Superbowl predictions...



Probably not that many people care all that much about this particular matchup, but hey, they found a way to get there...

New England 23
Carolina 17
I know this is a typical BS story but it's true. I have a good neighbor that was in Vegas last august for a bacholer party and when he was ready to leave town he had $700 dollars in his pocket and put it all on Carolina to win the superbowl at 70 to 1 odds. He has been as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs for the last month an can hardly sleep now. That is $49,700 if they win.

My prediction is that I will drink enough beer to where I dont give a sh!t who wins. Haaahaaa....
21-14, panthers. you see how many time they put mcnabb on his back? they'll kill brady. he ain't near as mobile and i don't think the patriots have enough of a running game to keep carolina's d-line honest. field goals is all that keeps new england in the game here lately. field goals ain't gonna win the superbowl.
Panthers, i think its going to be a pretty good game. like polarbear said if it is turning in to a bad game you might want to drink a little faster. Just think 50,000 not a bad wining. wow you could buy some nice hunting equipment and trips for that. Or have one heck of a night at a strip club. :) not that any of us have seen one of those fine places. just read about it.

RLH, did you forget that thats how the Pats won the last Superbowl... clutch field goals... anyway, may the best defense win!
New England-17
I probably will go icefishing that day or do something more fun than watching that game.
3 predictions...... Polarbear drunk by halftime, PC drunk by pre game show and Panther's 17 Patriots 13.
I'll watch the game only because the only other shows on at the same time will be Trading Spaces, Decorating Sense, Keith Warren's Chevy Sportsman and Buckmasters with Jackie Bushman.
I'll take Carolina and predict that Polarbear will be hammered way before the pre game festivities get under way.

I think he meant 56 to -8! LMAO, reminded me of those Saturday Night Live skits.
Who would win, Ditka or God?
Ditka, 227 to -7

I hope that NE will win, I know a kid on the team, he is a rookie but comes from a terrific family and he is a great person. Carolina has surprised me a few times this post season already though so I think it will be a close game.
NE 24 Carolina 20

LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-04 AT 08:10PM (MST)[p] Hey, we start partying on friday evening and dont stop until the game is over! It is the one weekend out of the year that we send all of the wives to my house for the weekend and my Dad, our buddy from Prineville, my bestest friends an I shoot pool, play poker (not the kind of "poker" that O-O has in mind!)go crabbing, eat drink and be retarded! None of us give a rats a$$ about the game, it is all in the pre-func! It is good for the soul! Hahaaaa... (if I had one!). I'll probably be barfing by kick-off!
Oh,.... Carolina-20 Pattys-13
I pridict this game will be lame, compared to the Bud-light adds, talk about two dumb-as$ teams.
Hell with the game, I liked the half time veiw of Janet Jacksons waa hoo. MMMM that is one fine woman right there.

they have pictures of it on the internet all ready. i have pictures and video. if you could see whats on her you know what you would be in shock.

Boy, did I ever miss on my prediction, of a boreing game + we were suprised by some gratuitous boobage.

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