Strange things found in the woods

  • Thread starter old_man_of_the_hills
  • Start date


So time for a fun post, for a change. We're at eachother's throats enough as it is.

What strange things have you found in the woods? I've seen this post on other sites and it usually gets pretty good.

This is my post

I've just pissed in my pants.......and nobody can do anything about it.







THE ONLY bobcat!!!
I watched a greasy earth firster bone his even greasier girlfriend on a desert sheep hunt in Ca. They were protesting the hunt. It was quite a site and he lasted exactly 14 seconds. What a stud. They never knew they were being watched.


LMAO. Really LMAO.

If anyone can top that one, I wanna read about it or see pictures. In a few short sentences, you painted a pretty graphic picture.

Nothing I have seen is anywhere near that.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
I live in the same Kali as D13er. I was driving on an old logging road after a hard rain. I came around a corner and saw a dreadlocked hippie sitting buck naked in a mud puddle in the road. When he saw me he got up and ran down the hill. Danged if I know what he was doing. Don't want to know. I felt good about being armed though.

Last fall during deer season dad and I were watching a guy across a canyon and He stoped to take a crap. So me being the nice guy I am I video taped him. He used alot of butt wipe and he got done and had to stand up and check his work. My wife did not thing it was that funny when I showed her.
I was watching a husband and wife through my spotting scope that were hunting sheep. She started jumping around and pulled her pants down. I thought I was going to see another show like the hippies put on when she got down on all fours. I was wrong. Her husband approached from the rear and started pulling cactus from her ass. They were unaware of being watched also.




THE ONLY bobcat!!!
I found where a UAF research rocket planted itself into the ground while on a moose hunt in Alaska.

If I ever draw a tag here, you better be with me as I would like to see something of this nature. LMAO

Strangest thing I have ever seen was at a Beaver Pond and Tampax's floating on the surface up out of Rifle, CO back in the mid 90's. Have no idea how they got there unless the Forest Service workers that summer had ladies working there marking a trail from up on top down to a trail head campground.


That wasn't a hippie.It was a redneck in his jacuuzi :)

Next time I'm hiking through the woods feeling lonely I better think twice about doing the 5 finger shuffle..D13'er may be spying on me.LOL!

my buddies and i were camping in high school outside ely, nv and a van drove past our camp headed up the canyon. we were camping in the canyon bottom and the road was about 100 yards uphill. 30 minutes later the van is headed back down but stops on the road about 100 yards upstream from our camp and turns off the lights and engine. after it got dark 3 of us snuck out the back of camp and circled up above him to see what he was doing.

he was sitting there exercising his little friend while watching my other buddies down at camp! we threw some well packed snowballs at the side of his van and you should have seen how scared this guy got. i haven't ever laughed so hard in my life! within seconds the van was started and he was ripping down the canyon with his pants around his ankles fast enough to go back in time!
Hunting javelina between Phoenix and Kingman AZ a long way from anywhere I saw something shiny across the canyon...zoomed in with the binocs to find a mylar balloon stuck to a cactus. Must have floated along way from somewhere...
My scout troop was north of kings canyon about 10 miles form the nearest road and we found a wheel with the rim still in it, all we could figure was it dropped off of a plane or something. Another time same scout troop it was my little brothers first backpacking trip in the desolation wilderness and as we walked around loon lake we passed a group of naked hikers, they had backpacks, boots, socks and that was it, needless to say my brother was pretty happy about that trip. And one last one same guys rafting down the Stanislaus river west of knights landing, we saw a woman who probably weighed 400 pounds sunbathing nude , we pulled around the next bend and we waited for the rafts behind us to see her, we heard one of the little kids yell out, "look, it's a fat naked lady" I'm sure she heard it, we were busting a gut laughing. Strange crap in the backwoods.
Saw a naked hippie laying on a big flat rock on this ridge and he was on his back with only some boots on. He was beating his meat and just when he was getting ready to, well you know what, he started shooting a pistol in the air! Whooping and hollering...
Ok, I had to get in on this one.....

