Tabby mountain landgrab


Very Active Member
Anyone who cares or recreates on the wasatch unit, specifically the current creek area, should pay close attention about the potential sale of Tabby mountain. This mountain range is critical for wintering elk,moose,deer,Turkey bear,cougar etc.or recreating in general
If sold to the highest bidder. the public will lose thousands of acres of crucial public property that will be deemed private.
You would think the RMEF and other organizations would step it up to stop this from happening. Perfect chance for SFW to spend all that expo$$$$$$$$$ m
I thought we agreed awhile ago that this was BHA's sole purpose, single issue, and they would be swooping in to save public access at Tabbey mtn?

This is state trust land, from what I remember wasn?t it the Utah DNR that wanted the state to put it up for auction because they wanted to purchase it?

I thought it was an agency to agency sale but that they needed to offer it to the public first.

Hard to stop a school trust land sale. But if the DNR has the cash to lock it up into some kind of wildlife management area I'd be ok with that.
>This is state trust land, from
>what I remember wasn?t it
>the Utah DNR that wanted
>the state to put it
>up for auction because they
>wanted to purchase it?
>I thought it was an agency
>to agency sale but that
>they needed to offer it
>to the public first.
>Hard to stop a school trust
>land sale. But if the
>DNR has the cash to
>lock it up into some
>kind of wildlife management area
>I'd be ok with that.
That would be best case scenario
From what I understand. The DWR is trying to acquire it, but it has now become a bidding war with a private entity.
It has to maximize profit. So you, its a bidding war.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>>This is state trust land, from
>>what I remember wasn?t it
>>the Utah DNR that wanted
>>the state to put it
>>up for auction because they
>>wanted to purchase it?
>>I thought it was an agency
>>to agency sale but that
>>they needed to offer it
>>to the public first.
>>Hard to stop a school trust
>>land sale. But if the
>>DNR has the cash to
>>lock it up into some
>>kind of wildlife management area
>>I'd be ok with that.
>That would be best case scenario

Or just dismantle SITLA since they currently provide 0.9% of annual funding to education.



"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
SITLA is the problem. The dwr is trying hard to buy it to keep it open to the public but dont think they are alone, there are groups doing there best to help them. Check out the facts before making assumptions
>SITLA is the problem. The
>dwr is trying hard to
>buy it to keep it
>open to the public but
>dont think they are alone,
> there are groups doing
>there best to help them.
>Check out the facts before
>making assumptions

You are sensitive birdman nobody assumed anything. Just stated it would be a good opportunity for a certain org to step it up. Geez diva
Desert, and how do you know groups have not stepped up. Because it is not in the paper. Make phone calls. Know what is happening
Birdman, since you are in the know, why don't you tell us what is happening behind closed doors. We can't wait to hear the details. :D


My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:

"It is fair to ask how much comes in with the five dollar application fees and how much went onto the ground.? Don Peay of SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board Meeting.

"There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Don Peay of SFW - 9/26/2006 -

How about passing along to "a certain org" that a campaign to dissolve SITLA would be a fantastic way to unite hunters, anglers, horsemen, bikers, climbers, etc.

If only a "certain org" had access to the gov mansion they could get the ball rolling.

Its an idea whose time has come

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I wonder if that new group hunter nation is eyeing it. For a win a hunt with this guy type property. Seems kinda fishy. Herbert was walking around with peay at the expo. Peay probably said right this way Gary here?s a buyer. They?ll give you a business plan. Just a theory but who knows.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
"Birdman, since you are in the know, why don't you tell us what is happening behind closed doors. We can't wait to hear the details."

Until then yall can just fill in the blanks with whatever made up paranoid bull you can make up. Don't forget to throw in the word "transparency" a few times. Somebody already mentioned Don. Now Somebody talk about corrupted WB's and someone else can talk about RMEF would save yall.


Not during the off-season when it's illegal. But laws governing seasons and where and when people should hunt have never been all that important to you and yours.

Dissolving SITLA? Hmmmm...good luck! That's a whopper of a constitutional amendment.

Yep, and in about a month or so, spring turkey. Then for me, I will be hunting for crappie and bass for a few months, and then back to 4 legged critters in the fall.

The privatizing of hunting (and fishing) is a bad idea in the long sad history of bad ideas. I guess that's what you mean by "wellfare" hunting for public ground use?

I have not once sat in a green plywood box looking at a bucket of corn.

So, not by your definition.



"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
Does anybody here hunt?

Prove it.

All I see is crybaby whiners. Very few of you guys who talk the loudest and toughest ever post a pic you hunting. Offer actual hunting advice. Or ask hunting questions.

Lets talk about some fun and ditch the hate.

I am starting to learn people who hunt private ground in box blinds with corn buckets are waaaaaaaaaaaay better hunters than you bunch of self-righteous hacks because they actually go outdoors and interact. Yall are a bunch of antis pretending to be hunters.

Its March. We are covered in a white substance called snow. Our feed plots are buried in the stuff. Cornfeeders freeze as its in the 20' s all the time. Its too expensive to insulate the blind and propane for the heater is too spend.

Last week we had some big wind, and it tipped over the 10 ft fence and the pen raises critters got out.

I know you understand, winter is brutal in Houston I understand.

