Sunday morning observation


Active Member
I was just watching the British celebration of the Queen’s platinum anniversary. It’s amazing to see a people come together to celebrate their country. People of all races together having a wonderful time. I do wish we could have that in our nation. I am purposely not pointing fingers, it doesn’t do any good.
I was just watching the British celebration of the Queen’s platinum anniversary. It’s amazing to see a people come together to celebrate their country. People of all races together having a wonderful time. I do wish we could have that in our nation. I am purposely not pointing fingers, it doesn’t do any good.

We would if it weren't for the sitting politicians we have...
Not a fan of the monarchy, that said, she's a fairly classy lady. When she's gone whatever goodwill the monarchy had will go in the toilet..... next in line is (as Jpickett says) is a big douche bag
You are all making my point. Read my post. It’s not about the Queen, but about us. We can’t celebrate a damn thing. We can’t agree to disagree. It doesn’t matter what it is, someone or some group will make whatever an issue. I could say it’s a nice day and the roaches will come out to vehemently disagree. We are in a sad state of affairs. And I’ve been as bad as anyone.
You are all making my point. Read my post. It’s not about the Queen, but about us. We can’t celebrate a damn thing. We can’t agree to disagree. It doesn’t matter what it is, someone or some group will make whatever an issue. I could say it’s a nice day and the roaches will come out to vehemently disagree. We are in a sad state of affairs. And I’ve been as bad as anyone.
What a weird hill to take a stand on. You really think everyone in England is jumping up and down and so happy?

Did you wake up and forget to take your pills?
What a weird hill to take a stand on. You really think everyone in England is jumping up and down and so happy?

Did you wake up and forget to take your pills?
No stand, I care about US. Both you and I and the whole. Again, it has nothing to do about England.
Outside of Hitler, Mao and Stalin, the English crown is the most oppressive, murderous individual in the history of man kind. The simple mention of the crown makes me want to puke and anyone who celebrates it gets exactly what they deserve.
Outside of Hitler, Mao and Stalin, the English crown is the most oppressive, murderous individual in the history of man kind. The simple mention of the crown makes me want to puke and anyone who celebrates it gets exactly what they deserve.

I think Genghis Kahn made his mark on history as a thug much more than the British Empire ever could have.
I think Genghis Kahn made his mark on history as a thug much more than the British Empire ever could have.
During his time, absolutely. The crown has had centuries to do their work and Kahn had but a lifetime of rape, pillage and plunder. Kahn made a huge impact at his time and on the history books, imagine if he had a huge fleet of ships and the logistics to attempt a world wide conquest.
I was just watching the British celebration of the Queen’s platinum anniversary. It’s amazing to see a people come together to celebrate their country. People of all races together having a wonderful time. I do wish we could have that in our nation. I am purposely not pointing fingers, it doesn’t do any good.
With every right winger in the country packing and just waiting for someone to look at them cross-eyed? Can you imagine how many people would die? No thanks. :)
Thats just stupid in your stereotype. Wow. I'm a right winger , I carry to protect those I love or those innocent in harms way...Wow
Short of maybe the end of WW2, and even then if you were Black or Japanese descent, I doubt there's ever been a nationwide celebration.

It always depends on where your side is in celebration.

There was a huge Pride parade in SLC last week. Those folks probably wondered the same thing.

History is written by the victor, so is the emotion around it.
You are all making my point. Read my post. It’s not about the Queen, but about us. We can’t celebrate a damn thing. We can’t agree to disagree. It doesn’t matter what it is, someone or some group will make whatever an issue. I could say it’s a nice day and the roaches will come out to vehemently disagree. We are in a sad state of affairs. And I’ve been as bad as anyone.

It looks like they have protestors also. So I guess they cant celebrate anything.... just like us.
Thats just stupid in your stereotype. Wow. I'm a right winger , I carry to protect those I love or those innocent in harms way...Wow

Stereotypes exists for a reason.

I carry because of the wing nuts out there that are on both sides. Also I do a lot of work on the Rez and it just seems prudent.

Stereotypes exists for a reason.

I carry because of the wing nuts out there that are on both sides. Also I do a lot of work on the Rez and it just seems prudent.