On the Grand Mesa, my family and I found a blow up doll, hanging from a tree, with the ##### cut off of her.....Dad, why is her mouth opend like that? And about 20 more of those kind of questions.....

Fly fishing the green river,and were flashed by boat loads of chicks, all day long....3 rafts of girls that were having a pretty good time on the water. Our river guide was pretty impressed when we pulled out the ole digital cameras and they started posing for us!!!! No wonder the wife hates it when i go fishing there......

The strangest thing that ever happened to me in the woods was up in Alaska on a solo unguided caribou hunt.

My outfitter dropped me off in his Super Cub about 125 miles North of Illiamna, out in the middle of nowhere. The third night, about 2 AM, I was asleep in my tent when the sound of an airplane woke me up. It flew very low and very close. I could tell it was a twin engine. It passed over and the noise grew faint. It then turned around and came back and buzzed me! I then opened my eyes and it looked like daylight outside the tent. WTF????. At first I thought forest fire! I got dressed and stepped outside. No forest fire. Just this big bright light that looked suspended in the sky. That sucker was bright! It floated to the ground and went out. But before it did, the plane flew over and dropped another one. And the plane kept circling and dropping lights. This went on for about an hour and a half. All I could do was stand there and think WTF! And then the plane left and that was it. What the heck did I do? I haden't even seen a soul since I got dropped off!

I went back to bed scratching my head thinkin "I came all the way to Alaska to be kept up all night?". I couldn't fall back to sleep. As it started to get light I heard a helicopter headed my way. OK. Now what???? I got dressed again and stepped out. The helicopter landed about 100 yards from me. I started to walk towards it and got about half way there when it lifted up and took off! WTF? And nothing happened after that.

I went around and checked out the lights that fell to the ground. They looked like a big coffee can with a parachute attatched. The lines were about 8' long. I picked one up to take home.

When I told my story to the outfitter when he picked me up he said he had heard of a plane wreck somewhere in the area but other than that he had no idea what was going on.

I still don't know why but for some reason I was pretty popular that night.

You guys have some funny stuff here. I am wiping the tears from my eyes. Where the hell are your guys hunting to see this kind of #####?

Obviously we are too reserved here in Montana. Maybe I just need to be looking closer.

Keep 'em rolling. This is great reading.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
I was snorkeling down the Methow river picking up fishing lures that get caught on the rocks when I came up, and here was this 20 year old hottie buck naked on the sand next to the water sunbathing and touching herself.....I about drowned.
>I was snorkeling down the Methow
>river picking up fishing lures
>that get caught on the
>rocks when I came up,
>and here was this 20
>year old hottie buck naked
>on the sand next to
>the water sunbathing and touching
>herself.....I about drowned.

So did you offer some assistance? :)

was free diving one morn early looking for some halibut to spear. on one of my dives I see what looks like a large fish back bone. as I get closer I realize it is a human spinal column, about gulp down alung full of air. get to the surface & decide I better retreive it an report to the authorities. I go back down pick it up with the tip of my spear. well when I get it close enough to read I can see all the vertebrae numbered. plastic spinal column from a docs office. Brubo



THE ONLY bobcat!!!
When Archery Javalina hunting back in the 80's we found a young guy (19 years old) tied up to a tree with barbed wire around his neck and hands behind his back. He was still alive. We stayed with him while we sent someone to call 911. No cell phone back then. A helicopter showed up about an hour or so later. Evidently two guys that had just escaped from prison had bonked this kid over the head while he was looking under the hood of his car, stole his money and drove him to the desert to be left for dead. They caught the guys that did it a couple days later. The kid survived.

A couple years before that when Javalina hunting again, my buddy and I were mooned by a dozen guys when we drove past their camp. Too bad it wasn't women!! Oh Well!
A buddy of mine found a dead body while water skiing Utah lake. Almost ran over it on skis. It was a helicopter pilot who had crashed the week before. This was in the mid 90's.

Once on a scout camp we had a drunk driver roll his suv into the canyon right next to us at 4:00 AM. We had to pull him out of his car, he was ok.

