Sure am glad SFW saved Antelope Island


Long Time Member
Couldn't help but notice last week an article in the Standard Examiner about Antelope Island and its record revenue year. I only paid attention because I was SURE that we needed to sacrafice one of the tame deer out there to the highest bidder to hunt during the peak of the rut in order to generate enough revenue to "save" the island from financial ruin. Funny how SFW got what they wanted again, and did it again by claiming to be the savior(wolves, habitat). Got to give them credit(Don), when someone waves money at them, come hell or high water SFW delivers
AI is 2nd only to Lagoon (which is seasonal closure) for visitors in Davis County.

How is the money raised from the bid tags distributed for save AI funds?

looks like any other state operated screw job "over budget."

Now that they have loads more money it will be big raises, followed up with lots of back slapping. Then in one year you can count on the island being way over budget and state employees being way under paid.

Since when has the revenue produced by a state run entity meant anything? State Parks notoriously lose money but are funded (although not very well) every year. Liquor stores that make a profit every year are being shut down to "save money". Antelope Island will remain open as long as the Legislature wants it that way, regardless of the profit or loss of the park, and certainly regardless of how much they can make selling tags. If some yahoo wants to pay a quarter million to fly his helicopter to the island, spot a monster, and shoot it...more power to him. I hope he's pround of his accomplishment. (yes, that was sarcasm)
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