SW Wyoming elk opener


Very Active Member
Sorry to say but I was in the area of SW Wyoming to watch the elk opener. I got there about 9:30 in the morning. I was thinking I was too late to see anything but I could not have been anymore wrong. I didn't have a tag just wanted to see what the unit was like. I was working in the area and had a few hours to kill so I drove by the unit to see what I could see.

To start with the good news, from the road I saw over 400 elk. More than 20 were 6 point or better. There were elk everywhere and they were talking like crazy. I even watched two big 6 points fight. Three herds came together on the same point and all hell broke loose. All the elk were seen from hwy 191.

Now the bad part, I watched a guy (I will call him dirtball (you may want to choose another name)) shot three different bulls within ten minutes. I watched a small 6 running by the road. A truck pulls over and a guy jumps out and shoots the bull. The bull is hit hard and runs over a small rise then beds. I thought I might be able to help him drag the bull to his truck. Remember I still had a couple of hours to kill. Dirtball then walked up to the bedded bull and looks at him through his scope. As he is looking at the injured bull a bigger bull steps over the hill and bugles. He turns away from the injured bull and is now looking at the bigger bull through his scope. While he is looking at the second bull the first bull makes it to his feet and tries to walk away. This is in the open sage and the dirtball in no more than 60 yards from the injured bull. The guy turns from the bull he has hit and that is trying like hell to walk away(with an obvious broken shoulder). The guy circles the injured bull and walks to where the bigger bull was. The guy walks over the hill and I loose site of him but not the injured bull. I then hear three shots from where the guy went over the hill. The guy then walks back towards the first bull. As he is walking back towards the first bull another group with another bull walks up on the hill. You guessed it. Dirtball first looks at bull # 1 then shoots the third bull (this bull he hits in the gut). As dirtball shoots the third bull, bull number 1 is still standing where he left it. Dirtball looks up and sees three different vehicles are watching him. Dirtball watches the bull walk away with the cows. The bull is falling behind because he was gut shot. It is an obvious hit on bull number three and he does nothing. Dirtball then runs to his truck and drives away. Another group of hunters drives to my vantage point and tells me he dropped a bull over the hill (the three shots) then walked back over the hill without walking up to the bull to even look at it. When they heard the next shot from him (the one for the gut shot) they drove over to where I was. We were all pissed off.

I find dirtballs truck just up the road and he is down the hill trying to help a friend with a bull the friend has shot. Dirtball drove away from the first injured bull that ended up bedding up again in the sage where you could see him with your naked eye from the road. I never saw the second bull but the guys in the other truck did (they also talked with G&F). The third bull, last I saw, had fallen about three hundred yards behind his cows and was not long for this world.

So everybody knows, I called G&F and they did catch the guy. I got his license plate description and everything the G&F would need. Next time you get a chance to go for an opener, remember you might just catch a dirtball yourself. No wonder I can't draw one of those tags.
All I can say is WOW! It's sad how such a tiny fraction of a whole group can ruin it for the rest of us. I wish these "dirt bags" (thats nice compared to what I want to call them) would just stay home.
So the count was three 6 pt bulls??????

git a rope? and No, I'm not kidding.

Hopefully he'll not be lagally hunting for the next 20 or so years, the second two bulls are "trophy" class violations.


The Game Warden said is sounded like the guy was "trading up" when I first talked with him. He said it was sad but happened more than most people would think on the hard to draw units. I am sure the guy got what was coming to him in the end.
Thanks for doing the right thing and calling G&F!! Just unfortunate we have loooosers like this guy giving the law abiding hunter a black eye.
Its not to often that I read a post that actually makes me sick. After reading this I had to walk away from the computer just to collect my thoughts. First, I have many names I would like to call this guy but most of them I cant post on MM. I dont kow how anyone could shoot 3 elk, leaving them injured, and drive away. Then I got wondering, was this guy with a hunting party, and was shooting the bulls for his friends(which is still illegal). do you know if after helping his friend, did he or anyone else go back and get the elk.
I had to leave before everything ended. Even if he was party hunting, he only had one friend on the mountain (that I know of) and he shot three elk. As a hunter I was also sick. I have a cell phone photo of the first bull but I don't know how to post it. This was not a mistake. He was a piece of (well you fill in the rest). We, as hunters, need to police our own. I was shocked to see that of the four or five groups that watched this unfold, only two, myself and the other group, wanted to talk with the G&F. The rest said it was opening day and they did not have time on opening morning to wait for the G&F.




Wow! In my unit over by Alpine I only saw and/or heard 15 or 20 elk all archery season. I can't imagine that many elk together in one area much less someone shooting three different bulls all in plain sight. Are some people really that retarded?

That is great that you were able to get the info and help catch the guy. It does make you sick to think about how much poaching really goes on ( and this was blatent poaching) I can't believe the other hunters ( idiots )that wouldn't even talk to the G&F about the incident because they wanted to keep hunting. I wouldn't care if I didn't hunt the rest of the day I would want to see the guy caught. I wish that the penalties were alot harsher for poaching. At least there are still people out there like yourself that are ethical and care to do the right thing.
Seriously, you need to post this guys info, so this can be tracked. That is pure rapeage, not right at all.
If you cant tell us his name, can you at least tell us what state he was from and description of the truck?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-08 AT 08:38AM (MST)[p]He was from Wyoming. I don't know his name. He was driving a black Chev Diesel 2500 truck. I turned all of the info (my notes on his vehicle and his description) over to the G&F. If I had his info I would post it. I think MM should start a wall of shame photo area for convicted poachers. What do you guys think?
just thought i would let you no party hunting in not legal in wyoming because i know some people who got busted for doing so
First of all, thanks for getting involved and doing the right thing. I hope you'll also get to testify at his trial about what you say this POS commit in the way of crimes. He deserves to never hunt again, in any of the states that are members of the wildlife violators compacts.

Criminals like this should not ever be tolerated by sportsmen, and we need to band together to rid our ranks of these criminals.

I think everyone would appreciate it if you could provide more information, like license plate numbers, description of the criminal, or whatever else can be used to identify him. He needs to be outed and dealt with.
Great job geting the %#$#@ nabbed. What blows my mind is the guy was willing to do all of this within sight of the road. If i heard this story told from the highcountry 4 miles in on horseback it would still piss me off, but it would not completly surprise me. This guy doesn't need to go on the hall of shame...he needs to go on the most retarded hall of shame. Did he think nobody would notice a guy running around next to the highway blasting a rifle at everything that moves. What an idiot. Thank god you were there to turn him over with the Game and Fish. The guy needs to go to a psych ward for the rest of his life.
I hate poachers. Great job turning him in. I do the same thing if I see a violation. This will ruin our sport in a number of ways. Hope he gets the stiffest sentence possible.
I don't know exactly where you saw this, but I surely hope he falls under the jurisdiction of the Honorable Judge Zebre. He takes wildlife seriously.
Excellent job stepping up and doing your part to keep our heritage alive. What a complete waste of air that worm is!
Archerman - Archery hunting addict!
Thanks for posting this and doing the right thing. If you ever want to hunt any of the wilderness is southeast wyo. PM me and I'll find a way for me or a friend to take care of ya.
Thanks again.
I'm surprised there has been nothing about this in the newspaper in Rock Springs. I went to Little Mountain on Saturday and came across one of the Elk.



It looks like the game and fish have already been to it.

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