This is an interesting post. Let me see, my brother and I have found many things in our years in the woods. We have found a marijuana crop, used condoms at trail heads, a digital camera and a homeless man living in a cave. Growing up, a friend of ours found 2 bodies on different ocassions in the lake near our town while fishing. Every year at least one person would die while white water rafting and the bodies would turn up in the lake down stream. I am sure I could think of some even freakier things if I thought about it for a few minutes.
An old origiral looking ICEBOX fridge, about 4.5ft tall, and rusted a bunch.......
and a bunch of ATV tracks, that was before I heard of BOBCAT
We found a bag of pot on a float down the Green River once. My dad knew what it was immediately and threw it in our fire. When it started burning he told us that if we ever smelled that burning grass smell, to get the heck away from wherever we were.


Roy's OR TEE-TEE-K'S???




THE ONLY bobcat!!!
Let me preface this with...this was quite awhile ago and I was a bit of a different character then...
Me and my buddy had set out on one of those "search and destroy" adventures in Nevada. Well... we ended up in Lone Mountain station parking lot, shooting our bows across the freeway at a billboard sign. (the prior part of this story is kinda long)
Anyway, I cross the freeway to retrieve our arrows, and while stumbling through the sagebrush I come across this odd gun looking item. My friend immediately indentifies this as a "double rubber speargun". His past experience in scuba had left him an expert indentifier...or so he said.
The odd thing is...this place is not even close to any ocean or body of water large enough to spear fish in. Northern Nevada with expansive sage and rolling hills. Maybe it came from Wildhorse res., but I doubt it, this speargun was huge, like shark killer huge.
Well, we tied it to the front of his jeep in true trophy fashion and headed for home. We left it in the Spring Inn to an old guy named Jim. He hung it on the wall....I wonder if it's still there...? Thanks for the flashback.
>THE ONLY bobcat!!!

LOL I think that may have been Roy's nose. He inhaled and dangitall if he never exhaled! lol I didn't inhale though....ever. ;-) (please refer to my new theme song..."Before She Was Mama" by Clay Walker, especially the line that says *won't admit she smoked marijuana*)

And daddy's the best. The times spent in the mountains and bookcliffs with him are the best times of my life. He taught us how to fish, hunt, ride horses, how to work hard ("Make em' a hand!" he'd tell us before we went to work) and helped us develop good common sense (Well some of us...there is always He's not a brain like Roy...not even close...but he's the wisest guy I know and someone I can depend upon above anyone else and he's always been a teacher. Always teaching us something.

He's Dad and Uncle Alan to my cousins and we all cherish and love the guy more than he knows. We've nearly lost him a few times over the years. He's only 58, but he's had 2 open heart surgeries, and he's beaten cancer twice (non Hodgkin's Lymphona caused by Agent Orange in Vietnam).

He's not always had the best health, but he's always gotten back on his feet because he didn't want to stay on disability forever. The ticker's great, cancer's gone, he's a salesman in the oilfield again, but he's got plaque building up in his cartoid arteries. We're worried about stroke at this point and he can't have the operation they wanted him to have to open those arteries up because of the radiation he had right there 20 years ago, but he's going to have a stint put in tomorrow in one of his cartoids. I hope it works because he's still got alot of teaching left to do.

I would be devastated if I ever lost my dad, but the beauty of eternal families is quite a comforting thought. I know I'd see him again. And that makes me ever more thankful for my eternal family.

You can better believe my daddy taught us the right things in life. Even if some of us didn't always listen, we knew better.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-19-07 AT 11:36AM (MST)[p]A long time ago, but memories never the less:

I found an old airplane wreckage from a Nevada test site in my favorite hunting area in Eastern california. I spent a good hour looking around the wreckage and as I began to leave , I turned around and a Muley forked horn was watching me. Little guy and I let him live to grow up, but it was a great memory.
On the hike back to camp I found an old cork top beer bottle from the Reno Brewery, a lasting momento!