On the plus side I'm planning on doing some hunting. I made a few calls. Found a ranch that has a 4 star chef, AND 800 thread count sheets. I've read there vineyard is second to none.

I am a little concerned TRI, and hoping you could help. When riding around in a high top truck pursuing game, does one wear SITKA or FIRSTLITE? Not sure of the old synthetic vs merino issue as it pertains to these trucks.

Anyhow. I'm all ready to roll. Got it booked. Now I need to find a photographer so I can post pics of my new binos.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
So post some pics of what you did when your poor little tootsies weren't cold. You can't because you don't. It's easier to come up with an excuse to sit on your a55 and complain about the people who do things in this world.

I've killed deer in temps -13 here in Texas.

If your ten foot fence is blown down go hunt them. If there is snow go hunt them. If the feeder don't work go hunt them. everybody here talks about how awesome they are and better hunters than everyone else go hunt them. I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them. Actually learn about deer so in twelve years when someone finally gives you some tag welfare you can actually go hunt them.

You are an excuse machine, not a hunter.
If you can help please help. BUT posting that everyone isn't in the know and you are. Please educate us to why you would want us to became members for SFW and make sure we donate to help buy this land. You might want think about what you write hundreds hunters on MM read how you come across and RIGHT now I wouldn't join this group of your.
Instead I might try and buy 5 ac from the private buyer.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-19 AT 10:16AM (MST)[p]>So post some pics of what
>you did when your poor
>little tootsies weren't cold.
>You can't because you don't.
> It's easier to come
>up with an excuse to
>sit on your a55 and
>complain about the people who
>do things in this world.
>I've killed deer in temps -13
>here in Texas.
>If your ten foot fence is
>blown down go hunt them.
> If there is snow
>go hunt them. If
>the feeder don't work go
>hunt them. everybody here
>talks about how awesome they
>are and better hunters than
>everyone else go hunt them.
> I don't care if
>the season is closed.
>Get off your butt and
>go hunt them. Actually
>learn about deer so in
>twelve years when someone finally
>gives you some tag welfare
>you can actually go hunt
>You are an excuse machine, not
>a hunter.

None of us need to post pictures on here to prove we are a hunter. I am out with my bow from August until December chasing something up here. I don't need to post about it here to validate it.
Just like we don't need to convince you that the a holes that took over our expo and take all our wildlife dollars to live the high life are bad. We all know they are, we don't need confirmation from some out of state bozo.

As far as providing advice and talking hunting, there are a lot of other forums much better for that, that's where I spend my time. I only come over here to see what dumb comments someone like you keep making. It makes sense you live in TX, the worst state in the country for hunting and public land. High fence BS paid hunts. What a joke. Keep your TX in TX, we don't want it up here.
I agree with Gator's comments above. These forums are a great place to educate our fellow sportsmen. If SFW is taking real steps to help preserve access to these public lands for sportsmen then tell us about it. There is no reason to hide the ball. Show us how SFW is looking out for the interests of the average sportsmen.


My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:

"It is fair to ask how much comes in with the five dollar application fees and how much went onto the ground.? Don Peay of SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board Meeting.

"There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Don Peay of SFW - 9/26/2006 -
LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-19 AT 10:47AM (MST)[p]

If your ten foot fence is blown down go hunt them. If there is snow go hunt them. If the feeder don't work go hunt them. everybody here talks about how awesome they are and better hunters than everyone else go hunt them. I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them


Sorry bud. When the season is closed WE DONT HUNT THEM.

-13. Wow. Who knew it got that cold in Houston.? Its always about 50 here in the winter. Your the man!!

I never claimed to be a better hunter than anyone. In fact since we are eating elk killed by my boy and not me, I hear about it all the time. Call WLH he'll feel you in on elk and how they are hunted(hint: its hard to get a double decker truck where elk live).

I can't deny. Tri you are perhaps the finnest trigger puller in here. Your ability to call a guide, scratch a check, and post pics is legendary. I can't compete

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
> I don't care if
>the season is closed.
>Get off your butt and
>go hunt them. -Tristate

This is such and unbelievably fantastic illustration of how tri feels about this topic. Not that we needed any more evidence based upon his regular defense of poachers, but this is pure gold.

Tri, like I said above, we know you and yours don't care about season dates, locations, and laws. Thanks for clarifying, though.
The serious hunters I know hunt all year. Yall are looking more and more like computer commandos the longer this goes on.

Post some pics Vanilla. Post some pics Hossblur. Tell us a hunting story.

If not take this garbage to the political forum.
>The serious hunters I know hunt
>all year.

I know. And they hunt areas closed to hunting or not included on their tags as well. Takes a REAL serious hunter to do that.
Nope. Don't know anybody hunting areas closed to hunting. Keep wishing.

You can go hunt areas you don't have a tag for. Go on. Get busy. Quit making excuses why you are going to sit on your a55 and bang out hate on your googler all day.

Post up some hunting pics Vanilla. Whatcha scared of?
>Nope. Don't know anybody hunting
>areas closed to hunting.
>Keep wishing.
>You can go hunt areas you
>don't have a tag for.
> Go on. Get
>busy. Quit making excuses
>why you are going to
>sit on your a55 and
>bang out hate on your
>googler all day.
>Post up some hunting pics Vanilla.
> Whatcha scared of?