Ive been told the "natives" live in peace and harmony with the land, wildlife, people, and that it's only the European that are trouble.

Was that not true?
Well Newont and Hoss, I actually have put boots on the ground in NA communities to serve and help for several years. Have YOU?? Answer is ? most likely thinking NO. As I drive into the NA communities, though many are in geographical beautiful areas , its a spirit of darkness. I'll tell you why, they have rejected the Lord. Its not complicated.
Well Newont and Hoss, I actually have put boots on the ground in NA communities to serve and help for several years. Have YOU?? Answer is ? most likely thinking NO. As I drive into the NA communities, though many are in geographical beautiful areas , its a spirit of darkness. I'll tell you why, they have rejected the Lord. Its not complicated.
I disagree. I believe much of it is due to federal policy. Many “NA’s” are deeply religious, and most Tribal functions are begun with a prayer.

I’ve had mutton stew in a hogan in case you wonder about my credentials.
Is being addicted to meth and heroin a federal policy?
A lazy stereotypical response. Think harder about the whole Indian picture.

Native American Tribes (reservations) are the very example of the result of Federal management of virtually every aspect of your life. Cradle to grave federal programs have had disastrous results for these cultures and communities.

I’m always disappointed that more conservative thinkers don’t stop and contemplate the plight of Tribes as they rail against the tiniest bit of federal “oppression “. The result of the Nanny State is right there before your eyes.

Anyway, should we discuss Indian children being removed from their mother’s arms and sent to boarding schools to be indoctrinated in Christian beliefs as just one example?
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A lazy stereotypical response. Think harder about the whole Indian picture.

Native American Tribes (reservations) are the very example of the result of Federal management of virtually every aspect of your life. Cradle to grave federal programs have had disastrous results for these cultures and communities.

I’m always disappointed that more conservative thinkers don’t stop and contemplate the plight of Tribes as they rail against the tiniest bit of federal “oppression “. The result is right there before your eyes.

Anyway, should we discuss Indian children being removed from their mother’s arms and sent to boarding schools to be indoctrinated in Christian beliefs as just one example?
@Bluehair why would you want to bring facts and common sense into this discussion??
Well Newont and Hoss, I actually have put boots on the ground in NA communities to serve and help for several years. Have YOU?? Answer is ? most likely thinking NO. As I drive into the NA communities, though many are in geographical beautiful areas , its a spirit of darkness. I'll tell you why, they have rejected the Lord. Its not complicated.


I grew up and lived on the the Fort Belknap reservation. My grandmother, who adopted my dad, was 1/2 Gros Ventre. She was taken from her home and forced to go to a boarding school in South Dakota, could still speak the language and do all the native art work including beading and braiding horse hair. I have NA family members, who serve on the Tribal Council. So instead of doing a drive by to make yourself feel better, I live it plus I do consulting for the Fort Peck Tribes and I am at their HQ's at least twice a month. The problems on the Rez have zero to do with rejecting the Lord. It has to do with a whole host of social problems that aren't going to be fixed or helped just by praying for them.

Well Newont and Hoss, I actually have put boots on the ground in NA communities to serve and help for several years. Have YOU?? Answer is ? most likely thinking NO. As I drive into the NA communities, though many are in geographical beautiful areas , its a spirit of darkness. I'll tell you why, they have rejected the Lord. Its not complicated.