The most shocking thing happened while I was hunting whitetails in Northeastern Washington. I was going up the logging road at a pretty good clip, head down, in a hurry to get to my tree stand. I happened to look up just as I was about to have a head-on collision with a totally nude 80 something year old guy sitting on a bicycle in the middle of the road. I wish I could erase the image from my memory. I swear, you would never think a yam sack could stretch that far. He just looked at me, gave me little wave, and let me walk right on by.
One year a couple of buddies and I backpacked into a high lake for a couple of days of fishing and camping. While we were there a younger couple hiked up there to the lake. The guy was the only one with a pack on. Well we watched them proceed to set up there tent about 150 yards from us and go inside. After about an hour or so we noticed that they were taking down the tent and then proceed to hike back down the mountain. They obviously went there for just an afternoon "quickie". I envie that guy!
A buddy of mine told me about a story he had. Depending on where you hunt here in Utah, you will sometimes run into some treehuggers that will let air out of tires or even slash them. He was in one of those areas archery hunting on time. As he was coming out, he happened upon one of them messing with his tires. Well, he nocked an arrow with a blunt and blunted him. The cops came and actually ticketed the hugger for messing with his car. That would have been funny to see.
They obviously went there
>for just an afternoon "quickie".
>I envie that guy!

Who needs a tent? Oh yeah...I forgot...D13er. They probably knew he was lurking close by. LOL
>Depending on where you hunt
>here in Utah, you will
>sometimes run into some treehuggers

I've never run into them personally, but friends of mine have been accosted while riding horses on trails in Southern Utah. Some crazy hairy armpitted beeyotch ran screaming at them..."GET OFFA MY TRAIL!!!!" as they rode by. Why do you think we always pack when we go riding? It ain't just because of four legged predators.
> They obviously went there
>>for just an afternoon "quickie".
>>I envie that guy!
>Who needs a tent? Oh
>yeah...I forgot...D13er. They probably knew
>he was lurking close by.

Yeah,she must not have been stump broke :)

>THE ONLY bobcat!!!

Oh PULEEZE! He said "after an hour". Don't kid yourselves, guys! LOL You all know an hour isn't a quickie.




THE ONLY bobcat!!!
One time back in high school, me and my buddy came back to the trailhead after our morning hunt, we passed a toyota pick up with a couple obviously going at it inside. we minded our own business and had a laugh about it and headed back into seeley lake for lunch. on our way out we passed a guy who had slid his car off the road into the snow bank. as we were helping this guy dig his rig out the toyota drove up and stopped. out popped the head track coach (about 35) and his leading female runner (probably 17). watching coach try to b.s. us and tell us they went out for a jog was great, we were probably 2 hours from town, in a foot of snow in late november. my buddy and i each got straight A's in gym and weight training until we graduated.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-07 AT 08:04AM (MST)[p]Down in Southern Utah on a hike through Escalante Canyon via Coyote Wash, we hiked in to this little alcove where there was a natural spring pond. We heard the voices and moaning before we got there, came around the bend, danged if our leaders didn't go first - sure enough; about 20 greenies were buck naked skinny dipping, smoking dope and um, uh, uh, well we didn't get to see too much but I never figured out why they were moaning until later on. Our leaders got us out of there quickly.

TK - people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw common sense stones. And that day on the river when we found the pot taught me a valuable lesson. I learned what it smelled like and yes after that I LISTENED TO MY FATHER!

Besides, Mom said it was too green to get you really high anyway. Now, how would she know that?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
A buddy and I once found a pot growing operation in Capitol Forrest while hiking. We both got a weird chill down our backs got the hell out of there and called the Sheriff's Dept.


Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

OK, after nearly a year of just reading posts, I'm finally ready to submit my first message (Only after wiping my eyes dry from laughing). Here's my list:

#1 A few years ago my Dad and me where scouting for moose in the Uinta's. As we drive by a camp near the river, we see this 300 lb heifer standing buck naked in the doorway of the tent. She acts real surprised and turns around to go back in the tent. (I'm sure she never heard our diesel engine coming up the road.)

#2 One year my brother shot an antelope that had quite a herd of does. We get to the buck and roll him over to clean him out and he has two talley-whackers! (and a lot of disappointed does)

#3 One of my relatives was on horseback in the Uinta's when some hippie/devil-worshiper types came running up to him with bad intentions; stopping only when they saw the sidearm he was carrying.