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


BLAAAAAAAMMMM. Kinda proves otherwise now Don't it.

Your a beauty Tri, you bury yourself on your hurry to try to man up.

You win. Your quote today might actually upstage your BLAAAMMM post which is legendary.

You should roll into Utah bro. Seasons been over since October. Deer on side of the road because of snow. That's a Texas twofer.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
It's because of Texans we have that BS crybaby of a law in New Mexico. The Jennings Law...

Killing deer at -13 is easy from a heated box blind. Of course, without a posted pic it didn't happen.

Come talk to me when you kill a deer at -24 with a foot of snow on the ground...
Isn't it funny that tristate thinks he's a superior hunter, yet he's the worst keyboard commando on here. And what's even funnier is he thinks he has hunting in Utah all figured out.
>The serious hunters I know hunt
>all year.

It's almost like the time you tried to claim the guy working the butcher line at a meat packing plant was "hunting"

You may be the only person on MM that actually agrees with the quote below. Some guys support SFW regardless of the privatization stuff, but you actually like it



"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
"Come talk to me when you kill a deer at -24 with a foot of snow on the ground..."

Haven't even hunted in -24 yet. The coldest I have hunted in is -17. but if it ever gets -24 where I am you can bet I'll be out there. I actually like hunting in those extreme weather times. Game gets extremely predictable.

"Isn't it funny that tristate thinks he's a superior hunter, yet he's the worst keyboard commando on here."

Actually I never said I was a superior hunter. I just don't believe you bunch of haters are hunters at all. There's a difference. Now get off your a55 and go hunt or actually make a contribution to a HUNTING FORUM. Post a pic of you actually hunting. Tell a Hunting story. Talk about ballistics. Anything but this stupid crybaby political barf. It got old.

"Killing deer at -13 is easy from a heated box blind. Of course, without a posted pic it didn't happen."


See roadrunner I post pics. I talk about hunting. I don't sit and cry on my googler that somebody could take away my handout, all day. If I tell you I did something and you want a pic YOU GOT IT. If I don't know something, I TELL YOU. Do I hunt from a box blind? YES! Was this buck killed from a box blind? NO!

Now why don't you post up some hunting pics or go hunt?
-See roadrunner I post pics. I talk about hunting. I don't sit and cry on my googler that somebody could take away my handout, all day. If I tell you I did something and you want a pic YOU GOT IT. If I don't know something, I TELL YOU.

So Tri is this where you tell us who made you take down the BLAAAAAAMM pic?

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
See Hossblur that is a loaded question. Kind of like, "Yes or no, Hossblur, did you decide to stop beating your wife"? If you want to ask questions and have honest answers you have to start with honest questions. Nobody made me take down a pic.

Go hunting Hossblur. Post some pics of you hunting. Do something hunting instead of crying about what handout is going to be taken away from you next.
>"I don't care if the season
>is closed. Get off your
>butt and go hunt them"
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

This could also accurately say, ?I don't care if the unit is closed. Get off your butt and go and hunt them.?
Every fall we kill 7-8 domestic sheep to feed our hunting camps. We grain feed mtn ewes for a few weeks, in a pasture, behind barbwire. Then we shoot each one, hang it from a tractor and clean and skin them. Then send them to the packaging plant to be cut and wrapped.

Tri, this year ill wear camo and take pics. It your kind of "hunting" , bait, fences, no season. You'll love it. Ill even put a Utah sticker on my .22.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

That would actually make you closer to a hunter than what you are now. I look forward to your post. Go hunt. Quit making wamby pamby excuses. Go hunt. Then come back and share experiences.


Twist the words any way you want. I don't care. Get off your butt and go hunt. Go hunt city bucks. Go hunt them when they don't have horns. Go hunt fawns. Go hunt what nobody else hunts. Be a hunter. Not a crybaby.
I remember the good old days......before Tri got kicked off the Texas websites and had to join this one.

Twist the words any way you want. I don't care. Get off your butt and go hunt. Go hunt city bucks. Go hunt them when they don't have horns. Go hunt fawns. Go hunt what nobody else hunts. Be a hunter. Not a crybaby." ~ Tristate 3/12/19.

We kind of have laws against some of that out west and on public ground. Until you savvy the law, hush...
There aren't any laws out there against you hunting some of that out west. Quit looking for excuses. Go learn how to hunt. Quit waiting for yo massa to tell you what to do.
Tristate you are making an idiot out of yourself even more than I could have imagined. Quick question without google's help, do you even know where Tabby mountain is located? Or have you ever even stepped foot in that county?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-19 AT 11:32PM (MST)[p]
BHA a is deaftly silent. That's odd, I thought this was their wheelhouse? Grizz? Hoss? Too busy promotin more apex predators I guess.
Pint night cant be 7 days a week?

Tri have the elk came back after the fish and game has issued so many cow tags on Tabby? I haven't been there in about 6 years
>Every fall we kill 7-8 domestic
>sheep to feed our hunting
>camps. We grain feed
>mtn ewes for a few
>weeks, in a pasture, behind
>barbwire. Then we shoot
>each one, hang it from
>a tractor and clean and
>skin them. Then send
>them to the packaging plant
>to be cut and wrapped.
>Tri, this year ill wear camo
>and take pics. It
>your kind of "hunting" ,
>bait, fences, no season.
>You'll love it. Ill
>even put a Utah sticker
>on my .22.
>"I don't care if the season
>is closed. Get off your
>butt and go hunt them"
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

I expect a BHA sticker and ball cap prominently displayed!