I'm quoting myself as Nemont wants to paint me as something im not. This thread is very impactful.
The root cause in many NA failed communities is not the absence of money. I see multi million dollar facilities on several reservations totally under utilized with only two cars in the parking lot occupied by the staff. The tribal members gets monthly freebee payments from Oil/gas revenues and its a big party for several days. To me, there is no grey area, the problem in the NA communities is they welcome in the dark side,they worship the creation rather than the Creator .....hence the nucleus of the darkness.
I have a buddy ( brother) that served as a cheif on the Jicarilla, he now serves in ministry with Samaritans Purse. Stayed with him , lived in his home , I know him well. He enlightened me to things I never knew about the Jicarilla and the deplorable things our BIA did to his people.
When I was an innocent child in the early 60`s riding my bicycle and chasing lizards in Carlsbad NM, his people were shipped to boarding schools, hair cut , not allowed to speak native tongue , unbelievable things have happened at the hands of our government. These are not atrocities from a day long ago, these are up close and very fresh in the mindset of many NA communities.
It breaks my heart that these injustices have happened. !!!!!
However, I have hope as Jesus is moving.
So, was that a 180? I agree that money isn’t necessarily the problem. As with everything the source of the money is the cultural driver. It’s on display in the Hampton’s and Watts both.
I'm quoting myself as Nemont wants to paint me as something im not. This thread is very impactful.
The root cause in many NA failed communities is not the absence of money. I see multi million dollar facilities on several reservations totally under utilized with only two cars in the parking lot occupied by the staff. The tribal members gets monthly freebee payments from Oil/gas revenues and its a big party for several days. To me, there is no grey area, the problem in the NA communities is they welcome in the dark side,they worship the creation rather than the Creator .....hence the nucleus of the darkness.
I have a buddy ( brother) that served as a cheif on the Jicarilla, he now serves in ministry with Samaritans Purse. Stayed with him , lived in his home , I know him well. He enlightened me to things I never knew about the Jicarilla and the deplorable things our BIA did to his people.
When I was an innocent child in the early 60`s riding my bicycle and chasing lizards in Carlsbad NM, his people were shipped to boarding schools, hair cut , not allowed to speak native tongue , unbelievable things have happened at the hands of our government. These are not atrocities from a day long ago, these are up close and very fresh in the mindset of many NA communities.
It breaks my heart that these injustices have happened. !!!!!
However, I have hope as Jesus is moving.
Where is Jesus relocating to?
Where is Jesus relocating to?
Last I heard he was in New Orleans. Maybe we can get another ZZTop song to update us.


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I'm quoting myself as Nemont wants to paint me as something im not. This thread is very impactful.
The root cause in many NA failed communities is not the absence of money. I see multi million dollar facilities on several reservations totally under utilized with only two cars in the parking lot occupied by the staff. The tribal members gets monthly freebee payments from Oil/gas revenues and its a big party for several days. To me, there is no grey area, the problem in the NA communities is they welcome in the dark side,they worship the creation rather than the Creator .....hence the nucleus of the darkness.
I have a buddy ( brother) that served as a cheif on the Jicarilla, he now serves in ministry with Samaritans Purse. Stayed with him , lived in his home , I know him well. He enlightened me to things I never knew about the Jicarilla and the deplorable things our BIA did to his people.
When I was an innocent child in the early 60`s riding my bicycle and chasing lizards in Carlsbad NM, his people were shipped to boarding schools, hair cut , not allowed to speak native tongue , unbelievable things have happened at the hands of our government. These are not atrocities from a day long ago, these are up close and very fresh in the mindset of many NA communities.
It breaks my heart that these injustices have happened. !!!!!
However, I have hope as Jesus is moving.

You sure every tribe is getting "Freebee oil/gas revenue". Pretty big brush you paint with.

Why does Jesus not end the suffering of little children before it happens? What did the native kids do to God to allow them to be sent to boarding schools? Wouldn't an all knowing God, the Alpha and Omega, beginning and the End be able to prevent such suffering, seeing as he knows all? Seems weird, or he gets off on watching injustice and suffering, not sure which.

Well Nemont, at times you claim you know scripture but you only selectively pull scripture you think will benefit your ideology. Just a suggestion to a wise man as you view yourself. God is 100% Love , that is His Character and nature from the beginning Alpha and the end Omega. The Bible ( actually really read it ) tells us all that we live in fallen world and Listen Closely.....Satan is the Prince of this world. Don't blame God for what sin and worship of the creation rather than the creator has done to mankind. But fear not, this world is not our Home, it's just a vapor , brief then its gone. Our bodies are simply a tent ( a temporary dwelling). We are all going to live forever as we are created in His image and He is eternal. The BIG question when you die is " What did you do with my Son Jesus, He paid your sin debt , did receive or reject My Son?"Praying my references will actually prompt you to look up what the Bible actually has to say . GOD IS GOOD. Id be happy to send you that scripture supporting the points I made if you want them via PM . Dittos to Bluehair and JB
I’ll pass. God and Jesus have plenty of other matters out there they need to focus on. Im just an old retired guy sitting on his porch in the middle of nowhere, and not really of much consequence anymore.