Four friends of mine were up there in Olympia National Forest about 12-13 years ago to hunt Elk. I believe it was this Forest, but anyway here is their story.
After driving up a road to the timber and parking their rig, they set out in pairs in different directions. Well Bob and Guy got back into this really nasty thick timber and if Guy hadn't really paid attention, who knows what might have happened. Well anyway, after arguing on which way to go and headed back to find the PU, they found a child's backpack in this thick timber. So Bob looked inside and sure enough it had childrens books etc.
So they left it there and got out of that mess.
But later when they got back to town where they were staying, they decided to call the local Sherriff's Office.
The next day an Officer, a bit over weight, shows up and after explaining what and where they found it, he wanted them to take him back up there.
So off they go, and when the Officer finally was able to make the climb up through that mess, shedding vest, jacket and shirt
he looked at the pack and took it with him.
They gave this Officer their names and address' but never heard a thing back on the outcome. They still wonder how that pack got out there in that area, since there was only one road in and out and probably at least 300 yards from roadway.
Strange and scary feeling for sure.

While bow hunting in the cascades I stumbled upon a working meth lab with one guy sitting there with a rifle. He was very suprised to see me but I was moveing so fast through the brush and full camo that he never could catch up. Got ahold of the sherrif and he said that the tweakers are now putting up portable meth labs in the mountains. I now pack heat to protect myself.
that is for sure, In Montana, my husband and I were way the Hellout, I'd say 30 + miles down really rough dirt roads, came across a house of sorts, with a water wheel, when we came upon it we both looked at each other and thought oh #####, we got the heck out of there, it was scary, we thought for sure we would hear a shot or something. Who knows who lived there.
The Meth Labs here in washington are like everywhere else theya re everywhere. We are always looking for them, turn them in in a heart beat!! Worthless Crap, both the cookers and the drug!!

Once we came upon an area that had tons of carcasses, looked like pigs, sheep, cows, dogs, I mean there must of been 20 or more, that was creepy!
When i was a kid in junior high, there was a 40 acre wooded parcel next to our subdivision we used to ride our bikes in. 2 buddies and myself were taking a break from riding and this jogger runs up about 75 yards from us, not seeing us, and proceeds to stop and take a dump. When you gotta go you gotta go!
We were hunting quail down near Gold Canyon AZ and ran across some human skeletal remains. We called the authorities and they said, "it's probably animal bones, we get calls like this all the time." My brother told them he's pretty sure it's human due to the fact the teeth in the skull had fillings in them. They said they would be right out.
Turned out this guy was in a chase involving the highway patrol and bailed off into the AZ desert. Apparently, he didn't make it out.

