planning on fishing much deeper but hey, might as well fish where the fish are.

I no sooner sat down and Boom, another fish on!! I knew instantly that this was a better fish and he fought well. Once i got him to the boat though, Larrbo was up to the task and able to maliciously knock him off my line with his net. Thanks Larry!! :) That fish was HUGE, the bright sunshine and super clear water, for Lake Almanor, gave us a real lasting view of that gorgeous Monster Rainbow Trout slowly swim away once he realized that he was no longer encumbered with my lure. Double darn! Maybe that fish wasn't quite as big as i thought or Larry didn't quite yet ever get close to the fish with the net but i'm telling this story so who you gonna believe?

So, two nice fish on and we've been no more than 10 minutes on the water. At times like this, a guy can't help but have visions of great days gone by where you could do no wrong. I'm looking at the stringer wondering how i'm gonna fit all the fish that we're going to catch on it. Maybe i should have released that dink little 18 incher, we're certainly going to really get into them today!

Little did i know at the time and who would have figured that it would take 4 more hours of my darn near throwing the whole tackle box at them to get our next, last, the final bite of the day. Larry's downrigger tripped off. He shut the boat down and grabbed his rod to a obvious fish. I snapped my line off my sides rigger and flipped the switch to bring the ball up. As i'm watching him play his fish, i'm winding in my line and i get a bite too! Awesome!!

to be continued...
Hey(Joey)sounds like a fun day.We are headed up to Eagle Lake this weekend,i here the fishing great there also.They said the lake turned over and the bigger fish are coming into the shallower water????????????????????????don't know well just have to see.............haveing a good time
Now Joey! Let's not have this strung out too long! I've gotta pull the plug on the puter soon and it'll be a while before I get back on line! :)
Sounds like fun, Joey. I'd like to see a pic or two of those fish if you guys took any. Been a while since I've seen an 18 inch trout. Last time was in WY last October. To be continued? what more could there be? You didn't sink his boat, did you?

T&A Inspector
I'm not going to comment until Joey finishes his "fish story"'s got to get better. Film at eleven.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-10 AT 11:30PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-10 AT 11:10?PM (MST)

Fish story? Facts son, i deal in facts :)

So here we both have fish on and it really is strange how it can get like that on Almanor. Many is the time when you may start out like a house afire only to have the fish suddenly and without explanation, shut down completely. That's just how this day was going but now we both had hookups so life was even better than the nice boat ride we'd been on for the past 4 hours or so.

As my line and fish get close to the boat, the fish heads over to Larry's side and i notice that his fish is coming over to mine. For a second or two there, i thought maybe we were going to have a mess to deal with but the fish kept coming in and we soon were able to see our fish...

The fish that we had on turned out to be just one and the same fish.!! Not a big guy at all, about 16". Both our lures, Larry's speedy shiner and my broken back brown trout finish Rapala, were embedded in the fishes jaw. Even stranger, Larry was fishing down deep, about 30 feet while i had decided not to use the downrigger for a bit and just troll it at the lures normal running depth, shallow. Best we could figure, he hit Larry's rod first. By the time i was bringing in my lure, the fish had time to come up and, who knows, maybe swipe at my bait in meanness as he passed on by.

I've seen the same fish hit two different guys baits before while bank fishing with crawlers but this was a first for both of us anywhere near in this manor. The rest of the trip was fairly standard. I got soaked, another story, we darn near sank the boat when we snagged bottom with the downrigger, and Larry insisted i keep the two on the stringer, one of which just made me a most enjoyable and nutritious dinner.

All a sweet but very strange day on Lake Almanor!! Thanks again Larrbo!!

Edit: Larry, i tried twice. The pic shows on the prewiew but doesn't come up once on the thread??? Can you post up the pic?

Edit #2: 1911, thanks much! :)

Every morning on Lake Almanor is wonderful with the sun rising over Dyer mountain on the east shore, with the bright glow coming off of Mt. Lassen to the west. Nothing better getting out on the water with a fishing buddy, crisp air, a cup of hot coffee and the anticipation of catching s big trout. Well...enough of that stuff.

Like Joey said, he didn't even get his line in the downrigger and had a fish on, what he didn't say was at that time he was using a speedy shiner that was skipping on the surface. When we fish the downriggers I always let my guest get in and setup then I will put my line in the water. Well, Joey get his line back out and he takes the wheel so I can get my line in the water. I just cast my line out and was putting my line into the clip and Joey says "fish on". I reel in so I can net Joey's fish. He gets it up to the boat, nice rainbow. Then the disputed "net incident" happens. Joey says that I knocked it off with the memory of this was someone getting "Rainbow Fever" and horsing the fish to the boat. But, I guess we will never really know for sure since there isn't any film.

