Texican Wonder Bill


Long Time Member
Once again the texicans think they're special. because they join the rest of the nation.

What kind of a tard needs to open carry in public ? in all my years I think I've seen one drunk in a bar with a pair of Blackhawks during rodeo week. a real cowboy he was. NOT. but these inbred clowns will all be carrying by the end of the week.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude you would be wise not to pick a fight with a pistol packing Texan. He just might play a game of cowboys and Indians with you and plant one between your eyes.

On the serious side I am not a advocate of open carry. I prefer concealed carry in order to surprise a would be criminal if he needed plugging.

If you were a criminal bent on robbery or mayhem, you would not confront a open carry person from in front. Instead you would be prone to attack from the rear where he would not see it coming in order to defend himself.

This is more of good old Texas bravado telling the liberal states to stick it where the sun does not shine.

It's always been legal here in colorado. I'm sure you've been reading about the problems we have with it here on a daily basis. What? You haven't been? Could be cause it's no big deal with no problems.
Tog, as usual your wrong on this one too.

This is one of the best things that can be done to prevent crime and prevent killing sprees.

Now we need the rest of the States to do the same.

However, its flaming liberals like yourself that keep the crminals armed and law abiding citizens ham-strung in defending themselves or helping anyone else in need of protection.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-16 AT 10:57AM (MST)[p]Most states don't even require a license or permit to open carry.
At least 26 states have open carry, about 7 have concealed carry without permit. The more the better.
Oregon has always been an open carry state. like I said I've seen one clown open carrying in my life. because we know it makes you look like an insecure loser.

The texicans being the type they are will have yahoos wearing guns everywhere because they think they're real cowboys now. no doubt the reason TX is one of the few states it was illegal is they got tired of mouthbreathers shooting each other. this might be a good thing. clean up the gene pool.

If it's such a great idea why do 3/4 of TX sheriffs disapprove?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>If it's such a great idea
>why do 3/4 of TX
>sheriffs disapprove?

>Stay Thirsty My Friends

If crime drops 50% it'll be difficult to justify their inflated budgets.
What if crime goes up? only a mouthbreather would want to walk around pretending they're Matt Dillon. and anyone worth a pinch of chit who wanted to carry already has a CWP anyway.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude that argument is as stupid as you. there are many surveys that have shown when less gun restrictions were implemented, crime, especially violent, crime took a nosedive.

>Dude that argument is as stupid
>as you. there are many
>surveys that have shown when
>less gun restrictions were implemented,
>crime, especially violent, crime took
>a nosedive.

Most states are open carry and always have been. how many goobers do you see with six guns on their hip on an average day? 10 gallon hat and spurs match perfectly. why not just cover them ? anyone with a clean record and a room temp IQ can get a CWP. open carry seems like tiny Johnson syndrome to me.

You still didn't answer why 3/4 of texican sheriffs opposed the new law. are you saying cops are ignorant morons? even FAR RIGHT texican cops? some thin ice for you here, I'll enjoy watching you navigate it while spinning.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-16 AT 09:13PM (MST)[p]

Sheriff?s seem to be good with it.

Texas Sheriff's Association On Board With Open Carry Law
Midland, Texas

All 254 Texas County Sheriffs are part of the Texas Sheriff Association. The Association came out and supported the State Senate in passing the Open Carry Bill. The bill will allow licensed gun holders to open carry handguns. Something that Midland County Sheriff, Gary Painter, has been on board with all along.

"I am totally in favor of open carry especially when they tie it to training, education and qualification," Painter said.

Painter says education is key when passing a law this big.

"You have a better informed public. A better public that will make use of the weapon in a proper manner," Painter said.

Painter agrees not all 254 Sheriffs agree with the Association's publicized support. He says different opinions is what makes a democracy.

"You have difference of opinion on everything. Just like in a home, a man and his wife, you have difference of opinion but you get along with each other," Painter said.

The next step is to send the Bill over to the Texas House to be voted on. Then, last but not least, Governor Abbott is expected to sign it into law. A process that Painter feels will be done in a short time.

"He will sign it. He will put into law. I don't think there will be a question about it. I support it," Painter said

Painter says the Sheriff's Association has been in support of open carry handguns for some time. He wasn't surprised when they publicly announced their support.
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Did you read about all the blood in the streets of Texas the last 4 days? Me neither.
You expected an instant change? most states have open carry already. but most states are smarter than texicans.

It's like giving a monkey a grenade. give him time and he'll pull the pin.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-16 AT 11:36PM (MST)[p]Dude you have admitted that you are a racist. Why don't you tell the truth and inform us that you hate Texans because they did such a good job of putting your ancestor cousins in the grave or rez. That we could understand as the reason for your obvious hatred of anything relating to Texas.


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