>We were hunting quail down near
>Gold Canyon AZ and ran
>across some human skeletal remains.
Oh wow! Now that takes the cake. I always wonder if I might stumble upon something like that in the woods and how I'd react. Skeletal remains wouldn't be as bad as a decaying body, but it'd still be pretty creepy. Kinda cool that you found out the story behind the bones though.
when my lab was a pup my wife and I were hiking down to a river near home and the dog was in the trees and brush the whole time, normal. Well we got to the river and we could hear the dog rustling around with something in the brush but couldn't see her and she wouldn't come when I called so became more insistant and eventually she ran over and we went on our way though she smelled like she'd been rolling in something dead. Skip ahead one week and on the news they tell how they found a 36 year old woman chopped to pieces in the woods next to a trail leading from the boat landing to the river, the same trail we were on! Words don't express how glad I am that i didn't go in and get my dog that day!
That is creepy!! Did you ever go downt that trail again?
I have often wondered if we would run into the same thing. so many miles of untraveled roads, trails ect a dumping ground for sure. I pray I never have to find those kind of things.
This happened a few year back while archery hunting deer on the Wasatch. I was a couple of miles in, not on any designated trail, and I stumbled upon an old duffel bag filled with shoes. Everything from men's leather work boots to children's shoes to flip-flops. I have no idea why or how they got there, but it was definately a little creepy to find a bag full of used shoes in the middle of the woods.
My ex son-in-law was floating the Kern river last year and they stopped for lunch and a break . While playing around he grabbed a tennis shoe half buried in the sand to throw at his buddy and discovered there was a foot still in it, he plastic bagged it and didn't tell the other floaters and turned it over to authorities at the end of the trip. 3 years ago I was hunting deer in Wyo and hadn't had any luck for 4 days,now it will probably sound strange but my dads been passed quite a while but I still talk to him everyday in my mind, anyhow he was an avid harmonica player for many years and when I was heading out to my truck I said to him " if ever you could help me out now would be the time, I only have one day left and I'd like to get a deer "( we had also hunted together all of my life)I'm hiking back to my truck on a game trail with no other evidence that anyone had been there before when I see something rusted sticking out of the leaves, I pick it up and its a 1950s era old forward..driving back to camp still shooting lite and I see a set of antlers coming up out of a draw floating just above the mesquite, can't see the deers body, jump out of the truck run to the edge of the draw and my season ended with a 25 in 4x4.
These are some great stories.
I agree with those that wonder about finding a body or remains.
I don't want to, but if it helped a family with some closure it would be worth it.
I have found binoculars, underwear, playboys, KY, knives. My dad, brother and I did see what I would concider an UFO while scouting for elk a few years back. A bright light that vanished as we came around a corner in the truck.
About 25 years ago, my brother-in-law and his friend and I were driving the canals south of town jump shooting ducks. We came upon a raft with a wooden box on the other side of the canal. There was a 22 rifle sticking out of the box and boots and clothes were laying next to the raft. We drove up closer to the items trying to figure out why someone would leave these items out in the middle of no where. We stopped and while we were discussing the possibilities a naked man stood up in the weeds about 20 yards from the raft. At that point we anxiously anticipated his girlfriend standing up also. We got the hell out of there when his lover, another man stood up naked next to him.
Hunting the High Uintas I've found machinery, tools, and other equipment totaly stripped in places that I've always wondered how the hell they got all this stuff so far back from main roads or trails of any kind, and not only that but I'm talking about thick timber stands and old, old dead falls, I mean these are old stands of timber. It just makes a person wonder how the hell? Trees don't talk??? I would love to know the history of all that stuff.

But NEVER any naked people?? That's just fine by me!!

Work to hunt!! Live to hunt!! And the rest spent keeping the wife happy!!
Dude, you could have kept that one to yourself. Now I've got to go and wash out my brain.
Hunting in southern Az Ive seen illegals marching up canyons.
Few years back about 2 miles north of the border I kept finding backpacks and bags full of clothes laying on the side of the trails, and there were womens bras hanging in all over in the creosote bushes. I thought it was strange and later learned that the coyotes will hang the bras up in the bushes every time they rape one of their "cargo". Sick Bastards that need to be hung from the nearest tree.
Mine would be while I was hunting in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado,I climbed up into a makeshift bow blind over a wallow,and found that someone had left part of a 6pk of Coors light up in the stand,and tied to it there on the limb,was two bucks that were attached with some Flourescent Orange flaggin' tape that someone had left for the two beers that were missing out of the 6 pk.Naturally,I had to leave my dollar for one of the thoughtful survival beverages that was left for those in need!lol. They were pretty chilled too,being up there in the shadows at over 10,000 feet!

No Gut's...No Story!!!
I almost forgot about one "treasure" I found until I read albubba's post. A few years back, on my way home from the mountains, I found a swingers magazine in the middle of the road. It had pictures of naked people advertising their "goods and services". At the time I was pretty naive and didn't think this kind of stuff actually happened, especially in Utah. But now being older and more in tune with the world I realize this kind of thing is more common than you think. Anyone lose their magazine up on the Wasatch? I hope not because that means I probably saw your private areas.
I might get voted off the island but this is a second hand story but my buddy wouldn't have made it up. He was hunting from a tree stand in Pa. a 1/4 mile from an amish dutchman's farmhouse. A boy left the house and walked right down the deer trail to 25 yds away looked everywhere but up pulled out a magazine w/pics, dropped trousers and jerked it, cleaned up, tucked the mag under his arm and walked home and never knew a thing about my buddy in the tree.
Heck some of you need to get out more.

