Tennis anyone?


Active Member
After all we know about the virus we still won't let the #1 player in the world come here to play tennis because he isn't vaccinated. Yet we allow 4 million illegals, that we now of, to cross our borders and bring enough drugs to kill everyone? Just another example of the idiocy of this administration.

Can one of the coronavirus/biden preachers on this site explain it to me?
The CHINA bat virus doesn't affect the homeless either. It's very peculiar how the Whu Haun Flu works. The triple boosted seem to get infected. Just ask Gavey Newsom
Idiot Newsom probably got the virus when he was at that fancy French restaurant and him and all those medical people were not wearing a mask while eating their $350.00 dinner.
Oh! I forgot, they are the Elite and we are the peons. laws and rules are different for them and us.
Idiot Newsom probably got the virus when he was at that fancy French restaurant and him and all those medical people were not wearing a mask while eating their $350.00 dinner.
Oh! I forgot, they are the Elite and we are the peons. laws and rules are different for them and us.
$350 is just for the tasting menu.

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