LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-11 AT 08:26AM (MST)[p]I've been experimenting with the Swhacker lately. From my tests I can tell you it flies great, penetration is awesome and it is tough as nails. So far, I have tested Swhacker 100 gr., Rage 2 blade 100 gr. and NAP Spitfire 100 gr. I've tested for accuracy out to 80 yards, entrance and exit holes, penetration into various mediums and angled shots. The Swhacker has out performed them in all categories.
I never had a blade open in flight like this elk guide claims. In fact, that's another plus for this head cause the blades are held with a band and cannot open until impact. The Rage and Spitfire on the other hand are only held by a small amount of friction and could easily be opened going into or out of the quiver or in flight.
Just for the record I have always shot fixed blade heads and in no way endorsing a particular head. Just like to experiment and sharing my results.