Just last summer I was flashed by a big group of rafters on the Gunnison River. Thankfully only the women in the group did the flashing.

On the front range many times while in the hills I have seen women sunbathing nude.
Must be a Colorado thing.

I was fishing Clear Creek one day and had a couple hot looking ladies hike down to where I was fishing. They asked if I had any luck as they proceeded to take off there pants and shirts revealing thong type swimming suits.
They sat on big rocks next to the water sunbathing as I stared for the next hour as they changed positions completely comfortable and chatted with me.
When they left I kicked myself for not at least trying to get a number or something but then again I was already dating a hottie of my own.
Fast forward to a few years later and I really want to kick my own ass for passing that opportunity up.

A couple years ago I saw a camp while driving back after a hunt that had a blow up doll sitting in a lawnchair with a beer in it's hand. I about drove off the road I was laughing so much. Come to think of it I am sure it was waiting for some young new "Camp Gopher" to get back from his first hunt to find.


I guy on a different forum had some pizza and beer the night before a hunt. He hunted for a while and decided he better leave cause his gut was gurglin'. He didn't make it out of the he leaned up against a tree and gave er' hell. When he got done he looked up and 40 yards away there was a guy and his daughter in a tree stand. The guy had his hands over her eyes. He didn't hunt that area the rest of the year cause he was soooooo embarrased.

"The rich....who are content to buy what they have not the skill to get by their own exertions, are the real enemies of game".........Teddy Roosevelt
ME and my brother were standing on a ledge overlooking a big deep canyon and and as we were getting ready to go we tossed a couple boulders off the ledge and no bull out came a mountain lion from below and it literally started up the ledge right at us and suddenly turned back and headed into the woods. It was unreal. We had sat on top that ledge for over an hour..
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-07 AT 04:54PM (MST)[p]1) Sitting under a ponderosa pine watching a meadow in eastern Washington elk hunting one day, along comes a guy,, sits down 50yds away (bowhunting) so I'm camo'd up and he does not see me he then proceeeds to pick his nose, then eats it and gets up and leaves, forever now known as "nosepicker hill"
2) Train car in Wynoochee river, heard it was from Jonny Cash movie ring of fire
3) We like to coyote camps after everyone pulls out and heads home to see what they left, found a hot pink dildo laying on the pine needles, took it and set it up on a stump next to the mainline dirt road,and laughed our butts off every time we drove past it,,, lasted about 4 days and was gone, we figured the local lady forest ranger got it.
Probably more but these will do for now.
We were elk huntin in NM several years ago it was as usual a full moon, I thing the G&F do that on purpose. Anyway it was a full moon and it started to rain, as the rain clouds came in over camp the moon was shining through the rain and we saw a MOON BOW, it is a rainbow at night, very rare. Instead of colors it was different shades of white, cream, ect. man that was cool.
No naked people but me and the ladies I was with. No dead people, Not sure I would want to see that. Found a brand new holster, nice black leather, fit my ruger single six nicely, I am sure I could come up with more if I thought about it. Bill
I found a dead guy once... I was dead tired from a solid week of hiking and hunting horns. I was driving out of the hills at about dark and took a short cut and ran into a Toyota truck that was parked in the middle of the road. The truck had been burned. I could see where several people had driven around it, so thats what I did. As I went around I looked down and there was a half burned dead guy inside. I didn't have a cell so I decided I would call it in as soon as I got home. Since other folks had driven around the burned vehicle I figured my call would not be the first. So I walk in the door and the kids are going 90 miles an hour telling me about their day. I didn't want to say that I found a dead guy so I decide to wait awhile to make the call. The next thing I knew I woke up on the couch and it was 3:00 am! Oh #####! I need to call the sheriff! I make the call and I am the first to report it. I am also the number one suspect becuase I called at 3:00 am! In the end they decided there was no foul play! WTF??? How does a guy burn up in a vehicle without foul play?? What about the other vehicles that drove around? Weird
I have found a very old fishing pole in the pine forest range in an old creek that only gets run off water it made me wonder if there was trout in this creek 50 years ago.
A friend found human remains back in the 70's by the pyramid at pyramid lake.
I have seen several people through my spotting scope doing the things everyone else has mentioned on this post especially in the dogskin range just north of reno.
Once i was camping near a hot spring when an old man in his 70's or 80's walks in my camp buck naked and slips into the spring and just starts a normal conversation but this isn't just a lone hot spring it is a long creek with hot water all the way down, I was there for two days all by myself and i still wore shorts in the water.
i was on a small reservoir in nevada all by myself under the only tree in miles 100 degree heat but you wouldn't catch me in that water all the sudden i hear a truck then i see it has a boat but not a fishing boat a nice ski boat three girls jump out barely get the boat in the water and proceeded to water ski, as soon as i saw they were attractive females my spotting scope was on them all day the heat waves were giving me fits when they sunbathed nude in the middle of the lake, they ended up being nice girls and drank some rum with me, They tried to give me fishing advice but to this day i have never caught a fish in that lake.
3:30 in the morning me and my cousin were going to northern washoe towards gerlach for some scouting i wasn't thinking about burning man at the time. We were clipping along at 90 and cleared a hill all the sudden a guy on stilts in a glow in the dark wizard costume jumped out at us on the road and scared the hell out of us so my cousin slows down and we drive back to make sure he is ok, he jumps out again in the same fashion trying to scare us so i told ben to keep going a few hundred yards then turn around wait a few minutes so i could finish my soda and take a leak.
So i jump back in and tell him to buzz by at about fifty hit the high beams rolled down the window and threw the coke bottle half full of piss right at his chest i barely got to see him tumble off of his stilts and the darkness was behind us.
Fall of 1980 driving from Valdez to Glennallen Ak. One of the worst storms I have ever been in. Pitch dark and all of a sudden I see a flash just above the spruce that looked like an arc welder. Back then there was nothing out there and no way to explain what I had seen. I woke my partner but it was gone, he thought I was messin' with him! Was'nt the funniest thing I've seen in the woods but it was definately the strangest!