>BHA a is deaftly silent. That's
>odd, I thought this was
>their wheelhouse? Grizz? Hoss? Too
>busy promotin more apex predators
>I guess.
>Pint night cant be 7 days
>a week?

There is no "a" in deftly. Plus it means "with neat and skilled movements" so I'm guessing that's not the word you mean. There is no "t" in deafly. I'm guessing you intended to say "deathly silent" as that's the proper phrase.

As to your inaccurate claim regarding BHA on Tabby Mountain, they've contacted their Utah members, posted it on their Facebook page, had discussions among leadership, and are sitting tight as the sell is currently on hold from SITLA so there is nothing to be done pending future action from SITLA.

I do hope the other Utah conservation groups are also watching closely as SFW has been a great ally with hunters in working against SITLA's attempts to block hunters from their land and to form CWMU's to sell tags and access.

As to your repeated falsehoods regarding BHA and predators (Trump would call you Fake News), here is a screenshot about mountain lion hunting in Colorado pulled directly from the BHA Facebook page...




"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News

No! I don't know where it is. Yes I may have stepped foot in that county.

That is completely irrelevant to what I am saying. I am saying all Hossblur and others do on here is cry about this or cry about that. They never actually contribute to a general hunting forum.

Don't back down now, keep digging.

Better idea. Since the issue was Tabby Mtn getting sold, how about folks that know something about it discuss it. And someone who doesn't take his crap to the poaching forum.

Notice I don't talk in the taxidermy area, because I'm smart enough to KNOW what I don't know.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-13-19 AT 07:09AM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-19
>AT 11:32?PM (MST)

>BHA a is deaftly silent. That's
>odd, I thought this was
>their wheelhouse? Grizz? Hoss? Too
>busy promotin more apex predators
>I guess.
>Pint night cant be 7 days
>a week?

Not sure what you expect. BHA doesn't have $40million to buy it. Neither does RMEF, MDF, FULL CURL, $FW(they might who knows) DU, NWTF.

Are you confused as to where BHA is on selling public land? Or just confused?

That HSUS tag from Grizz must have hurt huh?

Ill also echo Grizz. There is one group who is again playing both sides looking for a benefit. Here's a hint. Its not BHA. Its not RMEF. Not MDF. Keep your eyes open and see if this goes down who benefits. Then you can ignore it, and blame BHA for everything like you usually do.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I know one thing, if worse case scenario happens and this ends up in the hands of anti hunters or gets turned into a ski resort. That part of the wasatch unit is screwed. For elk,moose and deer.
Maybe some rich guy who supports hunting in Utah enough will work with the UDWR and if it comes down to a bidding war, will out bid everyone. Then turn around and sell it to the UDWR for the $41MM. The difference in $$ from his purchase minus the $41MM would be his donation to the Utah public for his generosity.

If you haven't noticed Hossblur I haven't taken a position one way or the other on it. I DON'T CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO IT. My position is why don't you take this and every other post you put here to the political forum where it belongs and leave the rest of this to the actual hunters.


You bring nothing of value to the GENERAL HUNTING section. You don't post anything about your hunt. You don't help other hunters who ask questions here. All you do is get on a political soap box and rant about politicians, orgs, and the DWR.

I'm doubting the biggest thread hijacker is gonna convince hoss to ?quit whining?
Hint-it is possible to keep scrolling by if you don't like what is being posted.
I can't wait until the troll gets too busy glueing eye balls or goes on vacation or something

I'd personally like to see some groups that carry a lot of weight and ?paper? to band together and purchase this land for sale of public land hunting.

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
>If you haven't noticed Hossblur I
>haven't taken a position one
>way or the other on
>My position is why don't
>you take this and every
>other post you put here
>to the political forum where
>it belongs and leave the
>rest of this to the
>actual hunters.
>You bring nothing of value to
>the GENERAL HUNTING section.
>You don't post anything about
>your hunt. You don't
>help other hunters who ask
>questions here. All you
>do is get on a
>political soap box and rant
>about politicians, orgs, and the

What value does a high fence, guided, 2%public land hunter bring? You have zero knowledge of western hunting that wasn't explained to you via a guide. You live in the 5th biggest city in America, in a state that to all western hunters scares us to death with its embrace of "agri-hunting".

70% of hunters in the west hunt PUBLIC LAND. Including your hero WLH and the Waldrips.

Fyi. Founder lives in Utah. So this is a western focussed site.

I don't put pics of my kids on the interwebs. Be it here or elsewhere. I hunt almost exclusively with my boys. So waiting for a pic from me, with them, on here, will be a long wait. But rest assured, Tri, Unlike YOU, my boys, and the other kids in PUBLIC LAND states, would hike your azz off, outhunt you, and know more than any guide has taught you.

Utah OTC open bull come up right after the draws. Man up, buy a tag, show up, and my 8 yr old will grind your sorry soft Texas azz into to ground at 10,000ft. Pm me when you get the tag, ill send you the onx pin on where to camp.

I help anyone who asks. But via PM. And frankly I care less whether you believe me or not.

