Hoping to here some tall tales & see a few pics!
Post em up boys!
And Good Luck!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I'm hoping for a few of these too. Opening day was great. Saw a nice buck and was too slow for a shot but it was a great day!!!

respect my authorita
2010 Nevada Buck
Story to follow...
I hunted for the first 5 days in Nevada and patterned a group of bucks. One a 28" 3X4, another a 4X4 about 24" wide, and last a 24" 2X2 that was a very mature huge bodied buck. After chasing the 3X4 about 1500 vertical feet down the canyon system I glassed up to the top of the peak where I was camped to find the 4X4 bedded under a tree about 400 yards below my camp. This would be the last I saw of the 3X4. I built a blind 27 yards from the bedding area. Next morning I sat in it with no results, however, did get an opportunity at the 2X2 and his 4 friends. The next morning I got up earlier so I would be in place well before light. After a couple hours of sitting in the blind, I got tired and left the blind to sleep under a tree behind the blind. An hour or so later woke up to find a buck bedded in the bedding area. I was stretching and yawning and standing when I looked through my nap tree to see the inside of his ears. Well. let's just say I didn't make it back into the blind where my bow was.

2 weeks later, (this last weekend), I got a chance to go back to my spot! I left friday afternoon and was excited about my chances in the blind! Unfortunately mother nature had other ideas. The wind was blowing 30 mph and it was cooler. The bucks had completely changed patterns and were 12-1500 feet lower on the hill. I did get to see my friend the 2X2 and compadres, but was very discouraged at the change in pattern. Yesterday morning I saw them headed for a saddle that was about 800 feet down from camp (top of peak). I got over there in time and waited, and waited telling myself "don't Peak at them". Finally I just had to peak, and found that they were gone, but wait, that is them 400 yards below in that quakie patch. This patch was head high and about an acre. When the last one bedded, I contemplated whether I was going to go home and get some work done, or go down there. I finally decided they probably couldn't see me if I went straight at them. So, I did just that, and found myself 20 yards from where I thought they were. Now, I knew I had to get them out of the patch to get a clear shot, so, I did the old throw the rock trick. I decided I would shoot the first buck that came out. That was this 3X3 and I hit him behind the shoulder at 25 yards. He only went 80 yards or so. Wish it was the 2X2 (I love the way these old 2X's look with big forks), but am very happy and grateful to take a nice buck on my last day I was planning to hunt.

Oh and for the first lite guys, I like this stuff! Was wearing the llano and Springer Vest!
I don't know the story on the hunt other than to say Ty Goodman killed him Sunday. Congrats Ty on a stud of a buck!


Yes, he was killed in Az. I have a hunch which unit but will not say. I know Ty, he does his homework!

Those are all sweet pics!! What's the story on the elk? Public land or limited entry? Those deer are awesome too.

respect my authorita
adamsoa, the elk was actually a hunters choice spike or cow tag that i purchased over the counter and then went up on the extended archery unit in salt lake.
2009 bull? Congrats on a awesome bull!
<------<< I love it when the plan comes together.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-25-10 AT 05:48PM (MST)[p] Cosin Tyler asked me to post this buck he killed opening morning. His first buck bigger then a 2 point. DYI public land of many hunters. I guess they were spying some elk and there was a ton of hunters on the same ridge. He didn't have a tag for elk so he figured he would hold back. Then some guys went down after the cow elk. He stayed up top of the ridge. The other hunters spooked the deer out and he was set up hopeing the deer would come his way. They were comming down the trail he was watching not knowing there was a buck then they stopped about 40 yards and he spotted the buck he drew back and a doe stepped in front of the buck. He backed off and waited what he said was like an hour but only seconds and the doe stepped out of the way. He let loose and broke the bucks back. Finished him off with a second arrow.

Keep em comming boys!
And Thanks!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Awesome buck and great photo bowuntr.

Not the biggest goat on the prairie, but my first archery kill and I am happy with him.



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