On an elk hunt in Kremmling Co. my buddy and I are sitting around the campfire with his relatives from Denver. We were chatting about one time that his kin was up in the same area and saw a UFO. This normally doesn't creep me out, but later in the evening we could hear a faint groaning noise from the sky. We all looked up to see a light traveling very slowly across the sky above us. At once, the light stopped directly above for about ten seconds and suddenly bolted perpendicular to its original travel path and disappeared...and I mean fast! We all saw it clear as day and we all looked at each other not knowing what to say. We never spoke of the incident again....until now!

This one is pretty funny, I was deer hunting in the Rubies about 14 years ago with my brother and a friend of mine. We were hiking up the mountain in the dark and stumbled upon somebodies first morning $h!t. After examining the girth and length of the fresh coils, I determined this scat to be left behind by a large male hunter. We continued up the mountain and stopped at our glassing perch of about 10,000 feet and waited for the daylight to show itself. When it finally was light out, we glassed for hours watching several deer. After not seeing anything worth shooting, we moved to a different glassing position and set up. The first thing we glassed below us was another hunter moving around in the mahogony trees...right where we found the BIG PILE. I then watched this tiny little, cute as hell blonde woman stand up and begin to move out of the trees and head back down to her camp. I was thinking to myself, that can't be. When we finally made it off the mountain later that morning, we arrived back at camp and were greeted by this hot little cutie to see how we had done. She was from Utah and said this was her first time hunting Nevada. No husband, no boyfriend, alone. I think she was looking for some company, but the three of us couldn't get the image of the size of the pile SHE had left behind. We politely gave her some info on a great hunting spot near Secret Pass and pointed the way. If we hadn't have seen what we saw, we would have thought we were three of the luckiest guys hiking around the hills, not knowing what came out of that hottie.


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