I spend 1/3 of the year or better on public land, and ask no one for permission or pay them to hold my hand. THAT IS TGE FREEDOM YOU TALK ABOUT but have never experienced.

Let me know when you grab that tag, big time. But be warned, there ain't no lodge, ain't no chef, and no mercy from cold and snow.

Your in so far over your head you can't see sunlight. Ain't non of the guys in here impressed by your big talk, loud mouth.

When I want to see beautiful taxidermy, your the man. When I need to hear about "hunting", your just some wanna be, wished, never was.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-13-19 AT 04:29PM (MST)[p]>That HSUS tag from Grizz must
>have hurt huh?
>"I don't care if the season
>is closed. Get off your
>butt and go hunt them"
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

Hurt? Hell it proved my point, BHA is all talk and pints! Posting on your facebook page and website isn't what I'd call being actively involved in defending hunting. Did you forget their role in the Wyoming grizzly hunt? How bout one of their chapter founders role in eliminating spring bear baiting and hounding in Colorado? Will you fall back on "we're a single issue organization"? If they truly are they'd be in the middle of this one! Who says they need 40 odd million dollars? They need to be active and creative and seek out that $ using all their connections. I hear Yvonne has a buck or two, that'd be a good place to start.

Last I checked Founder owned this site. If he thinks topics like this should be on the political forum he can move them. His site his call.
This isn't a political topic at all. Desertpointbrian is correct in that if this ends up in the wrong hands and the wrong thing happens here, the deer and elk herds on the north side of the Wasatch units are screwed. Gonzo. There won't be any to hunt. This is CRITICAL range (winter and non-winter) for these animals.

If a private party buys it and puts up No Trespassing signs and turns it into a CWMU, that sucks for hunters in terms of hunting there, but there will at least still be animals. If it's developed, the whole portion of the unit is toast. The animals will have nowhere to go. That will be bad news.
One of these Orgs/DWR better Man-Up & Soon!

The Northern Ute Tribe is wanting to get it & They do Have the Money!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

Why is this not a political topic? He's not here to tell you or me he's going to go buy the land. He's here trying to compel people to be politically active and try and stop what he doesn't like. Just because it involves the actual hunters on this site doesn't mean it isn't politically based.

Almost every post in the past two months from Hossblur has been politically motivated whining. PERIOD


You write this.

"Your in so far over your head you can't see sunlight. Ain't non of the guys in here impressed by your big talk, loud mouth."

"Your in so far over your head you can't see sunlight. Ain't non of the guys in here impressed by your big talk, loud mouth."

Look at you. This is all you can type. A bunch of hate. ANd you think life is some popularity contest and I should care about all the other guys. Here's the problem. I don't.

What you don't understand is I HUNT FOR ME. Not to impress some hateful internet crybaby. If you think you are better than me AWESOME. If you think your kids are better than me, AWESOME. I'm not trying to beat you or them at anything.

I'm not saying i am better than you at anything. I AM SAYING YOU AREN'T A HUNTER AT ALL. Go hunt. Quit worrying day and night about gubmint. Quit crying about handouts. GO HUNT. Come back and share a story about that.

Guess what I am doing this weekend. I AM GOING HUNTING. I'll come back and tell yall a story or two. Maybe post a good pic or two.

I'll even cut you a deal Hossblur. Take these political posts to the political forum and you will never see me post on them. NEVER. My word to you. You don't even have to come back here and post fake hunting stories. Just take it to the political forum and you will never have to worry about me posting on them.


I've seen you post several pictures of taxidermy mounts on here that I assume are from your shop. WHY? Those posts aren't about hunting. There is no information for anyone else. No story. Just a way to pad your ego when guys here tell you they look nice. Why don't you post them on the taxidermy forum? You rarely add anything down there. You haven't posted there in over six months.

Just go away.
>Why is this not a political
>topic? He's not here
>to tell you or me
>he's going to go buy
>the land. He's here
>trying to compel people to
>be politically active and try
>and stop what he doesn't
>like. Just because it
>involves the actual hunters on
>this site doesn't mean it
>isn't politically based.
>Almost every post in the past
>two months from Hossblur has
>been politically motivated whining.
>You write this.
>"Your in so far over your
>head you can't see sunlight.
>Ain't non of the guys
>in here impressed by your
>big talk, loud mouth."
>"Your in so far over your
>head you can't see sunlight.
>Ain't non of the guys
>in here impressed by your
>big talk, loud mouth."
>Look at you. This is
>all you can type.
>A bunch of hate.
>ANd you think life is
>some popularity contest and I
>should care about all the
>other guys. Here's the
>problem. I don't.
>What you don't understand is I
>to impress some hateful internet
>crybaby. If you think
>you are better than me
>AWESOME. If you think
>your kids are better than
>me, AWESOME. I'm not
>trying to beat you or
>them at anything.
>I'm not saying i am better
>than you at anything.
>Go hunt. Quit worrying
>day and night about gubmint.
> Quit crying about handouts.
> GO HUNT. Come
>back and share a story
>about that.
>Guess what I am doing this
>weekend. I AM GOING
>HUNTING. I'll come back
>and tell yall a story
>or two. Maybe post
>a good pic or two.
>I'll even cut you a deal
>Hossblur. Take these political
>posts to the political forum
>and you will never see
>me post on them.
>NEVER. My word to
>you. You don't even
>have to come back here
>and post fake hunting stories.
> Just take it to
>the political forum and you
>will never have to worry
>about me posting on them.