Joey mentioned that he got a little wet on the day, but it never rained. We were on the other side of the lake from my cabin and all of a sudden the wind came up and we had white caps. I have a 16' flat bottom jet boat that doesn't handle the white caps very good. After a while I told Joey that we should head back to the other side because it would be calmer. It is about 3 1/2 miles to get to the other side. Of course this is right after Joey tryed to steal my only fish of the morning. I have learned that if I hit the white caps just right with my boat, the waves will come over the bow and swamp the passenger. But, I think it was just an accident.

So it was just another average day of fishing on Lake Almmanor. Thanks again Joey, had a great time.
Larrbo said, "...after Joey tryed to steal my only fish of the morning. I have learned that if I hit the white caps just right with my boat, the waves will come over the bow and swamp the passenger."

There we have it folks and little did i suspect at the time! Ya know, if you really are or want to be a good friend to someone, you just have to accept them as they are. :)

As you can see in the photo that 1911 nicely posted for us, that rainbow bit both our baits...

When you get back from Wy with your big ol muley buck Larry, lets do it all again!! It'll start to be prime German Brown time, the best fishing of the year!!

larrbo, don't you just hate a fishing partner who tries to hog all the action? Sheesh Joey, hook your own fish!:)

Well, that is one of the weirdest fish stories I've ever heard. Good thing you have pics, is all I can say!:)

Fishing During hunting season? Really? My boat won't get out again until the end of November when its time for big bows at Comanche.

I used to love fishing the Comanche and the Mokelumne River. Both great fishing spots.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I can't help it. Joey's story reminded me of an incident I witnessed many years ago. It still makes me chuckle.

I was fishing Eel River from the bank. The salmon were in thick. Fishermen lined both sides of "snag" hole. It was called "snag hole" because there was a dead tree under water that everybody got snagged on.

Anyway, the action was pretty hot and everybody was pretty excited. Out of nowhere, the guy next to me reefed back on his rod and started backing up yelling "FISH ON! FISH ON!" About that time a guy across the river yells as he takes a header into the river. He goes completely under water but manages to hold onto his rod. Yep, you guessed it! They got their lures hooked to each other, and the poor guy got dragged into the water. Everybody within sight roared!

I guess maybe you had to be there, but I'll never forget it. LOL!

That's funny Eel. It's amazing if you spend enough time fishing and hunting some of things you see. I was fishing in the Hamilton Branch at Lake Almanor several years ago and the guy next to me had a trout on. As he was reeling the fish in an Osprey swooped down and grabbed his fish. It was kind of funny watching the Osprey fly off with the guys fish and his line.
Great little remembrance Eel!! ...and much appropriate to the tale of Larrbo's and i's little freak deal we had out on the lake.

Not sure who to feel bad for the most. The guy who thought he had a huge fish on or the guy that got pulled in the water. :)

Hope you get a smoker buck this year Eel. Good things come to good people and you're it!!

Thanks Joey! I'm off to the rifle range over the next few days for some long range practice.

And some more LONG RANGE STORIES TOO......j/k Steve, don't flinch too much out there.

I just read an Almanor fishing report that said someone caught a 12.2# German Brown Trout last week in the same area Joey and fished a trout derby in August.
Larry, 12.2#, WoWzeR!!

For those that don't know, Almanor is known for quantity and quality of it's trophy size fish. Not the huge monsters of a few other places but the average fish here is a super trophy for a lot of guys and for most lakes. Some days, Spring and Fall are the best IMO, on the lake will bring limits with the average being a solid 3 pounds, maybe better. A true five pounder is a dandy here but to be expected once in awhile. 6-8 pounders could be a once in a lifetime fish for some, others may have taken a dozen or more but you can bet that they had earned them! Lake Almanor thru the years has consistently and continuously kicked out a lot, a lot, of really nice fish!

Anything over 8 pounds is just plain rare. They're here, they just rarely get hooked up and then putting them in the boat or landing them from shore, Murphy's law don't yeah know, is difficult. I've been fishing Almanor almost 50 years now and can count the number of true 8 pound plus trout hooked up and played on one hand and i've yet to actually land, all of them were Brown Trout, a single one!! On Almanor, I'm stuck with multiple fish well within the 7's, pushing 8.

I hope the guy that landed that 12.2 fully appreciated what he had done!! I've always been obsessed to catch a fish like that one day!!

Almanor is a pretty special place alright. I could actually see myself retiring there (if I could find a good plumber).:)

Kilo, when I say long range practice I talking between 100 and 150 yards.:)


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