Tag Grab


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Mar-25-10 AT 06:18PM (MST)[p]Be prepared boys. It won't be long before hunting in Utah becomes a spectator sport for all but the wealthy. There's another SFW tag grab about to happen and its called the "Incentive Program". That's where they will take 100 elk tags from the general pool and give them to public land grazers aka ranchers as bribes to not oppose the elk population increase. These ranchers can do as they please with those tags. Can you say sale them to the highest bidder. No strings attached, just don't oppose the population increase. I believe there was a conflict of interest in allowing the rancher representative at the northern RAC who stated the he "Needed to be incentivated" to vote on a proposal that HE will personally benefit from. Unfortunately the majority of the respondents in the survey supported this idea, but I don't believe they truly understood what they were supporting, because the survey doesn't say where the tags will come from. Anise admitted they will come from the GENERAL POOL. They claim that tag numbers will increase slightly for the next couple years but fail to say how the incentive program tags will off set any increase and will more then likely result in a decrease. Then if the elk population doesn't reach 80,000 they will pull an additional 250 to 300 tags from the GENERAL POOL further decreasing opportunity for the average hunter, all the while telling us how great this elk management plan is for the AVERAGE HUNTER. Take notice they NEVER decrease the conservation tags or expo tags. The RAC committee completely ignored the elk survey that clearly states that the MAJORITY of the respondents supported either maintaining the current plan or increasing opportunity. Only 22% of the respondents supported increased quality.. Better build some bleachers on the mountain so we can watch the wealthy shoot trophy class bulls EVERY YEAR while we cheer them on.
it never stops the endless grab your ankles here it comes average joe this is going to hurt.

I just cant see how you coolaid thinkers can take it.


Nets are for fish!!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-25-10 AT 06:47PM (MST)[p]I have a few questions for SFW supporters.......where do you draw the line with SFW?

How much koolaid will you continue to drink before you say enough is enough? Do many of you follow them blindly because they are helping with the wolf fight? How many of you realize that they aren't fighting wolves for you, but to protect their own money investment.

Without high dollar tags then SFW would disappear.
At least Anis acknowledged the "tag grab", unlike SFW who made the suggestion to the elk committee and then came on MM and denied it ever happened.
Actually the Kool Aid just about every body drinks from SFW isn't wolf its habitat. And that is the justification for all the money spent. Millions of dollars raised for habitat. And since this habitat band wagon which is like the war on drugs an endless pit to throw money at. And will never be solved and never end. Meanwhile guys like Don skim off the top. (consulting fees) And when your talking 10s of millions of dollars the skim can be pretty big.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-10 AT 12:13PM (MST)[p]Don't forget that the Full Curl Society will also need some tags to fund their efforts. In his speach DP acknowledged that the FCS will follow the SFW model.
I tried to tell you so years ago when he was trying to tell AZ hunters how he was great for hunting. You need to get a ballot measure written up by a good attorney and frame the debate around someone profiting from the sale of publicly owned animals. It will pass.
I'm not in favor of the increase. I'll give you Don's reasoning as he explained last night.

His thinking is that with the additional tags, there will be more land for elk, which will bring more elk, which will eventually mean more tags for everyone. His quote was something like, "we take our piece of the pie, but the size of the pie would increase."

I'm not sure I believe that.
Just like every other business. Leave them enough rope and they will get too greedy until they lose it all. 5% of people give a squat about hunting but 90% care about the state allowing the selling of wild animals if they think a profit is being made on them. Look at NM where they sell tags and every landowner uses them for profit. Not for replacing crop loss or fence damage but for profit. Their G&F told me 90% of the landowner cow tags never get punched so it is pretty easy to figure out. You can stop this crap if you organize and put your mind to it. Good luck.
The problem with that is , every time the pie grows SFW take the extra slices.
>AT 12:13?PM (MST)

>Don't forget that the Full Curl
>Society will also need some
>tags to fund their efforts.
> In his speach DP
>acknowledged that the FCS will
>follow the SFW model.

Of course it will. One cash cow is never enough.
Just so I know if I am understanding this right......We give PUBLIC tags to landowners. These are for public land.....and they grow more elk on their private property that only them and their friends use or they sell to get more money. So the end state is that we make more elk for the private guys at the expense of public hunters??????
And we all know that these ranchers will be more than happy to let public hunters who fund these elk to come and hunt on their property.
I just dont see how this is a good thing for public hunters. We loose tags and grow elk for private ranchers/hunters who are under NO OBLIGATION to let any public hunter hunt them.

These ranchers muct just be pinching themselves to make sure that this isnt a dream. They get to suck off of the public teat.

I want to know if any of you who support this bill can show me how this benefits the public, and not just the ranchers and CWMU's. They say it will grow the elk herd. What good is that if only they get to hunt it!!!!!!!

respect my authorita
Not just 'land owners' , most of these tags will be directed at stockmen with grazing rights on BLM and Forest service land. So essentially, many of them will be getting tags for grazing less cattle on land that they LEASE.

Horse #####.
Heres an Idea DON, how about taking 100 tags and giving them to landholders in exchange for public access to there property, not 1 hunter and 15 tags and liberal seasons(CWMU) but something like walk in access, regualar season time frames, rules, etc.. You know Don, perhaps SFW could be a driving force behind the states "push" for public acces(we all know how much SFW loves to increase access for all of us).
I have a thought. It's a wild one so bear with me here. Let's take the 100 public elk tags and put them in the public draw. It's just a thought, but what do us public hunters know!
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