Glad you were able to book a hunt this weekend.

No. I don't want you to go away. You posting is a great reminder to guys about what we as western hunters face if we let down our guard. So stick around. Keep educating all of us like you do.

As Vanilla pointed out, your lack of knowledge on a subject doesn't mean anything other than you post on subjects you have no knowledge of. You've done it for years, and at some point, be it BLAAAMMM, or your latest not caring about seasons, you expose either yourself, or in the sheep case, the Waldrips.

I keep saying you have zero context. To prove otherwise you post more about your zero context.

Tri. I hunt continuously. BUT IN SEASON. Which meant jackrabbits last week. Nearly every guy you talk to in here does the same.

Unlike you they don't "book" it. They simply walk out of there door. The vast majority look out there window and see thousands of acres that they can access simply by showing up.

You have no context.

We argue back and forth over $fw or BHA, but the guys on both sides actually have skin in the game. You have almost none. 2% of Texas is public. That's just a fact. So rather than shutting up and learning something, or realizing what an unbelievable gift public land is, which even YOU can access at any time, you decide to yap.

Read the OP. It didn't say "lets hear a hunting story". It was a specific topic, which is a huge deal both for access and the animals themselves. You have never been there. Never seen it. And most likely didn't know it existed. YET YOU DECIDED TO YAP.

If you don't like political aspects of hunting, perhaps go elsewhere. As for my state, the gov appoints the WB. The government gives hundreds of tags to orgs. My congressman is the ranking republican on natural resources committee. Poltics, and politicians are interwoven in hunting here. Its just a fact.

You have never had the freedom or ability to basically walk out your door and hunt/fish/camp wherever you feel.


But stick around. Your a great reminder to guys of what none of us want to happen in the west.

And that offer stands. OTC elk. North Slope Uintas.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Thanks to all of the folks in the know who have posted on the Tabby Mountain issue. This is an important issue that could have major impacts on Utah hunters and sportsmen. Like usual, the "Texas Troll" has attempted to thrust himself into the middle of a conversation that he knows nothing about. Anyone who has been on this forum for a few years knows to ignore Tristate unless you are just looking for a good laugh.

On a serious note, a couple of posters have commented that they are privy to more detailed information as to efforts from the State of Utah or conservation groups to preserve this land. Many of us would be interested to hear about those efforts. If it is something that can be shared publicly, please post it up. If you cannot share it publicly, shoot me a pm.



My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:

"It is fair to ask how much comes in with the five dollar application fees and how much went onto the ground.? Don Peay of SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board Meeting.

"There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Don Peay of SFW - 9/26/2006 -
So can I assume you aren't going to take me up on the deal to start posting the political crybaby posts in the political forum? Awful long winded way to say no and that you don't care that you aren't a hunter, Hossblur. I'm going hunting this weekend! I don't have to worry about Indian tribes. I don't have to worry about hunting orgs, I don't have to worry about the DWR saying I can't. I just load up the truck and go. Funny how that works. I'M GOING HUNTING THIS WEEKEND. I'll be sure and post some pics when I get back.


How am I the "troll" when day after day a guy puts his political posts on a HUNTING forum and never ever ever once posts anything about hunting????? Seems to me the politicization of a HUNTING forum is trolling. Hawkeye, I'll offer you the same deal as Hossblur. Start posting political posts in the political forum and you will never ever see me post on them. Pretty good deal.

Take this garbage to the political forums and go hunt.
Tri, most people on here are talking about Tabby mountain, what's happening with it, you have said yourself you haven't been there, quit hijacking threads and most of us would be ok if you did go away
>So can I assume you aren't
>going to take me up
>on the deal to start
>posting the political crybaby posts
>in the political forum?
>Awful long winded way to
>say no and that you
>don't care that you aren't
>a hunter, Hossblur. I'm
>going hunting this weekend!
>I don't have to worry
>about Indian tribes. I
>don't have to worry about
>hunting orgs, I don't have
>to worry about the DWR
>saying I can't. I
>just load up the truck
>and go. Funny how
>that works. I'M GOING
>be sure and post some
>pics when I get back.
>How am I the "troll" when
>day after day a guy
>puts his political posts on
>a HUNTING forum and never
>ever ever once posts anything
>about hunting????? Seems to me
>the politicization of a HUNTING
>forum is trolling.
>Hawkeye, I'll offer you the
>same deal as Hossblur.
>Start posting political posts in
>the political forum and you
>will never ever see me
>post on them. Pretty
>good deal.
>Take this garbage to the political
>forums and go hunt.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Tri says

>don't have to worry about
>hunting orgs, I don't have
>to worry about the DWR
>saying I can't. I

Tri. FYI. We have pheasant farms here. We have trout farms. We have high fence as well.

We just know the difference between a hunt And a shoot. The fact that you don't simply proves the point, YOU HAVE NO CONTEXT.

We have game laws. We have seasons. To be fair even the pheasant farms have them. None of us are confused as to what that is.

I have a family member who killed a 397 bull on Rulon Jones place. It was a company paid sales meeting. But its not in the books. Not anywhere to be seen other than his wall because HERE "agri hunting" is DIFFERENT. He knew the difference. Any of us that go shoot birds on a pheasant farm know the difference. My little kids knew the difference at a trout farm. And we are all good with that. You are the only one who confuses it.