Come to think of it, I believe I’ve been blessed and they’ve moved on to others who need more help than me.

I appreciate the kind thought though.✌️
Well Nemont, at times you claim you know scripture but you only selectively pull scripture you think will benefit your ideology. Just a suggestion to a wise man as you view yourself. God is 100% Love , that is His Character and nature from the beginning Alpha and the end Omega. The Bible ( actually really read it ) tells us all that we live in fallen world and Listen Closely.....Satan is the Prince of this world. Don't blame God for what sin and worship of the creation rather than the creator has done to mankind. But fear not, this world is not our Home, it's just a vapor , brief then its gone. Our bodies are simply a tent ( a temporary dwelling). We are all going to live forever as we are created in His image and He is eternal. The BIG question when you die is " What did you do with my Son Jesus, He paid your sin debt , did receive or reject My Son?"Praying my references will actually prompt you to look up what the Bible actually has to say . GOD IS GOOD. Id be happy to send you that scripture supporting the points I made if you want them via PM . Dittos to Bluehair and JB
Thanks, but no thanks. I am a non-fiction fan. That's the great thing about this country though, you can believe whatever you want to believe and so can I.
Well Nemont, at times you claim you know scripture but you only selectively pull scripture you think will benefit your ideology. Just a suggestion to a wise man as you view yourself. God is 100% Love , that is His Character and nature from the beginning Alpha and the end Omega. The Bible ( actually really read it ) tells us all that we live in fallen world and Listen Closely.....Satan is the Prince of this world. Don't blame God for what sin and worship of the creation rather than the creator has done to mankind. But fear not, this world is not our Home, it's just a vapor , brief then its gone. Our bodies are simply a tent ( a temporary dwelling). We are all going to live forever as we are created in His image and He is eternal. The BIG question when you die is " What did you do with my Son Jesus, He paid your sin debt , did receive or reject My Son?"Praying my references will actually prompt you to look up what the Bible actually has to say . GOD IS GOOD. Id be happy to send you that scripture supporting the points I made if you want them via PM . Dittos to Bluehair and JB
If all that is true then what did the natives American kids do, that through God's 100% love, sent them to boarding school in order to be indoctrinated?

What does the bible actually say about children and how they are to be treated? Yet the boarding schools were largely a Chrisitian run operation to save the heathens by beating them and destroying native culture so they could finally accept god's love.
I can't find that in the bible but you can justify if you want.

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Well Nemont, at times you claim you know scripture but you only selectively pull scripture you think will benefit your ideology. Just a suggestion to a wise man as you view yourself. God is 100% Love , that is His Character and nature from the beginning Alpha and the end Omega. The Bible ( actually really read it ) tells us all that we live in fallen world and Listen Closely.....Satan is the Prince of this world. Don't blame God for what sin and worship of the creation rather than the creator has done to mankind. But fear not, this world is not our Home, it's just a vapor , brief then its gone. Our bodies are simply a tent ( a temporary dwelling). We are all going to live forever as we are created in His image and He is eternal. The BIG question when you die is " What did you do with my Son Jesus, He paid your sin debt , did receive or reject My Son?"Praying my references will actually prompt you to look up what the Bible actually has to say . GOD IS GOOD. Id be happy to send you that scripture supporting the points I made if you want them via PM . Dittos to Bluehair and JB

A tent? ???????

The born again ones are the worst.

A tent? ???????

The born again ones are the worst.
Makes you wonder what he possibly did wrong and is trying to make up for it. Similar to the dude in the NM forum that was begging guys to call him so he could save them with his magic voice.
Makes you wonder what he possibly did wrong and is trying to make up for it. Similar to the dude in the NM forum that was begging guys to call him so he could save them with his magic voice.
I know right? Little boys? Drugs? 84% of born again Christian’s are registered sex offenders. ?

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