Vanilla or OP or whoever.

How does the landboard decide acreases for sale under SITLA? Such as in the size of a piece offered?

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I'm not confused Hossblur. I know its easier for you to swallow it thinking your hunting is better than my hunting. I DON'T CARE. I'm going hunting and you are going to sit on your a55 crying about someone might take away your handout THAT YOU AREN'T EVEN USING.

Are you going to Tabby mountain this weekend? Are any of yall going to tabby mountain this weekend?

I'm going hunting. You should go hunt. I am going to post a HUNTING THREAD when I get back. You are going to sit there and cry on the internet. GO HUNT. Be a man.
>I'm not confused Hossblur. I
>know its easier for you
>to swallow it thinking your
>hunting is better than my
>hunting. I DON'T CARE.
> I'm going hunting and
>you are going to sit
>on your a55 crying about
>someone might take away your
>Are you going to Tabby mountain
>this weekend? Are any
>of yall going to tabby
>mountain this weekend?
>I'm going hunting. You should
>go hunt. I am
>going to post a HUNTING
>THREAD when I get back.
> You are going to
>sit there and cry on
>the internet. GO HUNT.
> Be a man.

Its winter here genius. There is a white substance called snow. Our mtn are buried in yards of it.

However, snowmobiles, snowshoes, skiers are there TODAY. Not a booking. Not a schedule. They just got up this morn and thought I feel like hitting the mtn. I'm sure there are boys grabbing sheds there as well.

No. We don't have exotics. No axis. No auodad. Don't have pigs. So march 14th, we are closed. I guess anyway. Is imagine one of the elk farms would let you shoot an elk if you paid enough?

I listen to Michael Berry on KTRH everyday. So I guess that qualifies me as an expert on Houston? No more than WLH taking you out to huntt a cat makes you one here.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
"Its winter here genius. There is a white substance called snow. Our mtn are buried in yards of it."

I guess that means there are no animals that live in snow????? Is that what you are trying to teach me. Are you afraid of snow? Does snow make the outdoors illegal?????? What am I missing?

I am pretty sure 2 of the three times I hunted in Montana it was in snow. I have hunted in snow in Texas. I have hunted in snow in New Mexico. I have hunted in snow in Colorado. I have hunted in snow in Alaska. AND I HAVE HUNTED IN SNOW IN UTAH. Is there something special and different about snow in Utah?

GO HUNT. Don't be an excuse factory. GO HUNT. Then please come back and share the hunt with us. I give you my word if you post an actual hunting post here I will not try and hijack it or troll it. You will probably get a big congrats from me. Go hunt.
>Are you going to Tabby mountain
>this weekend? Are any
>of yall going to tabby
>mountain this weekend?

Not this weekend, but does yesterday count?

Tri, this is critical habitat for our elk and deer herds. (and moose as well) If something happens to it, it would be disastrous for one of the most widely used units in the entire state of Utah that holds the state's second largest elk herd.

I'm not even so much concerned about No Trespassing signs, although that would really suck. Trust me, that would suck if it went private and went to a CWMU or just private property in general. However, not nearly as bad as if it goes to development. If it's developed, it's going to devastate our animals in that area. That is not a political issue. That is very much a big game issue. If there are no animals to hunt, there is no hunting. I like elk and deer. I like hunting elk and deer. I've hunted Tabby Mountain more than one time. I've hunted the surrounding areas that depend upon it as well. You don't know what you speak of, like usual. Just keep whining about others whining. That's all you do. Don't you actually hunt? Will you post up something big game related rather than just whining about everyone else's whining?

Just go poach a trophy town buck illegally or hunt a sheep without the proper tag and then come and argue with us about why that is okay. Sometimes I wish we could just go back to the days when you lied about non-existent dinners with lawyers that aren't really lawyers. At least then you weren't even trying to present yourself as competent.
"Not this weekend, but does yesterday count?"

Fantastic. Post some pics and a story. I'd love to read about it. For real. No joke. I won't make fun of you for it. I promise.

"Tri, this is critical habitat for our elk and deer herds. (and moose as well) If something happens to it, it would be disastrous for one of the most widely used units in the entire state of Utah that holds the state's second largest elk herd."

I totally believe you. What does that have to do with Hossblur turning the HUNTING FORUMS into his own private political mouthpiece.

"That is not a political issue. That is very much a big game issue.

Actually it is a political issue. Just because you say it isn't doesn't make it so. Do you believe if you say that snow is hot it suddenly is so?

"Will you post up something big game related rather than just whining about everyone else's whining?"


"Just go poach a trophy town buck illegally or hunt a sheep without the proper tag and then come and argue with us about why that is okay."

Is that even logic. Who is talking about poaching? Talk about hijacking a thread.

" Sometimes I wish we could just go back to the days when you lied about non-existent dinners with lawyers that aren't really lawyers. At least then you weren't even trying to present yourself as competent."

I haven't lied to you once here. Just because you didn't like the answers you got doesn't mean they were lies.

NOW GO HUNT. Put the political junk in the political forums and become a hunter.
Hey Hossblur,

Vanilla says he was there yesterday so you are safe to go hunt. Apparently snow isn't fatal to hunters.

Go Hunt

That's the title of this thread Tri in case you missed it.

Not pics from a hunt.

This ENTIRE subject IS POLITICAL. SITLA was a political action. The POLITICS of Utah Statehood created this.

Your involving yourself in a thread about UTAH. Land being auctioned by UTAH landboard. UTAH dwr trying to buy it using Utah taxpayer dollars.

This affects The Wasatch unit. One I was on last fall with my bro in law, hunting elk. One I hope to be on again this year with other bro in law.

I get you have no understanding of any of it, I just don't get why you are in this thread. Other than your usual.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

That's the name of these forums in case you missed it. Not Cry about Utah politics forums.

I'll even sweeten the deal Hossblur. Not only will I quit posting on these type of threads if you post them in the political forums, I WILL NOT POST ON THEM IF YOU POST THEM IN THE UTAH FORUMS.

You pointed out that this is a Utah problem. I TOTALLY AGREE. Post them there and you won't here a peep from me.

So now you have four great options to solve your problem.

1. Post your problems in the political forums.

2. Post your problems in the Utah forums.


4. quit being a crybaby internet whiner.
>That's the name of these forums
>in case you missed it.
> Not Cry about Utah
>politics forums.
>I'll even sweeten the deal Hossblur.
> Not only will I
>quit posting on these type
>of threads if you post
>them in the political forums,
>You pointed out that this is
>a Utah problem. I
>there and you won't here
>a peep from me.
>So now you have four great
>options to solve your problem.
>1. Post your problems in
>the political forums.
>2. Post your problems in
>the Utah forums.
>4. quit being a crybaby
>internet whiner.

How about this. You post in the Texas section.

Just you though. The other Texas dudes who post here should continue to post everywhere.

Ill post ONLY in the Utah section if YOU POST only in the Texas section.

Seems fair

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Tri-troll would never go for it!!!! He has to much knowledge to share with the world, guys like that will never be able to control their urges. I mean he is so adamant about people going out and hunting he's missing the point that people are on here talking about an important place that people on here would like to continue to hunt. Tri, how is it that you even looked at this thread? Do you even know where Tabby Mt. is?
seeing as this is such an important subject for you, you never read the rest of this thread which would have answered your questions.


You got a deal. I promise to post my political posts in the political forums if you will. I will also post my Texas politics threads in a Texas Forum as soon as they get that up and running. See Hossblur we can sort out our differences and I am willing to practice what I preach. Now go hunt.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-14-19 AT 05:19PM (MST)[p]>Cooper,
>seeing as this is such an
>important subject for you, you
>never read the rest of
>this thread which would have
>answered your questions.
>You got a deal. I
>promise to post my political
>posts in the political forums
>if you will. I
>will also post my Texas
>politics threads in a Texas
>Forum as soon as they
>get that up and running.
> See Hossblur we can
>sort out our differences and
>I am willing to practice
>what I preach. Now
>go hunt.

Nice try. I said I will post only in Utah IF you post only in Texas.

Which I knew when I said it there was no Texas section.

Keep digging man. You jumped in a thread you knew nothing about, and got called on it by EVERY poster. So in some lame attempt to save face you thought you'd spin it.

How about this. We all will turn our backs, you sneak on out of here save face. Go jump in some other thread you might have even 1%knowledge about and roll.

See. Unlike you. I ain't trying to shut no one up. You jumping into a public land topic with a Texas context is informative. Guys see what the attitude can be. You got called. Everyone who looked at a thread about Tabby Mtn LANDGRAB did so knowing it wasn't about elk pics. Truth is you did as well.

Go ahead, slip out. No one cares, you offered nothing other than a way for me to kill time waiting to get a sun spot froze off at the dermatologist office.

To anyone else who knows more than Tri on this subject(which is 99.9%) of you. How did this piece come up? 28,000 acres is a big chunk. My conspiracy brain would say it was floated that there could be a buyer for it at that size. My rational brain says there should be a formula to determine. Anyone know?

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Said this a long time ago about the same person...

I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it. George Bernard Shaw
SITLA is constitutionally mandated to maximize profits on all land holdings. They are constantly reviewing their holdings to determine what will maximize each parcel. I don't know the specific answer to that question, but I don't suspect there is a conspiracy here.

It's just one of the unfortunate aspects of the nature of SITLA lands.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-14-19 AT 06:27PM (MST)[p]I have had conversations with the RMEF and the DWR on this matter.
for the record SFW will not respond to an email.

I can tell you both orgs who responded, are deeply concerned about how this could possibly play out.

The RMEF and DWR both confirmed they have talked with one another and are keeping a close eye on the developments. And are in conversations on how to potentially secure the land.
I encourage anyone who has a concern on the matter to reach out to governor herbert,the DWR and the RMEF.

Tristate I am the OP for this thread and can promise you it's not a political thread. But you might be to head strong to realize that. So keep looking ridiculous and try to fight and argue about something that you are totally clueless on.
I knew that. I get the mailing every 6 months with properties. I just don't remember seeing something like this.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I would be excited to see rmef be able to help the sportsman on the trustlands, I've been a member for the last 15 years and i always thought how neat it was when they would either purchase and sometimes get land donated to keep it from becoming developed and for the use of sportsman

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